my mother is in a assistance living in tampa fl. I patricia, the daughter am the durable power of attorney and legal rep for mom. I do have the assistance of elder care and american group and soon the veternans should start with their assistance. however over the years i have done every thing for mom, putting my family last and also my own heath. My husband lost his job in 2008 and also had a triple by pass. I had to leave my job in 2005 due moms health, I did have total of 25 years on the job. however I lost a lot of my benefits due to the fact i was not 62 or 65. Is there any place i can seek help? I did apply for SS# benefits. Due to my nerves and do go to a support group with alzheimer's of which does help. Thank youin advance if any one has a answer. I have a meeting today with American Group, since mom feel two times in less than 60 days. Tampa General was very concern about this.