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Oh Jim, how awful for everyone. It is understandable that she wants to fuss, but her brain is broken and you can't reason with dementia. Do you think it would help if the doctor could prescribe something to calm her down?

Today we are sitting here waiting for my dad to pass. The nurse said it could be any time . I want him to pass peacefully and pain free. My mother is causing him great angst. The nurse said you can see it in the way he is thrashing around. She has dementia and won't leave him alone. The last 24 hours he has yelled many times for her to stop and leave him alone. She goes from wailing away in the room to banging things around, trying pour a glass of water down his throat, to piling blankets on him. The nurse tried talking to her and she wouldn't listen. I finally gave her both barrels and said I would remove her from the house,the nurses suggestion though I agree. My mom can be very self centered and is afraid of her own shadow. She was under Hospice care,but chases them all out. Today after having been here twelve days without much sleep her antics finally got to me. We have been begging her to follow the nurses direction and she will not listen. We are all stressed beyond belief and she is starting again.

She returned my call. She checked the file and said that I don't need to include a birth certificate. I just need to include death certificate and verify the bank's routing number. 3:00 am. My alarm will be going off at 6:15am. I work today, Saturday morning. Time to try for some shut eyes even though I'm wide awake.

Weird. I don't think I've ever been curious about what's in my birth certificate. Otherwise, I would have gotten one. I remembered when dad passed away and I was sent to the 'admission office' with a piece of paper stating dad's time of death. I asked my sisters and SIL to go with me. As I was filling out the form about dad, I realized I didn't know his father's first and middle name. I didn't even know his mom's real name (I knew her as Nana). Between the 5 of us, we figured out their full names. A few days later, I came across his birth certificate card. Gasp! Nana's last name on dad's birth certificate is NOT what we put down for the death certificate. Oops. We just shrugged and let it be.

Sorry Book, I re-read what you posted and    saw you already are going to get a copy

Thanks for responding about the death benefit and insurance. I called the retirement personnel office in the mainland. Aye! I got gently lectured by the person who answered the phone. I did NOT know that there's a deadline to turn in the forms. If I miss the deadline, everything will take over 6 months to process. It's going on 2 months. She told me to send it out today. I told her that the lawyer asked for dad's bank account number. She also told me that my family and the lawyer can't touch the money going to me. (Very little. Dad once said he took the basic life insurance of $10,000 or $20,000.) She said that I need to enclose copies of my birth certificates on both forms. I don't have my birth certificate. I haven't seen it in over 30 years. My main document since I was 19 years old was my passport. I just keep renewing it every 10 years. I've checked all my shelves and albums. No birth certificate. I'm going to have to get it 2 weeks from now when I the Wednesday afternoon off. Or ask my nephew to get a certified one. We have the same last name. Hopefully they're not a stickler.

Based on her advice to send it out today, I think I might be very close to the deadline. She gave me the name of the person handling dad's case. I called and her voicemail came on. She's on a 2 weeks training. In truth, I'm in no hurry. As long as I don't lose out. I will view that money as my future emergency money.

Hmmm... I'm going to call the life insurance. See if they will accept a copy of the passport instead of the birth certificate. I'm willing to throw in a copy of my valid driver's license and my work ID.

Whirled, Sharyn mention Area Agency of Aging. In my area, in the Pacific, we call it Senior Citizen department. It's run by our local govt and co-funded with the federal govt. I know that my mom got into the program via her doctor/clinic. The clinic assigned mom a social worker, who then connected mom/dad with the senior citizen department - which provided 4 hours a week to relieve the home caregivers and the meals-on-wheels (lunch only).

I used to also attend our monthly caregiver's meeting. We learned from each other's stories, and they even set up lawyers, Medicare, etc.. to educate us about POA, etc... So, they will also be a good source of information for you. Also, ask around your fellow caregivers... I was able to tell some of my fellow caregivers about where to buy inexpensive but strong washable waterproof bedpads. On island, one pad cost $25.00! In Amazon, I get buy a set of 3 for $25.00 + shipping.... I also told them that using those cheap blue liners when changing a bedridden person is lousy! The pee just rolls right off it, and onto the bed. I recommended using the puppy liners. It's about the same size but it absorbs the urine while you're changing the pamper...

Hi, yes, I'm going to one tomorrow. I've been to a couple meetings for dementia/alzheimer's caregiver's (oh yeah, Dad has dementia, too!), and they were good, but then they stopped doing that group in my area. I'm hoping the one tomorrow will be a good resource, b/c it's close by, and they hold it twice a month. Only issue is that we can't leave Dad alone, so my husband and I will take turns going. No biggie there, though.

Will be reading your posts. I hear you, being close to burnout, needing a friend, or two, or three. You are not alone, some are posting throughout the day and into the night in different time zones. You will like it here, I hope.

Have you ever been to a caregiver support group, often held at your local senior center?

Thanks for the reply, Sharyn! And I'll look into the agency you mentioned.

Whirledtravel, welcome to Aging care!! Yes, it is perfectly ok to vent and be angry, it is all part of caregiving. Unfortunately, friends try to find solutions and have not experienced caregiving. Just letting someone vent is hard for them when they don't understand. That is where this site comes in. I am sorry your fil is at stage 4. Working at home has many benefits but without help, it can become difficult. you could try the Area Agency on Aging in your county for additional help. My understanding is they have programs to help and assist the elderly. I'm sure others on this site will have more to share with you.

Hi all,

I just found this website and forum. Not sure if this is the right place to start posting? Just needed to vent. My husband and I are caring for my father-in-law who has Stage 4 cancer. He's living with us, but because we have limited space, his bed is in our one family room/dining room area. He's fine with it, but it means the only space that is my own is our bedroom. We have no other family here to help, it's just us. I'm losing my mind!!! We work from home, which is a double edged sword - it means we can care for Dad, but there's also no escape. I'm sooo tired. We have hired help to come a couple of nights a week (he doesn't qualify for hospice yet because he wants to do immunotherapy), but we can't afford daily help.

I'm also angry today. Sorry, I just am. I have tried to be a really good friend to my friends over the years, and have always helped them out when they're in crisis. But where are my friends now? Nowhere. Silent. Crickets. I finally called one friend last night out of desperation, just needing some emotional support. All I got was 45 minutes of her questioning what we're doing...."Well, have you tried this? Well, can you do this?..." Over and over. I don't need someone to tell me what I already know or how to do things differently (that won't work cuz we've already tried), I just needed someone to be a friend and say, "I know it's hard. I'm sorry. I'm here if you want to cry." Last night I had nightmares, hearing voices that actually woke me up. Good times. I love my father-in-law dearly, but this is just really hard.

Anyway, thanks for just being a place to vent!

Just clarifying something for Book, if she is named as the beneficiary it doesn't need to go through the estate and that money is hers to keep, so all she needs from bro is copies of the death certificate?

Lizzy is correct. Call the companies holding the policies. They will send you a form to fill out. They will not give you much info via the phone because they need to make sure you are who you say you are. If the policies are similar to what my mom had, they should have your Ss#, name and dob. The most they told me via phone was yes or no regarding being a beneficiary. You may need the policy numbers as well.

It is my understanding and how we have dealt with it here is if anything like pensions, retirements, life insurance polices have a named beneficiary that can be dealt with and settled before you go to probate court. Usually there is a form the beneficiary fills out. You send that form in along with the Death Certificate and the Insurance, retirements will settle up with you in 2-3 weeks. Sometimes the form you fill out and sign as beneficiary will need to be notarized.

Calling an attorney with your questions as a beneficiary is a really good idea. Getting a short consultation in the attorneys office is even better.

Book, is bro a court appointed administrator? Dad had a will. Here if that is the case, the process does not need to go to court. I think you had best get a free consultation with an attorney that specializes in wills, probate and such. Then if you decide you need an attorney ask for an agreement with a not to exceed amount to help you through this.

I've received from dad's federal retirement office of 2 envelopes: The retirement and the life insurance forms on 31Aug. As I was filling it out - since my name is under beneficiary - I came across on the form that if there's a court appointed administrator, I will also need something from bro. I stopped and texted SIL. She said that the lawyer's office has a document drafted for the administrator.

Well, today, dad received a letter from Medicare. Obviously, his retirement stopped payment but didn't alert Medicare that he died. So, Medicare is coming after dad for his Oct-Dec payments. I texted SIL that since the retirement didn't alert Medicare, then bro-as administrator - needs to contact Medicare to cancel it... Oh by the way, if they didn't cancel Medicare, that also means they didn't cancel dad's secondary insurance.

I just spoke to SIL. She asked me why I haven't sent out the retirement form back to them with dad's death certificate. I said that I spoke to her in Aug 31st that I NEEDED the document from the administrator to send it along. She says I don't need that. She said that I need the form for the insurance beneficiary but not to close the retirement account (which only needs the death certificate). Ugh!!!! It's almost 15 days later and their lawyer is sooooo slow!!!! The administrator paperwork hasn't gone to court yet....

Not my problem. It's the administrator's... I keep telling myself this. But, I'm still stressing over it!

SIL asked about dad's bank account. I said that I haven't touched it after I gave their lawyer dad's bank account number. She said that I should just check it. Nope! That d*rn retirement form mentioned that we're not suppose to touch money from a deceased person's account - even if my name is on it. I ain't messing around with the feds....

Jim, I'm glad that you had a great relationship with your father. My dad & I used to go to Sunday flea markets. I have some very fond memories of those times. Nothing as close as what you shared with your father. It's really nice to hear these little tidbits. I can see why you would really want to honor your father's wish. I hope it does work out for him. Take care.

Thank you all. It really hit me tonight that I am going to lose my dad. We have a great relationship and I owe everything to him. He has been a sounding board throughout my life and I can't thank him enough. Yes we had our moments, but I could always count on him. We worked together for thirty years and I have owned our business for thirty five more years. I am soon to retire and my son will take over. This site and all the people here have been a godsend.

Jim, I'm so sorry for the tough situation. I'm glad your dad is not in pain. I hope he can remain at home and pass peacefully but... it's a lot of responsibility, I get it. (((((hugs)))))

I am glad your Dad is comfortable and free of pain. I hope the aid works out. Just said a little prayer for your family!

Thank you all for your thoughts. I just had a long conversation with the nurse. She said to do what I think is best. She felt my dad is failing fast and it won't be long, a few days at best. He is comfortable and not in any pain. We have an aid coming in a half hour. We shall see how my mother reacts. If she acts adversely then I will need to address it quickly. Wish me luck.

Oh Jim I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I'd want to keep Dad at home if that was his wish and you really think it's getting toward the end. But I don't know what to do about your Mama. Somebody will come along with a better answer but know I feel for you! See Bookluvr already did.

Jim, your dad wants to die at home. Understandable. However, your mom cannot handle the nurses hanging around the house because it forces her to face reality that 'nurses = death.' She would prefer your father to be not at home when he passes away. You're between a rock and a hard place. Wouldn't your father find it more peaceful in a facility? I think you need to weigh the pros and cons on what is best for your father and his comfort care.
If you do decide to do decide on the facility, bring some of your dad's favorite things (blanket, etc..).

Things have taken a turn for the worse. My dad is so weak he is bedridden . The nurse feels his body is beginning to shut down. He is not in pain. I have had many months to prepare for the inevitable, but my mother also 100 with both cancer and dementia is making things very difficult for me. She is also deaf and can't see well either. My dad's wishes were to remain home,but my mother doesn't want anyone in the home and be very difficult in that respect. She chased her entire Hospice team out. I don't know what to do ,follow my dad's wishes or move him to a care facility to placate my mother. I am stressed beyond belief.

This response is not meant for anyone in particular. Just a general answer. I look back at my care giving days. One husband and one partner. It grew me and made me stronger. It taught me patience and gave me the ability to share with both the choices and the result of those choices in their lives. After death whats next? If you are fortunate and looking for it, you too will be blessed as I was. Sure I became tired and put my life on hold. However, I would do it all over again. I know the stress, the stories repeated. The fun stories were when I decided to get the obituary ready. Since I knew most of the family and knew some of both their pasts, I was able to ask them to talk about the people in their lives. I learned more about WWII than you will ever read in a book. My husband was a writer and I have tons of writings based on his life. Both knew poverty and hunger. Both came from highly disfunctional families. I only have one request for my last few hours. First, I ask God to take me before I suffer any memory difficulties. Second, I want all my children and grandchildren with me. The chance of this happening is slim. But, I can ask right? If you are struggling with caregiving and resentment is growing in you due to the endless hours and dirty work, I highly recommend, you pass this Blessing over to another family member. One last moment that I will share with you. My husbands last words, " He is beautiful. He is Good" and then he closed his eyes. My husband was a Born Again Christian.

JimL, I've tried several times to respond to your post. I ... it resonates within me, with my past. I think it's with juggling with both parents at the same time. Being yelled at. Putting up with it because no one else will step up to help them. Their refusal for help... I just don't know what to say. Just do what you can, let the yelling not affect you (eyes rolling), etc... Vent, vent, vent. At least you have the home care - where the nurses can come to the home. That's definitely a great big Plus in this situation.

My dad had a stroke, bedridden (refused to do therapy because 'it hurts'), and used Depends (refused to leave the bed). One day, he could no longer pee. So, the home care nurse came over, along with the doctor, and got dad onto a catheter... I still remember the horror of both the nurse and the doctor when I asked how do we empty the bag? Do I disconnect from here and empty the bag in the toilet? No! No! Take a container and let the urine out of the bag. How? Where? ..... Anyway, months go by, and dad decides he no longer needs the catheter. He INSISTED they take it off. The nurse tried to explain to him that he needs the catheter because he cannot pee. He insisted - off! So, the nurse did. Hours later, I'm changing dad's pamper. His lower stomach is hard! Not soft. I didn't know why. Then an hour later, he's writhing in pain. He needs to pee but can't. I call the 24/7 number. The clinic is closed and the nurse cannot get the catheter supply. Dad will need to wait until morning. Let's just say.. my dad learned the hard way that he cannot take off the catheter....

Jim, your day sounds like torture. It does sound like they need a professional assistant to come in, maybe for a few hours a day. I know you would love to see that happen to get some stress off yourself. Caregivers shouldn't have to go through what you went through. Getting scolded and disrespected made it all so much worse.

Yesterday started out as a good day and quickly spiraled downward. I get to my parents house around nine AM. They are just getting up. My dad tells me to call the girl that cleans their home and cancel. Then he tells me to make them breakfast. He doesn't like how I am doing theirmuffins so he grabs them from me. My mother is in the other room sobbing away because she doesn't wan the girl to clean the house, mind you I have already called. My mother has some dementia and is deaf. She will not wear a hearing aid. I then have to run to the store. Upon returning my dad informs me he can't urinate. I call VNA to see if I should take him to the ER or wait for a nurse. A nurse and aid arrive about an hour later and get him ready to put in a catheter. While doing so he is yelling at me to get a tablecloth . I have no idea where they have them as I haven't lived at home for forty years. Now he is in a rage and says get the damn table from the den. Table and tablecloth are two different things. At any rate they gave him a med to relax before putting in the catheter which had him sleep for about eight hours . Through all of this my mother is sobbing away saying this is too much. I said to her we have been begging you both to let VNA aids come in and help and you both say no. The nurse has asked them both and as I said before my father points and says that is what he is for. They don't really get to see his nasty side. I ended up staying all day and night. I just got back home expecting my sister to go over this morning. That would be too much to ask of her. She spent the night with friends and says she is busy today. I guess it is back to my parents again. What a life.

There's a link for the daily journal... for gratefulness, etc.. I downloaded it several times but it won't let me write on it. I am so technically-challenged, it's ridiculous. I give up. I will write it the old fashioned way - composition notebook.

On another subject, my dad's brother still has his mind but is having mobility problems. His wife was visiting her daughter (Uncle's stepdaughter) when she had problems with her dialysis. Anyway, daughter-from-mainland and her mom (Uncle's wife) arrived and checked into a hotel. She didn't even call her stepfather to tell him that they're here on island.... well, I heard she started cleaning out her stepfather's living area. He told my brother that she threw away his 3 Hawaiian print shirts hanging by the door, threw away a lot of his stuff. They even moved the TV mounted on the wall and it's now facing upwards with the ceiling watching the TV. I was getting so upset. They're from off island and treat him like that - without any respect for him, his home, his belongings. While bro and SIL went on about his being disrespected, I tried very hard not to say, 'before you throw rocks to others, check yourself first.'

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