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CM this is what happens when a govt runs out of money. Here in the US they are threatening to cut medicare and social security. If you want to know what happens in real life ask any Portorican if they have their electricity back yet and it has been more than six months since the hurricane. And our elected officials get gold plated healthcare for the rest of their lives

Yes, what on earth is going on, Book? Who's responsible for running these services?

Book, closing?! Are there any other ways for the elderly to receive the care they need other than privately? Are they expecting family or friends to take over these responsibilities? What the heck!

Our island's nursing home is closing down. They're trying to figure out where to put the bedridden Alzheimer patients.

Our gov't caregivers are also closing. They were the ones who came to our house 4 times a week for one hour to bathe my bedridden father... Can you believe, the whole time my mom had dementia, and still walking - it was this govt caregiver showered mom for 2 decades. When mom was bedridden for over 13 years, I only Once ever sponge bathed her. When dad was bedridden for the 5 years, they showered him. I never had to do it.... And they're closing down!!! I need to buy a Thank You card and maybe some chocolate Macadamia nut candies and stop by their office.

Yesterday, at the blood lab clinic, I met an elderly man with his wheelchair wife. They immediately reminded me of mom and dad. Dad would take mom in her wheelchair to the clinic. But we never let him go by himself. I or my brother would go with dad to help him with mom... Anyway, back to the lab, we sat and I did most of the talking. The lady on my right said she has to look away when they draw blood from her arm. I said I never had problem until the hospital nurse lost my vein and went fishing for it. When I said fishing for it, I used my right hand with the pointer finger poking my left inner arm and moved my finger back and forth as if searching for the vein.

My gut instinct told me not to go to this specific lab because the nurse is like new and draw blood painfully. But it was enroute to my drive to work. When I got there, she was doing an elderly woman. After 10 minutes, I whispered to the elderly man how long was she doing that woman. He said a long time. Woman done. Next was this big chunky man. I'm making conversations to pass the time. After 8 minutes, I whispered to the elderly man that the nurse is taking awfully long Per Patient! I had bloodworks done at my clinic on Tuesday and it was quick - not even 3 minutes. My eyes were wide because I'm scared of needles. This doesn't look good at all.

The man whispered back to me: "She couldn't find blood on his left arm. So, now she's trying his right arm.... and she must be fishing for the vein." That man then imitated my earlier actions of fishing for the vein.... I huffed at him, and then lightly whacked his arm. He was chuckling. Anyway, that nurse was scaring me. I got up, walked to the sign-in sheet and scratched off my name out. I told the elderly man that I'm going to try again the next morning at another location.... I did. And the nurse was a quick expert.

Micah, MtnMoose - gross. One morning, I knew dad was touching his poop in his Depends because the room suddenly smelled awful. Sure enough, he had poop all over him and the bedding. I recalled posting here about it. I never did learn to 'go with the flow' when it came to that!

Pam, enjoy your trip! Wow, to stay at famous author's BNB!

mally1: Thank you for your encouragement! I love the folks here...

Warning graphic bodily function: Well, the education continues. Poor Mom has drank and eaten little in the past several days since all she does is sleep. Last bowel movement was Friday (she's normally like clockwork daily). So, six days later, today, she needed to go. Yay! So on the commode by her in-home hospital bed. In agony she strained, sweated, panted, cried out, quaked from shaking so hard, desperate to lay down while I held her and comforted her. Called hospice what to do to give her some relief. The nurse recommended an enema. (Oh, yay. I've heard of such a thing.) My niece was with me and she's worked in a nursing home. I raced to the store and raced back.

What a lesson in how to give one, which didn't work. She was in agony. Called Sister 2 who's now a funeral home director and has worked in a nursing home long time ago and very smart. She has a way with Mom that relaxes her. Ended up giving Mom another enema. An hour and half later from the start she had her movement. No wonder she was in such pain. I'm exhausted. Mom had soaked through a fresh housecoat. Actually, she's doing better than me! A relief for her and for me. The things we get to learn on this caregiving journey.

thank you so much for the acknowledgment ((HUG)) I didnt tell him . Last night he gave himself too much insulin and had an event in the night and didnt wake me up - OMG. I could have awoken to him dead. cannot believe i am going through a stressful caregiving thing again after mom and dad! its going to get worse and worse - i have witnessed others... Breathe,,,, breathe..... Bed and Breakfast!! I gotta do that and go antiquing - thanks everyone , we shall prevail.

Have a great time Pam!

Spring is supposed to be here, and we are going to a wedding in sunny warm San Antonio next week,,, so today I got a pedi! And tomorrow my hair dealt with! It feels good to do something nice for myself. And Mom and Aunt are supposed to be staying for 6 WEEKS !! I'll believe this when it happens,, we got them open ended tickets but my cousins in Tx are planning to keep them busy and the end goal is a cousins son's graduation from law school,, so we shall see! I also booked our stay at a BNB owned by a famous Author who I love, and mom and hubs got this for me for Christmas.. and I am so excited! So wish me luck.. I am looking forward to all of it,, the wedding, family and a possible 6 week break for hubs and I....

MM and Mica, so sorry it's like this for you; I can hardly imagine, and hope not to find out... I'm an animal rescuer all these years, but people, not so much.   It's hard to wrap my head around the stuff you guys have to put up with and do. My hubby, the EMT, gets it; guess somebody has to... God bless all of you in the trenches!

Others have done the same thing, thrown out biohazardous uderwear, sheets, etc.
When you replace them with new, it is at his expense, not yours.

Do you even have to tell him?

You are going to be okay, keep posting, there is no shame in sharing with your friends on here.

You have been heard, and your tears are understandable. ~~~huggies~~~!!!!

micalost: Good for you for typing it out, gross as it was. A lot of us have gone through what you're going through. We're all here to support each other. {hug}

Worn out. Mom's crashed. She felt well enough to go to Sister 2's house, but had a horrible agitating time where she pointed at the ceiling calling out "Momma, Momma" and talked about her Uncle Albert. She was so weak, S2 called in S1 and a big male friend to move Mom back home and place her in her hospice hospital bed. She's been sleeping, with looks of pain, jerking. She asked me and S1 if we would look after her house and her belonging. She's barely drank or ate anything.

Hospice is coming soon to bring liquid Ativan and morphine to help her not jerk and for any pain she may have, and re-set the catheter that wasn't in her bladder. Sister 1 and I have worked to re-set up the living room for better activity around Mom and I got my first lesson is rolling over a 190-pound woman to strip her bedding and clothes and clean her. We're all in a vigil.

I just threw away three pairs of bloody underwear and gagged at his clothing and socks covered in dead skin. bf's kidneys are failing and he is itching/scratching all the time making himself bleed, his legs are swollen with edema, psoriasis and diabetes... Forgive me for typing such things, i had to let it out. next i have to tell him why i tossed his underwear instead of washing them. i just feel like crying.

So mom's caregiver was feeling worse yesterday and her agency sent her to the doctor - they let me know tonight that she won't make her 2 hour shift in the morning - now the poor dear is losing wages

I spoke to the social worker today who claimed to not know what happened - the more the situation sits with me the angrier I get about hoca's response which as usual is underwhelming

Jim, you are letting her manipulate you. Establish boundaries and stick with them. As long as you keep bailing her out, treating her like a queen she will continue. It sounds as if assisted living, memory care is what would be the best for her and you.

Today my mother in law is not too bad. It was a low key day for her without any commotion. On the other hand my mother was causing a lot of problems. Two days ago my wife and I had taken our dogs for a walk. When we came back we decided to watch a movie with our grandson. I forgot my phone in my coat pocket so on my way to bed I thought of it. I looked at the screen and there were eight calls from my mother. I called back and got no answe4 so I figured she had gone to bed. She has my house number as well as my kids. I talked with her the next morning and she made no mention of it. I took her to an eye appointment at noon and then was with her for the next five hours. I came home for dinner at five thirty. We were having our daughter and a friend over. At about eight thirty my phone rings. It is my mother frantically saying when are you picking me up and that her neighbors had abandoned her. I said what are you talking about. She was crying so I left dinner to get her. When I arrived I asked her what was wrong and she says nobody wants me. Now I was confused. I said to her I have been with you every single day since my dad passed in September. I do all her shopping,take her to appointments, take care of her house,and pay all her bills. We built a room in our home for her. At any rate I brought her back to my house. I said to her in the morning please don’t tell me to take you home again. I have work to catch up on. I will be happy to take you home at lunchtime. I was up early and started my work and sure enough our aid watching my mother in law yells to me your mother wants to leave now. Down I come to see my mother sitting with a pout on. I get her coat on and pick up her stuff. Out the door we go so I can get her in the car. She starts screaming she won’t get in the car until I start it to leave. I told her to get in and stop the nonsense. As we are driving back to her house I decide to broach the subject. I said this isn’t working. I am not at your beck and call. I said if you wish to remain home then you are going to have to accept help in the house. She went off at that point screaming nobody wants me and then yelling for my father to come back. This went on for more than a half hour. I reiterated that what she said was not true ,that I have been with you everyday, and we had invited her to live with us. When we arrived at her house she starts panicking saying where are you taking me ? She says I don’t recognize any of these houses and I say mom we are in your driveway. She w3nt in like this for a bit. I tried to explain my position and that I cannot live like this with her calling me late at night to come get her and then in the early morning having to take her back. She then got very angry with me. I told her I would not be back as I had to work the rest of the day. I am so stressed out right now. I can’t reason with her,can’t get her to accept help,and can’t get to live with us. I feel like she is manipulating me.

Thanks, Send
I feel quite badly and a couple of weeks ago I raised up a concern about this resident to a nurse who was not on staff last night -
I plan to speak to the social worker about the incident as his behavior was escalating during the afternoon and dinner

This is mom's best caregiver with years of experience and she was taking it quite well - even said better her than a visitor - I'm so grateful she did not fall and hit her head

I was still at work when I got the call and left immediately - she was sitting with an ice pack on her cheek with mom when I got there

She is with mom now and I will bring them lunch a bit and see how she is doing

My sympathies to your Mom's caregiver, MsMadge.
She needs to get a copy of an incident report.
Is there such a thing as combat pay for caregiver's?

Was she able to complete her shift?

Are you calm about it?


Tonight was a perfect example
there isn't a magic wand for dealing with dementia even in a memory care facility
There is medication

I received a text from my caregiving agency saying mom was ok but they needed to speak with me

Seems as mom's caregiver was entering hoca tonight a resident was being aggressive and trying to escape
The resident landed a punch to her face and as he was winding up for a second slipped and fell and hit his head

While she is not seriously hurt this could have turned out much worse

The resident has been agitated for awhile and I have to wonder if tonight's incident could have been prevented with meds 

While staff had cleared other residents from the area they weren't trying to keep him away from the door which he was kicking 

Jim, I noticed with my mom, that there WAS that one person she was angry with. That person was stealing from her, taking her food, her pans, her money, etc... But note this, as she worsens, she will then start accusing another person - now it's the 2 people who are stealing from her, causing her to become very violent... As time goes by, with no meds to control her violence, it will spread to everyone.

My dad refused to give her meds. My dad had to go to an appointment. It was in the afternoon. My younger sisters and I were 'babysitting' mom in the locked house. Mom wanted Out. She kept banging the doors. Finally, in frustration, with evil in her eyes (well, it sure looked evil to me), she came after us. We thought we were smart and pushed the long sofa away from the wall. So, when mom came charging after us with great anger and hatred, as if she wanted to pound us to death, we screamed and ran behind the sofa. Mom just reached down and flipped the whole sofa as if it was nothing! Terrified, we ran screaming to our shared bedroom with mom chasing after us. We got into the room in time to slam and lock the door. In time. Mom was banging the door so hard, it shook. We were so terrified that she would break the door down, we, three skinny girls (all weighing under 105 lbs) were screaming our heads off and leaning against the door.

Ahem... I later found out that the neighbor, an automotive mechanic shop.. their workers heard the whole commotion and found it so funny. Years later, someone told me that her boyfriend told her about this incident and how they all laughed... It. Wasn't. Funny... I'm permanently traumatized from this experience. I'm actually terrified of old women. Who knows? They might suddenly become violent and attack me. {{{chuckling... I have fond memories of mom chasing my very pregnant younger sister around her car, in her high heels because she just came home from her work the bank, screaming as mom chased her... Unfortunately, I was too afraid of mom to intervene... I don't think sis ever forgave me for that time....}}}

Her doctor advised us to only use this med as needed. My wife hates to see her mom drugged so she uses it sparingly. That being said she realizes we are in a new phase and it needs to be addressed. We are waiting for one of her brothers to return from a work assignment in the Caribbean. We are expecting him back at the end of next week. I will advise my wife of all your thoughts and that she needs to sit down with the doctor to discuss the current med and what else is available. On my end I am headed over to my mom’s to take her for an eye appointment. She stayed with us two nights ago when we had a storm. The morning after it was the usual,take me home. I plan to sit with her after and come up with a plan for her care. My sister offers zero help which is a long story. It is the time of year where I get very busy at work and have no time off for six months. I don’t want my mom alone ,but she fights me every time we have the discussion about getting more help for her. So we have in essence kicked the can down the road for the last few months. I have one aid with her four days who she loves. Actually for half days as she will not allow anyone overnight,but I feel she needs the overnight. Any insight would be appreciated.

JimL, did you give the medication a long enough trial? I know that sometimes medication side effects (the doped up effect) are worse at the start and can taper off once the body becomes accustomed to them, plus you could ask that the dosage be reduced.

Our thoughts at this point are that we are not equipped to handle the anger . The med prescribed by her doctor leaves her like you were saying zombie like. Barb, yes we feel helpless in that she sundowns and it leads to anger and violence. Book , my wife is reluctant to give her the med because if it’s effects. I don’t think my wife has talked with her physician, but is in contact almost daily with the nurses at the adult day care. Tonight we had a small episode. She was sundowning most definitely and as we began to eat dinner she just shoveled food into her mouth. My wife made multiple efforts to slow her down. Her mouth was full of unchewed food yet she continued to shovel it into her mouth. We gently explained that we didn’t want her to choke. No response,just a continuation of shoveling food . My wife gentley held her hand to slow her down and my mother in law shoved the plate across the table and said you eat it. She was enraged. I think at a facility they are trained to handle this anger. Both of the aids we have our good, but what I have noticed is my mother in law takes out more anger on the younger girl than on the older guy. I am not sure why that is because each offer a variety of things to engage my mother in law and most of the time she was fine, just the last two or three weeks we are seeing more anger and physicality.

Jim, my mom who was diagnosed with dementia, was combative. Angry all the time. Accusing us of stealing from her or trying to make her go crazy. Mirrors - we had to cover the mirrors. When she saw herself in the mirror, she became instantly a very, very angry at that person. Such hatred/anger. She was prescribed meds to control her but it left her like a zombie. So, dad took her off it. Her violence worsened. She was sundowning and violent. Even when she had a stroke and became bedridden, she was still violent... If her violence is not controlled, the hired help will discontinue their care with her because she's a danger to their workers.

Have you talked to the doctor about the increased agitation and the incontinence side effect?

Are you thinking that perhaps the consistency of a caregiving facility might be what she needs at the point?

Her primary is a geriatric physician. They have tried several meds to see what works. We have one that we give a half tab as needed, but ny wife is reluctant to use it because it makes her so relaxed she loses control. She is incontinent and this med makes it worse. They have used Benadryl and one other.

Jim; who is following her dementia? A neurologist, geriatric psychiatrist? Is she on any meds for agitation?

Jim; who is following her dementia? A neurologist, geriatric psychiatrist? Is she on any meds for agitation?

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