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I’m hoping the Roundup judgement starts a chain of events that gets it banned in the US. Neonicotinoids and bees...what a disaster. When you get plants at the big box stores, check that the plant labels for use of neonicotinoids.

Need help,
The neighbor that moved was using Diazinon, a product banned in the 70's.
I don't use those chemicals myself.
Thanks for the heads up! Same day Roundup was in the news, being sued!


Please stay away from Roundup. It’s horrible. Proven link to lymphoma. My BIL works for Monsanto (they are responsible for Roundup) and my MIL always used Roundup. She innocently thought it was a great product. She died from lymphoma.

Oh my gosh, snow! I’m in New Orleans! Haha. Only see snow once in a blue moon here. A treat for us. Our city park has a fake snow machine blow snow for the kids at Christmas.

The whole city stops if it snows here. We aren’t used to it and are terrible drivers in the snow, so everything shuts down and we go outside to marvel at the snow!

I did go to Colorado in the spring for our honeymoon (1978) (one week after ski season closed) and we got caught in a snow blizzard on our way to Vail!

Asian jasmine grows in nicely as a ground cover.

My grandpa had a green thumb. I used to garden with my grandpa as a child and I loved it. He taught me more than gardening while tending to his flowers and veggies. Words of wisdom. I adored my grandfather. I was so proud to bring a beautiful bouquet of flowers to my teacher from grandpa’s garden.

I have five daffodils open. Maybe spring really is coming to the Erie area. Yea!

Oxalis grows naturally, but it has been pulled up, and sprayed with Roundup.
I love the little yellow flowers, it looks nice.

On second thought, maybe avoiding anything alive is wiser, before they spray again.

It's quite true that it's invasive if you can't be bothered to pull it up in time! Still feel guilty about that back bed at my last house...

Maybe periwinkle is not considered invasive everywhere (it's got to be native to someplace, right?), but it is among the list of invasive species in many states and provinces here in North America CM. I do like the idea of red clover, or even better just a good handful of native wildflower seeds.

I wouldn't call periwinkle invasive as such, just tough and tenacious. But also, when not in flower, extremely boring to look at.

You could do worse than sow some red clover. It's cheap, bees love it if it's allowed to flower, and it can just be ploughed in as green manure if the owners decide to get round to it.

Periwinkle (vinca minor)?

(not that I recommend planting invasive species 🤣)

What was the name of that invasive weed again?
There is a vacant lot that needs greening up in my neighborhood.

Spring time? Not here. Blizzard last week, the bomb cyclone. Now last night thunder and started raining. Has rained most of the last 24 hours. Great for starting the weeds. Anyone know any mud wrestlers? The yard would be great for it!😣

I found out I can handle a small sawz all, and leaf blower, and small axes. My trash man is getting a kick out of me. He told me all I need to do is wait for waste cans to be cleared, then put a paper on it that says green waste, and all 3 cans will be dispensed into green waste. My hubby thanked me, says i saved us about $300 to clear up the yard. He actually invented a weeder for me. I love it. Testing it out. So far so good.

My friend told me after spring, and around fall to cut back on the trees so they don't look so dwindley. She is right. Going to cut back more this next go around. I done planting, now I look for weeds, and when I see one on my way to car, I pull it. Its easier than trying to grab all of the at one time. Have a good day !


Well, mom liked her backyard, and she wasn't afraid to pull anything, transplant, steel little sprigs of anything she liked on her walks, and they always seemed to grow for her. My brother send me home the morning of her last time here, go get rest and clean up. It was a hard night. So, I did, took a shower, then started watering the lemon trees she gave me 24 years ago. And I heard her tell me to hurry up... Hurry up. I replied, I will be there shortly. WEnt to the front yard, watering the lawn, it's time, get over here. I rolled up the hose, got in my car, and my cell was just going off. Got to mom in 1 minute. Usually a 2 minute drive. Walked in the door, and the nurse looked at the clock and called it. As soon as I walked in she passed away. Kind of think that was for me...

Anyway, yes gardening is a release for me. My neighborhood kids laugh, they know I call it something else, and they explain to their friends, who helped me; I call it burying plants. I give them a chance, and they can decide if they want to sprout or stay in the ground. Kids loved it! They asked where do you want this bulb? I replied: In the ground. Anywhere? Yes, anywhere, just bury it. It will come up if it wants to. I water on a regular basis, well not now, nature has decided to do this.Everything is popping up. I also go to the stores that will throw away old "dead" ones. I buy them on the cheap. One owner asked if I get anything. Yes I do, sometimes it's just dirt, and sometimes a plant will decide it gets another chance :) The kids love the fact there was no right or wrong in my yard, just dirt and plants. There is a kidergarten across street. Lil Lucy was crying as she was walking home with mom. The place is wonderful, and when the kids get acclimated to it, they don't want to leave. So I took her to a patch of flowers, her mom said no, the flower will die. Well, ya, eventually, so I took Lucy's lil hand and asked her which flower she wants. Thought for sure she would want the daffodil, but she picked this big orange flower, Her tears went away, and her frown went upside down, and was smiling and talking! Now that's the way to end the day!

Glad- planning begins the fun. You have a clean slate, so you can begin your plan.
Spring is coming for you, hang in there. Be ready for it, it will show up unexpectedly. :)

I am going to be worn out from just reading all the buziness before I even get started. And a dirt and weed yard to start with. But, a clean slate, I guess.🌼🌻🌸😴

planted my sweet potato slips today. Just 40. First year doing sweet potatoes, so we shall see.
Planted some tulip bulbs, red dazzles, cannas, tangelo flowers, and transplanted a bunch of iris.
I LOVE flowers. :)

I have a single daffodil blooming in the melting snow and crusty ice. It’s not much, but I can see it from the walkway.

CWillie, snowdrops are one of the first flowers I remember. As a small child I remember my mother having them in our yard and always telling me they were the first sign of spring. I always loved seeing them, still do. I now have some of the bulbs and have carried them with me through a good number of moves. Snowdrops always bring a smile and a sweet memory of mom

Snowdrops! I have snowdrops!

CW- It is a small farm. We have many gardens. Would like to have plots allowing town folks to have a place for a garden and grow their own food. I think it would be great for children. We have been experimenting with that. Also personalized gardens, growing specific foods foe individuals, to pick up weekly or monthly, that sort of thing. Lots of work. I also want a petting Zoo. :)

Wow... such energy! I got two and a half raised beds cleaned. And got that first batch of garden aches and pains out of the way lol.

Wow. I've wished I had a place for a larger garden but yours sound more like a farm than a garden smeshque, 800 potatoes!


PB- I know, it has been a long day. But DH and I get determined and get er' done.
I definitely couldn't accomplish so much without his help, that is for sure.

Hang in there Glad- Spring will come for you too. So sorry about the blizzard, stay warm. And,,,, I feel it now. :)

smesque - WoW! Just wow!

Smesh, you are an inspiration. But, just had blizzard here, it will be awhile. And yes, it s exercise and you will feel it tomorrow.

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