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Dental appt today - doing the xrays. Dental hygienist apologizes as she struggles to insert the film into my mouth. She kept apologizing as she told me to bite down on it, that it's going to hurt because my mouth is so small. I bite down, PAIN, and tears started rolling down. I was so embarrassed that when she took the film out, I had tears running down my face. Now, the left side's turn. No pain at all but it felt as if the film was pressing something in my mouth that was blocking my air. I tried not to panic that I couldn't breathe in much. This is the first time it has happened.

I went to the Post Office to pick up my package - large wedge pillow that folds in half. The PO agent comes out carrying a large box! She took one look at my built, & exclaimed so loud for everyone to hear, "It's almost bigger than you!" I responded back, "Nah, it's almost half my size!" I had a bit of a problem carrying the box that was almost too wide for my arms to stretch to carry it. Jerk of a guy saw me with the box behind him and he just walked through the door without holding it open. Remember how I said this island is small? He works for a law office as their runner or jack-of-all-trades guy. So, I had to turn backwards to open the door. As I stared at the next door to get through, a military guy who just walked in, without even looking at me, turned around and opened the door. I sincerely said, "I am most appreciative! Thank you!" .... He didn't even reply to me at all. {sigh...}


Yes, The pain is why I won't read e-books. Also, You have to print out the book in case your device crashes. Hardcopy versions are so much easier.

I have enough D, C, AA, and AAA. But not enough 9V.

FF, I've noticed that when people include emojis in their emails or text from an ipad or iphone they don't display on outlook or my old style phone, it's just squares.

Any emojis I get on my flip cellphone just look like empty squares. My God-daughter has one that looks like a heart. I tried to do it here but the website doesn't allow certain wingding designs. Anyway, you use "lesser than" then type 3 it will look like a heart if you look at it sideways.

Book, thanks for the cheering \o/ I like that one.

You have been a blessing in your grandma's life but if she has dementia her needs will increase and at 89 it will likely be very difficult for you to continue to care for her in your home

If her mood is changing recently then a doctor visit is a good idea including ruling out an UTI. Before a crisis hits, start to make a plan so that you don't abandon her. You can contact your county area on aging to do a needs assessment and identify services for grandma.

If you start a new question thread, you will get more direct replies

I’m taking care of my 89 year old grandmother. She has been extremely mean lately. Lashing out at me. She suffers (but hides well in public) from memory loss and her mental state has changed dramatically over the last 6 months. My husband, and 3 year old live here with her & we all work to take care of her for the last 4 years. I feel like I’m miserable and missing out on the chance at a happy, peaceful life with possibly a second baby due to taking care of her. Her son (my dad) is now retired, lives an hour away, but you won’t see him lift a finger to help with her daily care. He can’t stand his Mom. I don’t want to abandon her, but how much of my family’s happiness do I sacrifice until enough is enough? Thanks for listening.

Yeah, the thing is, some emojis look so nice on my iPad. Then when I'm reading on my Kindle, it looks ugly! Like what happened to the emoji's body? Why is it looking like a blob? Sometimes, what I post on the Kindle, looks awful here on the laptop. So, I ended up preferring the dinosaur age emoji. Go figure! I'm still using flip open cell phone....

Cool emoticons Book. From back in the dinosaur age when there were no emojis....🙄

Mally, I have some favorites that I came across from reading online comics:

\o/ \o/ \o/ (cheering)
*\o/* *\o/* *\o/* (cheering w pompoms)
( '• ̀~ •́)`. .... {looks irritated, doesn’t it?}
(⌐■_■) .... {I like this one I but don’t know when to use it.}

: )

mally, it represents a smile. To be honest, I posted something and then changed my mind, tried to delete it but it wouldn't let me unless I typed something in it's place, thus the smile.

Gershun, what does :) mean?

No reason to get upset if someone mentions their religion; for many people it's a part of their personality, of why they do things or think as they do.... For instance, I'm not "religious" or denominational; I have a "relationship" with Jesus Christ.  However, I still find other cultures or religions interesting, because of how they affect another person, and the things they think or do.... For me, it helps to understand someone else's actions or difficulties, and makes it easier to be compassionate - just say'in.


I must have missed something. I don't see anything religious here.... Time to get ready for work.

Hmm hot cocoa sounds good

Really enjoying watching the winter classic. So fun to watch before all of the extravagant stadiums it was played outdoors all of the time. Small towns often have outdoor venues. Nothing like really appreciating the comfort a cup of hot chocolate provides!

It does not anger me. I find it interesting, part of culture.

Though some responses that others post does anger me. We all need to remember that we do not need to understand everything in order to be compassionate.

Stop ordering dolls.
Apologies, this has become a religious discussion Bookluvr.
It will most likely anger many people on the forum.  So angry, in fact, that I am editing my post on the demand of another poster.

Lisa i would just be thankful that your Mom is still connected with the world not sitting in her armchair and watching TV all day and refusing to do anything..
Of course she is taking risks and the worst might happy but she is happy, hang on to that.

Book can you carry the doll to the trash without physically touching it. Like pushing her onto a shovel or something as quick as possible.
Can you return the parcel with the used dolls without opening it. Just write "Unknown return to sender" on the box.
Just talked to my cleaner who is psychic and she suggested you take it to a priest and get her blessed before you throw her in the trash. She said have them use holy water. That would probably be RC so you may want to go to one of your native ministers and have them exorcize her or whatever. Just a suggestion to neutralize her before you trash her so she can't come back and do bad things to you.

I am very blessed to have a mother who is 81 yo who is still in relatively good health, except for Atrial Fibrillation and HBP. Her mother and three of her sisters all died from strokes and I worry constantly about my mother overdoing things around the house. For example, she was outside this morning in 28 degree weather shoveling dirt to put in her flower beds!! How can I make her understand that she does not need to be doing such things?

She is constantly doing things she shouldn't be doing

No. If someone had played the ouji board, any spirit attracted to that 'game' can easily attach itself to the doll.if you know someone who is psychic and have dealt with spirits, ask them their thoughts about the ouji. .. If I gave those dolls to someone, and they have an abusive husband or a spouse who is mentally unstable, I have just sent a terrible violent influence into their home. Remember, my people have a strong belief that our ancestors are with us. We're open to supernatural stuff... Tired. Can't think. Almost 2am.

Sorry Book, I'm not very well versed in your culture, but is it really necessary to trash the new dolls sight unseen? I know you've invested a bit of cash into them, could you just keep them in the box and re sell them elsewhere?

My first used doll that arrived by mail - is freaking me out. When I look at my new Maru doll with her long black hair, I smile spontaneously to her. I had placed the Used doll near the lampstand. Every time I go to turn on/off the lamp, my eyes automatically avert from it. This is sooooo not good! I'm wondering if my sudden violent anger is being outwardly influenced by something else. I get angry all the time. What I felt earlier was Violent anger that was out of control. I was suspicious. I believe oldest sis, too.  That's why she was staring at me after the anger incident.... Trash day is tomorrow morning. If I throw the doll in the trashbin, will I find her in my car? Inside the house? In my bedroom? Ugh!!! I'm scared of it. I need to go with my gut instincts. And she is soooo pretty. But not as pretty as my Maru doll. I need to get up the nerve to touch it. I will admit to freaking out when I touched her last week. But it was past trash day and so she remained on the table.  I didn't want to forewarn her that I was onto her/it.  (My niece from next door found a used doll and took it home.  Strange things started happening. Niece tried several times to throw the doll but it always came back to her bedroom. Her brother had to burn the doll to finally stop it from appearing.)

Didn't I say that this new year I will learn to have courage and determination? Time to put it to the test. Ohhhh, pleeeaaase do not have it come back after I've thrown it!!! I need to pray extra hard as I carry her. My usual very short repetitive words will be: "please protect us from evil, please protect us from evil, " since this sentence is easier coming from my heart/mind/soul.... Must mean it from deep within in order for it to happen, you know... When my 2 used dolls arrive in the mail, I will automatically throw it without opening the box.  That's what I get for ordering used dolls...

Happy New Year everyone! I wishing all many blessings in 2018 !

There are other ways NOT to be dragged back into a religion.

If you are a member of a cult, you can start by questioning their doctrine.
They will ultimately disfellowship a member if you disagree with them over time, and keep asking questions.
Then you will be ex-communicated, says my husband. He was too young to be baptised into his mother's religion, but his Mother was ex-communicated after questioning their doctrine and disagreeing with them.

This is only one way out, there are others.

Book, I am sure that your emotions are not up for this process, but I wanted you to know there is hope for you. I don't think that I am the right person to talk to, but there will be others who know you better. Maybe not on AC, but somewhere.

Put off any fears or thoughts about your religion until after the new year. imo.

Feel better soon Bookluvr!

Know that you are loved!

So sorry Book.

...Send.. for me to reject my religion and turn to another one is .... "As a dog returns to his vomit"... which may not be so bad if it frees me from them... But I will never be free unless I leave this island and start new elsewhere. And don't give out my new address to them so that they cannot send someone to 'visit ' me in my new place.

Years ago, my ex boyfriend (Catholic) told me that we can marry and move to the states. He figured that this is the only way I cannot be dragged back into my religion.

It's okay Book.
Just tell them you are going now to a different church (name names), and you will find out what "no pressure" means.

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