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Windy, great to hear from you. I agree, the end of caregiving is weird whether it is through the loss through the end of hands on caregiving, or the passing of our loved one. Keep coming here to visit. Sharing your recovery from caregiving is equally important and can help others.

Just wanted to say "Hi!". You all have always been a lifeline for me.

I've been on here almost 7! years, Miss Ladeedah, she was a great person. I hope she's doing okay.

Book, you have always been in my thoughts also and you too Jessie also Jeanne.

What a journey! The absence of my mother is incredible. I know I complained a lot about how she drove me crazy. The silence in my life is both good and bad.

Our little Jack Russell terrier was just diagnosed with heart failure. I'm glad mom isn't around to hear the news. She dearly loved the furry guy. I like to think she's on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge waiting for him. They were best buddies.

We always raced her in her wheelchair down the hall at her AL versus his wiggly butt. He always won.

Too much loss lately. It can be a bit much.

I couldn't cry about mom, but the dog, OMG. Tears are good! What a life!

Life without mom is weird

altopower, I am so sorry about your furbaby. They are precious to us. My furbaby rabbit helps me keep my sanity. I love her a lot. I know how you miss your cat. Maybe he/she is on the other side of the bridge now, playing in a new healthy body. I hope so! Heaven to me would be to be greeted by all the loved buns who have crossed over the years.

It's been a hard week. My treasured furbaby crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday afternoon, and we've had 2 deaths in our retirement community this week. My 89 year old dad is clueless about what my cat meant to me - we were just a tiny family of 2 for 8 years before I moved in with Dad - and it makes me so angry that I can't grieve except in my room. We've had two memorial services in 2 days, and I sing in the choir, so it's been hours of extra time. The deceased are younger than Dad and he gets upset to see that his world of peers is getting smaller and smaller.

At the same time, his memory loss is becoming more of a problem, and he's looping and exaggerating in his endless repetition of stories. It's bad enough to hear the stories for the thousandth time; sometimes they are word for word the same (Have I told you how I met my wife?) and other times every single thing gets exaggerated to make him more important and valued (I was head usher, not just usher). It makes me crazy. I don't want people thinking less of him because of his behavior and verbal changes - and in this place, with so many seniors, they've seen it before - but I'm finding that my patience is wearing very, very thin. I have years of this ahead of me and it worries and scares me.

And I really, really miss my cat.

Book, if you are listening...sorry to hear your fave niece is leaving. I haven't been on here in a while but I remember when you found out she was going. I don't have any words of wisdom (I wish I did cuz you have helped me several times get thru things or figure things out!) but just want you to know I am thinking about you.

Logan, It will get a little easier...but that guilt pops up now and then....My mom has been in assisted living for almost 6 years, since my dad died. I know she is getting better care than if I was trying to do it all by myself (have 2 sisters but only come to see her once or twice a year- and sometimes for only an hour) The one thing I will say tho is to keep watch on her care...if the caregivers at asst living know you are watching and noting, they will do a better job...that is a terrible thing to say but they are human too. also, make sure you COMPLIMENT them when they have earned mom always told me you get more with honey than with vinegar and that is very true!

I guess this is a good place to say what is going on. We got word my mother's best and last friend passed away. Her friend lived across the street, but has been in skilled nursing for several months. She's always been like my mother's contact and reference point. My mother doesn't seem to be grieving, but I know it is going to be disorienting for her.

Everything around me reminds me that our time on earth is limited. My mother's friend enjoyed her life completely until her health became so bad. She died young (77) by today's standards. She probably could have lived a lot longer if she'd cared for herself better. She was diabetic. But maybe she had the right idea that it is more important to enjoy life. Her husband may disagree, since he's left alone.

Glad, Book's favorite neice was leavinging, flying on the plane. I started wondering about her also in this past week, so I am sure she is still with us here.


Time to unbury this long favorite thread. Book, where are you?

No family in this country and he forbade me from telling his sister about him. She is an overwhelmed caregiver like I was-alone with no help from family. The only thing I told him as he sat for years in PJs eating cheetos was 'psoriasis wont kill you, kidney failure will" - I never stopped him though. His health is his choice= he is trying once again to eat better and walk.
I am a bit resentful though because I want to not eat meat and he cannot eat beans. Also..... I was unable to leave him before this, now I really feel I cannot...... in 3 years it will be dialysis and he is already having trouble seeing..... the future is dim :-/

Micalost, I can understand that. So does he try to take some responsible actions now? Or is it all on you? I hope you are getting some help from his family....

The feeling will always be there Logan, but you are doing the right thing.
I am once again a caregiver of sorts- my bf has kidney failure and uncontrolled diabetes. He helped me all these years and let his health go.
I dont know what to feel about this......

It's odd, I finally made the decision to move my mother to assisted living, I had been caring for her for over a year in my home but it is too much with me working full time, and now I feel guilty. I know she will be fine but it's funny how everyday has been a struggle with her and now that I have signed the papers I feel like this.

I have to remember all of the times I wanted to just leave the house and not come back, and her being ungrateful and combative to remind me this is the right thing to do.

Book, I think I remember you mentioning an Elder who understood what you are dealing with, perhaps you should make it a priority to connect with this person?

Cwillie, I'm just so torn between traditional beliefs (my heritage) and the modern world. I try so hard to rationalize things that my heritage has the answers. I'm so good at pretending supernatural happenings that occur as Not happening, pretending I didn't see or hear it... So when the spirits attacked dad and he was in severe pain and all cramped up, I thought he was having a stroke... despite him telling me for days that the spirits were standing around his bed wanting him to die. Nephew came over and persuaded my dad to go to the ER. Nephew said that after we left on the ambulance, my nephew experienced grandpa's Exact pain n locked body, etc... I rationalize these supernatural stuff.

I figured sis was having a mental problem, like schizophrenia. I try to rationalize her actions. So when she's in her bedroom, yelling angrily, I wonder if one night, she will stab me to death. (Mom's dementia included violence.) To know that sis is still outside smoking and hearing movements in her open bedroom door just.. OMG! I cannot rationalize it away. So for now, my head is buried under the sand. ..

I'm currently stressing out because fave niece and her 3 kids will be leaving in 12 days. I want to see them off at the airport. It will be my last time to see them. Their flight leaves at 6:00am. I'm trying to figure out how I can leave the house around 4:00am. I know I need to go- to cry it out and not hold it in... Sorry... I've basically shut down the closer to their departure. I've been very impatient with dad. I can't concentrate on paying the bills. I've basically shut down.

I've been wondering how you are getting along Book, this thread has been quiet lately. I think caring for someone is hard enough without adding the spirit world into the mix, I don't suppose you can convince Nephew that the doll is keeping watch and that is a good thing?

Nephew was watching dad today. Dad's been telling us to feed the girl. Nephew asked me what girl. I shrugged and said it's the invisible girl - from his senility or the UTI or the spirit... I was sitting across from nephew a little to his left. While we were talking about the 'girl', I noticed he kept staring at my doll which is on the shelf window behind me but to my left (or directly across from nephew.) I turned to look at what he was staring at. It was my doll.

He suddenly looked at me and said that my doll moved. Huh? He said it was looking at him. Then when grandpa starting calling out the girl, my doll is now looking at Grandpa on the doll's left. Nephew jumped up and was obviously freaked out. He started inching toward the door while staring at the doll. (He has a stuffed monster that moves around his house.)

I was confused because He was the one who told me to bring out my doll to protect dad from the 'cruel ' spirits who wants to hurt dad. As I watched him inching away, I told him that this is not the scarier doll. That one is in my bedroom. .. I don't want to lose my Saturday sitter. So I asked him if he wanted me to put the doll back in my bedroom. He said no. Leave it.

A few nights ago, I heard sis go outside to smoke in the middle of the night. As I drifted back to sleep, I heard noises from her room. Hmmm. Did I fall asleep and she's back in her room? I looked at the security camera and saw sis sitting on the porch smoking. Ugh! She has a very active spirit in her bedroom.. I wonder if this is the one she keeps getting mad. I hear her through the door talking angrily. Sigh.. between her and dad.....

Windy, I'm sorry about your family's losses. It does seem sometimes that it happens all at once. We lost my dad and his only brother (our family's favorite uncle) within 9 months of each other. Mom and my dad's sister both passed with in a month of each other. Mom was the last to go, and I truly think the knowledge that she was the last one living in that generation of her family and her husband's family as well was just too much for her. She thought and talked about it constantly in her last month and was very sad and depressed, despite my efforts to keep her spirits up.

I had to renew my car registration. After passing inspection, I didn't even notice that the person wrote a note on top of the inspection form. I went to DMV, stood in line, my turn came up, and the lady asked where's my license plates. License plates? She showed me the note that said that the reflective is not working on the plates. She said that I need to take it off and get a new plate.... so I jump into my car and head for the nearest grocery store because I'm sure they must have a screw driver that's shape as a plus sign (not the flat one.) Muttering to myself that I need to keep tools in my trunk for such emergencies. Bought one for $8 - only one they had. I go back to the DMV parking lot and made sure to park closer to people traffic. I had originally parked on the far end that was isolated. I was cussing at the the screws that were difficult to turn. My hand was red and arm tired from not used to manual labor.... I finally got the front plate off and one screw out from the back plate. I, uhm, messed up that last screw. It's head USED to be a plus shape. Now it's circular. Darn!..

I tried calling both, BOTH adult nephews who have no job and I couldn't reach them. I called their mom. She went home to pick some tools and came to the DMV. She was able to unscrew that last one.... anyway, I was telling my nephew that I'm leaving the new screwdriver in the trunk. I need to buy the other screw driver tool. He asked which one's that. I said the one that looks like this.- and proceeded to show him my 2 fingers moving up and down...He was puzzled... In exasperation, I said, "It looks like a capital F but it can go small or big."... Nephew, "oh, an adjustable wrench!" ...well, yeah!... I still need buy one of those...

Grieving is weird. Different with each individual. When my mom died in March, I was torn between feeling so Relieved that she finally passed away (difficult doing full time job and changing both bedridden parents pampers and feeding them, etc..) and Guilt for feeling relieved. I took my 20 year bonus for a trip to Hawaii for 1 week in August. Instead of enjoying myself, my body crashed. I was just too tired to go shopping or sightseeing. I felt so bad that I invited my older sister to join me and we spent most of the in the hotel. Bummer... I rarely can get off island and... all well. When I returned, my therapist said I looked so much better..... I finally cried about mom's death 18 months later.

My grandma passed three days after her last sibling, they were two of the six. Grandma always a stubborn old bird for years had said she would be the last to pass. After aunt's funeral mom went and her sister went to see grandma. Mom told grandma she was visiting for aunt's funeral. Mom's sister was very upset because of grandma always saying she would be the last to die. Often happens that way. One is just waiting for someone else.

Windy, it is plenty for you to process. Find a grief support group when you are ready. They are very helpful. Hospice organizations have them too. Reach out for support here too. Many here have been through it.

Hi friends!

Hope you all had an okay or better Easter!

Mine was weird but good. No ham for the first time in 56 years, but yummy Szechuan food in the city with our son. Can't wrap my head around the fact my mom is gone. It's only been five days though. Still dealing with all the practical aspects, move out of AL was Friday. So many things squirreled away.

I feel like I'm moving underwater. Grief manifesting physically I'm sure.

My cousin called awhile ago and my mom's last remaining sibling died today. That makes it a trifecta. FIL, mom and uncle in three weeks. Why do they all have to go at once? This stinks. All of my cousins and I are orphans now as well as my in-laws.

Hard to know who to grieve.

Does anyone think there will be a sale tomorrow on chocolate Easter Bunnies?

I ate all the chocolate! Even my Sees Easter egg.
We will go out, MsMadge, soon as I can walk without this much pain.
My very own rose bush does have one bloom, and there are plenty of birds singing all day. Interesting tweets, maybe from a new species just passing thru. Yes, no laundry, no bill paying. You are right.
That friend has really been there for you!
Hapy Easter, MsMadge.


Treat youself to dinner at Mimi's Cafe or Marie calendars

I'm blessed that a good friend went and had lunch with mom at the hoca so I'm making deviled eggs for her now and hope to be able to take her out for dinner tonight

Nothing is like it used to be but I opened the window and the birds are singing and the roses are in bloom so I'm choosing not to worry, wash clothes or pay bills today

Now where's the chocolate ?

Instead of thinking Nursing Home, what about a nice assisted living-still independent. They can sell the house.

Actually, Willie and Send. The house was here waiting for them since 2003. They bought it with plans to move here when Dad retired. He was a small- town doctor in a teensy, weensy, Saskatchewan town. We are talking SMALL TOWN! You could probably throw a rock from one end of the town to the other. Just so you get the picture. Hubs was looking after the house for them till they moved here. But, realistically speaking, even so, yeah, no small feat looking after a five bedroom home with a long spiral staircase when you are in your eighties. Like a lot of elderly parents, they just assumed that their kids would step up to the plate and granted, stepping up to the plate is fine if it's in your DNA to do that sort of thing but in my Hubs case, not applicable to say the least.

It was hard with my Mom but so much easier in a lot of ways cause she valued her independence so, so much and never wanted to be a burden. Hub's parents are the total opposite. I think they feel they have it coming to them. And while I agree that parents should expect that their kids will help to a certain extent, not the way it's going so far with Hubs parents and I expect will get worse and worse the older they get.

I foresee a rocky road ahead. I consider myself a kind, Christian woman but do not want to get caught in the middle of this. These are the kind of people that if you give them an inch they'll take a mile. I learned that with them a long, long time ago. Thus, my wanting to stay as far away from this as possible.

It does seem new, but it's not. Plans were made which included their son by default. And sad to say, he is participating in their plan. Rough road ahead.
Moving in to that big house-you know better, but he does not. You are a good person-save yourself.

The ages are one year exactly older than my aunt & uncle's desperate and rapid decline. You are right to be concerned and realistic. Hugs!

Now that taxes are filed, it seems there were no "fun" plans made, and everything seems to be the same.  I am getting so very tired of everything falling to me.  My sis took her grandkids to a park with a merry go round, and an Easter-egg hunt, one found the golden egg!
Hubs will go to church services in the a.m., but there are no sunrise services, and he will come home for his usual nap, 2-6 p.m.
There is no getting together with friends and family for traditional holiday
events. A friend is in hospital recovering from major back surgery, and prayers are needed.
And I was really stressed out over the tax form requirements.
FTB form had 5 pages with what seemed a foreign language. Even if there was nothing owed, we're talking about a refund of $3.51, and I have forgotten how to turn that into whole numbers. Now, I am keenly aware of why Jessebelle posted: "I think the government has dementia", filling out those forms!

These are minor when looking at what you have to deal with, alone with your Mom. I understand.

However, I would venture to say even I have forgotten just how unpleasant, just how much work those family events actually were. So, for this holiday, I am choosing boring.

I prefer to imagine those who can, will be lacing up their tennis shoes for a run, a walk, or walking a dog. Wish I was there....

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