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Grr... my goofball laptop is doing phantom link clicks all over the display lately, opening up links I didn't click. Wonder how long I'll let it continue before I try to hunt down the reason for this new wonky behavior and get it dealt with.... o.O

Book, get to a doctor, please, and discuss all your symptoms and issues. :) I think your immune is affected by the chronic low-grade (and sometimes not so low grade) stress. I think this because I just spent 5 years being run down with various things one after the other, and now I don't feel that way anymore (knock on wood). What changed for me is I started taking a low dose of the SSRI citalopram. I take 10mg per day, it's a very low dose but helps take edge off of depression and anxiety that I get, and then I'm not wearing myself down with it. I think that's a part of what's happening to allow me to feel so much better. I'm also not "re-injuring" since my dad is at my bro's house for 6-7 months now. I feel much better lately than in a long, long time. Oh! Big one for me: I changed my diet and now eat protein with every meal and have high-protein snacks. Apparently, there is diabetes for 4 generations on my mom's side, and I had no idea until recently when a blood test showed I was pre-diabetic range.

What to do to improve things for you...? You could take supplements aimed at those with low immune issues. Emergen-C comes to mind. You could try one every day for 2 weeks and see how you feel...? Can you tolerate a bit of lemon juice? I put lemon or lime juice in my glasses of water throughout the day. I've managed (so far) to be around a bunch of sick people at work and I haven't come down with anything, which is pretty amazing for me as I used to get anything/everything, it seemed.

I still have plenty of issues with my health, too, but a little SSRI, plus diet changes, plus certain supplements, and getting rid of my major stress source seems to have helped much.

I just want you to be well and feel ok. I know what it's like to struggle with different things and just being generally "unwell" much of the time. You're in an in-between place where you're not acutely ill enough to get treatment, but you're constantly being run down by little things. Please take care of yourself!!! :-)

FF, my grandmother is buried in a family cemetery (there's more people in it besides her family, but it's pretty small cemetery, for Catholics) in Hannibal, Missouri. I like to look at the headstones, too. There is one big and old cemetery in Indianapolis, Crown Hill Cemetery. It's 374 acres. As a young person growing up in Indianapolis area, you went there for your science projects that involved tree leaves or plant species, because it has a bit of everything. There are wonderful old headstones, but yes - some you see where a child died, or a young person, and it also makes me curious about that life and death that happened in the past.

In Indiana (and I'm sure all over the U.S. and everywhere), there are these old cemeteries that seem to be forgotten completely. Just a patch of a few hundred sq ft off to the side of some rural road, with old crumbly headstones, and you wouldn't even know it was a cemetery there unless you stopped and were looking for it.

Yeah. I like exploring cemeteries, too. Lol.

I'm doing good today. Grandma hasn't argued, ate all her breakfast and hasn't coughed on her food. Later someone is bringing me a falafel. So far things are going smoothly. *fingers crossed*

Thanks Ali. I feel my head spinning at points. You take care too. It's not easy.

Windy, hang in there through this tough time. I'm happy your mom still wants to get out, and that you can do an outing with her. I'm sure you're Very Stressed. Don't forget to take care of yourself however you can. You don't want to be crashing from the stress overload. (((hugs))) "It is what it is" at this point. Enjoy your lunch with your mom.

Book, no reason you can't start taking a calcium supplement to make sure your bones stay stable and strong. Since I get some nausea and burning sensation in my stomach (yep, I still get it regularly, too), I take the Tums-type of acid-reflux, nausea, sour-stomach symptom reliever. I think it acts as a calcium supplement, too, so a 2-in-1. You might give it a try? The ingredient is mostly calcium carbonate. I get the generic kind because it's the same thing, but a little cheaper. You can safely take up to 7-10 per day, depending on the formula strength.

And I think Windy's right:  your activities of sitting over a desk at work, hovering over your dad at home, that's probably what is leading to your rolled shoulders, I would think.  Do you have health coverage that would let you get a bone scan just to make sure?  

Book! It seems you've hit on something your father enjoys...and you do too! It's good to hear you two can laugh together. I wish I could find that with my mom when I'm alone with her.

I know that when I am stressed out a lot (and often don't even realize it) I have a really hard time swallowing. I've had that for years and my dad had the same problem. It comes and goes and I just tell myself it will eventually pass. It always does sooner or later. It's anxiety for me. Everything in my body tenses up. It stinks.

Could the stress have your body in knots too? Osteoporosis takes a long time to show its' effects in most people. You are too young for that.

Turning and changing your dad is probably affecting your back and neck. It's part of your routine, I know, but the repetitive stress on your body can be wearing. You are used to going through the daily motions of his care. It's not doing you any favors though. It's wearing out your body when you should be maintaining your own back and joints for your own old age.

Easier said than done, I know.


My mom has seemed to reach a plateau. How she hangs on, I don't know. Hubs and I are taking her out for lunch tomorrow. At 79 pounds and no strength it is incredible. She still wants to get out for awhile.

I've been listening to my audio ebooks, all 8 book series, now on the 3rd time round. Every time I listen to it, I realize how far advance the authors were in setting up tidbits on the previous books. And the ebooks are funny when I hear it.. the subtleties, sarcasms (even ones I didn't know was sarcasm.) Dad is so funny. I've noticed that more and more, he was imitating the reader- word for word. I laughed, he laughed. He seems to comprehend the audiobook better than the TV.

Tonight, as I was changing his pamper, I gasped in pain. He asked what's wrong. My upper shoulder is hurting. He said, "Your head hurts, your neck hurts, you choking on the food and now your shoulder. What did the doctor say about the choking?" ...  I strongly suspect my upper shoulders are hurting because my bones are changing. I can see my upper shoulders is starting to curve. When I lie completely flat, it's so painful to feel my back and shoulders stretching. Osteoporosis?

I called the clinic, appointment desk. I requested for an appointment next week Wednesday afternoon. She asked who's my primary doctor. I told her. She started giving me times available: 7,730, 8, etc...I asked her if the times she's giving me is in the evening. She said it's mornings. I said that I wanted an appointment in the afternoon. She said that my doctor is only working in the morning that day. I said that I don't mind seeing another doctor - since I'm off that afternoon. She said that my doctor's available in the morning. I said that I want the afternoon..... Silence.... more silence.....

I asked her, "Are you saying that I HAVE to see only my doctor? That I cannot see another doctor who's available in the afternoon?"

She replied after a pause, "It's recommended that you see your regular doctor." ... silence.... silence ....

I replied in frustration, "It's okay! Never mind! Forget it. Bye."

Ugh!!! Tomorrow, if I remember, I will call my previous doctor from a previous clinic. THEY have no problem fitting ME into MY available date - even if it's to see another physician that is not my regular doctor. {I just hate the clinic's location - traffic gets bad around 3pm.}

I need to remember to call and make an appointment. Lately, I've been choking on my food. Tonight, I was choking, face turning red - while eating. Yet, I didn't feel any lodged food stuck. I was in the middle of swallowing, and started coughing and choking badly... 9:30pm. Clinic is still open. I'd better call for the appointment now before I forget. Been meaning to do it 2 weeks ago....

Now now FF no politics on this site. I was in your neck of the woods about a month ago staying with my daughter and we had some beautiful warm days then too. Unfortunate came back to NYS and the snow.
Do you think you could get SO to take a scrubbing brush to some of these old headstones. We had some on our last property a family including a young girl. Our pediatrician said a lot of people died from measles in those days.

I've been enjoying this unseasonable warm winter for the Wash DC area.   Must be all that hot air coming from.... oh you know what I mean :P  

Yet I feel so bad for the other parts of the US with soooo much snow, soooo much rain, and early tornado season.

I took a much need walk the other day.   It was at a small local cemetery.   I know, it is probably the last place someone would want to walk, but I found the very old headstones so very interesting to read, such as the four sided stones had family history.   When you see a young wife who passed at 18, makes you wonder what happened back in 1899, did she pass from a illness, from childbirth, or some type of accident?

Sad were the stone that had so much moss on the north side you couldn't read anything on the stone.   My sig other is employed at this cemetery, it's his retirement job after a long dual career.   I am thinking it would be interesting to restore those very old headstones :)

Just got home from my FIL's 86th birthday party. It was SO hot there. Around 30 family and friends showed up and we had a big potluck dinner at his AL party room. It was nice to see everyone including my son who drove out 30 miles from campus.

Now I'm getting a little melancholy. Most of the people there today visit my FIL quite regularly. With my brother gone now, it's down to just me and hubs (occasionally our son), but mostly me. I'm a bit jealous of all the support. Mom has no other relatives here and no friends. They were all left behind in another state when she moved here with me. It stinks being the only visitor and responsible for everything. Hopefully, my attitude will improve tomorrow when I get back into the swing of our regular routine. There are lots of really friendly and helpful people at her AL that have become friends of mine. Mom enjoys most of them too. She just won't make friends with people her own age. :(

She sounded pretty good on the phone today, though it's getting more difficult for her to hold the phone. Don't know what I will do when that ability goes away. I'm just taking it one day at a time.

Thanks for asking Book. You are a thoughtful person and I appreciate you. :)

Reading AC on my laptop is ... very, very, very large fonts.

Windy, how's it in the homefront? How are you holding up?

Just caught dad trying to stuff the face towel into his pamper. I was soooo hoping that we don't have to change his pamper again. He has a catheter - so no pee in it. No poop. But I will have to change his pamper because when he starts stuffing things into it, he only calms down when we change it - even if it's not soiled at all. I was just so hoping to relax at 10:30pm, eat a small snack and ... relax. Well, I'm going to snack first. Then when I'm done, I'll change his pamper. My headache - which was nonexistent - came flying out when I saw him in action.

As for the land, fave sis visited. She's so frustrated with it. She wanted to build on it but couldn't. So, her and hubby bought a house/land. She's at the point where she prefers to just sell it and pay off her current mortgage.... Sis is a shop-a-holic. She would go through that money like nothing in no time. I told her that I hate to die and my portion of the land enlarges everyone's else portion. I would rather sell it now and enjoy the money. Than to die and it goes to them. By the way, I heard that my dad was only going to gift that big land to my 3 brothers. Mom had thrown a fit and he ended up including us 5 girls. Yay, mom!

Later.... it's getting later and later. I need to snack before it gets too late and my acid reflux worsens. My last meal was at 3:30pm. I'm still not hungry. But I need to eat something because I know that in the middle of the night, my stomach would start hurting like crazy....

Book, if that drive shows it is either yours or an access easement. I have a similar situation on my lot, but mine is five feet wide, the neighbor has another five feet, so mine is ten feet wide.

It is there on the maps because it is your legal right to use it. Have you ever had title work done on the property? What you learn may be interesting.

Book, You are so much more intelligent than your brother. The road thing sounds like a win for everyone. Give your brother the books and tell him to deal with it. If he's the 'man' now, let you go. What an a$$!

If he is that controlling, he should be POA. This whole thing ticks me off. YOU should be the landowner. You have saved them A MILLION DOLLARS in personal care over 20 plus years. Probably more than that.

Put your foot down sister. Get a lawyer. I don't care what your brother "claims". He is an ass. You deserve to be paid for decades of caregiving.

Glad, his computer program is so neat! It first showed our island's whole view. Then he narrowed it down to the ... surveyor's plan that's in black/white with the borders of all the land. That's my first view that showed me how big the land was compared to all the other lands surrounding its borders. Then he did something, and it changed to real-time view that reminded me so much of Google map - colors, buildings, etc... He kept switching views to see all the borders and the roads leading to the buildings surrounding our land. There was the one from the main road but he said that using that road would be too expensive to bring in all Cement power poles and the water and the sewage system. He found a teeny tiny road from one of our neighbors. My brother already spoke to this neighbor. While he's still alive, he's okay with us using this private road into his land to access our land. It's only an 8-foot wide dirt road. I told bro yesterday that this is not a permanent solution. If that guy dies, his heir(s) may not want us to pass through their land to access ours. I told him that the gov't guy suggested that we offer a swap with this neighbor. The neighbor gives us the land that has this dirt road, and we give him adjacent land of ours to his property. Bro showed a face. Refused. He's not planning to give up any land if he can avoid.

I'm so behind in doing dad's books. I just realized how far behind I am in reconciling all his accounts/expenses. Some of those lousy receipts-that-fade have faded. And these receipts from last year! I tried going online for our power bill account and ..can you believe that they don't offer history to previous bills?!

Book a plat is what legally creates the lots. Do you have planning offices there? Clerk and Recorder? Clerk would have plat maps of surrounding properties.  Or how are lots created?

What's plats? I will google it later. It's okay. I'm in no hurry about the land. All my siblings (except eldest sister) make much more than me. In the past 10 years since I've taken over trying to get my sibs to pay their portion of the landtax, some don't. It's Only a lousy $43!!! But noooo, they can't send me their portion and brother-of-next-door included. But they all sure can go on vacation and stay in hotels. I would be foolish to join in any ventures regarding the land with my sibs. They can't even pay $43.00....

Dad's still coughing hard. At nights now, he's snoring. He didn't snore before. I've also noticed that he seems to choke when drinking his nutrient drink. But has no problem with the eggs. And yes, he's still saying no about going to the clinic. The 'quacks are going to kill him.'

Not plants should be plats

It may not be landlocked book. Check the plants for the surrounding subdivisions. There may be access easements to the the property across other properties.

My older brothers are like that since the beginning and still are when they do get together - competitive.

Well, I went to land management to get a copy of the land tax bills. They call you inside the inner offices, seat on their left, and you can see the computer screen when they use it. I gave him our land tax from 2 years ago.

I'm not a numbers person. You tell me something is 3 yards away. I'm still trying to figure out how many rulers fit into 1 yard. You tell me that the bag is 3 feet, I automatically think 3 rulers - one on top of the other. If you tell me that the height is 6 feet, I automatically think my height of just under 5 feet + 1 ruler. One time, my brother told me how much each of us 8 siblings would get from our not subdivided gifted land from dad. I gave him a blank look. So he said it's like the size of 1-1/2 football field. (in my head, I was trying to figure out how big is a football field since I don't even go to sports games at all.) ....

Anyway, the land agent looks at the old bill, gasped and said in wonder, "29,001.00 sq mtrs!" I gave him a blank look. He turned to his computer, typed in our land number, and it popped up. Oh my!!! There is this huge mass of land, surrounded by teeny tiny small division lands (private homeowners and their land boundaries.) Oh my gosh!!! Our land is huge! I said, Wow! He turned to look at me. I'm still staring at the computer. That is sooooo big when you see the small lands around it.... Ha! I told him it's useless. Try subdividing it into 8 slots and everyone wants the best land. No one wanted to sign it unless they got the top. He stared at me and said, "Landlocked." He told me that this has happened before, and they had to go to court and it was done by drawing. Cost the family close to $45,000.00 to go this route. All that prime land and we cannot even touch it, build on it, etc... He kept muttering under his breath and shaking his head, "landlocked."

Windy, being around my brothers ALWAYS makes me feel 5 years old!

Not as bad as my husband's family, though. When he and his brothers get together, there is inevitably a " who can drink a glass of chocolate milk the fastest" content. Oy.

Uffda !

Barb, Thank you. At 56, one would think this stuff wouldn't sting so much. It is what it is, I guess. Sometimes I feel like a 5 year old. I'm the reason my brother is here. If I hadn't prompted him to come here, he would not have seen her alive again. A month together almost is a little too much togetherness. :(

Lol, CM, yes, I could, I guess.

I think stuff like this is why I keep working. Getting kids with autism into proper education programs somehow seems more important. Keeps me from dwelling on family inequality.

You really can't change that perspective, I agree. But you can fantasise about sitting astride her chest and shaking her and yelling "*I* saved Daddy's life. Admit it! Say it! Say it NOW, dammit!"

Windy, let me tell you a long winded story.

Many years ago, my dad was diagnosed with Chronic Leukemia. It was 15 years of ups and downs. His docs always said that something else would kill him, not the leukemia. To tell you the end first, yes, Kidney failure got him in the end.

About 10 years into his diagnosis, just after I'd gone back to work, having been home with my kiddles for 5 years and then grad school, my mom called, beside herself. My dad had been diagnosed with a fungal infection of his sinuses, and his doctors said that this would likely be fatal and there was no treatment.

I sat down at work and thought about what to do. I called my kid's pediatrician, who was the most thoughtful and useful doctor I knew at the time. I told him the name of the thing that my dad had been dxed with and he said quickly, "oh, I'm SO sorry". So I asked, what would you do if this was your parent? He thought for a moment and asked where my dad had been diagnosed and who was treating him. He had been first seen at Sloan Kettering, but his ongoing treatment was being handled in Westchester. Dr. A was silent for a moment and said, "call his doc at Sloan; find out if they are doing a clinical trial".

I called the oncologist who had first seen dad; he was quite interested to hear what was going on and asked all sorts of questions about his treatment. Then he said "can you get me slides of what they are seeing in his sinus?" I said I would get them to him and got the info about where to have them brought. I called my brother (who lived closest to my parents) and told him what was needed. he called Dad's doc and had the slides prepared and drove them to NY to Sloan. They got him into a clinical trial and cleared up the infection.

The punchline is that my mother, to this day, refers to this as "the time your brother saved Daddy's life". You really can't change the perspective of a person who is determined to glorify one child over another. It hurts, yes, but it's as old as the stories in Genesis.

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