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It's not awful, Glad, to pray for an easy passing when one has been through h*ll

It also is okay to not ask for a desired outcome, Book, but merely to turn the problem over to God for his/her resolution so that you too can be relieved of pain

Mom is not Catholic but has sought divine intervention with success and she explained to me that she created an image of her handing the problem to Jesus' outstretched hands -
she would do this at bedtime and try not to worry about it anymore - this is the hard part, I think in waiting for 'thy will be done'

When I get heartburn I take a powdered juice product that contains an enzyme blend including papaya

I realize GERD is much worse

I recently asked for mom to be taken off protonix which she was prescribed in the hospital as I guess it's given routinely when the elderly are bedridden

I recently did some reading and didn't like what I saw about damage it can cause with long term use

If she has a tummy ache we I'll give her tums and see how she does - I'd hate to think it was the protonix causing her stomach pain and diarrhea

Glad, That's what made me pause in the middle of asking God to help dad. I felt it would be wrong to ask Him to please stop his suffering. Vs... ??? .. I had no 'or'. And it felt wrong (guilty conscience) to ask that... so, I got stuck on what I wanted Him to do with dad.

My head, my heart and my conscience are clashing... I remember going through this with mom. Later. It's a new day. I need to drop sis to the hospital.

I prayed for my mom to be taken with a footnote that she had suffered enough. Some might think this was awful, I think it is part of being a caregiver, and wanting release from their disease for them. They go to a much better place, I believe that.

Linda, regarding GERD, I actually was making headways with it. I totally cut back with spicy (spices) and hot food. Because I like Tabasco, I've been dabbing a bit when eating. I do my best to finish dinner by 8pm, but ideally by 6:30pm. Then to ensure no flare ups, I discovered that eating a Delicious Red apple after a no-no meal helped a lot. No major burping, slight acid morning bitter taste.

Since dad went to the hospital, it no longer works. And the reflux is back with a vengeance. Poor eating schedule. But mostly the culprit is Stress. And eating 2 nights in a row - a very oily pork chops fried with lots of onions and grated red 🌶.

Book, one thing that always sticks with me in " thy will be done".

If you are a person of a faith that believes that all is in the hands of a Higher Power/God/Jehovah, I think it's a useful thing to pray for.

Hang in there, Book. What will be will be, you're right. Please take care of yourself. Take a sleeping aid if it helps. This crisis could go on for some time, you never know. You'll need rest. :-) (((((hugs)))))

5:56am. I fell asleep after I prayed, "Our Heavenly Father, please help Dad..." while I tried to figure what I wanted about what He can do to help Dad... I must have fallen asleep. That was the last thing I remember... I'm going to try to sleep a little more.

Book do what will get you the least trouble from the family. You don't need that right now. Maybe a little prayer to God about sleep would help.Nightly prayers don't have to be a long conversation.
"Thank you Lord for helping me get through another day, please help me again tomorrow" That should be enough. Send a little prayer every time you have a small success. "Thank you God for not letting the Boss see.......... Works for any religion whether you go to church or not.
Think of being in the front pew as showing respect for Dad. He won't mind if you don't participate. He knew what you felt about Mom's funeral. Deep down Dad appreciated all you and eldest Sis did for him. He may have been hostile at times but he knew what his alternatives were in your culture and on your island. Sitting quietly through another religions rituals is the most respectful thing you can do. Otherwise you would be a hypocrite, which I know you are not. Everyone knows you are not a member of the Catholic Church so why would you participate in someone else's rituals. Just be true to yourself Book and ignore everyone else

You ARE so very respectful. Most people would never consider that not participating could be construed as disrespectful. However, many people without any religion at all could be attending. If they performed the rituals of the Catholic church, that would be disrespectful. Your way is correct.

2:17 am. I can't sleep. My last decent sleep was Tuesday night. My head feels funny (wooly) but I can't sleep. Fave sis said she's been food binging. Mine is insomnia. I have never had that before. Hmmm.. when I was into my religion, I had this terrible habit of falling asleep while praying to God. Quite embarrassing actually. I always struggled praying, trying to figure out what to say to Him, that I ended up falling asleep while racking my brain... I'm going to try that.

Lizzy, I... I will end up caving in. Night!

Hope you are sleeping.

I married into a Very devout family 37 years ago. I was very uncomfortable at first sitting with hands folded in lap during all the sitting, standing, kneeling but over time I don't have a problem with it anymore. You have been through so much. Sit where you want to sit, do what you want to do. You have proven 1,000 times over your devotion to your parents. Anyone who doesn't see that does not deserve to have an opinion in the matter. Take care of yourself. Do what you are comfortable with. You deserve it.

Fave sis and I were talking today while sitting outside the ER. I told sis that I caved in to family pressure to be seated in the front pew of the Catholic church during mom's funeral. I have never felt so disrespectful to sit there while everyone stood up, kneeled down, shake hands, etc... Front pew where the priest can see me Not doing the rituals. Front pew - in which all the other people seated behind us - would see me sitting and not participating... I told sis that if Dad dies, I will not be sitting in the front with the family. I will keep at the back of the church where I will not show disrespect to the people and the priest. Sis tried to change my mind. Nope. That was very, very, very uncomfortable!

And why do people have to kiss our cheeks? I hated it! I don't like being touched by strangers - more so their kissing my cheek. Some male offering condolences left wet kisses on my cheek. (She asked, "you got wet kisses?") Ugh!!!! I tried not to throw up - but eventually, I had to flee the line and rush to the bathroom to scrub, soap and wash my cheeks. I asked sis if I have to stand in line with the family while people passed by with words of condolences and kissing of the cheek. She said yes. Can I punch the guys who give me wet kisses?... NO!!!! ... Can I yell out loud, "You Pervert!"... NO!!! .... eewwwww!!!!!

Send, I have no concerns with Dad's medical status. It's sis who is going crazy. Oldest sis and I - the caregivers - are more into - if it's his time to go, then it's his time. Dialysis? Dad will not go for it. If he does, I can gty it won't even last a month of it. And someone will have to be there to stop him from pulling out whatever it is that's hooked up on him. But, truly, I think after he experiences the 1st time, he would never want to go.... unless the technician is a very, very pretty lady. Then he will want to go - to see the 'nice' lady.

It's 11:40pm. I did a quick cleaning of my bedroom. I've got clothes strewn all over the chairs and end table. I'm gaining weight around the belly. So, when I no longer can fit the pants/blouse, I just throw it over the chair or table. I have gotten rid of most of these clothes. I still have one more chair to clear off.

Now, I'm going to write checks or go online to pay the bills.... Yikes, our power bill is $575.06!

If you need caregiver forum help sorting out the medical conditions just ask here. Someone will know, I am sure.

Sleep dear book....

You can choose to take better care of yourself by going to bed now, heal your gerd by resting overnight. imo.

No criticism, do what makes you more comfortable.

O Bookluvr,
Some really tough decisions will be made concerning Dad.

With your gerd, you will be unable to make beds for guests, so please consider allowing guests to make their own.

Internist doctor says dad has 4 major concerns: heart attack, infection, internal bleeding (GI) and kidney in which dialysis was denied (?) or was it BP (?). Dr says he might survive. Without dialysis - he will die.

Doctor also said that dad is not on painkillers. The nurse said that he's in a coma and doesn't feel any pain.

Aunty & I were in disagreement over this. Yes, you and the medical say they're not in pain because they're unconscious. And they said that if they're in pain, they would show facial expressions of pain.... I told aunty that vegetable mom could not talk to say she's in pain. When she's lying there, she has no facial expression. But she was in pain.

I told sis that I saw on TV of people telling their stories of being unconscious, and hearing what everyone was saying. How they tried to call out but couldn't.

Almost 10pm. I'm so tired. After logging off here, I'm going to try to do some cleaning on the boy's room. Tomorrow, I will drop off oldest sis to the hospital. She will do the day shift on her own. I will come back home. Do my laundry, clean the bedrooms and wash the sheets. Oops, they will also need towels. I don't know if I have enough towels for everyone. I just have my old towels that I keep as long as I can. I don't feel like buying towels. I'll have to check my bedroom or dad's stash of supplies in the bedroom. Fave sis tends to give dad towels, wash cloths, socks, etc ... for his bday or xmas present.

Time to close. This will give me 2 hrs of cleaning by midnight.
I also need to cancel dad's lab test appt on Tuesday. Shoots! That also means cancelling the private medical transport. Later!

Still here.....

Your friends here have got you covered, with love and concern for all you are doing for your Dad.

Book, still thinking of you.

Book, you're such a strong, loving person. If you can avoid mint flavored things, it may help with the GERD. I tend to reach for bland carbs when I'm stressed and the GERD gets worse....bread, rice, crackers, muffins. (((((Hugs)))))

Book - "She was looking at me with wonder." I had to laugh. I'm sure she was! I'm way over here in Chicago and I'm looking at you with wonder, haha! Hang in there, sis. You're doing great and your dad, your parents, your family are so lucky to have you. ((((hugs))))

Still here for you.
You are doing great!

Is it Monday soon on the island ??

You are a wonder and hoping you get a little more sleep but please don't tire yourself cleaning house for guests

Also please don't pay any expenses for your sibs - if dad has money to cover then take it out of the bank when it opens

You and fav sis are hanging tough - God bless

Glad you took a break for something that sounds yummy!

Take Care.

Glad, $2000 for that smaller black/white obit! We have a few competition funeral homes here on this small island. Maybe that's why our obit is not ridiculously priced as your mom's.

Lizzy, my loss of appetite is that the hospital cafeteria food is not so great. I felt like I need to put Tabasco on it to make it tasty. I don't want to because of the reflux. And I'm tired of MacD's cheeseburgers. So, I told oldest bro that I'm leaving the hospital early to go home. Secretly, I was going to detour and order a takeout from a restaurant. I bought the salt and pepper pork chop plate that includes 2 scoop of rice. Yummmm. At home, I was eating it like a starving person. Too fast and almost swallowed the food wrong. My stomach was happy.

Kellse, I don't think the sibs would do that option. My oldest brother wants to reach the maximum amount of people. But one never knows. I'll make that suggestion.

I just realized I need to clear the boys and my bedroom, wash the sheets for incoming guests. I've been using the boys bedroom as dad's storage supply room. 

Book don't pay that transport bill. It was an emergency. He was gravely ill and would definitely be dead by now without the hospital. When things have calmed down you can appeal the decision. There should be forms in the secondary insurance book if not call the ins. Our supplementary takes precedence over medicare BCBS bills medicare then according to what medicare approved they pay the Dr and we have a set copay for each procedure. The co-pay for an ambulance is $195 and has never been denied..

The cost of the funeral, obit etc should all come out of Dad's money. Withdraw enough now to cover the full estimated costs because the account will probably be frozen for a while when Dad passes. First thing the banks do round here is check the obits in the local paper and freeze the accounts before the bank opens. That's why some people delay publishing the obit and we see few long ones and not many photos.

Book, you should not pay for those tickets yourself. Dad should and the cost deducted from that sibling's inheritance.

Is the medical transport for this hospitalization? That was quick. Certainly the docs would write a letter stating it was an emergency. How the heck s one supposed to get a bed bound person to the ER that has pneumonia and high fever? I would certainly appeal that. They did not discharge him.

I think reading here on AC, that for me to use dad's money to buy tickets is considered abusing his money... From the time dad became bedridden and could no longer sign his checks, I opened a credit card with my name but used solely for dad's expenses. It originally had a max of $1000.00. Which is not enough. One case (24count) cost about $89. Dad drinks 5/day + 1 ensure. Pampers, wipes, etc... $1000 credit limit was too low. I requested for a max limit of $2000. This was I can pay once a month the full payment. My withdrawal yesterday is to pay off the balance of this card and his house insurance.

I'm still waiting for the $600-some medical transport bill that both Medicare and his secondary insurance denied coverage. I had received a letter from the secondary insurance saying Medicare and them denied coverage due it being a non-emergency use. That dad owes this much to the medical transport.

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