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Ah yes....therapeutic exercises we will call it.
Eating pineapple (the only natural occuring source of Bromelain) is the cure for those aches and pains.

Wondering....You gotta plant potatoes to get potatoes?
Why not just eat the ones you planted?

planted our red potatoes today, over 800 of them. transplanted over 60 tomato babies. Transplanted some daffodil's. We got our pollinator bed ready a 30'X30', Dh got the fence up around it. We ordered our new bees and will place them in the pollinator garden instead of woods like last time. Started some Zucchini, Cucumbers, More tomatoes, Cantaloupe, More Peppers. And I can't remember what all else. Waiting on our Sweet Potato Slips to root. The winter wheat is so green and pretty and is drawing the deer out each day from the woods, they are beautiful to watch. But, unfortunately some around here also like to eat them.
So I guess that about does it for now. I am tired, Hope all that also counts in the exercise department. Spring has/is arrived. Hallelujah!!!

Looks like a lion to me......
The windows are even roaring from the wind, in places they never have before.

March has come in like a lamb🐑🌞

Soon, there will be gardening!
Putting back our decorative fence (after changing it for Christmas),
Dh had to tear out some overgrowth, and, credit to him....he moved around some pavers. He is very good at brickwork, fitting them in just right, but with arthritis and a bad back, he has to be stopped before he over does it.

So much to be done, and Spring is just around the corner-or is it already here?
I plan to go easy on him, and also not do what has hurt me before. I am sitting while gardening now.

PB- can't say for sure their age. They were given to us, and one was producing. But we have some new ones less than a year.

Good for you meshque. I need to start some bean seedlings in the egg cartons. How old are your banana plants now? I hope some will have flowers soon. i also have banana plants in the backyard. Where I live, it takes about 1.5 years to see flowers and at least 6 months to get fruits.

Have some veggies sprouted in the greenhouse. I was so surprised at how quickly they came up.
Banana Trees are still doing fine.

Thank you for the suggestion of Baker Creek Heirloom. I am going to check it out.

I guess that is all for now.

Folks, you HAVE to check out Baker Creek Heirloom seeds catalog - they have some of the most unusual, amazing veggies this year. There's a corn called Glass Gem, that I grew a couple times - it's just gorgeous. It's not a sweet, eating corn - it's more of a cornmeal, popcorn corn, or a decorative one. My daughter and I try to get seeds from small sellers and that are open pollinated so we can save seeds. Sandhill Preservation seeds have always germinated well for me, and they charge a flat $3.00 for seed orders.

Saw the ghost apples on the news this morning, beautiful! The wonders of nature!

Glad, they’re made by Garden Genie. They’re really unique Martha Stewart meets Wolverine 😉

I need gloves like that! Who makes them?

It’s supposed to be in 50s tomorrow. I may venture out to try some clean up. Last year was such a train wreck, I had no time to maintain the garden .... it’ll be good to be outside and play in the dirt. My daughter sent me a pair of these crazy gloves with claw like tip on the fingers.
Those ghost apples look beautiful, like delicate blown glass

Ghost apples in Michigan.... So cool 😉 and interesting process.

Have negative degrees here tonight and very negative with chill factor, about -25. So not at all thinking about a garden today. Have some wildflower seeds to toss around when it warms a bit with snow coming.

Cwillie, I’m jealous! All of my amaryllis are lying limp, they should be blooming in another month or so along with the daffodils. My indoor, forced paperwhites have just finshed their blooming, very lovely, not much scent this time though

I've got 7 amaryllis blooming with a total of 27 blooms; one pink, one red & white and the rest all red. I also have one lonely but glorious daffodil!

Getting the soil in greenhouse ready to plant some cold crops next week. Looking forward to it. I like playing in the dirt. :) Very therapeutic.

Been planning my spring pollinator garden, looking forward to that.
Just looking forward to spring period.

That looks like them! I probably had hundreds of them.

Siberian squills? (too bad you didn't bring a few with you)

I am trying to figure our what kind of tiny blue flower that grew from a bulb that I had at my old house. They were almost a ground cover in one garden that stayed fairly shaded.

I am thinking about buying some bulbs now to plant for flowering in the spring. Buy garden hoses. New dirt yard.

GA, where are you?🌼🌺🌾

I always buy fresh flowers. They smile at me. I baby them. They bring joy to me . Why not? We have to be good to ourselves right? This is my small way to cheer me up.

Make sure they have plenty of food to get through the cold, sugar water or honey water near the hive, also if you don't have a roof or dense tree above the hives it would be beneficial to add something.

I am harvesting my 1st tomatoes since early summer, lettuce and peppers looking good, potatoes go in this week.

It is too cold her for anything that I know of to grow. Mums did well until the freeze. Looking forward to spring. Planning my pollinator garden.

Our bees do not seem to be fairing well in the cold. Since we are novices at this not sure how to help them. My Dad would know. :(

Every time I have grown paperwhites, they absolutely stink. I won't try those again! Maybe it is something with me and my sniffer?

I have a pot of paperwhites that I’m forcing to come up indoors in a sunny window. Looking forward to their fragrance. Spent some time outside yesterday cutting out frozen annuals. Happy to see the pansies and snapdragons hanging in there

I was thinking about this thread when I went for my walk along the river this morning - not a whole lot of gardening going on but communing with nature counts, right? My indoor plants are still mostly alive, the various christmas cacti have bloomed or are blooming now, my amaryllis are coming to life as are a couple of the potted spring bulbs. We are on track to have a green Christmas this year and after the early, cold fall I am doing a happy dance about that - IMO the longer winter stays away the better.

Just like winter, letting our plants freeze, I do not want this beloved thread to freeze up after 90 days of neglect.

It is sunny today, plants are surviving.....

Celcius to Farenheit, either way it is freezing!
Guess your garden will be full with "snow sculptures" ?

Today, there are blooming paperwhite narcissus in a pot in the garden. The one rose bush has multiple blooms after feeding it, and the bougainvillia has been "sacrificed" as the designated eat me plant, giving it no treatment. I feel bad for it.
The two cape honeysuckle have orange blooms all over.

Guess I will be satisfied with that. Amazing how I want to add more 'n more plants, but it is coming on winter! It is all clean and neat, leaves swept up.
We can have coffee out there now. Must make extreme efforts to enjoy some of my life, chill out, not work so hard. I am going to have hot chocolate in my coffee this morning.

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