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Ah the weeds have run amuk with the afternoon rains! Not a really productive garden this year, but I've learned that some years are great, others are less so. It's all about the process, the hands in the soil, sun on my back, quiet and beauty.

Scuffle hoe? Might have to try that out. Lot a of grassy weeds. Hmm. Is it really so easy to use as YouTube videos I am seeing?

LOL GardenArtist, my dad used to tackle the big ones with an axe!

The finches love thistle seeds, and the big ones really are kind of pretty.

OMG, thistles bring back such prickly memories! There was a patch of them that grew prolifically (at least I thought so) in the back of my sister's house, surrounding the storage shed. After she died, I had the unwelcome chore of keeping the area weeded until the house was disposed of.

The flower was lovely, but the thistles seemed to have a plan to attack me from all sides. Even though I tried to be careful, always emerged from weeding them with multiple cuts on my arms and legs. And of course by the time I forced myself to weed them, it was too hot to wear long sleeved shirts and pants.

I tried to use a scuffle hoe (my go-to weeder) but they were too thick and stubborn.

I don't often dislike a plant, but I really disliked thistles.

Veronica, you got me beat. My tallest whistle is probably only about eight feet. Hope to get to those later today after it cools off. Will cut them then later try to pull them.

Wish I was able to partake of a little of this therapy. My thistles are aout 12 ft tall now! Maybe next year if i don't break something else!

Ugh! I have had just about enough therapy, thank you very much. Every weekend pulling weeds from what is supposed to be a lawn area, but is completely overrun. Sit on my butt last weekend pulling and pulling and pulling. Nearly eaten alive by who all knows what. So badly, my mouth started to swell, allergic reaction to something. A couple of benadryl did the trick, but OMG the welts I have.

Got smart today, bought a galvanized bucket to use for a stool to sit on. What a difference not so closely congregating with the insect world did! No swollen mouth today, and much better angle to get at those weeds! Maybe by September ready to purchase some grass seed for those areas that are now barren of nearly all green. Tempted to do a bit at a time so weeds have some healthy competition.

I planted the babaylon queen iris rhizomes this morning. They are smaller than what I planted last year and they sent 2 extra!! They will be beautiful next spring..

Send, Midget does think she is a Rottweiler!! Haha.

Glad, we can't afford to do more at this time re the yard. Hubs wants it done this summer. I have already eliminated drip lines for flower beds, concert curbing and I will have to do my own flower beds as well. Eliminating these steps will knock about $600 off the estimate. Plus I did not like want the landscaper said I had to do for the flower bed by the back fence. I want it raised and made into two rolling mounds about 4 ft wide. He said I would have to do 6 ft wide berm with concret curbing. 6ft wide is too wide for me to maintain easily so I will do it my way myself.

Sharyn, compost tilled in, not filled. Raked smoothly, then sod laid. And if they have a fescue blend sod, even better. Does not need as much water in these arid climates.

Your avatar looks like a dog. Named Rocky? hehehe.

Sharyn, you need to do more than just add topsoil. I would think a good compost, filled in before laying sod. A bit more expensive? Yes, but well worth it. The grass will do great with proper amendments, tilling to depth of three inches or more. Call the county extension service for recommendations.

Send, we are having the back graded, then topsoil will be down before laying the sod.

Just catching up here.....

Gladimhere: Saw your container garden grown when you had that as your avatar. Amazing success there! Meant to mention it, but I was distracted. The containers were like metal horse troughs? Beautiful! Was not aware you were planting so many and grouping them. Good job!

Sharyn: You ordered more Iris for your new home! Landscaping a new just built property just doesn't always take off the first time, even if you hire landscaper.
The dichondra lawn had to be replaced with St. Augustine after a year. The soil with construction debris is just so difficult, and may need several inches to feet of good topsoil, imo. Good luck on your new flower bed!

My goal is to ask hubs to take out and discard the dead Cape Honeysuckle that died in the heat. There is another one just taking off, growing green, and huge!

GA my avatar is what I mean by rocky. Lol!! There is some cement pieces but it is rocky as in River bed rocky.

Sharyn, I don't specifically recall what the swamp area was filled with - sand mostly, I think. I bought a lot of those big peat bags and added them with the compost.

Are you saving the rocks from your land? I found some big concrete chunks at the back of my yard; I suspect they were left over after the builder finished his concrete work and it was easier to just bury them than haul them out. No problem; they became the border for my woodland garden.

My father told me that decades ago that's where developers as well as homeowners buried some of their trash - at the end of the property. I did find some very small bottles which I believe were some kind of medicine bottle.

Wow GA, you didn't have any peat?? My area was all farm land. Plus it is super rocky.  The snake river is 23 miles down the road from us.  Everything I saw online says this area is either loam/silt or clay/loam.  It is going to an experience with this soil for sure, lol!!

The developer who built my house back in the last century only graded the house and immediate yard; it was all clay - lots and lots of double digging and adding amendments.

The garden area was a different story. That area, for the rest of the block, was originally a swamp that was filled in when the block was developed. I wondered why I smelled water, as if I was at a lake, when I began digging. It wasn't until much later that I learned about the swamp.

Lots of double digging, compost, and the garden became prolific with great soil, so much so that every little seedling that drops from the 4 junk tree widow makers in the yard next door sprouts, and grows, and grows and grows.

The only thing I see them doing is using a bobcat to grade the plots as the lay the foundation.

As far as if they put anything down before laying the sod in the front, I don't know. The landscaper who put on the sprinklers and sod in the front, would not call us back re the backyard so I called another company. I will find out more Monday as I have sketched my design plan with the need for the soil to be raised by the fence line as the neighbors sprinklers keep about 3' out from the dense very wet. My plan will is to have a flowerbed the width of the patio about 3' wide but it will have be filled in and mounded with pavers around it. It all depends on $$$.

Sharyn, I hope that the builder had a compost/topsoil mix before laying sod. That will help for many years. You could still topdress it.

SharyM, I'm afraid gardening may be a big challenge for you in a newly built house, builders tend to remove all the topsoil and you may only have a couple of inches over poor fill. It may be worth it to bring in a truckload of good soil in addition to other soil amendments in any areas you hope to use for anything other than grass.

I think color of hydrangeas are related to whether the soil is alkaline or acidic. I think alkaline is for blue, if I am wrong I am sure someone here will correct me.

I'll chime in to agree about adding lots of organic matter to the poor soil. Our local gardening writer goes nuts every fall when people rake and bag the leaves for trash instead of using them in the garden, hating to see such good organic matter go to waste.
I also remember my mom putting bricks at the base of her hydrangeas to change the color of the blooms. Red bricks would change the blooms from blue to pink as I remember, though someone could tell me differently

I think we have a loam/clay mixture here on Idaho. I will ask the landscaper on Monday. Mulch is a must for us and compost I think, lol!!

AliBoBali, CWillie's right. Organic matter needs to be added to provide tilth to the soil and counteract/break up the heaviness of the clay.

Double digging is extremely helpful, but if you have a strong back and want to try it, start with a small area first.

Mulch (dried lawn clippings, dried last year's leaves) can also help by slowing down soil dry out.

And earthworms are a big help as well. If you don't drink coffee and save the grounds, I understand that Starbucks gives away bags of coffee grounds to gardeners. Work them into the soil and the worms will come and provide some underground tilling for you.

Ionehart, you must have a big garden since it takes so much work! I feel the same as you do, time spent there may tire the muscles but it refreshes the soul :)

It doesn't matter if it is sand or clay, the only way to improve poor soil is adding organic matter, lots and lots of it: compost, manure, peat moss, whatever you have available. Soil organisms are busy breaking it down, so you need more every year. A nice deep organic mulch can be the icing on top.

I have a question for any gardening types here that would care to weigh in. I recently planted some small 3' tall hydrangea bushes in the front flower bed. The dirt in that flower bed is a lot of clay. It's very clumpy, not porous. I tilled it all a couple of years back and I added fill dirt and garden soil to make it a better earth but when I planted the hydrangeas, it's like all the dirt is gone and it's back to being clay. Anyone have experience working with a clay soil for planting? What's a good way to change the texture for the better? I was thinking that adding mulch and tilling it in might be a good idea. Anything that keeps the clay from getting too compacted.

They say there are good and healing properties in dirt, and I believe them. I have always felt better working in yard, digging in dirt...even just sitting in the sun watching the hub work! Hehe! Really, both of us have always used our yard, gardens as therapy. We specifically tell mom too those are our times. With this heat we pretty much need to water every day at her place and ours. She thinks we should just follow her schedule but Ive had to tell her several times we need to water and weed, etc at our home for three hours a day. When we were having to spend night w. her, we would come by still to do our things. The trees, vegetables, flowers are owed that time. Mom is well enuff to take care now of her watering but so far she hasnt. So hub does both places (she lives few miles from us...we go daily and do this and many other things for her) hub says hes now doing it enjoying things growing and blooming as he doesnt want to see it die as mom wont do it prolly. Its like a mental and emotional well being INVESTMENT we have made w the gardening and so far its one thing we havent let go lacking. Hmmm the house tho and my own selfcare has really gone begging since mom needs me. Ive gained ton of weight and so has laundry pile and desk pile!!! So...thank God for flowers still blooming, tomatoes ripening, compost rottenning, and birds trying to eat all my peaches (rushed to get rolls of birdnetting in midst of doing for mother!)

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