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It was New York Super Fudge Chunk. How could I not??????

6:22 P.M. and I actually accomplished lots. Phew....

Cleaned moms room ( she throws everything on the floor) Bathed her ( y'all know what that's like) 2 loads of laundry, mowed front and back yard... pulled those darned thigh high weed alongside the living fence (?) oh hey, made garbage day as well..... grocery shopped, and grilled ma a fine burger and yellow corn.

I shall just go drop now :)

i read the jail bookings every night then the obits . if im not listed in those ive had a good day ..

Nuh uh .... I live in a small town and those stats only come out monthly IN another paper!

I was gonna list an apology to MIL as an accomplishment for today (I lost my patience with her earlier...posted the story on the "daily whine" thread this morning)...BUT she never brought it up during supper, and in fact she seems to have forgotten it ever happened, sooooo...I figure as long as that proverbial dog is sleeping I'm just gonna let it lie.

I did however mange to get 20 minutes in on the stationary bike.

Failure: I did not get around to cleaning the bird's cage...again. Meh. Tomorrow's another day.

Boni - that pint of B&J's was a well deserved indulgence! I'm jealous! Sounds soooo good!!

We're all doing so good today! :-) Great to see that.

I forgot to list yesterday: I paid it forward while at the Dollar General grabbing laundry soap. Made me feel good, and the guy thanked me about 15 times. I was smiling all the way home.

And...The DISHES ARE DONE! Ta-dahhhh! In the process of wiping everything down now. Can't wait for Brother to pick Mom up on Saturday for the parade so I can have some alone time. I am SO looking forward to that.

My dishes are done too The question is.... what parade? What alone Time??
I didn't get that prize for doing dishes!!


Enjoy Susan, you've earned it love!!

Thank you for the welcome! I'm new at being a caregiver. I didn't know how hard it was. I am totally exhausted by the end of the day. Thank God I have an abundance of patience!
I enjoy reading all y'all's post.

Ben and Jerry's ice cream sounds so good right now. Sure wish I had some.

I am hoping to finish soon with the administrative duties to my father's estate. I have signed up for a few classes over the summer because I would like to steer toward geriatric care managment. I guess I will have to give up my new addiction to this site for a while. I've gained information, knowledge and peace from reading the articles and post on this site. I appreciate the stories and experiences shared along with lots of good humor. Best wishes to everyone in your journey.

GREAT! What classes will you take

I've enrolled in a medical assistant course, then will move on to social work. It will improve the opportunity for employment in a assisted living facility or agency. I am looking to change things up a little. I enjoy my work, in home private care but I often find myself agreeing to long shifts because it's hard to say no. Through my experiences, I surprisingly found that I got fairly good at arranging and implementing care for a few clients. with physicians, therapists, medical equipment companies, medications, scheduling nursing care as most of my clients needs are 24/7, hospice. Finally understood the insurance system and handled bills (now that everything has changed, I'll have to re-learn it) . Pretty much everything that everyone here has done while caring for family.

I discovered today that one of the habits I do in order to deal with hurt feelings is go and take care of myself immediately afterwards. So after Mom threw another dinger I drove around the neighborhood, took myself out to dinner, than a nice walk in the rain and back to my desk to finish working on a client project. I did indulge in some dessert but in small amounts. The all you can eat Asian buffet was a steal: about 8.50 plus a tip. No guilt here!:) And I forgot what mom said that got me started!! ha

I have a relatively new job (since January) and I'm finally getting the hang of it, I think. Sad thing today, my sil let me know that mom in nh has been worried that her blood pressure reading was hign. Called my mom, she told me " bottom number was 55, so high for me"had to explain that no, that's not high. They take it every week, but she thinks they haven't taken it in months. This is such a sad disease.

my gosh i got grim with some gmc today . worked 5 hrs on stone then hit jim like a hurricane. new cab corner , rocker panel , fender on passenger side, extra steel where i thought i wanted it beefed . everything coated heavily in rustoleum , excellent worksmanship . no bolts missing and maybe a couple i didnt even need . 2 - 3 more days like this and ill have what amounts to a new truck . all body joints sealed , oversized bolts in the rockers , door seals resealed in place . i told a fellow yesterday that jim was the nicest truck ive ever had but quickly repaired that comment to the old 51 chevy . the 51 is the s**t , jim is just more relaxing to drive after a hard days work .. i once yanked a 5 ton bobcat machine out of a mudhole with the old 51 . jim aint got that kind of guts .. jims 4 wd tho , saves my azz in the wintertime ..
once had a 2 ton chev delivery van cram old 51 in the azz when i was at a dead stop -- construction zone . that plastic truck was all over the interstate , driver left the scene in a medivac chopper . lol . i drove bigfoot home , struggling , busted exhaust , but unfazed ..
this body panel replacement is childsplay compared to some of the projects ive tackled ..
im hungry g - damnt i could sure groove on some of emjos turkey necks right now .
celery and potatoes joan , is that asking too much ?
resoundingly F sweetpotatos, cant do it , ill eat uncooked rice first ..

My accomplishment to is I tackled declutterong 2 closets. One closet is filled with craft supplies that I decided to toss. When and if I have time to get back to crafting, the paints will be to dried to use.

I hereby issue the following decree:

Today is a no-failure day. No excuses, no negativity. That's all there is to it. I refuse to acknowledge any failures today.

Accomplishments (so far):
-Brother just left with Mom to take her to the parade. I am FREEEEEE - for a couple of hours, at least. Will I spend it lounging, nibbling bonbons and sipping champagne while watching soap operas? No - I'll spend it working. But that's ok, because I can do it in peace. I'll eat breakfast without having to cook and serve for someone else. I'll watch what I want on TV (or listen to it while working, or turn it off if I want). The point is that I'll be able to do all this on my own without having to worry about what Mom wants, needs or is going to demand next. She's all his for the next couple of hours.

-Got several hours of sound sleep, and awoke feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed - and that's quite a feat, given my latest work schedule. I'm topping out at 70 hrs a week right now in an attempt to have enough money for vacation, the house renovations (floor refinishing & paneling off the walls and painted) plus new furniture pieces and the regular bills. Oh, and the dog & cat need to go to the vet. Thankful I have a job that I can increase/decrease hours when needed. (Helps to be your own boss!)

Planned accomplishments:

-Going to tackle Dad's room today. He's been gone almost a year and a half, and I have yet to take care of his clothing, etc. I've slowly been donating a little at a time, but it's time to get the rest of it done. His room has become the repository for whatever doesn't fit in the rest of the house. Time to do a major cleanout and take some to my storage unit, and re-arrange the rest. When we go on vacation, the floor & wall work will be done, so I have to put all the furniture and appliances Dad's room and mine are the only options. Need to find the will and Mom/Dad's marriage license too, so hopefully those are somewhere in there too.

-Cleaning off this horrible messy desk of mine. I still have stacks of Dad's medical bills that slipped through the Medicaid cracks and have to be re-submitted, my 401(k) paperwork that has to be submitted from my old job, bills to be organized and paid, coupons to clip, etc. Tired of working in a mess all the time.

-And then there's the usual housework, laundry, dishes, etc.

lol .. im working for a very educated oral surgeon with two wonderful college educated sons ,. i sent one of his sons a text the other morn and told him to s*ck a d* ck .. hahaha. being the gentleman he is, he responded by asking me if i was texting the right person and to chill out , take a few deep breaths. he he ..
these gentlemen are too brilliant to even p*ss off .. lovely people, i learn from them every day .
theylle learn i guess . my texts always say s*ck b*lls , eat a d* ck , etc.
it always means i care about you and am thinking of you .
im an hour late with ednas breakfast but damnt im trying to get her little truck going .. i lived with edna for a year during my divorce 14 years ago . at first she was apprehensive about my methods but eventually she learned that " maniac " gets things done . i poured fuel in a bee nest , left a trail and lit it one time and i kid you not , we had burning bees flying thru the air . she liked that cause theyd stung her multiple times ..

Capt. you are a good man.

Captain, you win for today - you just gave me a laugh! Flying flaming bees...reminds me of the time older sister set out glue traps to rid her big old farmhouse of mice. Caught one on the trap, but it was still alive, so she threw it into the burning fireplace. Mouse and trap landed *behind* the flames in a not-so-hot part of the fireplace, which melted the glue on the trap, and out came the mouse, scurrying across the floor, smoke pouring from his fur. She figured if he was tough enough to survive that, he deserved to live, and released him outside in the woods. LOL

Capt. hope you find you soul mate-I did and he was a guy I went to HS with 55 yrs. ago -it was worth the wait and misery of a bad husband-it is amazing when you just click with someone-keep looking and keep your heart open-it make life worthwhile to have someone to love-we are both in our 70's and will be happy with the years God's gives us.

Brenna If she is on Medicaid maybe you can get a lifter with no cost to you to make thing easier for you -worth a try.

Summer you do not have to leave us completely -check in every three days -after 3 days it is easier to pick up what is going on with the folks here and we like your input. I got a lot accomplished today-I am ocd about dished and waste time washing 1or 2 I use Dawn with bleach alt in it so would soak off any hard food-if I let it. Got outside since we are having a cool spring here in my corner of NY good weeding done and summer furniture cleaned up and the front neatened up then did some weeding and planted sunflower seeds -I found you can use bird seed sunflower seeds-found out with hundreds of baby sunflowers growing near the bird feeder so do not have to buy expensive packs of sunflowers -love them but so do the deer. God a lot done then after a while will have a shower and a beer then watch sappy love stories on Lifetime or Hallmark-my honey will be over later.

Way to go Austin! Sounds like a productive day! :-)

My great accomlishment is to get my computer back and working. I have missed my A/C friends and a lot has been happening

OMG, my mother gave me a compliment about my video biz! She said she was so proud of me. But then she added on what she thought were negatives by saying, "much better than ...." Well. It didn't faze me. That's the Bi-polar thinking she does. Can't ever let anything be. Always a bad/better thing with her. But now that I recognize the pattern it doesn't hurt anymore. So success: I enjoyed her compliment.
I also shall tap myself on the back for ignoring all the other stabs of the week. Does Mom really mean what she says? sometimes? can she help her behaviors?
It matters to me less and less. I think that's a good thing, do you?
I feel freer and am able to be kinder to her. But man, I am so happy to be back in my cave-apartment by myself. The difference in my mental state is like day and night.
As long as a caregiver can still carve out a place in one's head to be positive: whether it is while at work, creating a truck, making a video promo, or cleaning the refrigerator, long as you are smiling from the inside, call that success!

edna came out early this am and sat in the cool garage for about 8 hrs watchin her " man " rip out and rebuild the passenger side of the jimmy .. both sides are rebuilt and its really looking good . edna got the thrill of riding to town with new fenders , rocker panels , cab corners -- but no hood yet . she thought that was pretty cool.. little b***ard is running nice, i dropped the rear trans mount to make the driveshaft smoother , and put plugs and wires on it while the fenders were off .. fun little truck ..
im pushing it cause the nurse said dont overdo it . that means one thing to me -- kick azz and dont even take names..

oh h*ll , new door pins and bushings -- not my first rodeo . lol

thank you austin. im not sure a female has been born yet who could deal with my eccentricism . nice thought tho ..

Well we all had a great day, but now our idiot neighbors are settiing off fireworks. And the folks are in bed . Please don;t let them wake up and think the wars are begining,,,

wars arent going to end , pam . wanna hear a great tune about a current genocide ? you tube pick up the bones , alice cooper ..
bosnis hergozvnia, 2001

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