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Oh Book, you've had so much going on both physically and emotionally that it's only natural to feel down. Take the course anyway if you want to, it can't hurt and you may benefit from it.

I know that I'm going through depression. It was kind of getting bad the past few days. It's back to having those terrible thoughts. BUT, I have always been self-aware/self-evaluating. I'm Not in any way in a critical condition. Just fantasizing, wishing, longing....

Older sis has always had the 6th sense. Hers usually have to do with dead people's spirits visiting her and alerting her that they've died by odd events - like a loud bang against her wall, or the TV turning on/off, etc... Lastnight, she actually called me. She Rarely calls me in her morning time - especially if it's a work day. She called and the first thing she asked me was - how are you doing? Are you okay? I'm concerned.... I told her that everything's fine but I don't think she believed it. She kept coming back to how we're doing and that she's really concerned.

I've decided to take a course on happiness since I don't know what that is. I grew up from a very dysfunctional childhood where I grew up thinking that it was 'normal' to live constantly in fear, anger, etc... All negative emotions. So, I wanted to learn about happiness.

Today, I took the test on my happiness level.... My results - depression. IF I had scored under 'Unhappy', I would have gotten the recommendation that this course can help me.... Instead for my score level, their recommendation is: "you should consider some professional help (e.g., seeing a therapist.)"

Sigh... No, I will not seek therapy. Been there twice and I've learned that I need to be motivated to do things. I'm a procrastinator and I tend to start projects and never seem to finish it.  Same as therapy.  I'm actually bordering as a hoarder (with lots of unfinished projects that I refuse to throw because one day I will have the desire to complete the project.) Hmmmm. Maybe I need to first find a course on how to stop being a procrastinator. Okay, I'll research it later. =)

That was I was thinking - to take her out of the facility and bring her home. Lots of people do that here on island. I know of several people (including my dad's sister) who spent months in the hospital. Finally, they requested that they want to go home. Within a week of coming home, they passed away. I've heard from the their family that they just wanted to die in their own home and not at the hospital. And they got their wish.

I was surprised, too, for Oregon. The problem with Alzheimer's is that by the time you get to the late stage you don't have the ability or competence to request assisted suicide. Only people who know what they are doing and are medically eligible can request it. The advance directives did specify DNR and no feeding tube, but in this case she is still opening her mouth to receive food. They can't legally starve her. She can refuse food and they can't force it on her. It is one of the cases where the law is on the side of continuing life, though the family knows it is not living. I believe the nursing facility is required by law to feed her as long as she is taking food. That is as much as I know about the case. I don't know why she isn't taken home and put on hospice. There must be some reason.

Jessie, As Bookluvr pointed out. That Oregon is one of the few RTD states. Is the woman's mouth continuously moving 24/7? If that is the case. It is sort of like someone who is brain-dead. But their heart keeps beating. Which becomes the kind of loophole in the law.

Jessie, Oregon is one of the very few states the legalized the right to die. From your comments, the woman with Alzheimer has all her documents in order with advanced directives and healthcare proxy. I'm guessing because they signed her up in the nursing facility, they somehow gave it a higher authority over her welfare that trumps all her other documents. They will fight it because she's a steady income client. Moral of the story: before signing anything, have the lawyer review it - that you're not giving up control over your loved ones life to the facility.

I don't know if you guys have read the recent Oregon case for the woman with Alzheimer's. She had advance directives with no extraordinary measures and no forced feeding. She has been in late stage for the last two years in a nursing facility. Her husband is pushing for her right to die, but the decision was against this because his wife was still opening her mouth when someone fed her. From what I gathered her mind has been totally gone for two years except for the food reflex. She has an IV for fluids. Her husband is healthcare proxy, but he doesn't have the power to get them to stop until his wife stops opening her mouth for food or dies naturally. I felt so bad for both the woman and her husband who are trapped in this endless good-bye.

Veronica91-I saw my maternal grandfather steadily decline, the last year of his life, back in 1975/76. When I was 8/9yrs.-old. He had a 'regular' death from Alzheimers. No assisted-suicide, no cremation. So, I have seen someone 'suffer'.

Two of my mother's (former)Masters students' both died from AIDS. While I didn't see them daily like my maternal grandfather. I did see their respective steady decline. Being cremated was their choice.

That is the key, 'choice'. My previous point about my mother not calling the plumber. Was affecting 'her choice'. But the 'choice' was not life-altering. EOL issues are affected by 'choice' and life-altering. That is why people have(or should have) a Will.

I can't do anything right. In her eyes'.

Chris I totally understand your end of life beliefs but maybe you would change your mind if you saw someone you love suffer horribly before dying. Both you and your mother and family are entitled to your own beliefs and opinions. if your mother starts the bullying again just tell her she need not worry you are not her POA so won't have any say in her EOL care. Not that it will stop her she still thinks of you as a child who can be ordered around.

Veronica91-Thank you. My mother n' younger brother agree on EOL(End-Of-Life) issues like assisted-suicide, and not sustaining life by medical means. I don't agree with either of those things. My mother's middle cousin on her mother's side agrees' with her. But lives in VA, far outside the DC-Metro region, yet not in the Roanoke region. My brother, SIL n' their kids live in SF-CA. So, If something does go wrong with my mother's physical health, my cousin will have to drive down here. Because she has POA, if my mother is incapacitated. My mother has bullied me several times for not agreeing with her on EOL issues.

Book, when there are parents that you care for, attending other funerals, memorials are very difficult. I have never been a funeral attender anyway. And I rarely send cards. My friends here are fortunate to receive my condolences, grimace, maybe because of losing my dad at such a young age? I went to a funeral for the parents of a middle school friend of my son's what probably 15-20 years ago now. They were hit head on in a snow storm by a semi truck. I cried like I have never cried in my life. Memories of losing my dad at about the same age, I imagine.

We all do what we can do, some of us do funerals better than others, I am definitely not one of those people. That is ok. I am ok, because of my own losses, they are just very difficult for me. Remember, I even thought and talked about not attending mom's.

I really do not think when it comes to funerals people develop an attitude that she did not attend mine, so I will not attend yours. At least I hope not.

Sendhelp, I was always wondering why I would get acid reflux after drinking something as simple as water. Had me totally baffled. Whew, what a relief to know why that is happening :)

Bookluvr, I would need to drink 21 glasses of water. No way that would happen. I can barely finish off one 16oz bottle of Deer Park.

Ohhh. A thought popped up while brushing my teeth... I didn't give boss wife a condolence card. I'm going to have to read up on some tips in every day life because I'm lacking in that department. My parents nor my siblings never told me what's expected of us in certain situations... advice from Heloise! .. time to google...

Chris I am afraid your mother is assuming that because you have physical disabilities you are also not very smart either which is obviously not the case. Once a parent labels a child they tend not to change their minds. She may also feel guilty for producing a damaged child. It's strange what things get stuck in peoples' minds and at her age there is no changing her mind. But you can keep in mind that it is only your outside that is defective but despite that you are a whole person and should be treated as such. Mom is very lucky to have you.

When my boss' wife's father died, I struggled to offer my condolences, with trembling voice and trying not to cry. He had Alzheimer. She's from a large family, like me. Yet the sole caregiving fell on the live-at-home brother taking care of their elderly parents. I didn't go to her father's funeral. Just like I didn't go to my oldest sister's 10 year old granddaughter who died from bone cancer. Nor did I go to both of my father's sisters funeral...

When my mom died, my boss said he will see me tomorrow at the funeral. They never came.

When my dad passed away, I knew they wouldn't come. They didn't. How do I feel about this? Disappointed. A bit hurt. Grateful they didn't come because working for them in over 20 years, we have made an effort to never sit on the same table when attending business functions. We have always kept our business and personal lives separately.

Anyway, on Wednesday, boss' wife calls and says she's going to be in late because she's.....{pause}.... going to a funeral...... The boss comes in, sits at his desk and tells me that wife is coming in late because she's.... {pauses} ... has something to do.

Awkward!! Not for me but for them. All of my family went back to work and received condolences cards with money. I got nothing. How do I feel about that? Sigh... it didn't help my case when my longtime client came in with a special thank you gift for coming to her mother's funeral. I reap what I sow. I couldn't go to the boss's wife's father's funeral but I can go to a client's? Karma.

I just mentioned this because I wonder how long they will be awkward about Saying they are going to other people's funerals yet they didn't come to their longtime employee's funeral. ... Guess what, she doesn't know it - but I think we're distantly related. Her uncle is also my uncle. He even gave me a funny look when he came to our office. I look familiar to him and he can't recall why. I recognized him immediately from when I was young and used to attend funerals, rosaries, weddings with my mom. I hoped really hard that he wouldn't recall my face. Ugh! Awkward if she finds out that we're related! Like I said... this is a small island!

Now another thing my mother can't understand. That has a simple fix. But she has to make it hard.

In the bathroom next to my bedroom. The toilet's flush arm just broke. I fixed it the last time, AFTER, I told her not to call a plumber. I just have to go to Home Depot to get the replacement part. But she isn't satisfied.

She wouldn't be like this with my younger, able-bodied, Ph.D., married brother.

I just had to get that out.

P.S. On the water topic, I calculated(by the formula provided here), that I would have to drink 17 cups/day.

Book I drink ALOT of water, always have since my teens when I read it's good for your skin. ( I have great skin in my late 50s so it must work!) What works for me, even with a busy job,, is just to always have a bottle near me. I use a bottle that helps to keep it cool, and just sip away when I think of it, whether I feel thirsty or not. I always take some with my in the car too. It works better then trying to chug a whole glass at a time!

Yep. I noticed an increase of burping and.. water coming right back up several times now. Being determined to drink a lot of water, I was ignoring the burps and back flows. Got more big gulps to 'get it over with' but sip daintily..

With g.e.r.d. , drinking large amounts of water can be tricky. I was chug-a-lugging a full 8 oz. at a time, trying to meet the daily quota when g.e.r.d. then became worse.
So Barb is correct, to drink smaller amounts at a time if that works for you.

Book, let me make a slightly more practical suggestion; bladder sizes vary WIDELY. ( I know this because my husband had his measured recently and the urologist was quite impressed. It holds 20 ounces! Which is why he only has to go once for every 5 times I pee when we're on road trips.

Instead of trying to drink all that water each day, drink a small (like 3 or 4 ounce) glass of water each time you pee. See if that helps.

I had a lightbulb moment at work. I really don't like drinking fluids. For about 20 years, I would drink 1 small can of ice coffee in the morning. I don't drink anything during meal time. Maybe a sip or two of water or soda. Sometimes, I drink a lot when the craving hits. Just last week, I ordered a 2pc meal at KFC. The cashier asked about my drink. I said I didn't want any. He asked how about a free cup of water? I said no, that I don't usually drink when I eat. He paused. Then said that he can't do that,  that he's going to give me a cup of water. Well, when I was done with my meal, I had no space in my stomach for the water. I sipped a few and felt so stuffed. It's Not a mystery why I keep getting diagnosed with slight dehydration.

So, I Need to Drink More Water. This afternoon, I was looking at my glass cup. I googled how many ounces in a cup (8oz)....

How much water is required for someone my size under 5 ft and about 110 lbs? I googled. I found the formula:
1. Your weight divide by 2.2
2. Take that number and multiply your age.
3. Divide that by 28.3
4. Total number is how many ounces you should be drinking daily.
5. Divide that number by 8 for how many cups you need a day.

Yikes! I have to drink a bit over ELEVEN cups!! Brainstorming.. I work 8 hours a day. All I have to do is drink 1 cup every hour. .. I tried it after I googled this. Sigh... I went to the restroom like every 15 minutes!! .. With urgency...

Call someone else Chris, someone who can hear the phone ring.

Phone wars, I get it.

Ho hum

Wrong. The fact that the landline is flaky upstairs, and she goes upstairs to sleep or do something else, is when she should take her cell phone upstairs. Because she knows the landline is flaky.

That is inside the house. Not outside the house.

I won't answer my cell phone while I am out on my bike. I will call the person bike the first chance I get. The same goes if I am busy in the bathroom. I am not going to stop what I am doing, like jump out of the shower or, in the midst of #1, or #2, to answer the phone.

The difference is, my mother is not hearing the phone ring, consistently. Other people not being able to get a hold of her is one thing. But I can't get a hold of her, either. Yet she wants' me to keep her name on my RoadID bracelets. Whats' the point.

Am I understanding? Mom should not leave her phone in her purse downstairs because she will not hear it and the landline is flakey? Yet you won't answer when you hear yours?

You won't drop everything to answer your phone. Mom should?

bookluvr-It isn't necessarily a situation of my being concerned about my mother's welfare. Since she doesn't have three lifelong medical health issues that all can only be controlled, yet have no cure. When I threatened to get new Road ID bracelets' that would not have my parents' info on them. My mother had a conniption fit. Yet, She still makes it hard for people to get a hold of her. Comcast is one thing, but that isn't her fault. It is when she leaves her cell phone in her purse, in the kitchen. While she goes upstairs, where she won't be able to hear it. When she knows the landline isn't 100% at this time. So, She gets mad at me for my threat. While persisting in being ignorant. This has been an ongoing problem. In addition to my Road ID, I have a leather ID envelope, similar to this one:

Sendhelp-Something happened several years ago, in a cycling group. That I have done ever since. They passed out free ID holders that are small, and convenient. I could put pictures on two picture holders, that I could attach to the inside of my hippack. I have used it ever since.

Casually, From my parents', sometimes. But then, sometimes when I don't answer, they have a fit. I might be 'indisposed', or out on my bike. I don't drop what I am doing. To answer the phone. I did that as a kid. But now, I don't stop what I am doing. That may sound selfish, on my part. But it is selfish of them to expect me to answer. Despite the situation(in traffic, 'taking care of business').

Have you tried bicycling in groups?

Can you download your medical records, history on a thumb drive, carried with you on a key chain?

It is normal to expect availability from your family, a casual phone call, answering their phones when you call, or for an emergency call.

It appears they are strangely hostile towards you.
Maybe a life coach, + a different source for emergencies would benefit you.

Keep trying Chris.

It isn't check-ins, so much as it is contact. I wear two of these bracelets: all the time, when I go out on my bike, or even travel on the bus/train. With emergency contact info on them. But, If I can't casually get a hold of her on the phone. How can 911 be expected to even try. The same applies to my father n' step-mother.

Everyone should have some form of 911 info on them. So first-responders can get info about the victim/patient.

Everyone have a peaceful day!
Love, from Send

Yes, Chris,
I have heard that people are touting Cannabais as a cure.
The Medical Medium is one.
Thank you for the link.
I sincerely hope that your mother gets off her soapbox, respects your opinions, stops her ranting and brow-beating, and leaves for the 3 months.
It will be easy to get someone to check in on you daily if that is what you want.
You don't have to prove you are right vs. her opinion. It is your right to disagree, you have the final say!

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