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Prolife, seriously. Why don't you find a site where most people agree with you and leave us alone.

My Mom was "dehydrated to death" as you put it. There is a reason for that. When the bodies kidneys start to shut down, if water is being administered regularly the person's body basically becomes a like a water bottle. The morphine is given regularly for obvious reasons. To lend comfort while the organs slowly shut down.

Yes, it was unpleasant to watch, to say the least. What would you have people do then?

Hospices do NOT murder palliative care patients. For some reason, SOME families of cancer patients want their loved ones awake & reponsive for their OWN rather selfish needs and do not take into consideration that death is painful. The dying patient needs pain medication & one of the side effects of medications used in well managed pain is respiratory depression. As death approaches, vital organs start to shut down, circulation decreases & the patient sleeps away when “death with dignity” is practiced. Hydration can be used via IV in some cases but this practice can prolong the suffering & death progression. Keeping the mouth & lips moist and applying cream to the skin is a comfort measure practiced in palliation. Anyone who has seen a person screaming in pain & begging for death can certainly understand the agony people suffered prior to our current Palliative Care practices which provide DEATH WITH DIGNITY. During organ failure, pain increases, agitation & anxiety increase and human beings suffer...horribly if their pain & anxiety are not controlled with medication. Treatment of pain & other symptoms during the death process (which can take several days or even longer depending on age), especially in an expected death is humane...hardly murder! Hospices have wonderful, caring, educated Staff who dedicate their skills to providing comfort, dignity & the best care possible to dying patients. Only a lack of education & a total misunderstanding of professional ethics & top notch care for those who wish to die with dignity could elicit such an accusation. Murder? That is just NOT true.

Help4eachother, what you describe is what was being done to Carly Walden's grandma, as I stated above.

Carly's grandma was not in pain, never complained of pain and was not even dying.

She was misdiagnosed with an end stage terminal illness by an emergency room doctor (a hospitalist) and given a prescription for hospice.

The hospice liaison lied to the family about what hospice is. They were told that it was just to give her a couple days rest and then she would get to come home.

She was not DYING, and three years after being saved, she is still alive.

The only thing killing her was the staff at the hospice facility by overdosing her with morphine.

I also witnessed my grandmother killed this way. She was not in pain. She never complained of pain. She was not even dying, but was killed by her doctor and a hospital. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about because I'm sure you've seen it done and probably even participated in such practices.

She walked into the hospital on her own, with no help. Was admitted for "treatment". Her care taker left and when she returned our grandma was "comatose". They lied to us about why our grandma was in a coma. They told us it was natural because she was just dying. They said the morphine (which they gave her right after her POA left, without informed consent), wouldn't cause that. They lied to us. It does sedate.

I also witnessed the misuse of terminal sedation done on my aunt, by hospice. She was sedated with morphine. And let to dehydrate to death for 8 days.

I also witnessed a cousin, who was not in pain, was fully alert and of sound mind, be given a large dose of morphine, which caused her death within minutes. Done by hospice.

And another aunt, was put on hospice. No pain. Of sound mind. Was given Haldol, making her unable to walk, a common side effect. The family was lied to. They were told that it was her condition worsening. She also was dehydrated to death.

I have been researching this and advocating against these murders since 2013. I know the justifications that are used by medical staff and you just repeated them verbatim.

Murder is murder. You can justify it all you want by making yourself out to be the heroine with a syringe. But these things are being done to people who are not dying and are not in pain. And people's lives are being cut short because they are blindly trusting the advise of the doctors and medical staff. You know you're killing.

Anyone can go to the forums, such as allnurses website, and read the conversations about these things. You will see that they know that they are hastening death and feel that they are doing a good deed by doing it. This is what they really believe. 

Welcome to Nazi America (see Hitler's T4 Program)! Where you become disposable if you are elderly, terminally ill, or disabled. Where the doctors and the insurance companies decide whose lives are worthy to be lived and whose aren't.

There are much cheaper and easier ways of killing off old people, starting with not medicating them for conditions that kill our grandparents. Perhaps you'd enjoy the Flat Earth Society more than this forum.

Prolife: Hospice Care Professionals are not permitted to give ANY medications without a Doctor’s order. Staff at Hospices do NOT diagnose patients in the absence of a Physician. Why don’t you take this up with the Physicians involved in your personal situations instead of slamming Hospices? That would be much more proactive. Your anger is misdirected.

Profile I was a Hospice RN for 10 years. And yes I did administer large doses of Morphine and yes the patients did die. But at the time they were screaming in pain while the family cried at the bedside beging me to give them more. A Hospice nurse can only give what the Dr has ordered (That is if she wants to keep her licence and not spend the rest of her life in jail)
Yes I am profile but I am not for prolonging unesesary suffering. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it actually prevents the patient from dying.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
You mentioneed the Nazis. Remember Dr Mendeler and what experiemneta he carried out on people fully conscious.
There is good and bad in this world. Why don't you focus on the good and do something about the bad.
Have you spoken to the police about your suspicious deaths, called the Coroner or reported the nurses involved to the State Licensing Board?
How do you spend your time? Hanging around listening to nurses gossip, wandering the halls of nursing homes asking relatives awkward questions about their loved ones. Spend a few days in a nursing home and take a good look at your fellow residents. Do you think they want to be sat in a hallway with their mouths drooping open and spit running down their faces fast asleep only to be woken when the dinner bell rings and be pushed into the dining room where the assigned Aide shovells food into their clamped shut mouths. All because they were given CPR after a stroke. All around the table there are others who have to be constantly woken and reminded to eat. or loved ones uging their mothers to eat it all to keep your strength up till Mom slaps the hand that is trying to feed her. Then there is the one, thin as a rake who quietly takes off her bib and covers the plate. 
Then take a trip into the therapy room where one elderly resident is clipping clothes pins on a piece of string. Then ther's me given a bowl of glass marbles and an empty bowl with instructions to transfer them one by one then transfer them bad. Me bad when the therapist was not looking I just picked up handfuls. I was there for rehab for a hip replacementt
This is the reality of keeping people alive beyond their sell by date.
Prolife there is a place for you in this crazy mixed up unkind world fighting for patients rights to the care they need and deserve but not here on this forum frightening people who are already carrying so much guilt and stress caring for their elders and at times children, who can't afford decent care. Bang on the door of the White House and tell them not to cut Medicare which is far from free and often leaves elders on the hind t**

Veronica, hear, hear! If I could have given you 100 likes for that post I would have. You must have been a fly on the wall at my Mom's nursing home. What a depressing place. If I ever end up at a place like that, give me a gun and I'll shoot myself. (that is if I still have the wherewithal to do it)

Profile, everything Veronica just said............but let me add, ever since you started this rhetoric I have been reliving my Mom's dying moments. Thx to you, I've had these images going through my head for the last three days. So, again thx for that.

Why do I keep coming back here and reading you may ask. You know how when you have a nagging toothache and it hurts even more when you touch it but for some reason you keep doing it? There's that..........but also I'm wondering why the admin. haven't cut you off at the pass yet.

Veronica, thanks for the insightful and frank assessment and reminder to someone who doesn't seem to have a clue what hospice is for. Your post reminded me of the first rehab center in my caring experience, and this was rehab, not hospice.

I'll never forget the catatonic stares of people sitting in halls, waiting for therapy, to rehab them for what? More depression, more limited lives sitting in wheelchairs waiting to die? Or people unable to speak, or unable to see, again just waiting to die.

Those catatonic faces will haunt me whenever I think of how sad and pathetic those poor souls were.

That was just rehab; it wasn't even hospice....yet.

Kudos to you for telling it like it is to someone who doesn't have a clue and is just a troublemaker.

Veronica your comments as an insightful, educated & responsible contributor are totally appreciated. Many of us are most grateful to the empathetic, genuine caring & wonderful care our loved ones have received in a Hospice. Thank you for posting such positive comments. Prolife needs to do exactly as you have said...go to the Police, State Licensing Board or the Coroner. Prolife is being disrespectful to others on this site who do not see things “her way” and in fact makes unwarranted accusations to other Writers. I don’t believe this site is for that purpose. She is not addressing the audience she appears to want to preach to on a Blog site, especially with the inflammatory & unwarranted comments about others ie: “heroine with a syringe.” Nazis? Hitler? This has become a totally uncontrolled discussion. Administrators will hopefully take her toxic comments into consideration & remove her from this site.

You put your antlers in. You put your antlers out.
You put you antlers in and you shake them all about.
You do the Reindeer Pokey and you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!
You put your hooves in….
You put your red nose in….
You put your fluffy tail in…

You put your antlers in. You put your antlers out.
You put you antlers in and you shake them all about.
You do the Reindeer Pokey and you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!
You put your hooves in….
You put your red nose in….
You put your fluffy tail in…

The Philippines has one of the longest holiday seasons in the world, starting in September and ending around January 9. Christmas plays, parties, and decorations are in full swing throughout these months, and there are nine night Masses (known as Simbang Gabi) leading up to Christmas Day.









This may be a little off topic, but I love stories about flash mobs....









CWillie, you’re right!

ics and explain them to earn Karma points.
On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me
A dry, brown Christmas tree.

On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me
2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me
3 crying babies, 2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras,
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies,
2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
7 Christmas parties, 6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards,
3 crying babies, 2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
8 bags a missing, 7 Christmas parties, 6 crazy in-laws,
5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
9 broken presents, 8 bags a missing, 7 Christmas parties,
6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards,
3 crying babies, 2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
10 cars a honking, 9 broken presents, 8 bags a missing,
7 Christmas parties, 6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS,
4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
11 shoppers fighting, 10 cars a honking, 9 broken presents,
8 bags a missing, 7 Christmas parties, 6 crazy in-laws,
5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
12 chocolate cookies, 11 shoppers fighting, 10 cars a honking,
9 broken presents, 8 bags a missing, 7 Christmas parties,
6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies,
2 bras, and a dry brown Christmas tree

In 2010, Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon bought two mini Donkeys, Honky and Tonky, who live with her and her family at their Los Angeles home.

In 2004, Marc Anthony and J. Lo invited people to an “afternoon party,” which, upon arrival, the unknowing guests found the "party" to be their wedding.

Write about your feelings and thoughts
Know what this song is about? Does it mean anything special hidden between the lines to you? Share your meaning with community, make it interesting and valuable. Make sure you've read 

This page is missing some information about the song. Please expand it to include this information. You can help by adding song structure elements or writing song meaning.







scrolling down



How many days until Christmas?









Cwillie is often right.





Gee, took a Clartin, not feeling myself. Pardon me....









It's the third night of Chanukah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I meant to wish you and others Happy Chanukah!

Now, it is already 3 days later.

The third day of Chanukah!








How many days of celebration for Chanukah?




Thanks Barb!.



ics and explain them to earn Karma points.
On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me
A dry, brown Christmas tree.

On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me
2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me
3 crying babies, 2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras,
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies,
2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
7 Christmas parties, 6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards,
3 crying babies, 2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
8 bags a missing, 7 Christmas parties, 6 crazy in-laws,
5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
9 broken presents, 8 bags a missing, 7 Christmas parties,
6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards,
3 crying babies, 2 bras and a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
10 cars a honking, 9 broken presents, 8 bags a missing,
7 Christmas parties, 6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS,
4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
11 shoppers fighting, 10 cars a honking, 9 broken presents,
8 bags a missing, 7 Christmas parties, 6 crazy in-laws,
5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies, 2 bras
And a dry brown Christmas tree.

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
12 chocolate cookies, 11 shoppers fighting, 10 cars a honking,
9 broken presents, 8 bags a missing, 7 Christmas parties,
6 crazy in-laws, 5 EXTRA POUNDS, 4 credit cards, 3 crying babies,
2 bras, and a dry brown Christmas tree.

Hip Hop star Ciara, whose full name is Ciara Princess Harris, claims that her unique first name was inspired by a perfume.

Pop star Miley Cyrus was kicked out of an Evangelical Christian private school after she stole a teacher’s scooter and taught her classmates.

I just love that song.

Thanks Gershun!


The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching one by one, the last one stopped to wipe his bum, and they all go marching down to the ground, to get out of the rain, the rain, the rain, the rain.

The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching two by two the last one stopped to take a poo, and they all go marching down to the ground, to get out of the rain, the rain, the rain, the rain

The ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching three by three, the last one stopped to say hi to me, and they all go marching, down to the ground, to get out of the rain, the rain, the rain the rain.

Thanks Luckylu!









Didn't know you had it in you!








How itsy was that spider, anyway?





Pilot of the airwaves...
Pilot of the airwaves
Here is my request
You don't have to play it
But I hope you'll do your best
I've been listening to your show
On the radio
And you seem like a friend to me
Or a record of your choice
I don't mind, I'd be happy just to hear your voice
Saying this is for the girl
Who didn't sign her name
Yes, she needs a dedication just the same
Late at night I'm still listening
Don't waste my time chasing sleep
People say I look weary
But that's just the company I keep
Ooooh, you make the nighttime race
Ooooh, I don't need to see your face
You're sounding good (Sounding good)
Sounding good to me
Pilot of the airwaves
Here is my request
You don't have to play it
But I hope you'll do your best
I've been listening to your show
On the radio
And you…

Thanks for showing up!

Pilot of the forum,
Here is my request
You don't have to post it
But I hope you'll do your best
I've been reading all you show
on the forum here
And you seem like a friend to me
But sometimes I wonder
If you like the trolls
Better 'n the caregivers voice
I don't mind, I'd be happy just to hear your voice
Saying this is for the girl
Who didn't sign her name
Yes, she needs a dedication just the same
Late at night I'm still reading
But I prefer to choose
Prevent the trolls from spamming
This forum is too valuable to lose
Don't waste my time chasing sleep
People say I look weary
But that's just the caregiver company I keep
Ooooh, you make the nighttime place
Ooooh, I don't need to see you erase
Just kill this entire thread
And make prolife disappear.
That idea is
Sounding good to me
Pilot of the forum
Here is my request
You don't have to play it
But I hope you'll do your best
I've been listening to your show
On the radio
And you seem like you can fix this
In a very speedy way.

Not me, GA.
I have read your real poetry many times, just recently.




Whose woods these are
I think I know
It's the Garden Artist
We are all below.

But yours is a good rhyme Gershun!  Fits with my hubs dripping nose....





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