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.... for now...

Before fave niece left island on a one-way ticket, she told me that I Will be going back to my religion. She said that I won't be able to resist their pressure. I said that I won't. She had a knowing look. She has friends of my religion. She saw how tight a grip they have on their members. She knew that I will not prevail against them. I'm still prevailing....

I went to sleep 2am this morning. I was busy looking online for iPad's prices. I woke up at 7am with a pounding headache so I went back to sleep. Woke up at 9am! And felt really refreshed. Still lying on my livingroom sofa bed, I heard someone calling from the porch, "K? K!" ... I silently groaned. A member from my religion is right outside the window and I'm still in bed. I closed my eyes and ignored her.... They came back at 11:45am. I couldn't avoid them 3 times in a row! Plus, they parked their car away from my view. So, I didn't have time to hide.

No pressure, I was told. You can come back to regular worship since I no longer have other obligations preventing me. No pressure.... come when YOU want... No pressure... There's worship today at 4pm. No pressure... We can pick you up if you want. I'm not pressuring you... If you want, we're here for you - to talk with, to go out for a meal. No pressure.... In the end, I started giggling every time he said "No Pressure" because you know what? He Was Pressuring Me!!! The more he tried to pressure me, the more vague I became.... If you want to come to worship at 4pm, please call me by 3pm.... I just shook my head...

The pressure of Religious Obligation is now Full On!!!

I bought a Kindle Paper White. I couldn't stand it. The covers were not in color. It was black/white. The highlighter was not colorful. (I color-code as I read. Main characters in Pink, Blue for important info, Orange is just tidbits and Yellow is just extra info regarding tidbit Orange.) And yes, I even tried to enlarge the font. And that made me do a lot of scrolling. I gave it to sis and told her to sell it on her next garage sale. I don't think anyone ever bought it.

I find myself at work trying to swiping my desktop computer's screen.  It doesn't have swiping capability. Must use mouse to move anything on the screen.

I love e-books and the ability to check out library books from my home! I wouldn't want to read on a tablet though, the e ink on my dedicated e reader is so much easier on the eyes. And I like the built in dictionaries so that I can check or translate unfamiliar words, sometimes when I'm reading real paper books I've caught myself pressing a word to get a definition lol. I wish the screen was bigger though, once you make the font bigger you can only fit a couple of paragraphs per page.

I was at sis' house today. We were lying on her bed. She asked me if I have been buying books. (Remember, she gave me a $100 Amazon gift card.) I enthusiastically said that I missed out on the after-xmas-sale. I forgot to check all my wishlists. Only 2 days ago, I found in that one morning, over 5 books that became Free or went from $5.99 to now $0.99! I was so excited that I've been buying a lot of my wish lists' books for $0.99! Sis stared at me and then rolled her eyes. I think... the $100 was meant to buy all the books that I wanted NOW instead of waiting for it to go on sale. I cannot do that! What a waste of $100.00 to just buy 16 ebooks at $5.99 each .. when I can buy 100 ebooks for $0.99 each! =)

Chris, I used to hate e-books, too. It's a trial and error thing. I've learned that if it's too bright (seemed perfect at the time I was reading) - by night time, overnight and the next morning, my eyes were very sore -even to lightly touch it. Overstrained it. When I overcompensated, by too low a dim lighting, same thing happened - sore, painful to the touch eyes. I find myself constantly adjusting the brightness every time I read.

For my favorite books, I still buy the real books. I'm not picky. I just go to Amazon or Ebay to buy the cheapest used paperback books. I usually aim for $0.99 + $3.99 shipping. When it arrives, it just goes straight to my large book cabinet. So, if we ever have a typhoon and it knocks out the power for several weeks, I have lots of D, C, AA and AAA batteries, over 5 battery powered lanterns and my paperback books to fall back on. I still keep (somewhere in the house) an old fashioned landline telephone that doesn't need to be recharged in order to work. (At the time, I was caregiving 2 bedridden parents with mom on the oxygen machine 24/7.)

bookluvr, I detest E-Books.

Not just for staring at the computer for a long time. But also, any number of things could happen to the computer.

But, I do understand what you mean. About needing a bigger font.

Yesterday afternoon at work, ... wow, this defective kindle actually puts punctuation marks on the top list scroll options... The new one I'm using doesn't do that. Scary...

Anyway, yesterday afternoon {giggle.. Kindle just gave me options for: . , ?}, I started thinking of dad. A few tears started falling. I quickly wiped it. Must'nt cry at work. Just those very few tears and my eyes were red..... This morning, lying in bed at 6:30, I decided to pray to God. Since I always struggle with praying, I just asked Him to please look into my heart. Please let dad know how I felt for him... As the tears started falling, I found myself also addressing dad that I'm sorry. That I did the best that I can. If I wasn't here for him, he would have lots of bedsores, no one would massage his legs .... Well, this touching moment got interrupted. The urgency to go to the bathroom would not be ignored any longer... {I'm back} I'm lying here trying to bring that feeling again. Alas, my desire to pray to God is gone. Back to blank awkward brain. 7:00 am. Time to get up and flee before they come!

It's midnight now. I'm going to shower and then hit the sack. I need to leave the house before 8:30am. I don't know why, but all day yesterday and today, I keep thinking that the member of my religion will try to catch me home around 8:30am today (now Saturday early morning). No waking up late!  I need to leave the house before they arrive.

And my iPad keeps rejecting the charger. We don't have an Apple store here on island. I guess I will drop by sis tomorrow and see if any of her chargers will work on my iPad. I seriously need to start thinking of a replacement. Either that, or get use to using the Kindle's online browser. {rolling eyes}

I guess I’m old fashioned. I still think those words should be used sparingly and not with business associates. It’s a bit unnerving because these 2 men are married. {chuckling} it’s a good thing that I’ve stopped reading romance novels. I’d be daydreaming about them. =)

A few months ago, I was shocked when a female client (admin assistant) from another island called me up. We rarely call. Always have to email to leave trails of our conversation. She threw me a curve ball when she said, “My favorite person!” It was awkward the few times she said it when she would call. I’m comfortable with it now. I prefer this because it’s more appropriate in a business setting. Prude!!

Book, I understand your discomfort with being told that. It is used casually quite often. Getting that ticket must have been very important to the company. Some people just express themselves this way. I don't myself, I tend to be more reserved.

This society is becoming so easily offended by ordinary things said and done. Some justifiably so, but I think there are too many people taking things too seriously. I see it in my kids and I guess their generation it started when they we're in elementary school. Is this millennial behavior? Everyone had to be a winner, feel good about themselves ALL THE TIME, feelings were not to be hurt ever, participation trophies and awards. My ex and I called it the touchy feely education and generation. Developing a spine to stand up to bully behavior shouldn't even be necessary.

Heard a funny Xmas song on the radio that is about how easily offended this politically correct society of ours has become. Google Brad Paisley Kung Pao Buckaroo Holiday. LOL!

Book, I think the casual use of the word love has been around as long as I remember... I love pizza, I love your outfit, I loved the movie... what he was saying was just like those kinds of statements. It's nice to know that you are appreciated!

Okay. It's an "in" thing. I just heard over the talk radio. The male radio host and a caller were talking ball games (football, I think.) Just as they were saying goodbye, the radio host said, "We love you!" ....

Why are my male clients throwing me curve balls? Today, the director of HR from another island, we've been exchanging emails due to a medical emergency requiring one of their workers needed a one-way back home, hospital, nurse escort, etc... This is my first time dealing with this specific medical emergency. So, I'm emailing the airline, too. Finally, at 4:30pm, he calls me in a panic. Another employee must be at another island by Friday. (This is the same island in which another company paid over $3000 to get there one-way.) For this Friday, there was one seat available for $700.00. The HR director shocked me because he actually said, "I love you!" I was so shocked, I didn't know how to respond to that. I grew up without those words, no hugs, no encouragements, etc...

Am I so old fashioned that I find it a bit inappropriate for men whom I have only business dealings - to say those words to me? Is saying/writing those words like an "in" thing now and I'm just not "with it"? I'm just so puzzled.... These are clients I've been dealing with for over 5 years.

Chris, I didn't read the book because it was paperback. I'm so used to E-books now. Just like this computer and my iPad, I have to enlarge the print so that I can read without straining my eyes. My computer at work is Zoomed at 125%. All my Word and Excel documents are zoomed up to 120%. So, when I try to read a regular, real book, I struggle with the now tiny prints. So, it would be good for you to make sure it's something you can read. Otherwise, you can always purchase from BN the e-book version so that you can enlarge the font.

I made it through Christmas. I got a replacement for my present phone that keeps dying on me. The new phone won't even activate.

bookluvr, I found the book. I am going to see, on a dry day, if I can bike down to the local Barnes & Noble to take a look at it.

Book hi and very happy holidays!! I know where you are I've been there before. Been going thru starting taking care of my mom again which was a hard decision and my dad died a little over a year ago and our relationship was bad to say the least so I was just thinking of him last night and thought I have not really missed him but he wasn't really a part of our lives for years so you can't miss what you haven't had but I am so angry with him for the way he treated my family and the way he left me alone to care for my mom at 15. I think we all deal with anger indifferent ways. As for the good Christian part we all also believe and worship in our own ways. I love when people say your only a real Christian if you go to church but the bible talks of Jesus worshipping by the river and telling people they could come to the father wherever they are even in their bedrooms. God is everywhere especially in your heart. Do what's right for you. That's the best way to be a good Christian.

Book, (((hugs))) and blessings to you!

Book a big Christmas hug. You don't need to belong to a religion to be a good Christian and you certainly have proved that many times over.

Thanks Golden, Sharyn. At least your words helped me cry a little bit. Too bad it's not the full blown crying. I spoke to nephew about the cinder blocks and my very violent anger. He kept apologizing. I explained that I haven't cried over Grandpa's death yet. and so the anger... He replied, "Is building up inside..." I nodded.

Chris, I threw some books in the 2nd kitchen trash container. I was reading my Book Lists under Self Help. Under the category is a list I titled: "Freeing Self from Dysfunction/Abuse." I didn't know if any of these books were the ones I threw in the trash. So, I went to check it....

I came across this book which I immediately thought of you:
Grace Lebow & Barbara Kane: Coping with Your Difficult Older Parent. A Guide for Stressed-Out Children.

In the back of the page: Do you have an aging parent who-
*Blames you for everything that goes wrong?
*Cannot tolerate being alone, wants you all the time?
*Is obsessed with health problems, real or imagined?
*Makes unreasonable and/or irrational demands of you?
*Is hostile, negative and critical?

Book, you are having anger from grieving. All those years of pent up feeling as well This is good! A walk by the beach, take in the soothing sound of the waves. Good choice and good for you for doing it!

Good idea, book. Enjoy!

I’m still feeling off. I’m going to change, drive to the tourist area, park and walk along the sidewalk with the tourists. Since I look Japanese, I will blend in nicely. Maybe stop by the beach, sit under the 🌴 and watch the calming waves. Afterwards, have a delicious yogurt at one of the hotels. I don’t think they will be closed at xmas.

Chris, I feel for you. Dad and I went through that stage. I started locking my bedroom door, when one night he entered and just stood there staring at sis and I sleeping. I found it so creepy. I told sis the next morning. We both agreed that from now on, we locked the bedroom door at nights... my dad tried to control everything I did, who to spend time with... and he got so angry when family made me laugh aloud... The more he tried to control me, the more arguments we had. It got to the point, he became physically abusive because I didn’t jump when he told me to. Didn’t agree to his wild comments....Even tried to choke me... so I’m not sure what advice to give you..... just vent, and we will read it. It’s always the little things that gets to us...little things that adds up...

freqflyer, White glove test, my bedroom is not a showroom.

I haven't been a teen for thirty years. I have been married and divorced, once.

I won't back down to irrational behavior. Prior to last Christmas(2016), my brother n' SIL bought a fold up bed that looks like a suitcase when packaged. They have that again this year. The other two futons were taken to the dump in 2015(I think).

My mother's reason for leaving stuff on the stairs. Was so that she would remember it. Seemingly understandable, BUT potentially fatal.

She doesn't stuff on the stairs anymore. Not just for my sake, but also the cat. Her water and food bowls are kept on the stairs. They are not big it all. I also don't want the cat traumatized, if something falls down the stairs.

My mother drives herself to the doctor. I take public transit if I don't go on my bike.

Her memory issues' now are.  She will put something in the microwave, and forget about it for hours.  Also, When people call her, she can't hear the phone(cell or landline) ring from 20ft. away.  When I can hear them from almost ten times that distance.

So she ends up missing a lot of calls.

((((((hugs))))) book I don't doubt that you have a lot of anger after all you have been through. It is a normal part of grieving. I think you are doing well. Why on earth would people come at that hour??? Too early!!!!

The end... May you ALL have a better holiday off than me!

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