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Gosh, that sounds so hard! So sorry!
But I know you have the ability to get well, even without help.
I agree, you should not go hungry!

Sorry you are not feeling well

I know when I'm down sick, I sometimes go into the office for half a day or so to just stay on top of the workload

It is admirable you are concerned about your company not incurring a late payment penalty on its taxes but if you fill out the form And ready the paperwork, can't boss or his wife take it to the tax office ?

Maybe your own power bills and paycheck can wait another day ?

I don't think anyone can go from being home sick in bed one day and back to full duty the next so I have no guilt about running to the store or other short errands if I'm using a sick day - sometimes taking a shower and getting dressed helps you feel better but it tires you out too

Send, it’s typhoon season. It’s rainy season. We have several storm systems in the area. For the past week, it rained with flooding. I can cash my check tomorrow while we’re between 2 storm systems and today finally being sunny. Or I wait until next week Monday (rain forecast to start Sunday) and cash my check during lunch hour. Which is 90% chance of another rainy week. My bank is by the main road. There’s a high likelihood a speeding truck can splash flooded road water on me as I walk to the bank’s entrance. I will do my best to cash my check tomorrow.

I have no cash. I’ve been charging my credit card for everything this week and the balance due is going up. I need to cash my check. It’s the only way I can stop charging needlessly. I’m used to cash budgets and have always failed with credit card budget.

Anyway, I need to buy food. Sis idea of food is packing our small freezer with frozen dinner cheeseburgers and frozen chili/ bean burritos. She even took up my 1/3 of the freezer space. :( I tried the cheeseburger for breakfast today. It doesn’t taste like cheeseburger. I’m hungry and our idea of food is different. Unfortunately, I don’t think I will have enough strength to include grocery after paycheck. I will be too tired and most likely come home immediately. It’s just so frustrating! And I’m tired of being hungry... I guess I can try to eat 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and try to think of it as a meal... or force myself to pretend that frozen cheeseburger is good tasting....

Financial worry is the worst! It makes it harder to rest and recover from your flu.
Rest is a priority.

Can someone bring you chicken soup, or take you to cash your paycheck? Your boss is going to be peeved if you are able to pay bills, ambulate around in public but not work.

Then, while you are out, spreading germs......

There has got to be another way-can you send someone upstairs with your payment?

Stricktly speaking, a sick day is for staying home to recover, and to be isolated from other people. I say this only because you push yourself too hard, without realizing resting could make things better for you.

Well, I care, but am not going to push you into caring for yourself if you don't want to.
Just stopping by to say, get well.

Book, just keep your guard up. The family doesn't want to understand that you are not available for the next aging person that needs free care. Take care of your health, you deserve some good time free of other people's health care.

I’m off this week due to my coughing flu. Terrible coughing. I had the sore lower back from the 1st day of the coughs. On Tuesday the RN wanted to Rx me a strong painkiller with codeine because she said that I might also end up with painful stomach and ribs from the coughing bouts. I refused. Lastnight (Wednesday), my chest is hurting. Anyway, codeine gives me a pounding headache...

I was able to convince my boss for me to come in tomorrow and pay the GRT. He would have waited for me to pay it next week when I come back to work. I texted that GRT late payment penalty is 5% of the GRT due + daily interest... So, I need to time the cough med, walk up 3 flights of stairs without coughing, do the GRT form and cut the check, drive to Rev/Tax and pay it. Sneak to the next building and pay the power/water bills, and if I’m not coughing badly, cash my paycheck.

This week leave, I will only have 1 day paid leave. The rest is leave without pay. I used up all my vacation leave when Dad was in the ER. My next paycheck will be under $400. I will need to touch my emergency fund to make up the shortage. I’m trying not to worry.

“If you have friends and family who love you unconditionally - you truly have everything.”
― Lindsey Rietzsch

Bookluvr...At our house,the "social face" is called "The PTA smile",
which is a big fake smile when you're mad enough to spit.

SIL texted me this morning. Uncle So-So has a medical health issue and needs to fly to the Philippines. He's slowly dying from some kind of disease or cancer. I don't care. I don't like him. He is one of my mom's several siblings who had no problem stealing from their work (one who Finally got caught and in order to evade prosecution, she pleaded guilty and gave up her retirement benefit)(3 of mom's brothers stole from each other's joint restaurant venture, someone stole their own mother's money from the bank and her stocks/bonds went zilch,etc...) ... Uncle was hanging around our area. His son actually called my older brother to warn him that his father is up to no good. To be careful with our vulnerable father because his father might talk our father into signing something. I refuse to show respect to him in our traditional custom. I avoid him, don't look at him, etc... I tend to avoid people that I don't like. I hate feeling like a fake when I have to put on my social face and talk to them as if I don't not like them.

SIL texted me asking to check his airfare to Manila. When I came home, I told her that why doesn't he just go online and buy his ticket.... He wants me to check it.... I said that his own 3 grown up children just flew to Manila for medical issues. They can check his airfare.... No, he wants me to do it.... I told her that I will have to charge a service fee if I do this. No matter what I say, SIL over-rode my objections. I.. Do.. NOT... like... Him!!! I never liked him as a child, as a teen, and as a grown up. I go with my guts. I want nothing to do with him.... He didn't recognize me - behind him at the grocery store. When he was paying for his little grocery, he opened his wallet, and made a show of flipping through a thick wad of bills in front of everyone. I couldn't help it. I rolled my eyes (and wondered who he stole from this time)... I still haven't responded to SIL's request. Uncle has 3 grown up kids. They can d*rn well check his airfare for his trip.

Karma.. Karma is visiting uncle. Even fave sis told me that when she found out about his illness. Whatever. I hope dad visits him in his spirit form. According to bro and SIL, my mom's 2 brothers (which includes this uncle) are both so very scared that our dead father will 'visit' them. The other uncle came to the ER almost every day to be with us and with dad. I believe he was trying to make peace with dad before he died and before dad 'visits' him. I wonder if it worked. This uncle is okay - we just have to watch our backs. They're nice to you in your face, but they have no compunction of stabbing you in the back while smiling and joking to you. Nope...

Mom's youngest brother was the one who took care of their aging and then Alzheimer mother. Each of mom's siblings took a day of the week to take care of their mom. When their mother died, mom's corrupted siblings (the work stealer, the 3 uncles of the restaurant) all tried to kick caregiving uncle out of their mother's home. Fortunately, grandma had a Will. That Will protected caregiver brother from his greedy siblings. Yes, Uncle who was at the ER daily was one of those trying to take the house from his youngest brother.... sigh.... Sorry if this story sounds so confusing. I just need to vent this out because it's almost midnight and I want to be able to sleep without feeling obligated to help out dying uncle. I like when Karma visits... What goes around comes around... Do onto others as you would have do to you... etc...

P.S.. My dad's retirement office(1800 number), Medicare and Social Security people are so very friendly and helpful.

Pam, I'm glad everyone got to do what they enjoyed. And that both moms still are great friends despite rarely being able to get together.

Well, I called social security. Mom was still in the system. And dad was still paying for her medical insurance the past 4 years. This means I now have to go to his secondary insurance and make sure mom's cancelled. Thank goodness mom wasn't get direct deposit social security income! Can you imagine having to reimburse SS for all those years plus any interest/penalty!

I had a good day today!! Our carpool has an annual picnic, we all bring food and meet at a park,, which was closed today for some reason so we ended up at one of our homes. My young friend brought her mom, who is my mons age. These 2 ladies love each other... met last year at another CP function. Her mom is also getting unable to drive,, and lives 25 miles away.. losing friends due to age and caregiving.. but we try to get them together for lunches. Her mom was not going to come until my friend told her my mom was coming... 'Oh my Peany is going to be there, I guess I'll come" THey had a blast! Wish they lived closer! And my mom ATE!! Yippee!! Plus hubs took his dad to the river house, and they are having fun, and my BIL went too.. so it's a guys time for them. All peacefull everywhere in my world tonight.

MsMadge, I also noticed that the few names mentioned were a lot from California. I had to spend hours on the laptop googling and clicking on all the different snippet news. Although I'm saving $88/month by stopping cable, I no longer have easy access to Fox, CNN, Good Morning America, etc.. news. I'm a news addict. I so miss TV news.

Chris, your mom can no longer hide her forgetfulness. She's progressing. Keep closer eyes on her. Sounds like she might start wandering - going outside - and not knowing how to come back home.

My mother's memory is getting worse. Now someone other than a family member knows' it.

I imagine the rest of the country isn't getting the local news of Sunday's victims as many of the first identified were from SoCal. Young folks with their lives ahead of them - recent grads, teachers, off duty officers - so sad
So very sad

I was saddened when I heard the radio news today. The missing elderly man, age 76 with dementia has been found. They think it's his dead body found about 70 yards from his home. The body was wearing the same clothes description he was wearing when he disappeared. So sad an outcome compared to the one who wandered last year but was found.

Still trying to copy mostly on my own. We qualify for very little because I have an income (doesn't seem to matter that most of it goes to the mortgage!). I am a caregiver for DH who had a heart attack and aspiration pneumonia that went septic last January (he almost died then). He has been at home since late January, is disabled an on hospice care. Our older two children live on the West coast (we are in Chicago, IL) and there is an estrangement, unfortunately. Our youngest daughter does what she can, but she has two young children, a two-story home, the 2nd story of which is an AirBnB, and a full time job. So it is mostly myself assisting my husband, sometime late at night, and I get up early for work so that I can put in the necessary overtime on my job, as the evening buses are unreliable and I don't have a car anymore, and haven't driven in 9 years or so. So most of the time I operate exhausted and drinking lots of coffee in order to just be alert and able to function at work. He is very strong willed and fighting hard to live, with a quality of life that is almost non-existent. We have neighbors that help out occasionally, but they have lives and children and jobs also, so there is not too much help there. He is so strong willed that my daughter wonders if he could go another 10 years as he is; not sure I can!

The man's been missing since last week Wednesday.

Have any of you seen this YouTube video by SoulPancake? It's part of my online course to watch it (and then apply it in my life). The twice I watched it on the course, I cried. My trigger was the participant who called her sister. OMGosh, she can pass as our local islander - from the Philippines. The way she talks is similar to how we talk. As I watched and replayed the video, I was thinking of fave sis. She's been my emotional support since forever... After watching this, I realized how I took her for granted because she was always there for me. And that's why I cried. Sometimes when you're just struggling day to day, it's so easy to overlook the one who's been there helping you in their own way.

Google: "soul pancake experiment in gratitude"

A while back, an elderly man with dementia became missing. Fortunately, he was found wandering in the boonies.

Yesterday, I heard on the news of a missing man. We usually get news alerts on this for missing teenage girls (always found at a friend's house). I wondered very briefly about the missing man since this is unusual. This morning, he's still on the news. This time, they added that he has dementia. Oh... I feel so bad for the family. We went through this with mom, repeatedly, until dad finally added sliding locks on all the doors.

Thanks Blackhole. I single finger typed out a vent over brother...

Veronica, you're right. My brother, without asking permission, has planted 2 small coconut trees on my/2 brothers front yard.

Book -- If you are organizing bills/papers for brother and forwarding them to him, fine. But I hope to heavens you are not paying bills that The Estate (a.k.a. your brother as administrator) should be paying out of The Estate Bank Account. At least, not without express agreement from him that you will submit receipts/verification to him and he will reimburse you from The Estate Bank Account.

With my mother's estate, I did a bit of proxy work for the executor. Who lived 2.5 hours away from parents and hadn't been to their house for 5-10 years prior to their passing. (Thanks, dementia. Thanks, irrational fear. Thanks, lack of faith in own daughter.)

HOWEVER -- executor and I agreed to our arrangement early on. After all, I was the key (somewhat) to helping him gather the deeds, life ins policy, important documents, cadence of bill-paying, etc etc. And as the " local," I made and paid for obit and funeral arrangements, etc -- and got reimbursed.

Even with our arrangement....and our mutual trust....and my prompt reimbursements.... my "happy to help" role wore me down. Tremendously.

If I had known my phone would be blowing up for the better part of 2 years -- and countless miles on my car -- directing final clean-outs that were never quite final and playing general contractor and sh*thouse landlord for multiple real estate locations that Would Not Sell, I would have started with NO and ended with "thank you for my share of the inheritance."

BootShopGirl, I thought of that, too. My brother, as administrator (per Dad's Will), is suppose to be doing all these things. I tell his wife (retired) about these bills and .. nothing. So, I decided that I might as well just do it.

chdottir, I like your very positive note. I know of only 2 families here on island in whom all the children took turns with their aging parents. One of the family, also hired an outside caregiver to help with the heavier stuff like showering their wheelchair bound mother. I'm really glad that your 5 siblings help. That is so nice. Your mom is very fortunate.... Let's hope it won't be so bad when it's time for your mom to go back to your brother at the end of her time with you. You take care.

On the a very positive note, my 5 siblings are amazing in filling in helping Mom while we wait for an opening at AL.   Everybody is pitching in, doing what they can, and we are all on the same page - which is caring the best for Mom (who has dementia) while at the same time not giving up our lives or expecting the others to.  And Mom is doing her best too, although she is confused and not always happy with the situation.  But she trusts us and tells us so.  We are all so fortunate to have each other!!!!

I'm a worrying in advance about next week. Mom is going to be here with me for a couple days for doctor's appointments. She has been staying with my brother to give me a break from care-taking, and will be going back my brother's afterwards. This is the first time she's been here since she left, and I'm worried about how it will be for her coming back, and then having to leave again. She really wants to be at her own place (she lived in a MIL that is part of my house) and I'm afraid it will be doubly tough when she has to leave it a second time.

I like to think the plastic pouch falling off was your Dad's way of gently reminding you to finish all this paperwork so you can move on and relax some Book! Nice ghostie nudge!

After I received mom's Medicare card, I went to the hanging letter bag that I file all of dad's stuff - medicare and secondary insurance cards, house insurance, 1 retirement check stub, etc.. (Basic stuff that I need if I need to call for an appointment or emergencies.)  I was searching for the latest of mom's Medicare card. I opened up dad's very old wallet. It has his driver's license that expired Sep 2008, gun license that expired 2005, and mom's black/white high school picture dated 1949-1950. She was 16 years old based on those dates.  Wow, I never knew that he kept a picture of mom in his wallet.

Tonight, as oldest sis was passing by me, something fell and landed noisily. I turned. Sis stopped and turned. I asked her what was that? She said that something fell over there. I got up to look behind the partition. Sis bent down and picked up - Dad's blue large plastic pouch with zipper and dividers inside  - that I put all of dad's original papers (funeral, both their death certificates, birth certificates, marriage cert., etc...) I said, "Ohhhhh." Sis brusquely said, "Don't think about it. Just shrug it off." {Hehehe.. Everyone knows that I'm a scaredy-cat.}

Well, I may be missing dad once in a while. But I sure Do Not Want his spirit visiting me!!! Older sis was expecting his visit (like all the relatives who die, they visit her.) She was surprised that he hasn't. Hmmm.. After I'm done here, I'm going to write to her. Since he just visited me now, maybe he did her - or will soon. Might as well warn her.

I don't know what happened. I kept trying and trying to recall my conversation with Social Security. When I called last week to cancel dad's coverage, the lady asked me if there's any survivor (dependents). I said no. That mom passed away 3 years ago. Well, today, I received mom's Medicare card for Part A & B! OMGosh! I will now have to call them back again. The strange thing is - when mom passed away, Dad's retirement check went up. I just figured it increased because he's no longer paying for mom's medical insurance. I'm so confuse. I will see if I can come home during my lunch hour next week and try calling SocSecurity.

I reluctantly went to visit fave sis today after work at 12:00noon. I really do want my Sundays for myself. When dad was alive, I so looked forward to sis dropping by on Sundays. Now, I feel as if she's infringing on my Sunday. I decided that maybe if I visit her today, she won't come and visit tomorrow. I soooo hope I made the right deduction... Now, I will just have to tell fave niece that we will now limit our regular Sunday video chatting from 3 hours to down to 1 hour. I'm also beginning to resent that fave sis visits me on my Sunday mornings, and fave niece takes up 3 hours of my Sunday afternoons. I'm going to have to learn to say No and not feel guilty. And if I can't say No, then find a way to avoid it (like visiting sis on Saturday so that she doesn't come on a Sunday.)... A weekend is really not much of a weekend when you work on a Saturday, off on a Sunday, then back to work on Monday....

Bookluvr, thank-you for your interest. One of these days when I am not so busy moving house etc, I would be happy to share with you my story and I will for sure. :)

Gershun, your words resonated with my last therapy. As a child growing up in a very dysfunctional childhood, in order to survive the ongoing trauma, I learned - as a child - to lock my emotions deep down. This way, whatever was done to me, I was able to handle it. As an adult going to therapy, after some questions from my therapist, she was amazed that I and my siblings survived into adult 'normal' (as in not into crimes.) She explained to me why I was not able to experience happiness, joy, etc... She said all these other emotions are locked inside me. She warned me that if I continue to do therapy, it will begin to crack that wall. Whether I want to remember my past or not - I will have no control over it. I didn't and don't want to remember my childhood. So, I quit therapy.... My 2 younger sisters refuse to go to therapy to remember their childhoods. They both drew the line on that when they were in therapy. My oldest sis Tried - but quit when the going got rough. She couldn't handle the memories coming up. It's sad. But, I'm trying to find alternative ways to find emotions or build new ones up. You know what I mean?

I'd love to hear your journey - if you're willing to share. I just love to hear of people's stories. I think everyone's lives are so fascinating. Because we all grew up differently. New. Unusual. And we face situations so differently, too!

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