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Book, you are an amazing daughter and caregiver. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

What a lot of people do here is, just have an announcement in the paper and have the full obit on the funeral home website.

You are awesome, amazing,brave, there just aren't words to describe your dedication.

Try to get enough rest and eat some healthy food during this difficult time. I feel like a hypocrite for just having said that. I know it's almost impossible...but try to take care of yourself too.

Cost of obits, absurd! The first draft of moms, not a half page, probably about a 1.5 x 4" over $2,000.00 for three days, not color.

Book, when you said you withdrew money from dad's account, I HOPE you meant to cover the plane tix, right? It should also be used to cover the obit, imo.

Today, fave sis asked me how much did we spend on mom's obit. I said that when I get home, I will check the file. I just remembered to check it. OMGoodness! I was wrong on the cost of a half page color obit. We spent $1915.00 - for a funeral announcement, message of appreciation and a spot color ad. Now I will text this amount to sis.

Just came to check on Book's Dad. I can only read a few posts then it all comes flooding back. (Been a year since my Mom passed). There's nothing easy about caregiving and it consumes your thoughts forever.

Oh Book. You're so good. Would they let you bring a folding chair from home?

Book, there is no question that you have done an excellent job taking care of both your folks. Even the medical staff at the hospital recognizes it. Keep us posted. Still thinking of you.

Anyway, she asked me a question about dad's private area. She asked me if he had any problems with his scrotum. Then, she flips his gown up and points to his very swollen (very!!!)  I stared, gasped, my eyes widened (didn't know they can get that big..and it no longer looks like one a stretched out balloon about to pop.) I exclaimed, "No way! His was ALWAYS normal! ... And I change his pampers." When I said this, a look went across her face. I think she was hoping that bloating had a known past medical history. Now, they're going to have to figure out Why he's bloating down there. And that's the latest....

Then she wanted to know about dad's eating habits. Can he eat solid food? You see, on record, when I checked him in, I told them that he drinks nutrient drinks and Ensure milk. Not much solids. So, she was asking if he has problem swallowing solid food... No... She asked why the fluid meals. I said because he has cavity and refuses to go to the dentist. So, he only will eat soft food. She asked if we tried giving him pureed meals.  I said yes, the meals-on-wheels changed his solid food to pureed.  My dad took one look and said, "I'm not eating dog food!"  The doctor muttered, "he's stubborn."... I said that he's very picky. Everything is just too sweet. At the moment, he will only eat pumpkin pie. He used to like ice cream but one day, it was too sweet and he no longer eats it. But I found another solid food that he likes to eat! And the doctor asked me what it is. I said the Eggo thingy. I put it on the toaster on the lowest, when it pops up, I then put it in the microwave. You know what happens when you microwave bread, right? (And we both said at the same time) "Soft". She was really looking at me in wonder. I think, if she didn't have to do her rounds, she would be picking my brain on all these things she never thought of doing.

I.. felt soooo good after this. Imagine. A doctor who looked at me - and how I was able to work around my dad's stubbornness (she called him that) and how I was able to find a way for him not to have a bedsore on his butt for these past 5 years. I'm so proud of myself that I was able to bring amazement from a doctor.

Here for you Book.

Anyway, feeling bad that I spent most of my shift outside the ER air conditioned room, when I should be at dad's side, I told sis that I'm going in to check on dad. I went in. These past few days, I've been reading to dad from my iPad. Yesterday, the nurse told me that I'm not allowed to take photos. I looked at her and said that I'm not taking photos of dad, I'm reading to him about acid reflux. Then I turned the ipad to her and said, "Look, see the book? It's even highlighted. I'm not taking photos." She said, "well. No photos are allowed."

I'm reading all kinds of books on acid reflux because my own has gotten worse. Today, I was just not in the mood for reading it. I decided to sing (out of tune) dad's favorite song: Goodnight, Irene. So, I was standing there, very quietly singing to him (in full view of all the nurses). I saw this nurse come rushing towards dad's room. Oh, no! They're going to chase me back out, again.

The lady rushes up to me. And asks, "Are you a family member?" I said yes. Anddddd... back to the usual questions - medical history, when stroke, solid food, etc..... When she found out that dad was bedridden since 2012, she exclaimed, "Wow! 5 years being bedridden and no bedsores!" She asked me how I do it. (She's not a nurse.  She's new shift's ER doctor.)

So, I told her that Dad did have an air mattress but it was one of those bubble ones. And he complained that it (and we both said at the same time) 'hurts'. So, we didn't use the air mattress. I went to Kmart and bought those chair pads. You know the square ones that you put on the chair? She had this amazed look - and she said, like the cushions that pregnant women uses!? .. .(Well, I've never been pregnant, so I don't even know what cushions pregnant women use.).... So I told her that. She said a donut with a hole in it. So, I said, No. The regular square chair cushions that has no holes in it but you tie it to the chair to sit. She was looking at me with wonder.

I'm realizing these past few days, that oldest sis and I must always be at the hospital. Every time the doctor/nurse asked a family member about dad, they don't know the answer.

Today, I sat mostly outside the designated cement structure. I didn't go into dad's room because my feet is still aching from yesterday. Fave sis and I sat the whole time in our shift out there. I finally felt bad and decided to go in again.

Dad is bloated. It's such a big difference from yesterday. But he looks more decent, cleaner today than yesterday. Nurse niece (works at the other hospital) dropped by yesterday afternoon to check her grandpa. This morning, fave sis told me what happened. When nurse niece went to visit grandpa, she saw a fly on his mouth. She inspected him. His urine catheter bag was just lying on top of the bed (not hanging on the side bar), with the tubes tangled. She saw so many carelessness with whatever it is you nurses are familiar with. She went up to the nurse's station - in which dad's room is directly across from them, and they can see him unimpeded. She told them that there's a fly on her grandfather's lips. And that is NOT acceptable because he's in critical condition and the fly can... something (fave sis telling the story).. cause infection? She also told them about the catheter is tangled and the urine doesn't seem to be flowing into the bag, etc...

Lastnight, nephew visited his grandfather. This is the nephew who watches my dad on Saturdays until 3pm. He went up to the nurse's station and asked if it's okay that he shave his grandpa. They said no, no. They will do it. Ha! That's why my dad looked cleaner today.

Dad is still in the ER trauma room. The hospital is booked to the max. There are no available beds. In the ER, there's patients on their hospital bed lining the hallway. Dad and 2 other patients need rooms in either the ICU or isolation room - which are equipped for the life support machines. Dad's ER room has NO chair for the 1 family member allowed to stay with him. So, most of us come out limping from aching feet.

Every time there's a staff shift in the ER, every single ER doctor would ask us the same questions from the previous ER doctors. Dad's medical history, how did he become bedridden, how long, can he eat solids, what about his untreated prostate, is he a smoker/drinker/drug? on and on. Same questions.

I was wide awake until 230am this morning. That was the last time I saw the clock before I woke up at 6:00am. So, maybe I had a 3 1/2 hr sleep. I was tired and didn't feel like going to the ER. They only allow 1 family member. The rest sits outside the air conditioned building at the designated cement waiting area. It is soooo hot there. The cold bottled water quickly becomes warm in the hot humid weather. We're literally dripping with sweat on our body. Icky..... Sooooo. I wasn't in a hurry to go to the ER. I went to dad's bank & withdrew enough cash to cover all his expenses that I charged. If dad dies, they will freeze his bank accounts - probate. I hope it's enough.

Check in when you can, Book. Take care, hugs x

Thought are with you and your family.

Yep, me, too.  Thinking of you, Book. (((((hugs)))))

Book, me too, thinking of you.

(((((((book)))))))) thinking of you

Book I am so sorry for what you are going through. My thoughts are with you, as you have been through so much

I'm so sorry for you and these nasty troubles
With your sibs

You rest your mind and sit with dad as best you can

We're here at all hours for you to vent and cry

Book, I am not going to give suggestions or advice. I am going to say how much I admire you for  all you have done for your family, your parents. You are stronger than anyone I know.

You and your father in my thoughts and prayers... big (((hugs)))!!!

book - (((((((hugs))))) tears and advance grieving are normal and healthy at this time. You may be able to sleep after the tears come. I hope, at least, you have gotten some rest. Thinking of you and all your family at this difficult time. I know the dread of looking at sudden funeral planning etc.

The 15 number associated with the kidneys means they are working at only 15% of normal, which means they are failing. I see you have gathered that. You have done a wonderful job of looking after your dad, and previous years, your mum. No one could have done better.

Now is the time to look after yourself. You have been looking after others most of your life. Keep your money for yourself. You need to provide for your future. Moving to the US may be a good idea - give yourself a little time if you can. So much is happening so fast, your head must be whirling. Prayers for peace for you.

Dearest Book, you kow eldest bro is going to turn you and eldest sis out of the house. That is a fact. Sis has a daughter to go to. You have nowhere.
You have less money than the rest of the sibs and no children to care for you. 
Tell them you choose the cheapest obit and here is your share of that.

Comming to the States sounds like a good idea but not immediately give yourself time before making big decisions. Many people suggest a year, but you will be moving out of the family home anyway.

There are plenty of oceans and palm trees in the States. Live where you want to once you get acclimatized, you don't have to live in your sibs pockets for ever although that might be a good start.

Right now you have correctly diagnosed yourself as grieving before the event. This is very common and the last amount of time is often the hardest because you feel so conflicted about your feelings. 

You have the biggest heart Book and have done and endured more than most people could do and done it well. Stay strong, you can do it. You have already overcome bigger challenges.

I agree with Glad about the plane tickets, I seriously doubt that anyone living and working in the States does not have a charge card of their own with a high enough credit limit to pay for plane tickets. Your future is precarious, you are not in the best position to take on debt, especially someone elses debt.

Thank you, all, for letting me vent. My sibs just don't understand... I need to vent here what I'm keeping inside. I'm using the laptop today. I need to type as the words flow out of my brain, my thoughts. I need to vent, vent, vent.... Self analyzing what I'm going through. Obviously, I'm not facing whatever it is - because I cannot sleep. no appetite. I'm numbing myself. And my body is sooooo tired but my mind is not....I came home tonight. Everything that is dad, I'm already mourning as if he has died already. And I keep telling myself to stop that. He's not dead. But I can't stop it. I look at his empty bed, and I'm sad. I looked at his side table, and realize he will never use it again. I saw his nutrient drinks, and he will never drink it again. It's seems so morbid. So wrong. But I can't seem to stop the thoughts, the sadness, the ... guilt...

Oh... tears... wow. I'm having tears......... I have to go now.

No major decisions, book. One day at a time.

Book. Tell them what you will do, boundaries. Nothing more than what you are comfortable doing. I certainly would not pay for anyone else's plane tickets!

Fave sis and her husband are planning to move off-island. Sis said that her hubby asked her if I'm willing to quit my job and leave this island. They want to bring me with them. I said to sis, what about oldest sis? If we leave her behind... I stopped. Oldest sis have a daughter here. Okay....

Oldest bro and his wife are also thinking to leave this island....

I wouldn't mind leaving. But permanently? I don't know. The few times I traveled to the states, I missed the ocean, the coconut trees, the greenery..... I will also put this on hold. Too much is happening. One day at a time....

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