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"Emotional Hangover" I love that!

And scream therapy!

Scream therapy, haha! Good reminder, NeedHelp!


Remember scream therapy in the 60’s? LOL 😝

It became popular when John Lennon and Yoko participated in Primal Scream Therapy.

Hey Beatty, the music, exercise, outside time, and water are my essentials for life too! Also how I justify the bakery hahaha…ok I can’t digest dairy so that also curtails my bakery choices to not being excessive

I mentioned this before, but the music group has rotating vocalists and guess who is the Loud one? Have I taken a voice lesson, never. I spent so many hours literally screaming in my car going to and fro angst family duties that my vocal chords are hollering Janis Joplin tunes they hand me. What a turn of events. Repeating this story because I HIGHLY recommend therapeutic car hollering for everybody here!!

I LOVE that! A music jam group 🤩

I made this up for myself - for my own 'emotional hangovers':

Outside time
Water (shower, bath, swim)

One or if able, all. Sometimes a walk outside then a bath with music. I just thought.. a walk in the rain listening to music would cover them all 😁

Jam on! 🎵 🎹 🎺 🎸

Thank you guys, I get the same way and it’s very helpful to know I’m not the only one!

I think someone here coined the term, ‘ emotional hangover’, and that’s exactly what it feels like. After Im with my mom I usually have a lunch outside if weather permits, then for better or worse go to a bakery and space out at the counter before buying too much. It takes about 24 hours for me to come down, sometimes longer depending on how mom time went.

Also feel the same re: state of the world. I try not to worry but I do. What’s helping a little is being in a music jam group with rotating musicians and meeting up 2-3 x/a month. Different ages, religions, political beliefs. Nobody cares! We play songs not very well and eat cookies. Everyone is relieved at this dynamic. Now if only the rest of the world could manage that…

Blessings to all


You’re so right! Louisiana has always had corrupt politicians and religious leaders.

The church has gone bankrupt to avoid paying victims. Settlement payments are no longer being made. It’s disgusting.

Parishes have merged together because of dwindling numbers of members. They are no longer receiving the financial support from large congregations.

So, yeah…placing the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms is such a joke!

Besides that, it’s inappropriate. It violates the separation of church and state.

New Orleans is a small pocket that is unique and different from the rest of Louisiana. Yet, years ago this wasn’t the case.

Things have changed since I was a kid, but we still have a ways to go.

Now this! Kids in public schools shouldn’t be subjected to having the Ten Commandments displayed in their classrooms.

Parents can send their kids to religious schools if they want them to receive a religious education. It shouldn’t be forced upon public school students.

I went to Catholic school and we had religion classes every single day. It’s part of the curriculum. I am sickened by the hypocrisy.

Our governor is so proud of his narrow minded beliefs.

Way, thanks, nice to know I'm not alone with that issue


Yeah I remember those days . Coming home from my parents and not wanting to even talk and I still had my daughter a teenager at home . I too used to drive to a shopping center and just walk aimlessly around a store sometimes before coming home .

Yeah my husband likes me home so we both decided for me not to work.

My one really big issue is with caregiving and him being home. The days I go to moms, I'm pretty stressed and just need to decompress, I walk in and he was lonely I guess and wants all this attention. Almost like a puppy when you walk in. If anyone has any suggestions on that issue let me know. But I'm not seeing a solution, I have just pulled over and sat at a local convenience store, on really bad days to clear my head, that doesn't seem to help alot.


We know my husband would be bored to tears going cold turkey . He already has some part time work ideas in his head .

I’m part time already but I do everything around the house too . DH works long hours so , It works for us this way .

Way, yeah I use to be a chatty Cathy too,

But in my area, I could say my kitty litter stinks and some how they turn it into politics.

It got better the last year, but being election year im starting to go back In my happy shell. 😂

Retirement is tough on some people, those without motivation and hobbies really need to keep working some small job just to socialize.

My husband keeps busy, repairing lawn mowers and stuff for people, winter is rough though

Nacy ,

My MIL frequently complains that nobody talks to her in line in a store or in a waiting room at the doctors office because everyone is looking down at their phones all the time.
MIL has always been that chatty Cathy person with strangers wherever she goes.
Not me . I’ve always been quiet in line . Before phones I would look busy ready a magazine on purpose . My DH will put his ear buds in on an airplane with nothing playing in them sometimes if he doesn’t feel like talking to strangers on an airplane and/ or wants to nap . He’s traveled a lot for work his whole adult life . He’s just tired of the traveling and now likes to nap on the airplane , makes the time go . No more than 5 more years to go he hopes until retirement . Then he wants to find a part time work from home only gig .

Yeah it sucks, I'm a friendly person, but I've had to keep more to myself, because you just don't know what nutty conspiracys your going to hear standing in line at the store


It’s a sad , scary , out of control time . I feel bad for our kids .

Way ,I do the same I don't push my boys either way, got one grandson I don't see enough. One son who wants a vasectomy before any kids but last I new he couldn't find a doctor that would perform it. I got another son and his sweet soon to be wife's, her family has a genetic heart disease so they are not planning on having kids. My last son , he really wants kids in his future, finding the girl has been his problem. I don't blame them at all.

Needs, yeah my oldest brother doesn't believe in mental disorders, went through a horrible time because he was praying away my nephews eating disorder. I almost got him arrested. Now we are good, and my nephew is at his mom's, being better taken care of , but it was a rough time. We get along now, pretty well, I just try to keep conversations at a minimum so to keep the peace


Yes childcare cost and wait lists for daycare are another concern , or finding a reliable babysitter . And grandma ( me) doesn’t live close by . 45 minutes from my son, alittle over an hour from my daughter . My daughter in law is an orphan . My daughters future in laws are 8-10 hours away . So due to distance , no potential significant grandparent help even if they were willing . The most I would do is a couple of days and would stay overnight I guess . Moving closer to my kids would cost too much . The kids ( especially my daughter ) live closer to Philadelphia than I do . Cost of housing is insane .

Way, my kids have said they can’t imagine having kids in this polluted and hate-filled world, plus the cost. They’re teens to early twenties so still too young.


“ Ya just wonder where it’s going to end “.

At rock bottom , that’s what always happens with extremism . The stakes are much higher this time around .

My son and daughter in law will be 35 this year . They have been waiting for a sign of things going in a sane direction to have a child. I don’t see them having any .

My engaged daughter says she is also struggling with the decision to bring a child into this world . She has some time she’s almost 28.

I do not try to persuade my children either way . I stay neutral . In my head though I’m saying ….Can’t say that I blame them .


Some of them read history books as a manual for evil , rather than a lesson to avoid repeating history.

I wonder if certain politicians have ever read them. I can’t imagine them giving up killing, adultery and lying!

Needs, I feel the same way. It's scary! And sometimes I read WW2 books see similarities of hatred. And wonder how many people can I hidein my basement. .

The world is going in a scary way.

We even have pro Russian
supporters now

Ya just wonder where it's going to end


Thanks. I feel sorry for the kids who will be uncomfortable. Also, for parents who are opposed to this.

I know several public school teachers who are disappointed that this bill has passed.

I am so sick of religious conservatives trying to force their beliefs on everyone else. This doesn’t belong in public school classrooms at all.

Oh my gosh, they think they can ‘pray away’ anything that they believe is a sin, instead of accepting people as they are.

This fanatical thinking is so harmful and does nothing to unite our communities.

Needs, I totally understand your fear. It scares the crap outta me thinking about it, too. I'm sorry.


Texas, Oklahoma and Utah all tried to push this legislation through but have failed to do so.

I am embarrassed to say that our governor has succeeded in pushing this bill through.

He opened the door up for lawsuits. He’s bragging about being ready for a fight.

He’s super conservative. It won’t just be the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. There will also be a four paragraph context statement posted next to the Ten Commandments.

I fear what he will try next. He has spoken out negatively about the LBGQT+ community. I didn’t vote for him.

Needs, I'm so glad you said that, I saw that and was thinking the same thing!!

I think Texas did also, not sure.

Louisiana seems to be going backwards!

I am not happy with our governor’s decision to sign a controversial bill which requires all public schools from kindergarten to collegiate level to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom.

No other state mandates that the Ten Commandments are displayed in their public schools.

Our governor blatantly admitted that he can’t wait to get sued!

I support a person’s right to practice their religious beliefs in their homes, in religious schools or in churches. I don’t feel it is appropriate in public schools.

The ACLU has said that public schools are not Sunday schools.

This bill is violating the separation of church and state. It’s only the beginning with our governor. He’s ultra conservative. He’s the opposite of our former governor.

The moon is full @ 98.2% and I just heard that hell has been frozen over for lack of occupants not believing it exists. 🤪

Ha, cwillie. You wouldn't be YOU if you didn't get all testy with us, and I AM a mother!!!! Ha ha. As well as a paranoid ancient nurse.

I will leave you alone and trust you have your best interests at heart.
I would bet just anything you are free and clear. I just am not much of a gambler overall.
And they SHOULD be letting you know.
It isn't like you're asking them to drink a gallon of clean-me-out juice and stick their bare bottoms in the air. You just are asking to know if you are OK.

I got concerned only because they suggested (If I heard right) you make a "follow up appointment" in two weeks. Usually they say "see you in another 10 years." Why would they want to SEE you; you will just get testy with them!

OMG you people are worse than a mother 🤣
Okay, I'll try another round of phone calls. But the whole thing is already making my blood boil, it reminds me of the days when doctors acted like gods and treated their patients like ignorant children, "there, there, don't worry your little head about that, I know best"! And it shouldn't take jumping through so many hoops to get a simple three sentence report - all I need is Report viewed. Polyp benign. Follow up in X years.

Please don't assume. Things fall through the cracks.
I had a hard time at the beginning of my last cancer diagnosis with just TOO many docs being on the thing. Each came to think the other was following up. It delayed things by close to a month. My own doc thought the Breast Health Clinic was on it and the Breast Health thought a surgeon and my own doc were on it and so on and so forth. I had GREAT care and MANY docs, social workers, but at once point I said "Please. WHO IS IN CHARGE. I can't tell over these two weeks of flying messages".

Just follow up. OR leave your doc a call that you haven't heard a darn thing and you "are ASSUMING therefore that everything is all right, but if it ISN'T then they should know that you are unaware of that and have no results. Just saying.............I die? I will haunt you".

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