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Thanks, ABB. That's the kind of crying I want to do. I remembered doing that for mom, 18 months after her death. It was a final release for me. It was unnerving, wasn't it? To cry so hard and not know why. I finally realized - after the fact - that it was me, finally mourning mom's death. I agree with you - it could be the combination of everything you went through your dad, then your new life and the stress.

Micalost! I thought I responded to you when you posted. I tend to read here when I wake up in the early mornings. It can be 3am, 4am, etc... Maybe I was typing and fell asleep in the middle of doing it. I remembered I was going to tell you that I wish I knew how to put on makeup. I tried to teach myself in my early 20's. I learned that it irritates my eyes - even if I'm not wearing any eye makeup.

I like your 'new' life changes - makeup, real clothes, dropping people that you have no desire to spend time with. I tried to do that - to isolate myself from everyone. I know just how you feel! I haven't been able to do that, though. Fave sis gets worried if I try to avoid spending time with her every weekend. I'm happy for you! =)

Whirled, thanks. 20 years! Well, I still have very fond memories of Nana (dad's mother.) She was the only adult who ever hugged us kids. We always fought to sit on her lap. (Later, I found out that she also told my newly married sister's husband that he has her permission to beat up her granddaughter if she misbehaves... .Uhm.. part of our culture - very old fashion on the men and women's places. Okay for men to fool around since they can't get pregnant... etc...)  I used to have very fond memories of Nana until older sis told me this.... ... Or the times she would pull out her long sagging breast and flip it over her shoulder.  We, young ones, found it so hilarious to see her do it.  {At the time, we didn't know that this is a no-no.  I don't think mom or dad knew she did this.  I think....} ...Sorry, I got side-tracked.

That smiling pic of your dad sounds nice, Book. I'm sure you are still processing many, many feelings with him gone after being in the same household for such a long time.

About a month ago, I went through some tears. At the time, it made me feel unsettled that I could cry so much. I hadn't cried so hard in many years it felt like to me, even when maybe I should have been, so why all the tears NOW...? So it does seem to happen like that sometimes, where the tears fall when they're ready, and you may cry and grieve very strongly for a day or week when your mind decides it's time. I've felt no more feelings of strong sadness since that cry a month ago. I've stopped crying and just looking forward more and more to a new chapter in my life. I did have some recurrence of stress symptoms, but making my new life is somewhat stressful, so I guess I can't expect to be stress free, but I am sad-free these days. :-)

Bookluvr - I'm glad you chose (and fought for!) that photo! That's a really sweet thing you did for your dad. And, please talk about him as much as you want. I think it's important. I still talk about my beloved grandmother, and she's been gone almost 20 years! I'll join you in the tears for dads, though...

Today, for me, I'm wishing it wasn't almost Christmas. I just want to get past the holidays. I haven't decorated my house, so that I can pretend it's March or something. I miss Dad.

I woke up this morning thinking of dad. The usual feeling of guilt comes over me when I do. That morning was one of those times I ignored my guts. It’s hard because none of my family ever brings him up. Out of sight, out of mind. I rarely talk about him since no one does. Lately, the rare times I bring him up, I stumble over saying the word ‘dad’.

One thing I’m grateful for. I’m so glad that the obituary photo I chose couldn’t be changed by angry oldest brother. I chose a picture of dad in his tshirt - smiling. When oldest bro saw that, he wanted a pic of unsmiling dad wearing an island print shirt. He said that no one would recognize dad in my photo.... I don’t care! Because I spent time with dad, He became nicer to me. It took a lot of effort for me to engage him in talking, especially making him laugh. {I learned this from watching the home care nurses and the govt caregivers handle grumpy dad until he’s smiling and talking.} Sooooo, I’m glad that his final photo for everyone to see - is his smiling face {which the family rarely sees since they never took the time with him.} ... few drops of tears... I’m still waiting for the full blown bawling that lets me know I’m finally done mourning....

For the first time ever I purchased makeup in a makeup store. I do not usually wear makeup but I can now focus on myself.
I did my eyebrows after years.
I also got rid of many t-shirts and instead of the thrift store I bought a couple tops from a real store.
For the first time, I took off my jeans and sneakers and put on lounge clothes- because i dont have to be ready to run out the door.
My mom is safe and well at the home.
I stopped communication with everyone and feel so much better not being burdened with them. I only have 3 people in my life i communicate with now- brother,bf, mom. No more "friends" or family. I think i am finally feeling better...
Except that I am now a caregiver again , albeit a cold one because of my PTSD...
(sorry, dont know where i was going with this , just putting it in type)

Book, I think I would write out a formal balance sheet showing the true cost of the care you and oldest sister provided vs the cost of your "room and board" all these years, I'm pretty sure which side of the ledger will be in the red. Keep several copies with you to hand out to all the know it alls who think you both were mooching off of your parents. Better yet, post it on facebook for all the world to see. They will never get it until they see it in black and white, and it will save you having to constantly defend yourself.

As I mentioned earlier, SIL and I were talking. She had the nerve to say that she agreed with dad that oldest sis should Not be paid to help take care of him. SIL couldn't believe that I also paid sis (on top of dad's measly $200/month). I quickly got so angry. These people All know how terrible our father was. They All avoid him. But, oh noooo. Because oldest sis and I are single and no dependents under us - we should take care of dad for Free! Especially since we're living in his own house!

I told her straight, no sugar-coating like I usually do: When dad became bedridden, I had 2 bedridden parents to take care of. I worked full time. NOBODY stepped up to help me with them. What did you guys expect from me? To quit my job to take care of both of them? Hell NO! If I had to choose, I would choose my job. I would have gone to the nursing home, told them they can take over bedridden mom and dad - take dad's house and land as payment. I was not about to quit my job! Since no one stepped up to help me (note, SIL who lives right next door, whom my oldest brother admitted at mom's funeral that he was suppose to be the one to take care of the parents, and they have 2 grown up sons who aren't working, a DIL who is not working - living right next door to us. Yet NONE of them offered to help me with the bedridden parents).. I ASKED oldest sis to come and help. I offered her money as incentive - since No One stepped up to help.

Her response? Oh, you asked her to help? ..
What the HECK!!! No One Stepped Up to Help Me when Dad had his stroke and became bedridden. Ohhhh but when mom and him died, they ALL insisted we split the funeral money equally! sigh... I'm getting my blood pressure up. Soooo Oldest sis and I were suppose to help take care of bedridden parents because they're our parents and we're living with them in their house????  Heck, mom and dad had 8 Children. What about the other 6 children?  Don't they too should be helping since that is their parents????  and... How the Hell did they expect us to caregive by NOT living with these 2 bedridden parents - whom one needed constant suctioning of the trache almost every 5 minutes?!?  Of course, we needed to live in the same house as the bedridden parents!  ohhhhhhh. I need to stop. High cholesterol and all that. No need to get a heart attack over this... It's over and done with... If they can just drop it - that oldest sis had to be PAID to take care of her own father and her living in his home......Venting done. I want to sleep well tonight. Get it all out of my system.

BlueRose, no problem with the ranting, venting, etc.. We all find that it's here that others understand where we're coming from. Family and friends just don't understand or refuse to accept that we need help..or that we should be the one to take care of the parents because we're single, no children, live closer, etc... Oh, heck, I guess THAT still gets under my skin - even with both parents having passed away. Guess it also means I haven't forgiven and forgotten...

Hi guys. I can't tell you how much your comments have meant. What I can say is the fact that no one blames me, that you all understand and have been there and your not finding fault means the universe!!! It's been a very hard week in a lot of ways. I wish I could tell you my whole story in some quick way and that my heart would feel lighter but I realize that a lifetime of struggle takes time. It's so hard. My family really fell apart over the last 15 years. It feels like its a giant ball of knots and we have only just begun untangling it over the past 3 years. Every knot untied makes things better but it also gives you more string to have to work with. And makes you very aware of the seemingly endless supply still needing to be righted. After all these years we had finally decided to do some work on our home but there has been no time. So it's a constant mess. We have GED' s to work on. My husband's job is a constant changing situation as he is on call and so our life kinda is too. Finances are ok, complicated but right now bad. My oldest son and I seem to constantly be butting heads. My youngest son says "mom you and I are fixers and we are just made to take care of things and we have broad shoulders to carry it." But there are times when my shoulders get weak. I'm finding mom seems to have functioned by doing one thing at a time and relying on things I set up years ago. I've been out of the picture for 4 years and her memory fades by the moment. I have to explain things several times and still she calls me back. She does have home health that comes and I'm trying to limit my time to a couple days a week. But there are times when it's hard to separate the person who did Terrible things and caused you so much hardship but doesn't remember any of it with the frail, loving , lonely, in need of help person I'm trying to take care of. I so need your prayers. And I so thank all of you for being here. I apologize that I seem to rant for so long. But it has been so long since I've had somewhere safe to vent.

SIL and I were talking today. I brought up the stress I'm having about paying for the lawyer's and court's fees. That my 2 brothers have not responded to my messages that I cannot pay for this all by myself with my $10/hr income. That the most I can get a loan is $10,000 (maybe.) SIL said that the lawyer's fee is 8% of the house/land's value that is being Willed. I just checked Dad's last land tax. The total value is $341,000.00. I calculated the 8% = $27,280.00! I told her that I'm serious. If my 2 brothers won't help out on the costs, then we will just have to sell the house/land. If they refuse to help out, then they should sign over their share of the house/land to another sibling who can afford to help pay the cost - fave sis, oldest bro, baby sis. Those 3 are the only ones who can take out loans to cover their 1/3 of the lawyer's fees. I can take out a loan because I already paid off my car loan and my personal loan.

My boss sent me an email to my personal email. He saw that I responded to the client (even at 10:00pm). He thanked me for handling them after working hours. Tomorrow, he will discuss with me how much to charge the client for working above and beyond.

Alanna, do you feel your stress level significantly now that your mom has a new home? It's great that she's actually active in the daytime.

I think, the phone calls will eventually taper off. She's going to forget how to use the phone. My dad used to call people all the time, harassing them. (Thank goodness he never called 911!) He only stopped when he couldn't figure out how to dial the phone. Towards the end, when my siblings called and I gave him the phone, he didn't even know how to use it. He held the phone upside down to his ear. Or the time, he would say, "hello? hello?" - and he had the phone held in front of him and not even close to his ear. He told me that no one was there (but I can hear their voice responding back to him.) I recalled giggling at this.

I hear u
I had to take stress leave at work
I’m an RN and I did it all got my mother’s stuff moved into her place then told the “ therapeutic lies” to get her in
She is doing well
Prior to her going there she was at home never got out of bed til 1-2 says she was sick didn’t want to eat and was verbally abusive to us
Now she’s there she is always dressed up interacting with others but at night time she gets sundowners and phones me my daughter etc to say come get her where the “?!!,;@ am I” and that’s hard too
My psychologist is like Alanna u are on stress leave what have u done for yourself and I’m like uhm you are right
It’s hard people soo hard
Hang in there there will be better days and never ever feel guilty
Be proud of what u accomplished!

bookluvr, That is a fantastic story. Good for you!! I'm glad the customer appreciated it.

Today, I got an email from a regular client who needed to send a traveler from Cyprus to the Pacific Islands, must arrive by Friday. Due to the Xmas season, most flights in economy class are sold out. I offered the option of $3100 refundable ticket vs $2600 with 1 ticket non-refundable - flying on 3 different airlines, economy class, overnight in Honolulu (hotel $210.00). He chose the lower cost. Before I issued the 3 tickets, I re-read the rules carefully. Realized one airline is not just non-refundable but no changes permitted! I called him up and told him that I don't feel comfortable selling him that ticket. I emphasized several times that I don't feel comfortable with it. He said okay to the higher airfare.... 10 hours later, tonight, I checked our office email. He sent an email that the traveler is in the hospital and won't be able to fly on Monday... He sent me a follow-up email saying that he's so glad that I helped him to choose the refundable airfares. That I'm the best... =) My goodness! My gut instinct was working so hard today. I'm glad that this is one of the few times I actually listened to it.

Pamzim, I remember once going to the clinic. I waited until my hearing was so bad that I was mishearing words. Someone would say something about climbing the stairs but I would hear climbing the chairs. Or repeatedly asking them to repeat because I didn’t catch it the first time... My doctor checked inside my ears. For nothing wrong. So she referred me to a hearing test specialist where you enter a squarish room, raise your hand to the beep. I explained to the tech that in an enclosed silent room, by tinnitus will be loud. I passed the test with flying colors. Then doctor referred me to the hearing specialist. He looked inside my ear. Yep, I had a large ear wax, easily pulled out. All that - for an ear wax!

Well took mom to be fitted for her new hearing aids today (Merry Christmas to her) and I sure hope they work! Veronica, he did check her ears for wax..LOL She can use her old charger or he will give us a new one free.. and he cut her a break on the price. I will say he is a nice guy,, never charges her for any (Many) visits, gives her new rechargeable batteries when needed, and lots of new ear pieces . Extended the warenty to 5 years. She will have them by Christmas! Then hubs and I went to do some shopping,, I could not believe the crowds on a Friday DAY!! Calling for snow tomorrow, of course I have an hour long drive to work!

MsMadge, I miss TV!! I usually have the TV on for hours on the news channels...flipping between CNN, Fox, Good Morning America, etc... I feel so isolated and out-of-tune to the current events.

Our refrigerator is breaking down. The lower part, the refrigerator is not cold at all. So far, the freezer on top is still working. D*rn it! I knew it when sis really packed the freezer. I mean there was absolutely No Nooks or crannies to be found. I didn't buy my normal microwavable burritos because there's no space for it. Starting today, I had bologna sandwich with wheat bread (ugh! .. trying to eat healthy) and cheese for breakfast. My stomach was growling around 11:00am this morning.

Would have cried seeing that MsMadge.
Looking out for the animals is important too!
Thanks for sharing that moment.

Such a touching picture on the 11 o clock news - in the midst of devastating wildfires, a young man was jumping in panic along the highway as flames were everywhere
He finally knelt down and picked up a bunny

Bluerose, doubting yourself happens when others abuse you; if it happens enough, you begin to believe them. This stuff your family does is not going to change, nor is the situation with your mom; you need to decide if you and your husband need to cut your losses and do something different with her and for all of you.... welcome to the site!

Thank you all so much for making me feel so welcome. So when the whole thing happened about 4 years ago that they got my mom out of the nursing home I was so shocked and so hurt. I truly could not wrap my mind around the deception and down right self serving nature of my whole extended family. They had never lifted a finger to help except to call and say her behavior was an embarrassment to the family and all of a sudden after mom had almost died from diabetic coma and then become abusive to me. All of a sudden they knew how to take care of her and the problem was really me. My husband coming from an abusive family will do anything to avoid a conflict and lives for everyone to like him. We have been going thru really hard times since all this happened because he did nothing to stand up for me or defend the boys at the time in their pre teens. He just let us get thrown under the bus knowing none of what was being said was true but still being friendly to all of them. As long as he looked good and no one was coming after him he just went on with his life. Meanwhile I went from doing everything for everyone and homeschooling the boys , taking care of mom, doing the taxes, giving hair cuts, and running a home feeling very capable and responsible. To feeling like a failure and a bad mom. I felt like my marriage was a joke and like for all my life's work of looking after my mom she was now to be left on her own with people who didn't care about her and for all that had happened I wasn't sure I cared any more. I to la APPS I was concerned about her coming back here and that I would call the police if she showed up here. I also said I knew it wouldn't last and that they had no idea how to take care of her and that they would loose interest. I said if they let them take her when things went bad I wouldn't be there to pick up the pieces. We agreed to love each other from a distance. Everything was handled by mail or an occasional phone call when a situation didnt allow for time. For the first year and half the boys had nightmares that she would come back and hurt us and my husband and I have been working to heal our very broken marriage. Then we lost my great uncle my grandmother, my uncle, my husband's mom, and my dad and then my other great uncle. All over 2 years. My mom's health started declining but it seemed she was getting care. Come to find out she is now living in a little Trailor park with her brother but most of the time he's gone. She get a care because she is taking public transportation to appts. But she had become unable to travel by herself due to weakness and dizziness brought on by worsening heart issues. She had her sister take her to the ER where they changed her meds adding a new bloodpressure med. A week later she was back feeling weak and unable to walk, very dizzy and nauseous. They diagnosed her with vertigo and raised her dosage of day and night blood pressure meds. She kept calling me unable to walk worried that she wouldnt be able to take care of herself.she couldn't leave the house to pay bills. Then she went back to the ER. She had fallen trying to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and was so dizzy she almost couldn't get to the phone. Her blood pressure was 205 over 118 So they kept her for observation and dwtermi we her sodium levels were very low and she had a bad inner ear infection but all these trips she has been begging the brother she doesnt live with or her sister who took her and made fun of her because she had a hole in her shoe to take her to the ER but now they have told her they won't take her anymore and that it's all in her head and she needs to decide which one to be her POA and they are going to commit her. Now I know how difficult that will be if not impossible for what is going on with her. But this is a small town and her sister has a lot of power. So mom calls me again and tells me this and I see that if I don't help her they will take her money and stick her in a hole somewhere to rot. She has become a responsibility not a fun play thing and they are done with her. So I stepped up. I talked it over with my now 18 and 22 year old sons and my husband and we agreed but it's been 6 months and a lot of things as far as me being on my own and getting blamed for everything because things have been in a state of upheaval since we or I took this on. It just feels very lonely and like I can't do anything right. I'm doubting myself a lot because of all that has happened.

Veronica I hope he did, but I will have Dr do so at next visit! Good idea.

Book I have never felt that this is an "end of life " site. I have always seen it as a mutual support place where people come to share their experiences and seek answers . End of life issues are a large part of people's discussions and most of the people been cared for are often close to the end of life and frequently have dementia. Those with mental illness often mirror the behaviors of dementia and are just as difficult to understand and deal with.
Many people tend to feel their situation is unique and try to keep this hidden. Add to that the rest of the relatives try and distance themselves as far as possible which in their minds possibly & prevent themselves from "catching" the disease. We know that is not possible but fear is a very strong motivator. Add to that a long history of abusive and narcissistic behavior and a perfect storm begins to form.

Pam did they check for wax in Mon's ears and if necessary clean them out before they did the hearing test? They neglected to do that to mine and many months and $4K later can hear almost as well without them.
Bluerose you are so very welcome here.
Don't be afraid to say anything or ask anything.
Sometime we simple have a bit of fun. See "Caregivers behaving badly" and Caregivers cats Behaving badly"
This forum can be a true lifeline at times especially when you have been here a while and we get to know you, your family and pets, nasty neighbors and those who help you out.
You are your own person and very valuable so don't ever forget that.
Your Mom can't help her mental illness anymore than you could fake a case of the flu. You do not have to be part of Mom's life after you have tried once again. When it is time for you to step away it will be apparent and I would say it won't be long if your boys are still young and scared of their grandmother. That amounts to child abuse and a reason to remove her from the home. Make sure your husband understands the full implications of having your mother in your home.

BlueRose, when I found this site, I wasn't even concerned about it as being an 'end of life' site. I was searching for information on how I can take care of 2 bedridden parents and still keep my job. I found so many topics that helped me, educated me. I guess I understand why you're giving your mom another chance. I just wished she spoke up and defended you when others talked bad about you. I'm sure they did. Just watch your back with her. She burned you once, nothing says that she won't do it again. I hope you stick to that 'red line'. That if she crosses over it, you will no longer help her. Setting up your boundaries.

Well after 3 weeks of super busy work,, I came home tonight to find out Mom's hearing test shows 15% more loss since she got her last hearing aides. They are now turned up as far the man can turn them, and she still says she can't hear much. So he is looking into another "better" pair. I feel so bad for her.. And she wanted to make Whoopie pies for small get together tomorrow,, hubs had to "help" her.. But it turned out OK. On the plus side.. Chloe has found her "bark",, after barking maybe 5 times in the two weeks we have had her.. tonight she barked at hubs while playing,, and then again,, and on for about 30 seconds! She was so surprised! and such a big bark from such a small puppy. It was so funny! No barks since then,, but I'm sure its coming!

You are more than welcome Bluerose. Please continue to post. Take a look around the site at different threads available.

For those who are suffering with taking care of others who are suffering mental illness my heart goes out to you.

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