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((((Hugs))))!!! Book.

Incense is something you could well be allergic to Book.
Many English churches which of course are often centuries old have a very distinctive musty smell which I am told is dry rot. I always thought it was the polish the church ladies used on the pews.

Hugs Book. What's wrong with your boss's wife why can't she work or is she going with him.
Don't they give family leave on island for such things as death?
Glad you were able to get through everything, at least you knew what was coming this time. Wish I could hug you in person, I promise no wet kisses.


(((((((hugs))))) book - so much on your shoulders.

I went to work for the past 2 days. Boss have a family emergency and frustratedly asked me what's my schedule. He said that I'm not consistent. Work a few days last week - sometimes full day or half day. This week I only came to work until 430pm on Wednesday & Thursday... (Well, if I had a lot of vacation hours, I would have taken off the whole time dad was in the hospital up to his funeral. I don't have enough - so I space out my vacation hours on the important times - like when we had a family meeting about taking him off the respirator. And when he died. And I needed 3 more days to do the obituary, the funeral arrangements , the veteran's cemetary...) Because I only have fewer leave, I decided to take off on the day of the viewing and the funeral.

Boss needs to go off island for an emergency. I can hear in his voice the anger/frustration that he needs to go off island ASAP and there's no one to run the office on Saturday. He actually asked me Twice if I really have to attend the funeral!!! I told him that I'm off Friday and Tuesday. He asked me why I'm off tomorrow. I said it's the Viewing and Tuesday is the funeral. As for Saturday, it's the NINETH night (family seems to emphasize the NINE) of the rosary. We will feed our guests as a thank you for attending the mass in memory of our father.

I felt bad because my bosses went out of their way to accommodate me and my parents. So, I told my boss that I can come in on Saturday morning. It's 12:30am and I'm sleepy. Watch this, when I lie down on the bed, I'm going to be wide awake... Later.

MsMadge, the local custom is 9 nights of rosary leading up to the funeral. It's usually held at the home of the family of the deceased. The family/relatives will bring food (donuts, chicken corn soup, sandwiches, etc...) every single rosary. After the rosary is said, we, the family will take out food trays and offer these food to our guests. So, not only do we, the grieving family, spend money for the nightly food but we also have to serve it.

After the funeral, there's another 9 nights of rosary - for the family only. When mom died, we discovered that we can substitute the 9 nights of rosary (held at home) to 9 nights of mass at the church/chapel. Rosary at home means we, the family, spend money every day to feed our guests. 9 nights of mass means we donate money to the church. We voted for the mass. Whew!!!

Book, not being Catholic I have never heard of such a thing. What an ordeal for you, how many days was that? 10?! I know there are Catholic rituals but, geez... You will get through it. Do only what you can and want to do. You have lived the past twenty years honoring your parents in a very difficult situation.

When L passed, he was a very strong and religious Catholic. He did not have a mass, and only one read for him until April, I think, this year. He passed in October. You see his daughter is not the least bit Catholic, or any other religion, that I can tell. And she was 2000 miles away for the planning for the January memorial. That was all handled by the twisteds. L's daughter was happy as long as she did not have to do anything for her dad. You know when mom passed L's daughter did not even attend? And that memorial was in a Lutheran church.

Book, just do what you can, no more. Oh, and on another note, I do not do well in Catholic churches either. As a kid a good friend of mine would take me to church with their family occasionally. Every single time I would literally pass out. Got quite ill, then lose stomach contents once I would be taken outside. Now, I wonder if that was caused by incense, candles or something else during the service.

Ahh Book, I am thinking of you Sweetie! It's nearly over, and you can say goodbye to your Dad in your own way. You hang in there Love!

Hang in there, Book. It's only a few more days, and what's a few more days compared to the past 20 years... I hope you can also say your "goodbyes" as you see fit. (((((hugs)))))

Wow Book
Is this a local custom to attend daily mass ahead of the funeral ?

I've always thought it too hard on the family to attend a rosary the night before and then get up the next day and do the funeral

I don't care much for the incense burned at funerals either

Perhaps as Send suggests you could stay home and rest

Take care

Are burning incense used during these masses? They do tend to make some people nauseous.

Are burning incense used during these masses? They do tend to make some people nauseous.

P.S. The past 3 nights, the nightly mass in the chapel is filled and overflowing. 3 family with relatives coming for their loved ones 4th anniversary, and 1st anniversary and my dad's recent death. 9 days of nightly mass for all respective family.

Oh, Book. Are they taking roll call? What if you stayed home, sick.????

No nightly rosaries at the house which would obligate us to supply food and drinks to the guests. It's bad enough that the church, funeral arrangements, obituaries and caterer (we must feed those who attend the funeral) is roughly $7000. I'm glad we're not hiring a choir.

Our village has a new chapel. The Jesus hanging on the cross... is odd looking. I swear he looks like his body is swaying to the music with his eyes closed. *gasp* He looks indecently exposed. Fave sis didn't see anything wrong with it. I told her that I get these email updates of current romance novels, that statue of Jesus loin cover is just as low as those novel covers of hot alpha males. That loin cover is way below the belly button and just covering the... you get the drift.  I said that they can't complain about women wearing skimpy clothes because Jesus is just as indecently exposed. I found nothing wrong with the Jesus hanging on the cross in the main church. 

A few nights ago, the priest was sooooo angry. We all filled up the back of the chapel and there were several people standing in the back. He stopped his sermon and angrily told the standing people that there are seats up front. Those seated on the side pews by the wall - were told to move to the center pews. He then told us seated on the back pews to move to the front pews. Hello?! The chapel is so small, we don't need to move to the front. He said that sitting on the back pews are distracting us. He waited for us to move to the front. As a non-Catholic, I'm sitting on the last pew out of respect of my non-participation. I refused to move. No one on the last rows of pew refused to move. OMG I was ready to walk out.

....He traumatized everyone. Fave sis is now taking her anxiety pills before going to the nightly mass for dad. I'm stressing thinking he will spot me disrespecting the rites and will stop the sermon to chastise me. My aunties seem to hug me hard after every mass. I wonder if they worry that he would point me out.

Last night's mass, I came out with very bad vertigo. I think I'm allergic to the chapel. Maybe it's the candle burning during mass. I am sensitive to smoke. I just need to hang in there for another 5 days.

Glad, Ah, past tense.

Oh Glad
Make hay while the sun shines, eh?

No, I mean did, from the time I was a little kid. she would drive down the street, in her convertible and remove her bra, even.

My mom passed on June 1.

Glad, Do you mean 'does'?

I don't walk around my mother with no shirt on.

Yes, she did, religiously, and even worse. It is freaking hot!

Does anyone's parent(s) walk around the home in their underclothes?  I must not be important.  My mother won't do that in front of anyone else, but me.

Book, My heart goes out to you.

Dear Book, Strong hugs and much love sent your way girlfriend. I have not been on here in awhile as I've been on my own grief journey with my mom's passing.

Geez! I'm so sorry dear Book! My heart breaks for you. Don't feel bad if you only feel relief. That was my first feeling. You can now sleep through the night! It's okay to feel that way, seriously. Stay in bed, wiggle your toes, and know it's okay. You worked your backside off for two decades. Now is your time.

You are going to feel guilty about it, but stop it!! My mom's been gone 3 months. My days are still weird, but that's okay. Nobody grieves the same. Nobody.

Please know I am thinking of you. You and your dad are in my prayers. I pray for comfort and peace and the rest of Jesus Christ for both of you.

Your journey has been SO long. I wish you peace and comfort in the days ahead. I am always here for you friend. Please let me know if you need anything stateside.

Book, sending big hugs your way. You did so much for your father and sacrificed so much for him. Rest well, sweet lady. I hope peace is with you these next few days.

My sincere condolences Book. Your strength, courage, and love and dedication to your parents has been an inspiration to me.

Booklover, we have never spoken much on Aging Care but I've heard such nice things about you and your strength. My deepest condolences to you at this sad time. :(

Tired and worn out! My mom is so overbearing!

God Love You Bookluver, our friend, our mentor, the best Darn Caregiver on this blog site!

My heart goes out to you and your family on the passing of your Sweet Dad.
You have been Such an Amazing daughter, caring for so many long years, for both your Mom and your Dad, and now he is at peace, and with your Mom in Heaven, I truly do believe that!

It sounds really nice that you and your family had such great support at the hospital in the hours before and after he passed, and I am not surprised that you were heavy with tears and emotions, not one little bit. You've been bottling them up in self preservation during this difficult journey, as so many of us do, so cry your heart out Sweetie, eventually you will feel better for it, but it does give you one heck of a headache and sinus pressure, but do let it out, you deserve to release your emotions.

I know that the coming days are going to be so busy, but please do remember to delegate to all the friendly family members, as they really do wish to help you, and remember to care for yourself and get some rest too, in the best way that you can in the next few days.

You know how much we all Love you here at the AC, and please know that we will all be here for you, as you are adjusting to your new life.

God bless your Dad, he is at peace now. I am so sorry for your loss. You Take Care!

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