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RogerMOkie, people always praise you for being there taking care of your parents. Those who have gone through it ... I don't think I would ever be able to really compliment another caregiver. Like you, I thought I was in a prison. A prison of obligation and expectations from family, the medical community, the culture, etc... I think I would just give you a weak smile and say, "I've been there. I know what it's like. I would offer to help you but after 25 years of it, I don't think I can go back to that. Here's some money. Use it to splurge on yourself or hire someone so that you can get a breather away from the house."

Patticake... yeah, I think we all go through that. Those barbs of comments. I remember my dad doing that & watching me carefully to see if it hit the target. I've learned to show no emotions no matter how painful it was. Never show them that it hurts. It will just encourage them to continue. I still remember the times I couldn't take it anymore, and we would have one of our famous yelling sessions.

Funny with all the company today I wanted to come here for ... comfort? Companionship? Truth? I don’t know. I sure though feel better especially reading what tgengine said.
Mom puts on such a show for others. ( Won’t bore you with her little comments that I should let roll off my shoulders.) Just being here with you all that are understanding is enough. Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for the many posts on this website.

Caregiving is so lonely bc its so hard to find anyone outside of this website who truly knows what it's like to be a caregiver, mainly bc we're all so busy that we don't have time for anything.

I have people who say I'm do sweet for doing what I'm doing and some say they would do the same thing, but they have no idea what is like and I'm sure most wouldn't be able to do it for the long haul like myself and many others on here are doing. They really dont know what its like. I want to run away so badly, but I can't and won't. I'm finding that im so stressed that I'm having a hard time remembering things and I can't stand it! There's no light at the end of the tunnel.

Book, I can remember my mom hugging a pillow if she coughed or sneezed after her heart surgery, maybe keep one handy?

Reinjured my upper chest muscle - from sneezing during our TG meal. Excruciating pain, tightening around upper chest and barely able to breathe. Lost some strength on my right arm. Was worried how I was to drive home but bro volunteered himself to be my driver. 2 days later still in pain.

This morning I googled on how to heal from a pulled upper chest muscle... oh my... I’ve been doing shallow breathing most of the time. This is Not good because it can lead to infection (in the lung, I presume) and pneumonia. Yikes! ... I’ve been gently massaging the area because it makes me feel better. Uhm, it says don’t massage.... Epsom salt bath not possible since we don’t have a bathtub..... and exercises instructions from my doctor after diagnosed. Uhm, no, doctor just said I had pulled a muscle. No advice about my telling him that I struggled breathing, only doing shallow ones to avoid pain..... and now I find out that it’s important I avoid shallow breathing. Sneezed twice lastnight.  Don’t know how to avoid straining the pulled muscle when sneezing.  D*rn it!

I’m going to have to buy asprin. Asprin works better for this than Tylenol... and this will take longer to heal.... gotta get ready for work.

Tgengine, Happy Thanksgiving back to you... and to everyone on the forums :)

To all of the caregivers out there, Happy Thanksgiving". I hope you get a chance to relax.

Dad is away for a week, SIL is out of the house and both daughters are here. So relaxing already. Dad did call last night and put on a show for all to hear on his end, asking how the girls are, if I am going hunting and why not. All of these things could have been accomplished 10 hours before when he was here.He puts on a caring show when my family is around to hear how much he cares. Will he ask the same when he is in front of us at my house? No. I was pretty snippy at him on the phone and my wife chidded me until I explained he did it in front of my sister to make himself look good as usual.... Oh, he will be helping to cook there for a day.... Yup, I dont let him do anything here..... but sister will... for a day until he leaves there...... Yup, "divorced Disney parent syndrome"...

Now time for me to chilax!!!!! Happy Holidays!

Thank for the positives. Dad seems just fine now that he went to his back surgeon. Haven't heard a word about his discomfort. He is up and out for meals and meetings. He is planning on a log drive to sisters to the holiday then to camp for a week.
SIL stopped by to get some more items. He hasn't changed. At least we can talk. I am the middleman so there is no issues. They need separation right now. He has no reason to stop by now, all his stuff he has or it is in storage and he has the key. Next is paperwork to complete the process. Amazing how the tension has decreased. For those with an alcoholic and someone who lives with depression please get them help. We couldn't get him help as he hasn't found bottom yet. I offered again and again to help him. It is a hard road for everyone involved.

I bought several of their CDs to listen while driving. But it’s not as funny as hearing their radio show. I think the funny brother was the one who had Alzheimer.

Book, I loved Car Talk too. They were an institution up here

I love to listen to NPR Car Talk. I haven’t gone to NPR to listen in over a year. I currently have 3 electronic devices on my table. IPad, a 2014 Kindle used mainly for ebooks audibles. I was just about to go and shower when the small Jam speaker started playing NPR Car Talk. I stared at the speaker that I’ve linked with the kindle Audible. I opened the kindle cover, it’s showing home page. I went online... nothing. NPR is not playing from that device. Not on my kindle for reading. Not playing from the iPad.... ohhhhh.... my laptop is off... I don’t know where that speaker is hooked up to... If that speaker doesn’t end in 30 minutes, I’m hoping shutting it off will work.

Edit: Found it the audible kindle. It’s not running from the Silk browser.  Not Newsstand. Not Audiobooks. Nor Music, Apps...I don’t even know where to turn it off on this kindle. I’m just going to shut everything off and reboot.

I just saw Books post about BBQ. Every region is different of course, but if I was invited to a BBQ and all they served was hot dogs I would be shocked too! (Unless it was a birthday party for 5 year olds). Sheesh, if they couldn't afford fork out for decent meal I'm sure the guests would have been happy to bring the side dishes pot luck style.

Book chan
Hope niece gets to enjoy a good thanksgiving holiday meal

Some Asian immigrants will serve rice with the turkey instead of bread stuffing

I was laughing today when niece says that people give her a weird look when she talks about the spirits. When she visits people, she automatically asks the spirit for permission to enter. (Yes, this is our local custom. If you don't ask for permission, they can cause bruises on your body, make you become sick - and no white man's medicine can heal you. The local healer will tell you that you must go back to where and the time you offended the spirit and ask forgiveness.) I cracked up laughing as she tries to explain our culture and beliefs and that she didn't want to offend their spirit. People ask her - aren't you a Catholic? She said yea. But that doesn't mean I'm going to disrespect my ancient ancestors and your spirits. Uhm.. my niece is more into our local custom than I.

She said that she met 2 mothers - Korean and Japanese. They all seem to congregate together automatically. They all miss the most - authentic Asian meals. The Korean mom finally asked my niece where she came from - when my niece said she misses Kimchii, rice, pancit, and real fresh sushi, etc...

Niece said to me.. Aunty, do you know when they say they're having a BBQ, what does that mean? I said yes. Uncle told me that when he first moved to the states, he was excited to be invited to a BBQ. When he got there, the food was only hot dogs. Niece said, Yes! She went to a BBQ, and it was Just Hot Dogs. No pizza. No anything. Just hot dogs... Our BBQ, usually involves the guys attending the BBQ pit barbecuing chicken, then short ribs, then clams. We have rice, pancit (noodles), potato salad. That's a simple BBQ. It's not hot dogs. Hot dogs is snack to tide the kids over until the real food is ready. So, after the 'BBQ', they went to the park, where a Filipino food truck was located. The kids saw the pictures of pancit and lumpia and they insisted on buying their food there.... She told me aghast, "Aunty, at the BBQ, no one cared that the flies landed on the food! I refused to let the kids eat the hot dog. I forced myself to eat one to not appear rude.. and I had diarrhea for several days. Only me and not the kids." Her and the kids are still going through culture shock....

Tgengine, glad that things are smoothing out now... Reprieve. Take advantage of it. Enjoy yourselves!

CrazyWife, I couldn't help but giggle at your 1st sentence. I remembered when I first found this site. I knew how to take care of a bedridden parent. But when my dad got his stroke and also became bedridden, I panicked. I was never a 'full-time' 24/7 caregiver. I was dad's night shift and weekend shift caregiver for mom. And now, I had Two Bedridden Parents! I googled "how to take care of 2 elderly bedridden parents" and this site popped up.... I realized how so much worse others had. I learned, in the beginning, to just hop around the different threads for lighter but informative threads. I was devouring sooo much stuff - even those that didn't apply to me. I realized that soon my parents will reach that stage so I might as well be forewarned.

I learned that some family caregivers can be paid, others from the goodness of their heart (or guilted into it.) And I learned how big a difference our culture was.

tg -I am glad this has been accomplished and you all are feeling the benefits. Great that dad is gong away for Thanksgiving. Hope your dd stays firm in keeping apart from sil and in finding her own place. She needs to build her own life. Dad may well be feeling a little insecure as Veronica said. Good! Enjoy the holidays!

Amazing on how much tension has reduced with SIL out of the house. Daughter is much better. I have to ride the wave because I know there will be a crash. Dad is a bit less of an issues right now. He is busy with church and club although he is good at playing Tom Sawyer in getting daughter to do things for him. She is learning to say know. For years he would buy gifts and have my sister wrap them Christmas eve. He loves to buy things and have others prepare them and then take the credit.... He is going to sisters for thanksgiving. It is a long drive and I cannot stop him. Hopefully he will be OK. If I see any issues coming soon of his driving I fear having to reduce his mobility as I will be the one to do it all. It is funny, he had his back surgeon appointment but not a word. I can only assume there is no issue otherwise I would have heard about a planned surgery..... hmmmmm. Been pretty quiet on that issue lately.
Looking forward to the first Thanksgiving with just the girls in 10 years! Whooo hooo! Momosas and cinnamon buns in the morning watching the parade, a game on TV and a light dinner and a movie afterward! Maybe even taking the dogs for a walk!

Crazywife, wouldn't it be great to get paid for taking care of our love ones, but logistically not feasible to do. The money to pay us would need to come from the taxpayer, thus anything that says "tax" would need to be raised drastically to offer caregivers compensation. There are a lot of us out there.

I know for myself, my parents aging came as a surprise.... guess I thought they would continue to walk 2 miles per day as they approached 100. Keep up volunteer work, yard work, get their own groceries, do their own shopping, and doctor appointments. I know, I was naive, I never saw my grandparents nor aunts/uncles age due to long distance.

The only thing we can do is educate the next generation into saving for those "rainy days" like what my parents had done. I don't know what I would have done if they hadn't saved. But I know this isn't always an option for everyone. Wish something could be done. Like a program where the government would match dollar for dollar for a saving account that is untouchable until one is in need of caregivers or assisted living. Not like long-term-care insurance which can be limited.

One can also check with their local Agency on Aging to see what is available. Like Meals On Wheels which would be helpful for those who hate to cook, or have limited means on preparing a meal.

Also check out the articles on Aging Care. Go to the bottom of this page to the blue section and click on what is of interest.

I came to this site seeking ideas on how to cope with being a caregiver, After reading pages of various situations and comments I became even more depressed!!
But then I realized that there is not much in resources for this job of caregiver outside of venting . Respite or home health is often not an option financially . For the caregiver If they are a spouse or family member there is no salary , no benefits neverending hours 24/7 . Seems to me it is time for to recognize these people provide healthcare and should receive some compensation and breaks as the patients would be in very costly nursing homes if not for us

Book chan
Ki o tsukete, ne

bookluvr, I am also no longer a caregiver as both of my parents have now passed.

For me, I have gotten so much excellent advice from everyone here, that I feel good about coming back and sharing my experiences hoping to help others.

So, please keep on posting, Book :)

You are very wise to not want to stay late at work when everyone else has gone home.
Is there anyway you could change your schedule, go in an hour earlier? I know with some jobs (like any accounting/bookkeeping/taxes) one needs the space and some quiet to concentrate. I used to go in on a Saturday for billing, but that did not exactly work.
One is still there working alone, another doctor came looking for my boss. Well, he stayed, talking..talking...trying to lead the conversation the wrong way, talking about affairs when you are married, even going so far to say he (and I) were having an intellectual affair, No we were not! I left and later told my boss. So, working alone in an empty building is just not good for you, although I know other people who do. Well, I would have been better off IF the building were actually EMPTY! Lol.  But that was many years ago, and today's world is more unsafe staying late.

All these years, the adrenaline, the flight or fight hormones running through the body at times of stress, it is the same when you are afraid. Take away the fear factor, and you might feel so much better!

Good blessings to you, wherever you are posting, you are appreciated. And any caregiver who has lost someone is welcome, like an alumni, anywhere, posting anywhere, visiting old friends on here. One doesn't have to be helping, or receiving help, just showing up where you are loved and welcome counts!

I love your posts and I learn from people on here of all ages and in all stages of caregiving. That's including the people that are finished. Besides that, I would miss any of your ghost stories!

Agreed, Veronica. I also felt, and still do at times, as Book does. I think it is also part of NEEDING to get past the caregiving.

Book you may not be a caregiver at this time but you have many years of experience which is helpful to share in retrospect. Much of your experience is unique and well worth sharing on any thread.

Send, you're very perceptive. To answer your question, I no longer feel comfortable in posting on this thread. I'm no longer a caregiver. I feel like an imposter when I post here. So, I just scroll around the topics and just respond to those that catches my eye.

Hi Send. I've been very busy at work - juggling the books and the reservations. GRT is coming up soon. And I have NOT finished October's books! I just haven't been feeling like leaving work late. Our sun sets early now. I work on the 3rd floor. Most of the business offices on the 3rd floor closes at 5pm. We close at 5:30pm. By 6pm, it's dark. The 3rd floor is so... quiet... isolated... scary when you don't hear any noises from any of the offices. Then I have to walk (clunk, clunk, clunk) down the outdoor circular stairs. Sometimes, when I'm scared because it's soooo quiet and isolated, I'm literally running down the stair (clack! clack! clack!) Then.. I have a Long walk in the dark isolated parking lot. Sometimes, I park far or not near the street light. Heart pumping, I'm still running to my car. D*rn, both of my car keys ran out of batteries. I now have to insert the key to lock/unlock it. I need to take the time to buy the batteries. Tonight, I was scared (don't recall why), but I ran fast to my car. Inserted the key - the wrong way - and just locked my car instead of unlocking it. Grrr!! I wonder if the place is haunted. I try so hard not to think about it. Out of sight, out of mind.

Because lately, I refuse to work late, past 6pm, I'm just soooo behind with work. I'm back to sleeping on my sofa bed in the livingroom. It's much cooler than my bedroom. I'm sleeping better, too. I guess after sleeping over 20 years in the livingroom (with my bedridden parent/s), I sleep better there than in my own bedroom.

Hi Bookluvr!
Have not written to you in awhile. Wondering just how you have been. Please know that you are not forgotten, ever, and we look up to you. Recently wanted to comment on your good answers around the forum. Are you still posting on this thread?

Just cannot wait to hear when you will have a much deserved vacation to wherever you want to go. Talk soon, okay?

This is National Caregiver month, and just want you to know you are celebrated too!

How am I today? Well,, I may be crazy,, but.. we just bought a new puppy! She comes home next week and we are naming her Karma,, because this could come back to bite us in the arse! But,, she will be company for mom, and give her something to do! Then we don't have to worry she is lonely when the daughters dog goes back (the shared custody thing..LOL) She is tiny Chug,, the runt of the litter so we are hoping she tops out at 10=15 LBS.

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