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Book, I'm so glad you have an Auntie like that!!

Book, sending (((( hugs and comfort))))!!

That's lovely, Book

I was just reading my Daily Thought email of 21Jul. It's by Sandra Bullock.

"When someone who cares about you hugs you, Hug them back with two arms. Don't do the one-arm hug, because when you hug with two arms, it allows you to lean on somebody and We Always Need Someone to Lean On."

This brought to memory Aunty L, mom's sister. She was there for us when mom died. And was there with us waiting outside the ER building for days while dad was in the ER. Despite never liking our father, mom's sisters (aunties) stepped up and was there for us at the hospital, funeral, etc... Aunty L, the most, reached all of our hearts with her beautiful singing voice - singing the death song, the funeral songs, etc... I have repeatedly thrown her my Big Hugs with 2 arms around her, full body contact, and whispering in her ear, "thank you, thank you..." ...  She spent hours before finding a song 'as if it was your dad saying it to you - even though he never said it to you in real life.'

... This daily thought for 21July - the day dad died - is a message that I didn't see - until now....

{{{{{{ hugs Book }}}}}}

Concrete wall!? How did they do that? Here I was thinking it was a wooden wall - in which their claws can dig into the wood to get over to the other side. Now you know that if you're being chased by coyotes, don't think a 6 foot concrete wall can keep them out... Just like climbing a tree to get away from a bear and wild cats would work, it doesn't... Or running on top of a car from a chasing dog would work...

A client said this week that coyotes don't go over walls. Well, that info didn't get to the two coyotes who were in our yard the other night when DH let our little dog out. He made noise and they ran off but the dog didn't know to be afraid. They'd gone over a six foot tall concrete block wall!

Interesting topics. I learned something, too. OMG, I would be one of those city slickers who know nothing about domesticated (using loosely) animals and the natural predators. Because I would assume they have none because I don't see the wolves, the bear, or whatever predators out there. Well, the only predators I would have thought of would be the dog pack and the two-legged ones (stealing them).

I'm doing fine. That stone is not moving fast enough to me. I'm realizing as long as it's in that urethra tube, I can't sit too long. I find myself subconsciously tilting to my right to alleviate the steady low-keyed background pain. Sometimes, I find myself standing while looking over my work. Yikes, while I was concentrating on the paperwork, I had automatically stood up to ease the increasing pain. Nope. I'm not taking any painkillers. This is still bearable pain. Sis and I had lunch and then shopping yesterday. By 3pm, I was stretched out and tilting to my right, on the passenger seat. By 330p, I was ready to go home.

Last night, I was remembering dad. Silent tears....

Thinking of you, book, and hoping you are OK.

How are you feeling?

Thanks Cwillie!

Well the sewage lagoon here has a herd of sheep, but it is not in a remote area and the sheep are pastured with a pair of llamas, which apparently can fight off coyotes. I think llamas would be cheaper than specialized mowers, maybe the folks in Portland should have tried them instead of sheep and goats.
I think you are being overly sensitive again Send, I'm pretty sure V isn't mad, but that's why we all love you ((hugs))

Would never send you animal hate mail. There was no intent there at all.
I knew your Portsmouth was in England, a while back, and this article was in the U.S., more recent.
It was to me a funny coincidence, since I understand the scientific process and the need for animal experiments-geez-that is not taking sides in what really scares me now could become a dispute on AC-fear I have stirred up a hornets nest without thinking it through.

Not interested at all in discussing this further, so sorry to have offended you V.
So sorry for even mentioning the experiment, that I thought was an interesting story.

Seems a division has ocurred before, with hurt feelings, about animals, I think: and I do not want to be anyone to participate in that. I think the world of you V, and respect you.
So, it would be kind to me and others to drop it. Again, so sorry Veronica.
My job as medical assistant was to transport white mice from the City of Hope to the doctor, so I understand.

Anyone can send me hatemail via P.M.s, because walking a fine line with a humorous intention is often misconstrued. I am so sorry!

Book, the nerve of some people, I would have felt like slapping her then telling her it is none of her d*mn business!

So, how are you feeling?

Send this was Portsmouth England at the Naval Hospital. No the goats were euthanized after the experiment.
Don't send me hate mail if you an anti animal experiment person. This was not my circus nor my monkey (goat)

Anyone with any sense would have known that putting sheep and goats loose would put them in mortal danger from wild and domestic animals. Ask any sheep farmer

Well, Veronica's story was a long time ago, but Portsmouth only has two goats left: Thelma and Louise!
This was recent:
"PORTSMOUTH, Va. (AP) — A city has ended a program to trim grass at a landfill using 10 goats and 10 sheep after many of the animals likely died.

The Virginian-Pilot reported Friday that sixteen goats and sheep have vanished from the Craney Island landfill in Portsmouth, Virginia. City officials said they were likely killed by coyotes or other wildlife.

Portsmouth brought in the animals three years ago, spending $10,000 on the project. The plan was to avoid having to pay for a specialty lawnmower and dedicate staff to maintaining the field’s hilly terrain.

Only two nanny goats, named Thelma and Louise, remain. The landfill supervisor now watches over them, making sure they have food, water and shelter.

Portsmouth has since bought a specialty mower at a cost of $135,000".

Did the goats survive?

Sorry guys don't have anymore medical advice to add. Do they use a Lithoclast anymore? It is or was an instrument inserted into the bladder under anesthetic and then they somehow broke up stones and flushed them out.

I do have a story about that though. Hubby was on the team that developed that instrument. They were gettings sheep's bladders from the slaughter house putting lumps of calcium, I think in them and using the lithoclast to make them disintegrate.
One Sunday after noon hubby decided to do some experimenting in our garage. So in he went with the instrument and a bunch of bladders and my dishpan! My dishpan came back full of holes so that was a failure.

Then we went down to portsmouth where a researcher had a herd of goats he had put stones into their bladders. So the goats were anesthetized and the instrument tried on them. The interesting part of all this was that this researcher had been on the team that developed the bouncing bomb used by the Dambusters if anyone remembers that. He was pretty elderly by that time but a very interesting gentleman. I guess I will google lthoclast and see what happened to it. Did not want to stop and do it because I always loose my posts if I do that.

Book, I remember my very first stone from 30 years ago. I was placed in the hospital and attached to IV to try to flush the stone out. It took two days.

Couple years ago I had a stone that had to be surgery removed, pretty simple procedure, but I developed a UTI couple days later... so back into the hospital for a couple of days.

Couple months ago I felt that ever so noticeable back pain, so off to the urgent clinic I went. They did a test, yep there it is again. So they asked if I wanted an IV to give the body a really good flush, so I took it. It took a few days, and a lot of drinking of water, for the stone to pass. I had to use a "top hat" which one puts on the toilet to catch the urine, then you can look for the very tiny stone... it was like panning for gold :P

Uhmmm, aren't "intimate relationships" a cause of UTI's rather than the reverse? Maybe this woman is visiting from The Twilight Zone!

Wow! Strange encounter with the stranger. And stranger advice on the "intimate relationship ".

Oh...Cipro is not my friend either!

I hope Veronica comes along and has some medical advice for you!

I can't believe what a stranger asked me at the clinic. She came to dad's funeral and recognized me. She introduced herself and is somehow related to my older sister's husband. She asked me if there's a Will and who inherited the house/property!! I was shocked how outspoken she was to me.... And Then she proceeded to tell me that she caregave for about 4 years- nothing compared to mine (her words) - but after her caregiving ended ... she had a certain health problem. Hello, everybody who just finished caregiving AND got UTI.. According to her, my UTI was caused by not having intimate relationship (as in the bedroom kind of intimacy)... Needless to say, I was speechless... didn't know how to respond to this no-holds bar stranger...

Expect conflicting or no information until you see the Urologist. That's my experience anyway. Urologist may or may not want to have the stone analyzed. If it is analyzed Urologist may have recommendations as to diet changes that might help Stones from forming. Or it could have formed due to the fact you may have become somewhat dehydrated from not drinking enough water. Geez... like you have had time to think about drinking enough water!

Hope the stone has made the painful move and passes easily!

Take care and drink LOTS of water!

Lizzy, no they didn't. Just like the lab didn't tell me that I needed to let the urine flow before using the cup. I had to ask if it's one of those tests. Truthfully, I've found all my info here on AC and googling "experiences with kidney stone " I realized how less thorough and less detail-oriented the clinic is. I actually understood your question about catching the stone from my google search yesterday. Everyone who posted on that site mentioned having the need to catch the stones. I've learned it can take weeks before some people finally passed their stone. My doctor said nothing - even though I informed her that this is my first stone.

Glad you had the Scan done.
Did they tell you to try to catch the stone to take to your Urologist appt?

Did they do a culture too to know what type of UTI you have and what to use to treat it?

Bactrim is fairly common but might not get rid of the infection - drink water

Hope the stone quiets down and your hip is just bruised from years of caregiving

Book, sending ((((hugs)))) and healing!!!

Hey Barb, you're up later than me! Hope you are ok.
Guess I will be turning in soon.
Bookluvr, sure that our invisible Gladimhere will be happy to know you will be getting treatment.

Instead of "allergic" to meds, my doctor told me to say "have adverse reactions to meds".
Because "sensitive to meds" - - -the doctors were just not hearing me!
She wrote "Adverse reactions" on my chart.


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