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Windy, I am happy for you. It's been two and a half years since my Mom died and I just started going to Griefshare three weeks ago. I guess you could say I am stuck. In fact, that is one of the subjects for a future week. I will listen hard that night.

I have come to the realization that I have shut down emotionally so as not to give into my grief. One thing that was stated at my most recent meeting is that when you try to shut out the pain, you end up shutting out the joy and every other emotion/feeling as well. I guess acknowledging this is half the battle. Now that I realize this maybe I can start moving forward.

I am so happy for you that you are starting to welcome yourself back into yourself if that makes any sense. Bravo for you. I hope I can get there myself one day.

Ohhh, Windytown, I just read your words. It touched my heart. I'm still on the stage that you mentioned about knowing intellectually dad is dead but the memories is still thinking of him as alive. I'm so glad that you reached that point where your whole self registered as one. I hope I will one day. Thanks for sharing. I hope you don't mind if I copy and paste your words on my Word File under dad's name... Good for you! I wish you well on this new journey of being back to yourself again! \o/ \o/ \o/ {cheering for you}

Golden, thank you. Your words reminded me of one of my promises to myself. When dad passed away, I told myself that I no longer have reason to stay up until 1:00am - for Me-Time. I was going to wean my way back to sleeping early - like... maybe 11:00pm. =) .. I will try to move my sleeping time to 12 midnight.

Golden, thank you so much for everything. I do read the Dys thread but I feel so much comfortable posting here. I've been trying and trying to wean myself off this thread! I try to jump around, read other's posts, get so depress because I remembered what it was like to be drowning and no-one (family) cares to help. So, I stop jumping around. And fall right back to here. {{{HUGS}}}

Hi cccquilter. I'm sorry and sad about your current situation. You're between a rock and a hard place. You have an idea of what's required in order for your DH to get help from the gov't. It's scary. The thought of having to put Your Life on hold just so that he can qualify for these benefits. Because one day ... you will be alone. The thought of quitting or retiring from your job is scary because what if you cannot get back into the work place? Especially since the younger people are getting preference. And there's no guaranty that when you go back on the work force that you will be making the same income as when you quit.... And so... what should you do?... I was in a similar situation as you. But not as scary as yours is. In my mind.

All we can offer is for you to come and vent. Let us know how your day is. How frustrating your day is. And whatever advise we give, either accept or reject - with no hard feelings. =) You take care.

windy - that was beautifully written. I am so glad you have "yourself" back. ((((((hugs)))))

Book, glad you are feeling somewhat better. It's so soon since your dad passed, I'm sure the old anxiety is still there exacerbating physical stuff.

I want to tell you that there is hope for you feeling whole as a person.

What I've experienced lately is something I did not expect after my mom passed. She died a little over 5 months ago and today was the first day I FINALLY relaxed, both mentally and physically. I guess my whole self finally registered that she is gone. I knew it intellectually, but somehow the 'muscle memory' was still there. The old adrenelin was still there pumping away giving me anxiety. You were on the job three times longer that I was, but for me, my seven years of always doing, stressing and caring for an elder left me in a state where I forgot what it was like to live for myself. It was scary to even think about.

Two days ago, I decided to attempt to clean out my old e-mails and came upon a long string with my brother in Germany. Years of email about the past few years. Yikes! I went down the rabbit hole, read it all and am amazed I survived the journey. I wasn't always a nice person. Neither was mom. We also had some amazing times that made for great memories. The love was always there, though not often evident at times when her health and mental state were not optimal. Gosh, it was hard! But we made it through and loved each other to the end.

I laid in bed at 5 this morning and thought about how long it's been since I've felt in charge of my own life. I've been sooo lacking in energy, just tired, just bored with my life.

Something clicked in my head. I realized my life is now my own. Really and truly my own, my goodness! Grief and PSTD can really mess with your head and body. I feel optimistic for the first time in years and my old energy is back as much as it can be. :)

I pray for the same for you book in as much time as it takes. I didn't expect this, nor push for it, it's like a miracle for me. I know there will be some bad days ahead but we can push through them. My thoughts and prayers for all who are struggling caregivers as I type.

cccquilter - sounds like you have a very difficult life ((((((hugs))))) Have you contacted your local Agency for Aging to see if they have any ideas for help for you?

book - I am glad you are feeling better. Sounds like the happiness videos relax you so you fall asleep - which you really need to do.

Today, I dropped off dad's supplies to the National Family Caregiver Support. The nurse who helped me carry it into the NFCS said it's like Christmas. I had ... 6 bags of pampers, 3 boxes of Nutren ($83 per box), Calmoseptine, Boost drinks, etc....

I'm doing fine. Somehow, the colonoscopy has awaken old pain. Pain I had before my last surgery - which I had complications. Since the procedure and up to yesterday, I couldn't sit too long. It was causing so much pain on my lower left abdominal area. Same exact pain I used to experience before. I'm back to wearing granny undies because the bikini style ones are hurting my long surgical scar. The good news is that today the pain has finally eased off. It still throbs once in a while but at least it's not a steady throbbing pain like yesterday. It's past midnight. Time to sleep.

I was listening to the 11minute Happiness video when I was yawning so badly, eyes closing, I stopped halfway. I will continue it tomorrow. I don't understand. I find it so educational, interesting - and yet my body keeps shutting down every time I try to watch any of the video...

Today's video was about: Self-Compassion... We are our worst enemies. When other people fail, we encourage them, commiserate, etc... Yet, when we fail, we are mean to ourselves, call ourselves names, put ourselves down, etc... This is where Mindfulness comes in. {which I'm really terrible at - from both therapies I had, I struggled with this.}

Not very well today. Caregiver for DH on Hospice. He has these "episodes" when he has a fever, in which he is semi-conscious and wets himself and sometimes pukes on himself. It takes gargantuan effort to get him on his feet, and most of the time I am on my own. Two children live on the West coast (we are in Chicago, IL) with one daughter here; she has two young children, a job in the north suburbs, and a house in which she also operates an Air B&B. She has a very full life and helps out as much as she can, but I am overwhelmed. I am not able to afford to pay for in home help; the hospice does what it can, but it isn't enough. I work full time; I have to. I come home to another full time job: him and the house/garden/yard work. Sometimes I feel like I am drowning.

I'm wondering how you are doing, book? I'm terrified of getting a colonoscopy! I hope you got the all clear from the doctor by now. ((hugs))

Take care, book ((((((hugs))))))

Mimi234, I tried to recall if either of my parents acted like your mom with the vicious words. I don't recall. So I tried to put myself in your shoes, and I just couldn't. However, my dad would tell everyone, and I mean everyone, how I was a bad daughter. How he had to do everything and I was not. Yet I have 7 siblings who Didn't help us at all. Yet, I stayed home to help him with mom, even the bedridden stage, changing pampers, etc... He never told me in my face that I was a bad daughter. I always wondered why people told me that I should help my dad! I felt so betrayed... I compared your situation and mine. I've concluded that I definitely wouldn't want to go through what you're going through. Because that just makes caregiving them so much harder when they tear you down... Vent here if you must. It really does help a lot. HUGS.

Barb, I took the Tylenols. I'll call the clinic tomorrow, when they're open, to ask about the polyps. I didn't even think of doing that. Thanks.

Maybe I should have taken Benadryl... In the meantime, I'm keeping an eye on my right hand which I thought the swelling should have gone down by now. That's the hand in which the vein didn't work and no blood came out. But once he inserted the IV on my wrist, he found the original site on the back of my hand was bleeding right through the gauze and onto the bedding. That area is still painful. The IV site on the right wrist is normal. Just the hand is puffy....

Book, is there a phone number on the discharge sheet you can call?

If Exedrin usually works for you, have some caffeine.

Book, is there a phone number on the discharge sheet you can call?

No, I asked the nurse if the stomach pain I'm feeling is from my acid reflux. She said no. It's from the procedure. That's how I was able to rate the stomach pain as 3 before my BM pain came on.

Before I was wheeled into the OR, I overheard the IV nurse telling the just awakened man in the curtained room on my left - that he should eat food similar to breakfast... When I was in the wheelchair and talking to the IV nurse, I said that I overheard what he said to the man. What exactly does he mean by 'breakfast' food. MY idea of breakfast food is a plate filled with fried rice, 6-7 bacon, Portuguese sausage and 2 eggs. HIS idea of breakfast is rice or pancakes.

Has anyone awoken from this procedure with a constant headache? It's Sunday morning and my head is still pounding. I noticed that every time I sleep, I wake up with a terrible pounding headache a rating of 7. Once I get up, it goes down to a 5. It's a kind of steady pounding headache that I get when I eat food with MSG (monosodium glutamate) and Tylenol with Codeine or the after-surgery painkillers.... I'm going to fry yesterday's rice and make 2 over-medium eggs for breakfast. And then take 2 Tylenol. Since I don't know if polyps were taken out, I won't take my usual Excedrin headache pill since it has aspirin.

Book, I would be disappointed with both the office staff AND SIL for not giving you more information! Vent away!

What I was saying before is that it's not unusual for GI docs to do their procedures one after the other, with no time in between to talk to patients. But that is what the support staff is there to do. Staff should have spoken with you AND sil to make sure you understood post op instructions. I though you had posted about being told to eat breakfast type foods , so I thought you'd gotten instructions!

Wow when I read some of these stories, I feel blessed in my situation. Caregivers are the angels in this world and the least appreciated. Bless you all for what you are doing for your loved ones. Sometimes the barbs my mother sends out last for days like when she told me she should have gotten rid of me before I was born! When people say its the disease and not the person I want to choke them. I know that but it still hurts. She used to be such a sweet, caring person and there are days when that person is back. But when the witch comes I want to run and hide because I don't know what venom will come from her. ALZ is a terrible blight on this world and I wish there was a simple answer to all the problems it causes. Thank you all for the support and encouragement you offer.

Sorry, Barb, I was venting. This is all new for me. Yes, there's a follow-up appointment. I guess that I'm spoilt. On my 1st abdominal surgery, the surgeon stopped by to reassure me that I'm in capable hands. On my 2nd surgery in Hawaii, I didn't get to see the surgeon. I just figured that island-style, he would have taken the time to just see how I'm doing.

I wonder which nurse had dated the other nurse's brother long time ago? She was quite insistent that she did. Her brother doesn't remember her? (Oh, my... ) There were more gossips but that was the one I remembered.

I was released before 11:00am. They put me on a wheelchair and waited for my ride. I tried talking to the nurse but she wasn't very receptive. She was busy doing the paperwork. The minute SIL walked in, the nurse asked her if she's my ride. When SIL said yes, the nurse proceeded to talk to her in a low voice. I tried to listen in. I must have looked lonely because the male nurse who inserted the IV came to me and we started talking. After I got in the car, I asked SIL what the nurse said to her. SIL just said that if I'm bleeding, I need to go back to the clinic b4 1pm. If it's after, then the ER. That's it. SIL dropped me off in front of the house and left. I posted here then went to sleep.

It's now 12:15am. I'm taking my purse and I'm going to sleep. I saw my pre-op papers sticking on the outside pocket of my purse.  I took it out so that I will log it in my files tomorrow. My laptop is in the livingroom.  I noticed there was another paper. It Is My Post-Op instructions! Well, SIL did Not tell me about it. (I left my purse with her before the procedure.) I don't recall her telling me about the paper.  After I woke up from my nap, I went googling on what to do after an endo/colonoscopy... Anyway the paper's instructions say I'm suppose to eat soft food. Too late! I asked fave sis to bring over KFC chicken for dinner. It was soooo delicious going down. Paper even has my follow-up appointment.

My pet peeve? Yes, I understand that being under anesthesia, that I might not remember anything. That does NOT give them the right to ignore me and tell everything to my ride - who by the way - is just my ride. She didn't even tell me about anything that was on that paper - food, etc... Out of respect for their patient, the nurse should have consulted BOTH of us at the same time. Especially since my co-pay is going to be about $1,000.00. Okay, my vent is over.

Most GAIN docs here in NYC have one or two days a week when they do procedures . They see patients in their office the other days.

In general, I think most docs prefer not to give detailed information right after a patient has awakened from sedation. Do you have a followup appointment, Book? I don't think you need to be disappointed in your doctor.

Book, when I had my colonoscopy, I felt like I was on a production line too

Veronica, I couldn't help but chuckle about your disappearing veins and needles.

SIL asked me what the doctor said after the procedures. I said that I didn't know because I never saw the doctor. SIL said that it's good. That means he didn't find anything. In my head, I said "Nope, he's too busy churning in patients." ... When I was put on my bed in my curtained room waiting for the procedure, I heard the anesthesiologist explain to the patient on my left what to expect. He was wheeled away....I heard him wheeled back as the nurse gently woke him up.... Then it was my turn. After my procedure, while recovering, I heard them instruct a new patient on my right... So, today is the surgeon's operating day. One patient after another. Not once today did I see the doctor/surgeon who did his best to persuade me to add the colonoscopy to my original request for just the endoscopy. I'm trying not to be disappointed with him.

SIL and my brother saw a different surgeon, different clinic. After their procedures, he took the time to talk to them - even if he didn't find anything with SIL. Now I know....

Dear Book. Sleep well tonight. You got through it with flying colors, well flying toilet paper.
By the way my veins always go into dissappearing mode every time anyone mentions IV!

Word of advice. Day before colonoscopy/endoscopy - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I was so dehydrated this morning, they couldn't find a good vein on the back of both hands. Finally, he tried the right. No blood came out. Yep, dehydrated. So, he had to put the IV needle on my right wrist.

I woke up after the procedure. Nurse asked how I'm doing. I said fine. I need the restroom and I'm very woozy.... every time she came in, I answered the same thing. But each time she came in, I didn't have any strength to move my body. Finally, I told her that I really need to go to the bathroom. After my 2nd surgery, if I need to do BM, I need to go immediately. To hold it in causes severe stomach pains. The colonoscopy after effects is a painful stomach of 3. But the pain level has dramatically increased because I need to go. It has gone up to level 6. I'm squirming in pain and still hooked up to everything. So we did everything slowly. I sat up. Woozy. I looked up - woozy. I looked down - woozy. I refused to rush the process despite the urgency. I told the nurse that I would hate to fall onto the bathroom floor. (Gross!!!!)

Back home. I'm sooooo hungry. Light food like breakfast food. We don't have breakfast food like pancakes. I took a few sips from my black tea. I'm going to sleep if I could just stop BMing...

I think so, too. My left eye is feeling funny. I recognize this. I had this very same feeling when I took over-the-counter Sudafed. I never had any major reaction to Sudafed until that last time. My left eye felt funny, then I started rubbing it. Then I went to the restroom to check out why it's so itchy. My left eye had swelled!

I'm holding off calling the colonoscopy clinic. Once the eye swells, I will know for sure that I can no longer take the liquid prep. Rashes is one thing. Swelling is different.

Oh, no. Sounds like you're allergic to it. Maybe your doctor should do the Cologuard instead. There's no messy prep and no after-effects and no one sticking something up your behind. Unless someone is high risk, I think Cologuard is good enough. The only bad thing is collecting the sample. :-(

I finally called Social Security. I don't know what time zone they're in but they were open! I was able to speak to a person who put a 'terminate' status on Dad's account. They will now forward this to Medicare. Hopefully, Medicare won't send another billing follow-up for dad's Oct-Dec coverage.

I also called dad's secondary insurance. I will drop by their office next week and have them make a photocopy of dad's death cert. I feel so much better getting these out of the way.

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