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Mmmmmmm, pickled cucumbers, mmmm...

If they're the ridge sort, they will be a *dream* pickled. Also quite a bit hardier, though I don't suppose that's a problem for you?

Labels? Er, no, I'm always sure I'll remember but never do. I bought my cucumber plant from a local pop up garden centre, it was supposed to be a long english style variety but the cukes are more the short, fat kind. No matter, I'm pleased they are bearing and the squirrels haven't eaten them (yet).

CW, looking over the top of my glasses here, are you a conscientious plant labeller?

I have to admit I am absolutely not, and I don't know why I don't learn. Never a pen when you want one, seed packets tend not to have standardised information, pigeons must have taken them out... Truth is, I can't be arsed.

I also don't know why I don't learn about courgettes/zucchini. I can just about manage the produce from one plant without being sick of the sight of the dang things by mid-July. With help from my neighbour, two. So why, again, do I have three plants monstering everything else in that flower bed..?

Shock therapy for your garden. The wrong cukes? omg.

Suck it up buttercup, borrowing another poster's recent wise words.

Really wish I could have grown even edible food, here in the high desert, but as you know, the squirrels, bunnies, and crows might have eaten them.

(You know I am joking, right?) Now I am scared I must have mis-spoke.

Went to chiropractor today. Feeling much better, this morning I couldn't hardly get out of bed. Chiro is amazing! I can actually move, though carefully.

I have the last of my grape tomatoes and first cherry tomatoes. Although I think my 13-yr old grandson has been eating cherry tomatoes off the vine. I saw his big foot prints in some damp soil. Will have squash, green beans, regular tomatoes and new tiny potatoes in about 10 days. Lots of second crop asparagus ready in a day or two. My flowers look good; but, beds are full of weeds. Very hot here for Maine. Unfortunately, I can’t do as much as I would like to do this year.

I have cucumbers ready to pick, but they don't seem to be the variety I thought I'd bought. 🤔

I love the outdoors and gardening. I even enjoy pulling weeds. For me it is good therapy physically and mentally. When I'm working in the garden, I am not thinking about anything stressful.

Decided to pull some weeds in the horse troughs, not planting much this year, kinda late. Tweaked my back (just the third trough, there are seven), Advil on board, hope I don't need therapy!

Oh, yes there is something wrong with my account profile! Thanks Gershun!
I have been clicking Like a monkey, and now I thought that I had lost all my friends, Lol.

Sendme, I can't post you a private message. Is there something wrong with your account? Anyway, Hello back!

Aren't fireflies fun? Remembering staying up late camping out to show my grand daughter, years ago.
Last night the weather, sky, and temperature all were perfect for an outdoor walk at 8 p.m. Hubs was out there too, walking around, but ghosting. (Means he is there, but can't be seen).
Later, at 2:45 a.m., the crickets were chirping....mid-summer here.
Earlier this evening, the turtle doves were cooing. I almost mistook them for an owl, and on second thought, stopped myself before asking dH to come over and hear the owls.
Something about it all made me think, there are no bugs out at that special time-a one time only occurrence.
Will remember these brief, so very brief good times.

I just looked out my back door and there are SO MANY fireflies. I can't believe it's that time of year already! 😃

GA, I’ve had great success with knock out roses. They’re readily available in a good selection of colors and unlike other roses, hard to mess up. They bloom easily and constantly here from spring through fall. They can also can take pruning well without the “rules”of other roses in pruning.

Send. I've tried gardening by the signs and moon but I thought it was impossible. To plant your crops during both a proper period of the moon and a fruitful sign left only a few days a month, and what if the weather and your schedule weren't cooperative? I guess I'm just too pragmatic and not earth mother enough.

We had a wonderful weekend of rain, at least 2" over 2 days - just what we desperately needed, what farmers would call a million dollar rain! I have gherkin sized cucumbers and am watching anxiously for those tree rats hoping they don't come and destroy them, the plant and it's pot are too big to cover. My zucchini and pumpkin are also straining at their chicken wire enclosure and I need to decide whether to just remove it and cross my fingers or build something bigger and more permanent.

been harvesting Armenian cucumbers and tomatoes(delicious) And an abundance of herbs, making face toners and hair rinses with them. Delightful.
Had quite a bit of rain the last couple of days. Lots of flooding for some folks.

Get your gardening done by the full moon:
"The next full moon will be overnight on Wednesday and Thursday of June 27 and June 28. That's because the full moon occurs at 12:53 a.m. EDT (0453 GMT), so depending on which time zone you live in, the full moon will be at its best late Wednesday (June 27) or in the wee hours of Thursday (June 28). To the casual observer, however, the moon will appear full the day before and after it's peak brightness, so you'll have plenty of time to enjoy the lunar sight, weather permitting. The June full moon is typically known as the Full Strawberry Moon, or the full Rose Moon and the Lotus Moon.", says

Veronica I am with you just could not bring myself to plant veggies this year. May still do some tomatoes. So many weeds here just not the least bit ambitious. And I think I am getting a cold. Hit me yesterday afternoon like a ton of bricks, sinus, right before a meeting that lasted until nearly 11:30. 😴 Was hoping it was allergies, now I don't think som

For the raw egg people: PASTEURIZED EGGS. Greatly-reduces the risk of salmonella. (In my old-school whiskey sours!) “Davidson’s” is the brand I buy. Not sure if they are regional or national.

CW, We’re a little behind because of weather but not much. My regular cucumbers aren’t ready - just small pickling dukes. No regular tomatoes - just grape tomatoes I started indoors in pots. Peas were 2 weeks late. We usually have those at end of May. But it’s all growing. Just hope I’m recovered more to do some of the harder work.

Becky, how can your garden have cukes and tomatoes already when it has been such a cold spring out there?? I doubt I will be picking anything until mid July, although the hot weather last weekend really pushed things ahead.

I found a nursery that might have the roses, it is one I've shopped at before but it is a little more than an hour away so I still want to check some of the closer ones.

Sad to say i can't manage any vegetables this year although I really wanted to. How ever I have one volunteer tomato in a big pot of geraniums so we will see what happens.

Checked everything in vegetable garden. Boys picked the last of peas. I put in the freezer. Picked another bushel of cucumbers and first batch of grape tomatoes. Supervised PJ starting second pot of pickles - bread and butter style. Picked some lettuce.

Cwillie, look online at Spring Hill nursery. They have just about every plant you would want.

CW, I've seen ads for the Drift roses in one of the garden magazines. It's either Fine Gardening, Country Gardens, Michigan Gardener or English Gardens. Although I'll have to force myself do it (ha!), I'll spend some time looking through the magazines to find the ads.

I suspect though that if they're the Country Gardens, Michigan Gardener or Fine Gardening magazines, they may not be available in Canada. I don't know how easy or difficult it is to order from American nurseries.

They are lovely - masses of beautiful flowers, so thick and lovely.

I've been thinking about getting some of the Knock-Out Roses as well. They're not as upscale or unique as David Austin's roses, but they are pretty, and from what I've heard they're quite durable.

I went to a botanical garden on the weekend and discovered Drift® roses - beautiful ground cover roses all under 2' tall in many colours. I've been doing some searching and apparently they are hardy to zone 4! but unfortunately I can't find anywhere that sells them. 😞

I hate black fly season, ours is generally at it's worst around the May long weekend. The only alternative to DEET I've found to actually work is the OFF botanical product with lemon eucalyptus.

We’re in full blown black fly season in Maine. One of the boys came home from Little League game yesterday with blood dripping from the back of his baseball hat. Took his hat off and full of black flies. Nothing black flies like better than a blue eyed blonde to nibble on. Vick’s VapoRub works as good as DEET to keep away ticks and black flies.

We’re also in the middle of bird poop along the lakefront. Canadian geese, loons and mallard ducks are all nesting. Illegal to clean along the shore. By the time the babies leave the nest and fly there will be 3 - 4” of duck poop to clean up. Fortunately, not my job.

Here I am, posting again, because I regret posting bad news. I am sure our gardens are not as dangerous.
For tick repellent, I spray Cedarcide on me when I go outside.

Be thankful your garden is not in Indonesia, where they have snakes...big snakes-24 ft. long python in the news...not for the faint hearted.

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