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So far accomplishments: Breakfast made and eaten, coffee tasty and drinken
Failures: talking to MIL about have 2 walks a day could turn into an accomplishment as the day goes on though also a failure drinking coffee with ulcers bad bad me I know but so good and keeps me going

my chi trip just keeps getting better . hoping to visit the great lakes naval museum today . always had a fascination for the massive scale of naval machinery . sons g-f's kid is the military buff from h*ll -- this trip is for him and I to further connect . got yet another call from lillium from va this am . still virus undetectable , will be checked again in three weeks , considered a hepc cure at that time . 15 yrs of tribulation , I can barely muster a yay. lol
but really , YAY !!

( corr ) checked again in 3 MONTHS..

I'm in the midst of figuring out whether National Public Radio sent my MIL the canvas tote bag that husband and I ordered for her birthday last week. She wasn't sure if she ever got it when husband called to wish her a happy birthday, and wanted to know if it was blue (it wasn't. She probably found a blue shopping bag lying around somewhere and thought that was it.)

MIL loves her some NPR. She's a total snob when it comes to liking the "right" things (i.e., things the New Yorker magazine approves of, and NPR is high on her list of things that prove she's enlightened and intellectual.)

Anyway, I'm hot on the trail of the missing tote bag. Next year, I may send her one from the NRA to see her horrified reaction, because I'm evil like that.

Or have one specially printed with FBI on it!

Accomplishments: I finally dug in and cleared out a TON of old bills, papers, junk, and just stuff in general and got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the floor with my lavender Pine is so sparkly and nice now. I am getting that room fixed up so it will be a haven instead of a nightmare....I had a new bedding ensemble I had been saving and I am not saving it anymore...yay.....

Accomplishment: NOT worrying about cooking out, entertaining doing anything on the 4th except for Mama and me. Had an aunt call yesterday somewhere in the midst of all the cleaning and leave a message that she and my uncle were coming today for a visit.....WTF ....NO...I am beyond exhausted after all the work I have done this week. I picked up the phone and called her and let her know that I loved them, appreciated their thoughts and would love to see them soon, but tomorrow (today) was not good. end of story. She did not like it...said they could come on down and I could go out for a while. While appreciated, and will take them up on THAT sometime, I am too tired to even think of going no thank you...goodby....that wasn't so hard after all. yay me!

Accomplishments this week (since I haven't posted in a while):

Laundry caught up from vacation 2 weeks ago. (I've been doing what was necessary, but was too busy to do everything, so I finally got it all done)

*Part* of the kitchen cleaned up from the dust and mess of the work that was done on the house while we were gone.

Bills paid.

Got a quote from a local bathtub company on what to do to help mom get in and out of the tub/shower easier. I was thinking it was going to be $3000-$4000 to remove the tub and put in a walk-in shower. Nope - $795 to have the tub cut and finished with an open spot for Mom to walk in and out. No door, just an opening with a 3-4" lip at the bottom to stop the water from coming out. I love it! That will be done towards the end of next month.

Made a call about getting ALL the pine trees in the yard removed. It's going to cost about $5000-$7000 to do it, but the company is a small local one and will let me make payments on it (THANK GOD) - so that work starts the end of this month. We've already lost one of the trees in a windstorm, and the others are massive...if they fall, there's going to be serious damage to our property or the neighbors'.

Reserved the room for our next trip. Mom and I have to be out of the house so the workers can come back in and sand/varnish the wood floors - they'll be in the house pretty much 24/7, so we have to be out. My original trip to see my son fell through, so Mom and I are going to a place she really loves, and I've reserved a little cabin that looks out over the lake. She'll love it.

All in all, a pretty good week.

Captain, that is GREAT NEWS!

Hi SoDoneWith: just have to say NPR rocks! I use NPR instead of TV: the reporting is in depth, they have great personal stories, inspiring things going on in the arts and community, help you see different aspects of a world news story, and it IS intelligent media. Your Mom must have made a donation to get the tote bag.

today started out kind of mundane till the customer called to go over his new home plans with me . i may never leave his farm , theres lots of machinery to take care of , possible 3 homes to stone and ive asked him to use me in any capacity hes in need of . bushhogged a field for him a couple weeks ago . its just a fun place to hang out . all his sons / helpers are college educated and theres never a lull in great conversation . im old friends with the framing crew and will even help them if they need a hand . the customer has a great foreman / mechanic and i love sharing knowlege with him but theres no way " jeff " will ever keep up with the repair of all this equiptment . ill be into it up to my elbows in a matter of time . looks like good times ahead . i can always go to the forest and cut wood when the weather is too crappy to lay stone .
still like to meet a good life partner but those kinds of things just happen . im a believer in pheromones in human relationships . an online connection does not constitute a " spark " .. aint gonna happen ..

took Mom and Dad to see Ring of Fire with another couple today, and we all Loved it. I looked over to see dad (alz) singing along, and I started to cry. It's so great to see him remember something and enjoy it so much He keeps saying how much fun he had, and mom loves Johnny Cash.We have to do this more often, when it is musicals. The other couple wants to go see some plays there, but I think following a plot will be too much for dad.. but musicals we are up for!!

Todays accomplishement was relocating the rhubarb. The spot it was in was too wet and in full sun so I found a better place for it. The trouble is our soil is so hard and rocky I had to dig the hole with a pickaxe.

Aww Veronica, you brought back the greatest memory for me... my mom could make the best rhubarb pie in Texas.... but sorry you had to use a pickaxe... but that was your exercise for the day..... thanks for the memory

Pamzim, that was so nice that your father enjoyed the musical. Yes, bring him along as much as possible while he can still enjoy it.

Accomplishment: yesterday, in frustration because I cannot find my multiple screwdriver set, I started throwing 'junk' that I collected thru the years into the trash. I have too many junk and papers that needs to be gone through and throw what is no longer needed/required.

Goal: just work on one drawer at a time. I have like 8 dresser drawers that I need to go through. Instead of having clothes in it, I have stuff like old pocket calendars, mini flashlights, pens, pencils, mini battery operated fans, clocks, etc.... Don't think - just throw or get rid of.

Accomplishment today:

Took mom out to our normal Sunday breakfast with family, back home, and then back out to her best friend's birthday party. This required getting mom in and out of the van 3x, getting her scooter out of and back into the van, making sure she had her meds taken etc....glad we pulled it off, but I am WHIPPED. I can't wait to curl up in bed tonight, but first I need to get some groceries, do dishes, and do a bit more laundry....oh, and there's the mountain of clean laundry on my bed to be folded before I can crawl into it.

I'll get it done....I think.....

newsflash , susan . clothes have been permanent press for 30 years . cram the sob's in a drawer . im so ahead of my time it causes me extreme duress sometimes . someday everyone will wear a beardclip and bandanas on their boot tops .
maybe the dumb ones will still scald and scrape their faces everyday and live with sawdust in their boots but those will be the exception ..

Yo capt'n! I'd rather put the barrett in my hair and keep shaving off the stubborn singular curls that sprout on my chin! bandanas on boot tops? That sounds like a fun fashion for girls with high boots and short skirts, but it sure sounds like a practical solution for your work. You have tons of energy! That's super.

you have to use two different color of bandanas to show just how little you give a dam ..
25 years ago people laughed at me for wearing work boots and cutoff jeans . granted it was at my wedding but today everyone in the construction community wears work boots and cutoffs . theyll get to the boottop bandanas but by then ill be breaking another fashion barrier somewhere else ..
losers !!

Accomplishment: Took a page out of Hoarders today and finally tackled the final frontier...which is another name I use for my former bedroom. Long since it has become a special place to cram whatever so that there is some semblance of order in the rest of the house...well, I decided I wanted to recreate a cozy place to retreat when on rare occasion my cousin stays for a spell and I can go in there and take a nap...For a while I just stood there in the middle of the floor going around and around like a lighthouse beacon...fianlly I dug in ...deciding to quarter the room mentally and clear out one quarter each day....I can officially see the floor and actually get from one side to the other without falling over something...I can't believe I ever stacked stuff to this extent...but it just because easier than dealing with it...until the thought of it drove me proud of me....I channeled my energy from being angry about the Facebook revelation over the weekend and turned it into something positive for me....I still hope their girdles pinched them mercilessly...

Accomplishment for today:

Got myself firmly back on track with my low-carb eating. I feel *really* good when I eat the right way. (Right for me = low carb.) Also tried Bulletproof Coffee for the first time today - OMG. Awesome stuff. It's definitely a love-it or hate-it kind of thing, but I have to say, I love it, and I don't see me drinking anything else in the future. I felt so good, so energized, so CLEAR headed. Feeling pretty good about accomplishing those things today. Laundry and dishes are a work in progress, but I'm getting there.

Now I know what the bandanas are for. I used to just tuck my jeans into my socks.

Hope you forgot to mention the bra straps cutting into their shoulder when they are trying to make their knee warmers look young again

youre getting there hope . by funeral time dont be surprised if you decide to let the phoneys dress to impress and placate themselves with hymns and less than honest loving memories . our funeral director had previously discussed the situation of the last year with me and staunchly defended my right to grieve in any way i saw fit . my work was done . there was a corpse there but no mom and cappy ..
kum - bye - ya wackos .. i got drunk and paid my real friends to help me move home ..

kum bye ya , joe load the scaffold.
kum bye ya , heather , the speakers and the pc ..
kum bye ya , somebody take them bigmouthed parakeets ,
etc ..

Oh doubt they will come rolling in with their casseroles and will be too a long shot.....

I think I might write a it Casseroles and Condolences.....a Caregivers guide to the "After" life

It feels so good to start out with some lousy thought for the day and turn it into a triumphant day.

My accomplish is yesterday was 2 months since I have any alcohol.

Just got an email from the SW at the NH where my mom is, post stroke, post broken hip, post pneumonia 4 times since January. She scored a 15/15 on the mini-mental assessment. She was dxed with mild cognitive impairment before the stroke and vascular dementia afterwards. Anxiety is under control due to a truly gifted geriatric psychiatrist. A year ago, post stroke, the post-rehab internist told me she was ready for Hospice. Nope, she's going strong!

Ba8, wonderful news!

For those who are interested, Nursing Homes are NOT places where one goes to die. My mom is thriving there.

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