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She needs long term care and you need to look into seeing if she qualifies for Medicaid to pay for it.

Thank you both for your thoughtful answers. I have POA on all matters. My mother does not want to leave her home which I understand. She has some issues ,eyes, for instance and some dementia. When I stayed with her I was doing everything ,all cooking and cleaning. After being there for eight weeks I needed to get back home . My mother likes the girl I have coming in very much,but is adamant that she won't have anyone else in which I think she needs. She is alone from dinner until the following morning . I have noticed a dramatic change in her mentally which I think comes from being alone so much of the time. I am working on how I broach this with her. Usually when I bring the subject up she just shuts off or starts crying . These I guess are her coping mechanisms and how she gets her way. I have considered assisted living ,but the cost is prohibitive, approaching seven thousand a month here where I live. Everything is ala carte after the rental. They get three meals a day,but she would still require some assistance so I would either have to pay the extra to them or continue to have the girl we use now help out. Either way we would be looking at over one hundred thousand a year. I will figure it out,but needed to vent last night. Thanks everyone.

Jim I am afraid the answer is clear. Mom has to be admitted to some kind of care facility. My MIL was the same way after FIL died, calling BIL at all times of the night over silly things. It turns out she had vascular dementia and was soon on her way to a NH. While FIL was alive he had a clear mind but a weak body whereas her mind was murky but body good so they complimented each other and no one knew how bad she really was.
Do you have POA both financial and health? if not try and get her to give you that. Try and get her to a lawyer perhaps on the pretext of updating her Will and have the lawyer sugest the POA. it is possible she will agree as he is an authority figure. You can also discuss while with the lawyer if she wants to be a DNR ( Do not resuscitate) and just what she wants to happen if she suddenly has a heart attack or stroke. She needs to tell you if she would want to be kept alive with a breathing machine and be tube fed if there was not hope of recovery. these things need to be taken care of anyway if not already done.
None of this is going to be easy as you are dealing with an irrational woman who is loosing touch with reality and can only get worse
As far as the pills are concerned try setting up a pill box ad then remove all the bottles till you .have to fill the box next time. You can either do it for a whole week or if you are there every just one day at a time.
Talk to her Dr and ask him to arrange for cognitive testing. Unless you have POA he can't discuss anything with you but he can certainly listen to what you tell him. take it slowly one step at a time and realize she actually can no longer control this kind of behavior.

Oh Jim,
I am just a few Steps ahead of you in your journey. My Mom too had a bad time after my Dad died. Lots of calls and wanted no help. Finally she has antidepressants now. My Mom also has dementia. I give her pills 2 x a day myself. She adjusted to sleeping alone abd not being so scared but it took quite awhile. I think we as kids have more actual panic then our parent! I had to learn to just take the phone calls, reassure her as much as possible, and let her learn to be on her own like the Doctor said. She is not willing or really needing to move from her house yet. But she did take a long time learning to be okay by herself. Someone else will have great ideas here. I'm just sharing my story with you. And boy....what a common story this all is!

Today has me stressed out far more than usual. My dad passed away in September and my focus shifted from his care to my mother's . My mother has always been a handful. I stayed with her for about eight weeks ,and in that time tried to get her living arrangements settled. If she chose to stay home we wanted her to have live in help. Assisted living was an option as was living with my family half the year and with my sister half the year. She has fought us every step of the way . She came and stayed at my home two nights and then decided to go back to her home. She won't allow anyone in the house overnight. I have a girl that works for me during the summer months going over four days a week for half the day and I stop each day for a couple of hours. I do all her shopping as well. Whenever I bring up getting more help my mother does her crying routine and won't talk about it. The heat Day she tells me how lonely she is. Over the last two weeks she has started calling me at night needing me to come over for some issue or other. Last night she called me hysterical ,claiming We took her blood pressure meds. Because her eyesight is so bad when she goes to take a pill she pours them out not realizing she is dumping them on the floor. We had to call her doctor yesterday to renew the prescription so it wasn't ready until today. This morning she calls me again about the blood pressure pills. I again had to explain that the prescription wouldn't be ready until noon. When we picked up the prescription and brought it to her house , we gave her one. Tonight she calls again screaming that we had taken her pills and she needed them. I told her she had taken one in the morning ,but she didn't believe me so I had to drive over there again. I told her under no circumstance was she to take another pill. It is like she is losing touch with reality. I cannot be there every minute of the day and I constantly stress about what she might get into when I am not there. I don't know what to do.

Thanks Barb.! I'm feeling better. It's been a bear, but, the Tamiflu really seemed to help me. I got it in me early, so that makes a difference. Day one was horrid though. AND I DID get my flu shot. Just one of those things.

My biggest issue was trying to keep my parents from getting it. Wearing mask, staying in one room away from them, washing hands WELL before touching anything, then disinfecting everything I touched afterwards. They just don't seem to get it.

I did read that taking Tamiflu helps reduce how contagious the flu is too. Is that true?

Aw, Sunny! I hope you feel better soon!

What are the odds that I would get the FLU (HIT on Monday) at the same time my dad is very sick with cold/cough,tight chest and mom also sick cold/bronchitis? When it rains.........OMG. Talk about a cluster...So, I'm sick with flu, though not tested at that time, driving them to doctor, because they are too sick to drive. We all got checked out. I tested positive for Type A influenza, they did not, but, got breathing treatments and prescriptions. I got Tamiflu. OMG. It helped. (Have you ever been too sick to go to the doctor? lol)

We get home and they can't assemble the nebulizer, so, I'm trying to do that with mask on face, wearing gloves,......You know, you really do need a backup plan in case you ALL get sick. I don't provide hands on daily care for them, but, even what I do handle, it was a bear and not feasible. But, how do you call people to come help out to house with sick and contagious people in it? I hate to do that to family and friends who have their own health issues.

What a lesson learned. Oh, I have another horror story of the ER visit on Saturday night, but, I'm too drained to do it now. I need my rest. lol

Book, I'm an organ donor, so when my dad died with no instructions to anyone, I donated him. Since he was 1,000 miles away, I found a state agency there that arranged it, and the whole thing only cost $375 (for the hearse from the morgue, because the police found him in his hall, dead of a heart attack) to the school that wanted him. They cremated him when they were finished, and that was it. I'm having the same thing, and my husband will bury my ashes on our property next to our beloved donkey, dog, and several cats. Total cost? Not much.

Thank you so much for all your responses! I never underestimate how camaraderie, no matter how tough the circumstances are, is uplifting! Not feeling so alone can keep me going. {hugs to you all}

My dad, when I was a teen, had a payment plan with the funeral home for his and mom's coffins and plots. When they both died, they were buried at the Veteran's cemetery. My siblings all agreed that oldest sis and I have the parents' unused plot.

I went in today to make a payment plan for the coffin/services. I chose the cheapest coffin {Who cares if people complain how plain the coffin is - I'll be dead anyway.} So, coffin + prof services (hospital, my dead body & day of funeral) + family coach + interest rate for 7 year plan = $5831.00! There was a 10-yr plan but just the thought of owing someone 10 years is mindboggling. Especially since I won't know if I will still have a job for that long.

But when it came to truly understanding what we are going through, my siblings failed this. My friends failed this. Members of my religion failed this. I only found it here on AC. I did go to our local caregiver's support group. I always came home very depressed and drained. Instead of lifting my spirit, it was making me depress. I stopped going.

Those caregivers didn't reach the stage I was in. Only one lady, with her husband as the one needing caregiving, was in the same stage as me. I was shocked that she was blacking out. She would lose hours and completely 100% not remember it. Even when someone told her what happened on those missing hours - she. could. not. remember. it. As she was telling the visiting speaker of our group about this, I gasped and said softly, "You too!!" She turned around and looked at me. Looking at me, she continued describing her 'forgotten' situation, I was nodding emphatically. I said that I wrote a note down but have Absolutely. No. Recall. of that phone call! It was in the afternoon but my note was dated on that day - that morning. I told her that it's happened several times, too - where I lost 15minutes.... The speaker asked if anyone else had experienced this. No one. The speaker looked worried. I think she emphasized strongly that we seek medical help.

In all my years of caregiving, this is the best place to find people who KNOWS what we are going through. Who can give you advice and even short cuts. I believe twice, I was contacted in my message wall on how to change a bedridden person's pamper. They wanted step-by-step instructions. I had no problem providing it because I watched the caregivers do it with my mom, plus I also googled for hours on tips of doing it..... So if someone here has info that you would like more info on, don't hesitate to contact them on their message wall/board.

Mountain, it's the same here. When fave sis asked me about the parents, she will let me talk and talk. But I know that she absolutely tuned me out with her 'hm...ahuh... ahuh...' Because when I stop and ask a question, she jerks from the sudden silence. And asked me what did I say? {aha! caught!} But at least she doesn't interrupt me. It's weird, how we talk with one another. I would talk about mom/dad. Then she talked about work. Then I continued about mom/dad. She continued with work. Here we are talking but on a totally different topics at the same time! She's venting about work. I'm venting about caregiving.

As for my sibs, when my mom was alive, I updated all my sibs with one email and copied all of them on it. That was sufficient for everyone. If mom ended up going to the hospital, I would send a text message to 2 sibs in the states and they know that it's up to them to alert the others in the states.... My siblings from the states would call me and let me vent about mom/dad. Now that both parents are gone, they've stopped calling. I miss getting those phone calls....

Looking back to caregiving days...

Sometimes I think my family asked things but didn't want to know. They ask because they're supposed to or something, but when I would try to tell more details (that they ASKED for), they clearly were tuned out, were ready to move on to other topics.

I'm sure your sibs do care about your mom's well being, Mountain. But... I do think they ask out of formality more than anything sometimes. At least my sibs were like that.

cwillie: {hug!} Thank you. You and others on this forum have been a lifeline!

The thing is Mom is my siblings' predominant focus and ask constantly about her (as they should). I keep them informed of everything (as I should).

Moose, my sister also always dominated every conversation and turned everything I said into something all about her, but at least I got kudos too. Bottom line is, our caregiving stories are boring. No, really! We don't get out much, we don't have time or energy for hobbies, we don't see interesting people so all we have to talk about is feeding and toileting and the crazy things they say and do ad nauseam. Instead you can tell us, we've been there and can nod in commiseration and swap stories. And by the way, you're doing a great job!!

Mom had a massive berserk day and into the night a couple days ago. I was--and still am--exhausted. This morning Sister called and kept yammering on and on how I need take a nap. I tried telling her naps don't work because of Mom's snoring, sleep apnea, outside noise (it's a noisy neighborhood), the dogs reacting to the noise and their wanting to do something we me. I tried taking a nap a couple times and ended up feeling worse than before.

Then she hounded me about doing a hobby. Tried to tell her I'm too worn out to concentrate, whereupon she interrupts and yammers on and on. She turns everything to her when I try to explain what's going on me and my fatigue, whatever, and she'll interrupt me and turn it toward herself. Example: I tried to vent one day how this neighborhood is so noisy I'm on constantly on edge. She interrupted me: "I like this neighborhood!" Needless to say, I quit talking.

Anyway, this morning I tried again to tell her about my perspective and she interrupted me again, "I just go into the basement and make my wind chimes." I lost my temper and yelled, "We're not talking about you, we're talking about me!"

Silence. She said, "I'm hanging up now." Me: "See you tomorrow."

After a shower I sent her a text apologizing for yelling and that I was just too worn out. Haven't heard from her.

I'm so sick and tired at having no one listen to me. They've told me to get some counseling but none of them ensure I have assured time off to go do anything. They're so wrapped up in their own little world, interrupt me, turn all conversation to themselves, while I'm suffering having left my home empty in another state, taking care of our mother, her house, and her paperwork--and doing a great job if I say so myself...which apparently I have to since no one else will say it.

Mally, you mentioned 'guess I had it' - meaning the flu? Oh, no, it just registered in my head the word 'solo'. My eyes widened. That must have been awful for your voice to crack just when you were singing solo! I sure hope it's not anything permanent. Since you do singing as a living, I'm sure you know what to do about protecting your vocal cords.... drink lots of fluid, resting your vocal cords, exercising it, etc.... I hope it gets better. Don't push it. Take care.

Guess I had it and it seems to have damaged my throat; was singing solo at church yesterday and voice cracked and strange.... uh oh....

MsMadge—The CDC developed a flu vaccine that turned out to have only a 20% effectiveness, so everyone has had flu this year. I’ve had it, it’s not the worst flu but it effects the lungs, and since I have COPD, I was sick for 6 weeks.

... and a long night...

Mom's hallucinating...and busy. It's going to be a long day...

They've built a low-income housing apartment next door to oldest bro's land. We've had problems with the tenants thinking that they can just freely roam our land and take what they want without asking. This afternoon, something happened that emphasized the importance of always keeping our doors locked. A guy jumped over the wall to discover he was cornered. He jumped into bro's backyard that was fenced by the cement wall boundary, 2 chain link fences and my brother's house. This is where he releases his vicious rottweilers outside of the house. So guy banging on their backdoor demanding to be let through -being chased by guys who want to beat him up. They unlocked the fence in front, and waiting for him was the cops. A 911 call on domestic violence, which he was fleeing. Oldest bro told me this. I told oldest sis. She quickly looked at the back door. Yep, I'm guilty. When I do my laundry (washer is outside), I don't lock the wooden door. The screen door is flimsy and doesn't have a lock. Lesson learned. Always lock the doors at all times - even when doing the laundry.

At the funeral, my first cousin from the states, one of aunty's daughters, hugged me warmly. I was surprised. She told me that cousin D will be getting my phone number. I was confused. Anyway, when oldest bro & his wife came to offer their condolences, she told him that 'his girls' were here earlier. They were puzzled. They only have 1 daughter and she's working that day. Fave sis and I burst out laughing when he said that she thought we were his daughters.... Some people also thought fave sis and I were our oldest sister's daughters. I still chuckle over this... (oldest bro is only 5 years older than me, oldest sis is 8 years older than me.)

Since we're just starting on probate, I'm not sure what to do with dad's land tax. I would pay it but it's a senior citizen rate. I don't want to get in trouble with the gov't on scamming or fraud. OR I can give it to oldest bro whom I've learned in the past doesn't care what happens to dad's bills. I had to do all the running around just to get things done. So, land tax... if this doesn't get paid, our gov't charges a late fee + daily interest...

Second, we usually receive the automatic house insurance renewal policy. We didn't get it. I'm assuming the house insurance company found out that dad's no longer here. So, they didn't renew it. When mom had passed away, I took her death certificate to take her name out of the house insurance policy. They told me that only my dad can make the changes. I said fine. If it doesn't bother them, then it shouldn't bother me. Maybe on Sunday, when things calm down, I will bring dad's bills and give it to bro. I can pay it but... he's the Executor... Let's hope the house doesn't burn down between now and when bro gets off his bottom and does something about it.

Fave sis just called about tomorrow's funeral. I HINTED quite broadly that the parking is going to be terrible tomorrow. So sis volunteered to pick oldest sis and I on her way to the Church Viewing and the Funeral mass. (Yay!)

She then asked me how many rosaries have I attended. I snorted and said just that one time on Saturday (to show face to the mourning family.) I don't have to go to the rosaries because I'm not Catholic... So, how many times have She went to the rosaries?  She defensively said that they shouldn't expect weak Catholics to go the rosary faithfully! (ahem... yes, in our culture, when a close relative, like Aunty - who is Dad's brother's wife - we must go to every rosary. Period.) But I didn't say anything. This is between her, her religion and her conscience... Anyway, I have my own to deal with...

MsMadge, here on island, it used to be only the Japanese tourists walking around with a face mask - covering their nose/mouth. When I had the flu and was going to cancel my after surgery follow-up, the nurse told me that I can still come in but ask the front desk for a face mask. And I did just that. Yesterday, I saw a young local lady wearing a face mask at the Smoothie place. At the store, a young local boy around age 13 was wearing a face mask. It's like a norm now to see not just tourists but even locals wearing it. Soooo much better than being stuck at home!!!

I'm not sure why California has been so hard hit by the flu this year - sheer size of the population or bugs like the climate?

Mom was kept in the ambulance bay when she was sent to ER until space opened up inside and I had to go on a hunt for tamiflu which the pharmacy was out of when she was discharged

Nearly everyone at work is coughing their germs all over

Well this flu season is keeping the hospital hopping! We have a cheap boss who likes to keep staffing very low, and now they are offering OT to try to get enough staff in. I had two days off this week, and Mom is at Aunts. THey have called me both days to see if I could come in.. "Nope not this week!" But I still feel a bit guilty..

Book I have heard that prenatal vitamens can help, just get the generic ones at the store. However, some people do get an upset stomach from them.

Bookluvr I hope you are feeling better. Sounds like we had similar experiences. My reaction this week had a lot to so with my dad's passing in July and flashbacks of that experience. I'm doing better today.

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