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Thanks, Garden Artist! Logging out now until hubby can help me get a new e-mail account. He hesitates because I don't manage my passwords well.
It is a great day in the month of March!!

If it were possible for someone's head to turn a 360° on one's shoulders, that would describe me since returning from a social gathering headed up by a person with npd and bipolar, ah, the land of Oz they call it. Planting the ranunculus in the sun, I guess I thought that huge rainstorm had passed. The rain poured down on the new plant, so I am putting a bucket over it to protect it until the rain passes again.
Now I can say my head is not yet screwed on straight. Today will be interesting.
Plan: Extricate from contacting or responding to npd persons living in Oz.
Recovered from this before, I'm good! Continue planting, wisely.

Send, w/o going into the changes you've inferred, I would immediately create a new e-mail account. You can keep the shared one, but do have a private one, specially since they're free. I dislike those group e-mails - anyone could compromise your e-mail.

Glad, still having trouble. Recent changes in the demands on my life required that I share my e-mail, then it was sent out in a group e-mail to others that I would never had wanted to have my e-mail. Guess I will go outside and plant a ranunculus while the sun is out. That may have nothing to do with what is happening on here, now. Check back later! Thank you all, Glad, Susan too!

First time I have tried, I think. No problem here.

Anyone having trouble logging into this thread today from search bar? Or is it just me?

I can use the hula hoe, more rain today. Maybe on Tuesday when I am off I can get it done.

Sharyn, you're right, it is.

GA, we have a hula hoe, I think it is the same as a shuffle hoe.

Glad, my neighbor gave me two Sago palms, one died in six months, the other died in 9 months. Good gardening everyone!

Even though I know they won't last, I got two Ranunculus flowered plants last night, roaming Lowes. Looked at those seeds. Hubby said he wanted to plant a coffee tree-because we were out-hint hint.
My sister sent a jar for starting sprouts, mung beans, alfalfa sprouts etc. Grow them in a jar on your counter! Looking forward to doing that! She has been so nice to me lately.

I have a couple of rose bushes here that are starting to turn greenish, and tiny buds. I have never been successful at roses wonder how long it will take me to kill them.:(

Sharyn, have you ever tried a scuffle hoe for weeding? I love mine. It's so easy to use, just move it back and forth either at the top of the soil or below at about root level. It loosens weeds and brings them to the surface. Then they can be raked up. All of this can be done standing up - no bending over.

A scuffle hoe won't loosen entrenched weeds, masses or roots or invasive plants such as vinca or Virginia creeper though.

Do you grow the bearded or the Siberian irises? They're both beautiful.

What else do you have in your garden?

We're expecting 50 and 60 degree weather next week so I know what I'm going to be doing.

We are having a good soakingrain today. The first in 5-6 weeks. It saved me from water the irises. I do need to weed badly, I am going to get a 5 gallon bucket from work (our buttercrram frosting comes in 5 gallon containers), this will ne my seat for weeding, a cushion of some sort and I am set to weed!'

And here I thought it was some unique, perhaps magical, form of garden when it's just an electronic glitch!

LOL!! It was suppose to be places,....favorite places.

Sharyn, I had to google ola es as I thought it might be some kind of special garden. It's some kind of bandage! So I googled hola es and all the returns are in Spanish. Help me out, please?

I saw a few beautiful mountain gardens in Fine Gardening. I think there would be special challenges because of the heights, as well as a different selection of plants that can hold their own visually against a massively open sky inbetween the mountains. Can you still garden on a smaller level, perhaps container gardening on a patio?

Linda, I'm wondering if the Gardener's Supply catalogue are featuring more products as you stated because of the aging gardening community?

At one time I wanted a cold frame and of course as many gardeners dream of, a greenhouse. I'm not sure though that even those, or milk jugs, would protect against our winters. Even though we haven't had many days when the actual temperature dropped below zero, there were several days when the wind chill was down to the negative teens.

Typically I would either start spring crops inside in February, or direct seed them after the last frost, which is generally in April.

Thanks Linda and Garden Artist! Lasagne for dinner, yum!

Send, I noticed that the items in Gardener's Supply's latest catalog are more geared to small gardens, small yards and raised beds. They have some really interesting ideas you could adopt. My beds are formed from cinderblocks, so I can sit down and garden - little back bending and no kneeling needed.

GA, you could start some winter crops like lettuce and spinach in milk jugs - winter sowing.

Linda raises good points about raised beds and lasagna gardening. You could begin creating raised beds that are even higher so you don't have to bend over, and after the lasagna layers build up, you should have good enough soil that you don't have to turn it that much, if at all.

There would be some initial work to create the outline of the beds and the border to contain the soil, but another option for elevated beds is to create the outline with fallen or cut branches, with smaller ones interwoven horizontally in a variation of the old wattle fences. What I plan to do is plant morning glories to twine around the horizontal wattles, which will cover the entire enclosed structure. (But if the enclosed bed is very wide, leave an open space/entry so you can get inside to harvest.)

send, I use raised beds - no digging needed. They're only 4' wide so I can reach in, don't walk on the soil so I can use a trowel to garden. Check out Lasagna Gardening - it's probably at your library. Even if you just plant a small garden with a tomato or two, a cucumber, some marigolds and zinnias....make it small so you're able to keep it tidy and you'll have such joy. Bonus is that you definitely get alone time because the family isn't going to venture out and be put to work!

No more digging by husband, it hurts his back.

Going to daydream, maybe I will perchance fall asleep and awake in a better mood.

GA, you are so right!!! I cant do the gardening I used to do and I love the outdoors especially the mountains. I daydream about going to my favorite Ola es. Hey, I should post this in favorites thread!!! Not a waste of time at all. Great for calming yourself during stressful periods even if you surf the web to look at beautiful scenic pictures.

"Waste of time"? Oh, Send, we need to re-educate you! Daydreaming about gardens is such a valuable tool for meditation, relaxation - it truly is a therapeutic tool. It calms, soothes the soul, clears the mind, helps solve problems.

Have you ever read any posts on garden forums about why people garden? Since a dot com link would be deleted, I'll PM you and you can find other kindred spirits who share their love of gardening.

Or you could pick up a copy of Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul, fix a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate or perhaps lemonade as you're in the sunny state, sit back and indulge in therapy.

My original plans included an English Country Garden secondary to an initial formal garden. I laid out paths, lugging around 300 patio stones to form the formal borders. Everything was symmetrical. Then I let it segue into an English Country Garden as plants grew up and hugged each other to form an impenetrable mass of beautiful flowers and luscious edibles.

You can incorporate elements of an English Country Garden by choosing the right blooming plants. I love the pastel themes - white, pale pink, dusty pink, rose, lilac, violets and pale blues.

How much garden space do you have? We can design an English Country Garden for you right here! Then the only problem you'll have is getting your husband to do all the digging!

Garden! I do that too! You said:
" Even if you don't have the opportunity to do gardening, there's always: PLANNING. That's a major project, so it justifies considerable attention such as spending evenings and weekends daydreaming and planning. This is a legitimate activity for any gardener, and also justifies putting aside the housework for a more important planning activity.
Garden magazines and garden catalogues, plus tea or hot chocolate (or beverage of choice!) are de rigeur for this activity."

I am always guilty, thought it was a waste of time since I could not fund my ideas.
My ideal would be a country english garden, but what I have is far from that.
I will be satisfied though. Thanks for sharing that, somehow I feel validated, with hot chocolate on my shopping list.

Uh oh, I hope you were able to get the tick off your dog. I'm actually a bit surprised they're out this early, but I'm not all that knowledgeable on tick behavior. Are they typical in your area?

Even if you don't have the opportunity to do gardening, there's always: PLANNING. That's a major project, so it justifies considerable attention such as spending evenings and weekends daydreaming and planning. This is a legitimate activity for any gardener, and also justifies putting aside the housework for a more important planning activity.

Garden magazines and garden catalogues, plus tea or hot chocolate (or beverage of choice!) are de rigeur for this activity.

I stopped at Lowe's last night and of course checked out the garden magazine and seed section. There are only a few racks of seeds and one stand of bulbs, but just looking at seed packets and nice big fat elephant ear bulbs makes me want to run outside and start digging.

However, there's now snow on the ground and 4 - 6" predicted, so I guess I'll stick with the magazines and the hot chocolate for a while.

GA - found a tick crawling on my dog last night. With the weather being up and down, looks like they're out already! I've read this post so often, I've been thinking of doing a little yard work when the weather warms up. There's a wooded portion in my front yard that is in need of cleaning & clearing. I doubt that I will get to the point of actually having a plan to install bushes or plants this year - but I have to say that your gardening posts sound so peacefully tempting.,....

I am going to have to hire a yard service for mowing our yard in light of hubs medical issues.

Remember Zink, the skink? It is warmer now, waiting for his appearance at night anytime soon. The 10 inch lizard-type critter only comes out occasionally for the last two years. My husband only showed it to me late last year. I want to respect it's life and not accidentally drive over it as it sits just out in the street looking for bugs, I guess.

Glad, you may be right, however my daughter does not live in Northern Idaho where they get 10-12 feet of snow. She is in Southwestern Idaho which is high desert. They get some snow. There is no snow there now expect in the mountain areas. This area is like Nevada, if you have ever been to Reno or Las Vegas in the winter, this is the Boise area.

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