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Becky we were homies!! LOL We have a family vacay home in the HF Sheperdstown area . ( At least we still do,, FIL is making sqeaking noises about us buying it.. not sure we can or want to.. it needs some work ) Love WV.. my second fav place ! When my dad passed I bought a picture of the church in HF and I think of him whenever I see it. I love being on the river, and the Monocacy river runs alongside out current home. But A lake is in my future.. we talk about retiring to NH.

Pam, I live on a lake in north central Maine. Love it. My oldest grandson was born in Frederick, MD. My son and DIL lived in Harpers Ferry, WV, but his wife worked in Frederick. I taught a computerized medical records class in Frederick and in Hagerstown - got to know the area fairly well.

Becky,, that is too funny! I live in Frederick county,, in the Northern part nearer the PA line. And I wouldn't mind the snow if I was in Maine... we LOVE New Hampshire and used to vacation there every summer.. hope to get back to it one of these days. Rented a cabin on the lakes in Holderness.. miss miss miss it!

We did check for it,but thank you. She was negative. We have been seeing some change over the last weeks,at first just being stubborn. That has gotten worse to where we are now. The adult day care also has a nurse who talks with my wife often. They spoke a couple of days ago and last week as well. They have been keeping track of behavior changes they are seeing too. She gets very agitated after lunchtime at day care. Some of the elderly are transported home by bus. When she sees them leaving she tries to get out the door. They leave about an hour ahead of those being picked up. That is why they asked us to pick her up at the same time the bus is there.

Jim; If this is a sudden change in her mental status (and it sounds like it is) the FIRST thing to do is report it do her doctor and ask for her to be tested for a Urinary Tract Infection. Strangely enough, these can cause psychiatric symptoms in elders.

Get her in for testing right away and talk to the doctor about how to address her increased needs.

Good morning all. Snow in the way for us again today too. My topic today concerns my mother in law who lives with us. She is 96 with late stage dementia. Over the last couple of weeks we have seen another change in her behavior. She has become very combative. The adult day care that she attends three days a week called my wife and asked if we could pick her up earlier than usual as they had seen a change as well. They have started to give her medication to calm her down, but a day ago she refused to take it. A week ago an aid we have help us told us my mother in law became combative with her and shoved her. This happened again a couple of days ago with my mother in law shoving her and then trying to leave the house. My wife was out a couple of hours so we gave my mother in law dinner. The battle started when she sat in her chair. She was half on so we asked her to move into the middle so she wouldn’t fall. She said to us you move . Then we started dinner, where we have to stop her from eating or she just shovels food into her mouth without chewing what is already there. This started another fight. We then needed to do her eye drops. She grabbed the bottle away and put it inside a device one of the nurses at adult care suggested to occupy her unrest. A half hour later she was falling asleep at the table so we said let’s go and get you ready for bed. She screamed you go to bed,I am not going. We let her be and when my wife returned she tried with the same result. We are both exhausted dealing with my mother in law and my mom who I have spoken of here as well. Have we reached the point where it is time to place her in a professional setting ?

Slush here

Send some of that snow this way. We are in one of the driest winters ever!

Don't know where your located Pam, but in Maine is been snow and more snow since December. Totally tired of snow. I used to travel in western Maryland from Frederick over 70 into PA. Wicked snow lots of times.

Snow,, and more snow,,, I am supposed to work tomorrow,, yes indeed I called out. 54 mile drive one way, roads crappy here on the mountain,, calling for up to 15 inches! Mom fell in the tub this week, probably needed stiches but refused, and wobbly as ever. Since hubs wll be outside all day tomorrow getting us cleared out ( if/when it stops) and also our elderly neighbors.. no way can he keep his usual eyes on mom. So I am invoking my FMLA for mom, and keeping her in the house. She would try to help hubs, or walk the dog.. nope,, not going there if I may be stuck in Baltimore and unable to do anything if something happens. I have only called out once in a year,, so I am trying not to feel too guilty,, but my last 5 miles home were crappy and we already have 6 inches, with the worst to come tonight!

Oh Veronica dear
We love you 😘
Your self sufficiency has always amazed me but I
Hope your DD is available to help you

Hope you can get a good night's rest

Oh, Veronica! Your plate is full. (((((Hugs))))))))

Now my mother argued with me saying table salt could be used on road ice.

Oh, Another one of the ever popular 'would you like to' guilt trip kind of questions. In place of 'can you do this/that'. She doesn't like hearing the word 'no' from me. Like I am supposed to be at her beg-and-call.

Thanks for asking MsMadge.
I really don't know how answer that. This morning hubs was demanding I pick him up. he was leaving.
Next he was not going to the new rehab.
After that he had decided to stay where he was and not move as he was already half way through his stay (Ha he thinks) he'd better get working to come home in a week.
Now he has decided he will move to the new facility but he thinks he will have to drive his car there because i may have to go into the hospital.
Now here is what I did today. Had an appt with a cardiologist but when I arrived the appt had disappeared!!!!!!! Told registration that I had to be seen as I had problems.
I was handed a red card and someone would come and speak to me. A nurse came out and said all they could do in the clinic was an EKG and suggested the ER. After further discussion she said she would see what she could do. I eventually saw a FNP who was better than most Drs and spent about 1 1/2 hours with me. She is afraid I am retaining fluid and in heart failure so ordered blood tests and called me this PM and said I was hiding fluid somewhere probably in my lungs as I get so breathless doing very little. I have to go back on Friday and she would really like me to be managed as an inpatient which in the current circumstances would be a great relief with the circus I am living in right now.
The FNP called and told me I was holding a lot of fluid but she did not know where and increased my Lasix to 80mg twice daily. Took the second dose an hour ago and so far no result.
So thats how hubs and I are doing.

How are you and hubs doing ?

Veronica91-A group home, would end up being my funeral home. Because the staff would not take the time to understand the specific details of my physical health. My maternal aunt made that suggestion last September. Of all people she knows what I have been through, from the very beginning. A social worker would be useless. Because, I am 'on the ropes', so to speak. I am neither a member of MENSA. Nor am dependent on round-the -clock care. But I am dependent on people giving a hoot about my health, and not behaving like a blithering idiot when it goes south.

She has not been diagnosed with Dementia. I have tried to get my father n' step-mother to intervene. Even though they told me to tell them when I have a concern about my mother's health. They just blow it off.

I broached the subject of having more help for my mom yesterday. She refused and said I would rather be alone . If I go ahead and hire somebody she will chase them away. I know she will be calling me at work all the time. Yesterday she called me and said go to the market and get me some grated cheese. She does this often,calling and asking me to go out and get one item.

Sunnygirl1 , yes the stress is tough. My sister kind of does her own thing . We had agreed that she would take over for the spring and going forward that was the plan. Now she is babysitting for my niece three days a week, working part time in a gift shop two days , and wants her weekends off. I have taken care of my mom everyday since my dad passed away in September. My sister spent a month on vacation in Florida and is headed back again. My wife and I have not had a break in well over a year. Not one day. Because time is short I have to come up with a plan. I want her to be safe and not be alone hours on end.

Jim, that's tough. Not sure how you do it. That long term stress will get to you. I hope you can find some relief.

They do come over for short periods. It is a very small congregation. Most are elderly or live an hour the other side of town and it is a half hour in to town. Every semi able body works at the food distribution center we run for the County. I can no longer get there to pick up a box for us so they will pack one and bring it to me once a month. If I run low I can get an emergency box.
So many in the congregation are dealing with the same things. One is in Nursing Home, one is traveling between here and their parents, another wife is dealing with a husband who is getting combative. The one who always did errands for me has broken her pelvic and are older than mom! I really am blessed. Just miss the physical hugs etc. I am so far out while winter was heavy so was the ice on the ramp. It was constructed too steep.
Mom and I do listen to "In Search of the Lords Way" cds. Ah it will all work to His Glory.

It has been a while since my last post. We have gone back and forth with my mom over living arrangements since my dad passed away last fall. We put a room in our home for her,but she will only come here when winter weather threatens with power outages. My mom will be 101 in a few months,is very unsteady walking, has vision problems,and is close to totally deaf. I have an aid with her four days a week for half the day. The nature of my work allows me to go over and see her each day for a few hours during the winter months. Now as spring approaches my business ramps up and I work seven days a week , twelve to fourteen hours a day and will do so until September. My sister was going to take over for me but has now backed out. My mom can be a handful, some dementia and doesn’t want any overnight help. I have the aid doing some shopping for her, but being alone all those hours concerns me. When she was here last week during a big storm we asked her to wear her hearing aid. She had a total meltdown refusing saying we shouldn’t force her to wear it because she is mourning and old. The alternative is that we yell over and over because she is so deaf she can’t even hear doing that. She got so mad she threw her hearing aid away we think. We have not seen it since that night. My mom is old school in that she will mourn until the day she dies. That means crying all the time, sitting and staring off into nothingness. Having her at our home is stressful. She needs me to do everything for her. We also have my mother in law in late stage dementia. Between the two our lives are stressed. I asked my mom if moving to assisted living might be better,but she refuses. I can’t force her to move so here we sit .

NightOwl, I'm glad your family is pitching in while you're down. When I had to have 2 major stomach surgeries, my family next-door pitched in for 2 months changing my bedridden mom's pampers twice a day (morning and before bedtime.) In order for me to avoid helping my dad, I made sure to have my after-surgery recovery at my sister's home. The 1st surgery, I came home 2 months after the surgery. Oh my! Lifting mom, bending was totally Not Good for my surgical area! So, on my 2nd surgery, I made sure I came home 3 months after. It was still painful bending/lifting mom- but not as bad as the 1st one... So my advice to you, make sure you're definitely recovered before doing any strenuous physical activity that might set you back from recovery.

Bluebird. Does your religion do Sunday services only once a day? Like Pam said, maybe first you can reach out to your religious leader? Another option is to just hire someone in the caregiving industry to cover the time you attend Sunday services? In my religion, they have offered to me (which I never took advantage of) a phone Sunday service. I would listen to the services via the phone instead of being there in person... If you truly don't feel comfortable leaving your mom alone since she's close to the end (my dad was like that with my mom), perhaps you can ask your priest/pastor if he can record the services for you.

To lead up to this request, tell your priest/pastor that due to you following God's command to take care of your elderly parent, that it has taken all of you physically to do it. Now, you're spirituality is suffering because you can't attend Sunday services regularly like before. Tell him that you miss hearing his sermons, miss hearing about God and your fellow worshipers.... I think all good, caring religious leaders will appreciate that you enjoyed/listened to their sermon and that you are aware of your spiritual need and hunger. If he truly cares for every single parishioner in his congregation/parish, your priest/pastor will find a way to feed your spiritual need.

Sigh... Sometimes, I felt so guilty because when I felt my spiritual hunger flare up, I would turn on the radio and flip through all those religious channels until I found a SOOTHING religious sermon. I didn't want to hear fear/damnation or what God requires of me. I wanted a sermon to soothe my soul because caregiving and life stresses were drowning me. Trust me, as you channel surf, your spiritual hunger will definitely let you know which channel it wants to hear. When you do find it, remember the time and the radio/tv station.

Are you prepared? I was in an accident and can not drive for quite awhile. Family has pitched in to help. This would not be doable without the AL and family. Take care of youself too. Caregivers going strong are not invincible.

Chris I am so sorry, this is very hard for you to tolerate but it is just part of Mom's disease progression although i am sure she insists there is still nothing wrong with her.
is there any possibility of you moving out into some kind of group home where you will only be responsible for yourself.
Do you have a social worker you can talk to?
I don't think Mom is not listening I believe she simply does not understand what you are telling her and in her confusion she does things wrong. I don't know if she has a dementia diagnosis but if she does this is a progression of the disease. Can you talk to her Dr? or send a letter to him/her?
We can only make suggestions based on what you tell us and although people sympathize you have to get real people to intervene

My mother's memory is getting worse. Yet she still thinks this, or that, never happened.

I need a new toner cartridge for my multifunction printer. She said I should use one of the cartridge's she buys in bulk for her printer. I knew they wouldn't work. But when I actually, physically try to get one of those toner cartridges'. She asks me why I am doing that. I tell her because she told me to do that. So she goes in my bedroom and starts messing with my printer. That is when she finds out what I already told her. That I need a different toner cartridge.

Another example of her not listening.

Bluebird, it sounds like you were very involved in your church and charity work. Could some one from there spell you so you could go to church once a week? Talk to your pastor, I bet they have an outreach program.

Missing worship service is what I think kills me most. Now that mom can only stand if I pull her up and secure one hand behind her bottom to push it under her so I can pull down the Depends and then slide it to the hips and lower her to the pot,,, there is no way she can get out for service. She won't eat and won't get out of bed or do anything but watch the birds at the feeder I put outside her window.
I feel isolated most of the time. I used to help 4 days a week at a food commodity distribution center sorting veggies and fruits by family size to be packed and given as they came in. Always went to Church services, taught on Wednesday night, visited elderly and attended game fellowship nights etc. Now it is hard to get respite to do things like going to dump, getting chicken feed & litter, fish food, cat supplies, Dr for myself or my meds. Mom doesn't talk to me much. One or two from Church call occasionally. Her brothers in Alabama call once in a while just to ask a quick hows it going. I'm just needing hugs... physical contact I guess. Hospice comes in but are only around a few minutes. Care other than a nurse coming more often is less than I was getting with the Council on Aging as far as her personal care. Since they took over mom does not get into the shower on the chair like before. Her strength is waning so much faster. I know getting better is not their focus. And if I believed that is all she is capable of I would not feel like we are just sitting and waiting for her die. Can't let her see me cry or be angry. I want to scream. I don't think she is ready.

I've been having recurring dreams about my LO, (cousin, who I am the sole one responsible for.) She's final stage dementia now and this last visit just really shook me. It was the first time that I don't think she recognized me, though, I'm not sure. She's now down to just a few single words. No real communication. In my dreams she's talking and not that bad off though. I have a history with my dreams. Long story, won't go there, but, I've learned to pay attention to them.

I just can't seem to get her off my mind. I've done some assessment scoring and though, I know those things aren't always accurate.....I wonder if she has even 3 months left.

Alto mom has been told by both her GP and her cardiologist that she needs a cane or a walker.. nope,, not going to happen until she breaks something. My friend who is in her 50s uses a cane,, we tried to tell mom that they are not just for "old people" Nothing works.. she has fallen many times both here and at my Aunts home. You can't win.. I get your frustration.. it sucks

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