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Glad, I giggled at 'skedaddling'. Oh, my gosh, I rarely hear words like that nowadays. I was reading an E-book and the author used an old slang that I had used here on AC. I paused and stared at the words. I don't know. I just get a kick out of using old slangs/terminology.... Skedaddling! =)

At consultation before surgery, they gave me a paper with the total cost for each procedure and my 20% copayment. They said that they will first process it through my insurance. Then, they will bill me the balance. Okay, I will wait and try not to look at my online balance.

Book, you should have received insurance contracted rate for the procedure. Maybe nothing is actually due.?

If you want to find out exactly what will be due without alerting billing, call youd insurance company.
I think doctors and lawyers think it is okay to bill a year later. They do think that, and do bill later, so you are very wise to save that money. But try not to worry or think too much about it.

Those spirits are tricky things Book

Good job skedaddling book.

I was off today. I was planning to leave the house at 8:45am, timing it to when the bank opens at 9. I was taking my sweet time getting ready. Listening to my audio ebook as I lazily did my routine. 8:10am, I suddenly realized that I was going to have 'unexpected' visitors just after 8:30. I stood there debating to listen to my guts. That lasted only 5 seconds. I was like Speedy Gonzales. Grabbed my ice coffee and fled out the door by 8:18. Didn't know where to go until the bank opens. So, I just parked my car, turned it off, roll down the windows a teeny tiny bit, and listened to my ebook.... sigh..

I still haven't received my 20% copayment billing for my endoscopy and colonoscopy in August. I have the $1,000.00 set aside for it. I keep eyeing it. I really don't want to touch that money and then the bill comes in. Anyway, whatever is leftover after the bill comes in, will be going to my emergency fund.

Ah, Veronica, my nephew (who sometimes sees spirits in mirrors) told me that I shouldn't give the spirits permission to hurt any trespassers in our land. He said that there can be some dangerous consequences.... When the new low cost apartment was built next door to bro, the people had absolutely no problem strolling way into our land without permission, and started picking our mango. When I came home and saw these strangers picking mango from our back yard (!), I told them that they have no right to pick our mangos, they're trespassing and to leave. They just looked at me and continued to pick. I didn't call the police - over what? Mangos?...

So, I decided to turn to the land spirit and gave them permission to hurt any outsiders snooping or taking things without permission. I said that it can make them so sick that no white man's medicine can cure them. The only solution was for these intruders to ask it (the spirit) for forgiveness. ... After nephew's lecture, I no longer ask the spirits to hurt people. Or scare them.

I don't really know what you can do. Are these native people or are they incomers?
You could just go to the door and tell them you are no longer interested in associating with them and please remove you from their list of worshipers. Please do not come to my house again. Since my father's death i am now head of the household and if you come on my property again I will have to call the police and obtain a restraining order against you and you collegues.
If you can't do this face to face just write them a letter resigning from their church.
If all else fails ask your favorite spirit to break a couple of legs next time they turn up.

Bookluvr, my goodness, your experience sounds horrible. I'm not sure how I would have handled uninvited, unannounced, unwelcome guests who try to bully me to entertain them or join them for worship.....but, it wouldn't be pretty. I'd be curt and likley have told them that I would not be able to visit and that prearranging things works best for me.

I haven't had family do that kind of thing, but, I have had friends do something similar. I'm no longer friends with them.

I'm not big on organized religion, but, I do consider myself spiritual and I recently started attending a church of my choice that I enjoy attending. This place has good people, low key, no bullying or insanity. That's important in a church, imo. ( I grew up in one that was evil. I'm not kidding.)

I hope you can find some peace. I'm curious as to how it turns out. (Why won't they leave you alone)

book - I am having to be very firm with a neighbour who keeps coming back. I don't let her in, and the last time she came I refused to take an envelope she wanted to give me, and told her I wanted her off my property and to stay off. Previously I had told her to let me alone, but apparently she did not get that message. No trespassing and calling the police may have to be the next move.

Good call cmag!

It is good that you are being strong about this. I thought of two more things. 1. Put a No Trespassing sign on your property. 2. See if a judge would award you a restraining order against people from that religion for they are harassing you and making you feel afraid inside your home. I wish you the best as you deal with this.

Cmag, I'm trying to be courageous and strong. To do what you say is logical. But my .. timidness is hard to overcome. The last time I hid from them, every time they called my name, my chest was hurting. I found it very stressful to hide from them, and them knowing that I'm inside hiding. I'm working on it, though. I keep reminding myself the promises I made. {{chuckling}} I Did think of that, too!!!

Our family believes in each person making their own decisions. When these visitors dropped by and I'm not home, they leave messages for me with them. My family usually 'forgets' to relay the message. Teacher niece warned me this morning that they dropped by yesterday. So, I knew they were coming again.

As for my former religion. It's a mess. I didn't realize how political religion can be within! There's the traditional vs the neo. And well... there's a huge scandal right now of priests raping the altar boys several decades ago. It all started when a cousin found out that his cousin was raped by @#!*... and so he went to the news and outed the @#!* Nobody believed him and verbally attacked him. Raped cousin former altar boy refused to say anything.. After that, the floodgates opened. Other men started stepping forward saying that he was raped, too.... Nope, not going there! =)

It's fine, Cwillie. Today's event just pushed me to make a decision. And I did.


The next time they show up, don't let them inside of the house. If they refuse to leave tell them you are going to call the police.

Agreeing to go to their dinner because you were pressured and they wouldn't leave until you said yes doesn't mean you are "obligated" to follow through. Don't go, simple as that.
What does the rest of your family think of these people and your former religion? Could any of them help?

They came today. My usual unannounced visitors. They tried to pin me down to agreeing to socialize with them, to come to their home for a visit, to go to Sunday worship, etc... Why do I feel this way? How do you think God feels about that? .... I started crying in front of them. I Do Not Cry in front of people (not even family.) They just keep pushing and pushing. And I sooooo am fed up with doing OBLIGATIONS. I spent 25 years with my Obligations to my parents. I swore, that when this was done, No More Obligations! ... And they are trying to reel me back into my Religious Obligations. .. I cracked and started crying. In front of them. And all the way to the end, I absolutely refused to agree to go out to dinner/lunch or anything.... They tried to find out what I do in my Free Time! I was very vague.... Do you watch tv? No. What do you do now. I just shrug, no answer. ... I know how they think. If I give a specific answer, they will work on it until it's not a reasonable answer. {{shudder}} I feel like a gold fish in a small bowl with a cat looking down, staring at me, waiting to pounce on me. I'm swimming around and around frantically with nowhere to hide. ... Don't answer - so that they cannot use it against me....

I am not going back. I just have to remind myself that I promised to try to be strong and courageous this year. Remind myself about no more obligations... I'm done venting.... Until next weekend or the next .. when they drop by unannounced...

I can endorse ordering groceries online from Walmart. Here we get delivery, for $10.00, but are restricted to dry goods, cans etc, no fresh or frozen, but it still helps to have heavy and bulky stuff delivered to your door. I know other centers offer more and pick up at the store. Recently I had a broken jar in my order and they refunded right away after I sent photos.

Veronica91, have you checked out ordering your groceries online? My SIL's mother does it at Walmart. I think you order online, tell them when you'll pick it up and then they bring it out to your car. I may try it, though, I am able bodied right now. But, it saves time. In larger cities, you may also be able to have the groceries delivered to your home. I haven't done that either, because, I don't live in the city right now.

When I was leaving in the parking lot yesterday, the young lady was helping her dad get into their vehicle. He seemed to be far away mentally. I think his issue may have been more mental. I really hope she saw what happened and takes measures to limit him driving in a store. It's just not safe, imo.

Sunny and Book,
Those carts are a nightmare to drive. Try one sometime. Sometimes you can't get through the displays. people push their carts out in front of you. the cars thems self run out of battery life , they may simply stop on their own. People browse the shelves leaving their carts in the middle of the aisle, two neighbors stop their carts to catch up on gossip. Other cart users, usually 600lb older men stare you down and expect you to give way. Now when yu get to the checkout the checkers are usually extremely helpful. They may unload the basket then reload it and offer carry out. and load the car. They really are a mixed blessing but for now i cant walk that far.

Sunnygirl, I once mentioned this here. I almost go ran over several times. From what I understand from those who have driven those carts - it's Not like driving a car. After reading that, I now avoid those scooter/cart drivers. I never assume anymore that they know how to drive it.

Bookluvr, your nightmare sounds exciting and horrible. I hope the nightmare doesn't return. But, your description of something scary did remind me of the trailer that I recently saw for the movie The Shape Of Water! OMG. Has anyone seen it? IT's more science fiction than scary, I suppose, but, I really loved it. Will definitely be checking it out. I heard it got an Oscar nod.

WATCH out in the grocery store. Today, I was shopping and a young lady was there with her grandfather, I suppose. He was operating a scooter by himself, but, she walked beside him. I heard a noise and looked up, jumped out of the way and barely missed getting hit by this man. OMG. People really need to be careful. He could seriously hurt someone if he hits them on that electronic scooter. I really can't afford to be out of commission with a broken leg.

I don't dream. Correction, if I dream, I don't remember it. This morning was the exception. I woke up from a nightmare. I can still remember bits & pieces. I was with fave sis on the 1st floor and wondered why that woman on the bldg next to us on the 2nd floor was putting her child's toys along the ledges. We had an urgency to flee. Flee from what? I don't know. Then we saw the govt's people walking in a line, pass us. The next thing I knew, there was this older woman by the side of a bldg. My sis was now some guy I don't know but we seem to be traveling together. He leads us pass the old woman and up the stairs. He opens the door and we see this man and woman fleeing towards us. Something around the corner is after them. We realized that this bldg is not a place to hide. So I turned around to go back down the stairs. The older woman is now sitting on the stairs, blocking us but looking up at us - expectantly. My instinct warns me that she's scary - even though there's nothing in her demeanor to show this. I stopped and stared at her. Too scared to approach her. My male companion, behind me, moves in front and continues downward. I followed. This time, she's no longer on the stairs but on the ground - letting us through. Once we pass her, I started running as fast as I could. My male companion was out-of-shape because he had to stop. I was so torn between keep running or staying behind with him. No need to decide. The man from the 2nd floor bldg who was fleeing from whatever it was inside the bldg - he landed right between me and my companion. His arms were missing. He looked at us. I knew that it was too late to run. So, we needed to hide. In the tall grasses. As I threw myself into the grass, knowing that I was going to die a horrible death, I landed on this long bed. The dying man was with us, on that bed. Nowhere to hide. So, like I used to do as a child when I was scared, I fled to the corner where the bed meets the wall. Laid down, grabbed the blanket and covered my face.... When I knew the monster older lady was in the room with us, I woke up.... This dream bothered me a lot. It made an impression in my psyche. Over 12 hours later, and I still remember it.

I had to jump out of my bed and turn on the light. From past experience, if I go back to sleep, my nightmare will continue where I left off. I walked a while to pass the time. In the meantime, I knew that I only get nightmares from reading scary books or movies. My tv isn't working. So, something I read triggered a nightmare. I'm reading a fantasy book short stories by Tanya Huff. Her books are Not Scary! Unlike VC Andrews, Stephen King, etc.... And then I remembered one short story. The Underhill queen elf made several comments about wanting to eat that rude male human. Instead, she kicked him out of Underhill. Yikes! Just from her thinking about eating him caused me to have a nightmare?! Sigh....

She needs to apply for medicaid which is different from medicare.

My mom will be 101 in July. We have the ability to cover her care at this point so we wouldn't need Medicare. She is certainly a fall risk and has signs of dementia. She can function on her own up to a point,but I can't be there all the time so I worry constantly is she okay. We built a room for her in my home,but after staying two nights she wanted to go back to her home. Too much activity in my home for her. I am approaching my busy season for work and at that point will not be available at all. I own a small business and for six months work seven days a week from morning until nine or ten at night. Either she accepts help at home overnight or it will have to be assisted living. Either way the cost is prohibitive.

Wow guys..... unbelievable, isn't it?

Mally, when my Dad had three shifts of caregivers at home as he was a fall risk, it was costing him $20k per month, yes per month. Therefore Dad was happy that moving to Independent Living was $5k per month, he got a good deal because back then it was in the middle of winter and the placed wanted to get that apartment rented, thus Dad got a discount. Eventually he needs some of the "options" so the monthly cost went up.

The when Dad had to move into Memory Care, same complex, the cost was around $7k per month with everything included.

When my Mom needed to live in long-term-care, it was $12k per month as she needed a higher level of care.

It can become expensive as one ages. My folks were in their 90's.

Mally, the basic rent in my parents place is about $3800 per month for one person for room, meals and very minimal care level.

Add spouse for another $1250 per month.

Now add laundry service, med administration including insulin injections, and very high level of assist for wrangling Dad with moderate dementia (wants to exit building 10 times a day to find his car) and total mobility assist for mom who can barely stand up for 5 seconds without falling.

And we use in house doc service, adult diapers /wipes service (it’s about as cheap as I can buy them). We’re at $7000 per month. And this will go up dramatically when Dad is moved into the memory care unit which could be in one year or one month from now.

Keep in mind this is for two people and I’m 600 miles away and totally rely on these folks for everything.

$7,000 a month for AL? $100,000 a year? Good grief! I thought the $3,500 people pay here in our town was high.....

I am THRILLED that my dad has made comments about downsizing several times over the last few weeks. I agree completely and fully support selling their "compound." Long story, but, my family has owned this section of land for many years and SIX generations have lived here. Some family is also still on it.  But, it's just too much now and daddy, though, he works outside everyday and is pretty healthy, is 80 years old. He and mom need something smaller and little outdoor upkeep. A small patio, where they can grow flowers and herbs is more than enough. I hope I can get my mom on board.

Jim, you’re doing and thinking about the right stuff. But in all probability your mom will end up in the er, hospital or rehab after a crisis or event. At that point she needs to be moved to a care facility. And you tell her it’s JUST UNTIL YOU GET BETTER.

I just went through this with both parents, got them into care last month after years of begging, arguing etc.  You will never convince your mother she needs 24/7 care. You just have to do it at the first opportunity that arises.  I was about ready to turn my folks over to the county until the perfect storm of calamity hit and allowed me to take action.

BTW, our cost for both parents in a nice AL with almost all assist/menu items is about $100 K per year. I know this can vary widely but look around.

And c mag is correct, if she doesn’t have funds you’d best be applying for Medicaid.

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