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Oh BOOKLUVR, I'm so sorry you are feeling poorly!

I have a sister who is allergic to most Rx Drugs, but thankfully Codeine isn't one of them. It must be terrible to be potentially allergic to pain meds as we all need them at some point, especially our age! 

It seems like we all have had episodes of injuring ourselves, needing surgery, or like for dental or chest pain, and it would be awful to need pain meds and not be able to take them! . 

I'm still having problems with stress/chest symptoms, and I'm seeing a Cardiologist for it. So far I've had a 48 hours monitor, and I'm scheduled for a stress echocardiogram. But what I really think it is is plain Posts Caregiving Stress, which affects my chest wall and diaphram. My diaphram is really hurting like it's strained or something. It affects my breathing too, it Sucks! I hope they can figure it out soon!

I hope you are feeling better soon too! Guiafenisin is good for cough, if you can take it! Take care!  Cool your Boss thinks enough of you to pay you anyway!  

Book Codeine metabolizes to morphine so you can get the same side effects.
I don't know if I have ever taken morphine before but my last couple of ER visits i was given some and it made very nauseated. Our hospital usually uses Fentynal for painful proceedure so now that is banned I have no idea what they will use.

bookluvr, I can't take codeine, either, as it make me feel like someone is squeezing my lungs and I can't breath. So I wear a medical alert because of that.

I tried Sudafed back in the 1970's and after 3 days I couldn't stop crying, weird side effect. So the doctor said don't take any sinus pills from the "fed" family of pills. The only allergy relief pills I found successful is "chlorpheniramine maleate" which comes n 4mg. Sold in most drug stores under the store brandname and is very inexpensive. But it does make me very sleepy.

Medicine are tough for those of us who are pill sensitive. We may not be sensitive to the medicine itself but the fillers used by the manufacture to make the pill large enough for one to pick up.... or sensitive to the bonding used to glue the pill together.... or sensitive to the coating used to make the pill easier to swallow.

For myself, I found Mylan manufacturing I had the least side effects.

It’s as if by reaching the age 40, I became slowly sensitive to so many things. It’s really irritating. I rarely take meds unless I have to. So to find out when I need the Sudafed or Zyrtec is now causing my eyes to swell from just one pill, it’s so frustrating. It’s just very fortunate I have a high pain tolerance. But deep down, I think 24/7 stress from work and then come home to caregiving and dad’s abuses for years had weakened my immune system.

Most women go through menopause. I think I bypassed it very briefly. My SIL said it took her years to finally stop having the symptoms. I’m a bit over 50 and still waiting for it. Fave sis is going through it. She’s 2 years younger than me and she’s hating it. She is such a grouch now! And she lately has been saying hurtful words. I no longer really want to hang around with her. I just keep reminding myself that she’s going through meno. She was there for me all these years, I can certainly be there in her grouchy stage.

Thanks, Cwillie.

You are sensitive to so many things, it must be a real challenge to find the balance between meds that help or harm. I hope you can figure something out and get some rest.

Cwillie, I have taken meds with codeine. It gives me a pounding headache - worse than a migraine. It's almost similar to a headache caused by MSG (monosodium glutamate.) It's a kind of headache that no Excedrin can make it go away. Sleeping it away is impossible because it's pounding so hard - boom! boom! boom! you cannot even rest your head on a pillow... I've never taken codeine with a cough medicine. I was being very hopeful that I won't experience that awful headache. Migraine headache is one thing. That terrible codeine/MSG headache is a totally different thing. I think it's like 15 times worse than a migraine.

Have you never had any codeine before Book? Almost every medicine comes with dire warnings, maybe just try a half dose in the morning or during the day  to see how you react to it.

Fave sis visited this morning. She brought breakfast plates for oldest sis and I. It was 2 meat shishkabobs, 2 scoops fried rice and a large portion of pancit (very thin Filipino style noodles)..

Anyway, I was telling her that the doctor Rx a strong cough medicine with codeine... She said that’s wonderful... I said that I was about to take it lastnight but read the leaflets included with the Rx. It warned several times that one of the side effects is that it can stop you from breathing. Several times it warned about that.

Sis asked me, “Are you afraid of dying?”

I replied indignantly, “I’m not afraid of dying! It’s just that ... I’ve spent over 23 years taking care of mom and dad. Now that .... they’re both no longer here, I think it would suck that now that I’m finally Free, I would die!! I have plans! I want to travel. I have a goal to travel next year!”

Sis... oh, yeah.. that’s true.

bookluvr-I am glad you are ok.

Sendhelp-That is so true about sanity and biking. I had to get out on my bike today, for my sanity.

That is good news Book!
I feel you have earned a break today!

I had used up all my paid vacation leave when dad was in the ER and then to do the funeral preparation and day of funeral... The past week I was down with the flu, it was 4 days of leave without pay. I got paid last Friday but I just now opened my check. I had a pleasant surprise. My boss paid me those days which should be without pay. They’re being very generous because I normally have 20 days (1 month) vacation leave every year. Since I already budgeted this payday as short 4 days, the ‘extra’ money will be going to my emergency fund.

Wow book, I never would have guessed. Thank you.

Glad, big cars are the norm now. Did you know that my nephew had a difficult time finding 4 brand new rims for my Corolla? All the shops he called said that they rarely carry small rims. Here on island, it’s SUVs, Monteros, high bulky squarish jeeps, big he-man pick up trucks. Our roads are terrible. We only have dry season and rainy season. Even a one hour nonstop heavy downpour would flood all the roads. Our road storm drainage is laughable. The only road from the main road to my house gets flooded fast and the flooded area stretches far. Several times, my car felt like it’s about to die. I’m driving , leaning forward, and mumbling, “You can make it. Don’t die. You can make it... Remember that huge pot hole! Don’t hit it or it’ll break something metal.. Darn, I think I’m no longer driving on the road but the shoulder lane... slowly go back to the pavement...” .. it’s very stressful driving on that one long single lane to our house. I would have bought a bigger car if I could have afforded one. I had to take a 6 year car loan in order to make the monthly payment, plus the insurance, house bills, etc...

Book, a blessing for sure, and someone is watching out for you. Big black pickups seem like they would be completely unnecessary there. Course some just need to make a statement.

Send, full mouth with tongue? With a stranger who did that with numerous females? Eew! Good thing you changed seats!

I went to the clinic today. My upper chest pain is getting worse. This morning, a few feet of walking and I was bending over huffing and puffing, trying to breathe. When I reached the 3rd floor at work, I was breathing hard shallow breathes. When I bent to turn on the vacuum cleaner, my chest tightened and I couldn’t breathe. Needless to say, I did a terrible job of vacuuming our office. After work, I went to the post office. By the time I got back to the car, I was panting inside the car. Next was the clinic. They did a chest X-ray. Nothing wrong. Doctor says I don’t have pneumonia. Maybe I pulled a chest muscle while coughing. He Rx a cough medicine with codeine... I’m hoping I can handle the side effects of codeine. I’m desperate for something to stop the terrible night coughing.

I came home. Oldest sis doesn’t work, doesn’t pay any bills. She’s a heavy smoker. She’s always on the front porch smoking. Our front porch is bigger than my work’s office. I came home and saw all those mango leaves everywhere. I was really exhausted but I felt compelled to sweep it out. As I slowly swept the floor and dumped the leaves out, sis came out. In my head, I was getting mad at her that because she doesn’t contribute financially to the bills, the least she can do is keep the house clean. Why do I have to clean the mold outside the refrigerator? Or sweep the porch? Or clean the shower and bathroom floor and toilet? .. I need to clean inside the fridge. I’m never fresh enough to tackle that. I will need strength which I rarely had for years.

I know what I need. Just like when mom passed away, I took a week off and flew to Hawaii. The whole time I was there, I was too exhausted to do anything. I think I spent the majority of time in bed, resting. Every time sis and I tried walking, I got exhausted immediately. We had to go back to the hotel.... Too bad I used up all my vacation leave. I could have booked a hotel room in the middle of tourist area for a week here on this island. I could get the local discount rate.... too bad...

Tour Bus Chronicles!
Glad that was a miss!

My Sil and I were at a Las Vegas show, were seated at the stage edge. I asked to move my seat. Out comes John Davidson? and pulls Sil up on the her a tongue in mouth kiss, made her dance on stage. I was so very glad that was a miss too!

My husband rides with a group of people now, so I don't mind he goes. It is safer.
Getting out can save your sanity. He empties the trash before he goes, and before I get up.

Yesterday, I was driving to the mall for lunch. I was driving in the tourist area, 2 lane road. I hate driving on the lane close to the sidewalk because there’s constant stopping and going. A tour bus happened to be on that lane, meaning it will stop to pick up passengers. So, I was driving on the other lane. I admired the brand new black big he-man pick up truck in front of me, with the temporary license plate that advertises it’s a brand new purchase until the the new owner can get the permanent license plate.... I suddenly decided to switch lane, behind the tour bus, near the sidewalk. I was mad at myself for the sudden switch. Couldn’t I have waited until I passed the bus?  And why did I suddenly change to that lane?... We hit the red traffic light. Groaning... because I can’t switch back to my previous lane because cars came to stop beside me.... It was a long red light.... I suddenly saw the van on my left (it took my spot on that previous lane) jerk forward fast and hard .. and slammed hard into that brand new pick up truck! I quickly looked at the traffic signal light. It was still red. I gasped and exclaimed, “What the hell are you doing!” ... OMG... my heart was beating so hard. That van would have slammed into my small Corolla if I hadn’t changed lane last minute... This is one time I can honestly say I’m so glad my instincts acted without my brain’s input! .. I cannot afford a new car or any major repairs. I wouldn’t be able to afford renting a car while my car is out of commission.

Sendhelp-Not employment. But my bike can help me get out of the house for several hours. There is also appointments'.

Yeah but, your heart was still sensitive, and it hurt.
Going out now to pick up hubs, he was late today so taking his bike was out, it was also very hot, and he dressed for work.
Do you have an outside employment to get you out of the house more?

Sendhelp-I knew it wasn't the truth.

Okay Chris!
It often takes people with dementia challenges more time to come to their senses.

Sorry you were treated like an idiot by your mother. You hopefully did not receive that as truth, because you know that is not true.

Maybe, if you charged her she would respect your skills more?

Good outcome! imo.

Sendhelp-The guy never showed up. Because he forgot. My mother realizes. That she should have asked me in the first place.

Sendhelp-My mother wanted a guy in town to examine two Win95-based computers so she could take them to the computer reclamation center. When I asked her why she wanted him to do it. She basically called me an idiot when it comes to computers.

I have training in PC, Network, and Server Repair. Both PCs have Win95 as an OS. She has made no upgrades to these computers in twenty years.

But I am still an idiot in her eyes.

Good to know. How are you maintaining today? Are things any better for you?

Sendhelp-The deck has a metal canopy bolted to it so things wouldn't get wet.

Book, more to the point an accurate BP reading depends on your not being stressed out. So next time you're seated uncomfortably, speak up! I'm sure she could have found you an ordinary old chair to sit on.

Went to work late today because I had my urologist appointment today. They have an old weight scale that doesn't even have a height measurement. I was told to sit on the chair to have my BP checked. The chair was tall. My feet was dangling so I bent it behind me to the rungs. Then, I remembered an accurate BP requires that your legs are not bent under you. So, I left it dangling. Then, there was no place to put my arm for the BP. I had it dangling. So, she took my arm and placed it on top of the metal cage bin (not a solid top, opened bin for supplies). My hand started to get numb and then my fingers became numb and then crossed and stayed stuck. I stared at my numbed hand and tried not to move my now tingling legs dangling in the air. In the end, I put my feet back on the chair rung and kept moving my fingers as she was taking the BP. I don't know... Is this urologist too poor that he cannot afford a normal height chair, modern weight scale and a stand to rest the arm that is having the BP done?

Here on island, we have green leaves all year round. I remember when I went to Hawaii on a business trip. I took the tour package from the hotel on my spare time. That was my very first time to see a tree with bright yellow leaves! I was in awe. By the time I remembered to take a photo of it, the tour bus passed by. I was so disappointed.

Years later, on a business trip, I went to Korea. I took a tour to the old Korean village town. Gasp! I saw my very first pink leaves tree. It was beautiful! About 2 years ago, taking my Colorado niece around the island, I ... saw a tree with purple leaves! I gave my iPad and told my oldest bro to take my photo. I posted it on FB. An Texan FB friend wanted to know the name of that purple tree. Heck, I don't know! I didn't even know we had one until I went around the island... My family knows how I love scenic/tree photos. When they remember, they will send me their trees. Baby sis has sent me 2 yellow leaves tree so far. It's soooo pretty (but not as pretty as the purple leaves.).. .. One day, I will get to see the mainland's autumn tree leaves. It would be beautiful with all the different color red/orange/etc... mixed all together.

Sorry, but tree colors have been exceptional in Minnesota this fall. We had a lot of rain this summer which I guess is one reason it's so beautiful.

My mom always loved autumn. Today would've been her 81st birthday. She's been gone six months. It's true the first milestones are the hardest. I miss you mom!

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