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You’re speaking my language. I am a coffee junkie!

That would be fun.

We need an agingcare reunion.

I vote for Alva’s place. I adore California weather! Maybe Lealonnie’s place. My daughter is loving Denver!

We have to wait for Covid to end.

I live in a great city when it isn’t Covid, Most people hate our humidity, but we do have great coffee!

Alva, I used to go to Peet’s coffee in San Francisco. It’s very good!

Peet's coffee IS good. My daughter claims that their Colonel Dickerson or some such blend (can't recall exact name) is the best coffee she's ever had.
As to all meeting at Alva's house? She's a total recluse. Likely she lives in a CAVE somewhere. Last I heard is that on another site she is known as "Rattlerwoman" and is partial to Mohave's because their venom is neuro toxic, hence difficult to reverse. I hear she lives in a trailer in the middle of the Mohave desert.
I wouldn't trust Alva as far as you can thrown her; she eats too many potato chips, so likely you cannot throw her far. Just sayin.....
It is also said of her that she is a W......................................wait. Let's don't go there! hee hee. Wouldn't want to have to call in the Marshall.
Glad we can still have fun given this 2020 has been a bit trying.

Oh,NO, I just read about the kidney stones!! What next! That is SOOOO painful. They say like having a baby, but no let up. Strain all that urine good. They are miniscule they are so tiny and you cannot believe that they can hurt that bad. When I saw the one they "basketed out" of one of my many husbands, the doc said "Why it wouldn't pass is it is shaped like an arrowhead and kept tipping and getting caught, the held it out and said "see" and I couldn't see the tiny thing at all it was so little. Keep us posted.

As soon as covid restrictions are a thing of the past, I will plan a trip to the Bay area of Ca to visit my sweet Aunt!!

Maybe we could plan a reunion!! Lol.

I love the idea of meeting so many of you face to face!!

P.S. I have room for 9 if ya'll want to come to Montana!!☺


Montana sounds beautiful but very cold!


😂 LOL!!!

Jodi, Montana is looking better! Alva doesn’t like my idea! 🤣


Today was 41 degrees. Yes maybe cold depending on where you live.

On the upside, I can look out my picture windows and see the amazing Bitterroot mountains. Snow capped and beautiful!! I Thank God every day that He has blessed me with such an amazing home and hubby!!

Today for the 4th time in 2 weeks, we have had a moose in our yard!! Such an awesome sight!!

It's these simple pleasures that keep me grounded!!

If ya don't like the cold, late spring and summer are wonderful!! I'm flexible!! Lol


Montana would be amazing to see! That’s not terribly cold. We were chilly today but we have a short winter!

How long does winter last there? Wildlife is stunning. The mountains are so beautiful. I have been to Colorado but not Montana.

I imagine spring would be very pretty there.

Need: Surgery done. Get patch off tomorrow EARLY. Thanks.

I have to confess that I have no idea what kind of surgery you just had.
But I am sending you prayers and positive energy!!
I have the feeling that you are a total survivor!!
You're gonna Rock it!!

We moved to Montana from Colorado.
It's actually warmer here in the valley, then it was near Denver.

I will say that the transition from winter to spring is sketchy!
I base it on my hummingbirds!!

The hummingbirds show up between April 21st and the 25th.
They're steady through September.
This year I saw my last one mid October.
I am a 4 seasons kinda gal!!
Always something new and different to experience!
The snow of winter, the new green of spring, the thunderstorms of Summer and the brilliant colors of Fall!!
Pretty crazy from a native Californian!!

Update from me on our journey to move mum to supported living....We now have a date of 7 January for mum to move into a month's trial of her proposed new place. I'm not sure I can last until then. If I'm not careful, every day I'm being sucked into hours of mum panicking and stressing about non existent problems. All she has to do is pack some clothes and toiletries, everything else is provided. I think the only way forward right now is to limit my exposure to her to a maximum of an hour each day, otherwise my whole day is taken up with the demands and I can get nothing else done. Sorry to vent. This just underlines that she really needs more care than I can provide now, and we have to make this move before she gets any worse...

Brrrrrrrr Baby it is cold outside. Looks like frosty. Seattle's coffee is BEST. Got to turn my fire place on to thaw out. Queen Sheeba has to get her hair straightened. Another $200.00 but my hair is so beautimus. Can't have it any other way. Thank God for my good looking Lumbee. hahahaha He loves ME. muah : )

The Christmas Tree. Ahhhhhh gorgeous. Silver and white with a touch of torquise. White snowmen, white churches, white snowflakes silver and white angel wings, white and silver balls. Candles in the windows. Cedar wreaths with red bows and lights on my windows and doors. Absolutely beautiful.

It's beginning to look like Christmas.

Oh, wait. Got to have some pound cake with cream cheese with my coffee.

How about some nice Christmas aroma to set my home off. Maybe some Winter Fir Candles. I like.

My niece is at the beach. In a nice hotel. The kids are playing in the indoor pool. She's relaxing. Ahhhh, living the rich life. I want to go to the beach too. Of course, it is not too far away and it's beautiful there. She used to live in Hawaii.

She doesn't need a condo. She likes a change. Not the same ole same ole boring thing.

I want a 2021 JEEP GLADIATOR for Christmas. muah

I have a gentle spirit but a rumbunctious taste.

No one is allowed to wear shoes in my home. hahaha

I am not saying a reunion isn't a good idea, I am only saying I AM bringing the rattlesnakes.
I say we meet at Hailey's House. I am willing to remove my shoes. In fact I seldom wear shoes indoors. It's already decorated and sounds like good coffee.
Llama, I also have no idea what kind of surgery you are facing down, but I DO know you will get blue ribbon for getting home quick and safe. Move around as quick as you can, breathe deep and we are all pulling for you.
Another update I would love to have if anyone read anything, how is Bridger's son.
My gorgeous golden peach tree makes me feel I actually live somewhere where the colors change in the trees.
Came here this a.m. thinking there would be more argument, and instead it is full of fun, coffee, and Christmas. What a DELIGHT.
I will be doing war with my Hummingbird today, so wish me well. The Mexican sage must be cut down/ cut back. It is in a 12 foot square and goes all blooms for so much of the year. The hummer farms it constantly. About now its blooms are mostly spent. I hate to take it down to the ground but in a month it will be back lush and happy IF I take it down now. The hummer doesn't seem to get that, and he divebombs me my entire time out there, no matter how drab I dress. If you don't see me again you will know why. He (she?) has been a bit peeved since I read about the dangers of feeders and took his down.

Alva, taken out by a hummingbird?! There are worse ways to go! 😜


Thanks for the laughs!

Please elaborate on this hummingbird! Hahaha 🤣

I love watching the hummingbirds in my yard. They like my plumbago plants.

I go barefoot at home too! I have never worn slippers. My husband loves his slippers!


Really? You grew up in California (near perfect weather) and landed in Montana! Interesting. Montana does look absolutely gorgeous!

You’re right about appreciating all four seasons. My daughter feels that way and that is one of the reasons why she wanted to move to Denver.

I am such a wuss! Hahaha I am so used to a mild winter in the south compared to other areas.

I wish I had been more open minded. My husband had job offers from other areas that I hesitated moving to.

I visited New England but was skeptical to move to Massachusetts when we had the opportunity to go. I kind of regret that now.

I have enjoyed visiting other places. The mountains are breathtakingly beautiful!

I feel the same about the ocean. when visiting California.

We are a coastal area but our scenery is quite different in Louisiana, it’s mainly rivers and lakes. Basically swamp land! Hahaha 🤣

Actually, all places bring their own vibe to the table.

Do you eat seafood? We have fantastic seafood here and great cooks. I love the seafood where you grew up. California has wonderful fish! The produce too. Everything grows there!

What is the food like in Montana? It is interesting how food is a part of the culture and vibe of a region. Music too. I love the music in New Orleans. We have a great music and food scene.

New York has a great vibe as far as food goes! Very international! No matter what a person feels like eating, it’s available in New York. I love that! Variety is the spice of life!


Yes, I was a Valley Girl! Totally!!

I don't do sea food! I wish I could. It looks so good, but I can't get past the smell. DH loves sea food!!

Montana is all about the beef!!
If ya have a hankering for a great steak , this is the place!

We live in a small town, but still have some wonderful restaurants!

My hubby and I are part of the local music scene. Our band has 6 members. 2 guitars, drums, bass ,
Sax(clarinet, flute& harmonica) and I do lead vocals.
So much fun!!


You have me falling in love with Montana now! 😊

Hey, I like both! Seafood and beef!

In my younger days I dated a vegetarian. I met him at New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. He was friends with some of my friends.

He was gorgeous and very sweet! How he put up with me, I will never know! LOL I ate burgers, roast beef sandwiches in front of him, while he ordered french fries!

He started cooking these great vegetarian meals for us. I couldn’t cook then!

Then he tells me that he was going to become a vegan!

Couldn’t handle it! LOL Stopped dating him.

That’s awesome that you play music together!

Music and food speaks to everyone’s hearts! Keep sharing your love and talent through music!


Don’t apologize. You are dealing with a lot!

I hope things work out as best they can.

Many hugs!

My MIL has had 24 hr. In-home care for 6 days a week for the last 6 mo. The full time care giver is paid $5 an hour plus free room and board and use of a car. She gets one 24 hr. period off weekly and help when she has to leave for a doctors appt.
MIL is finally heading to A.L. in a few weeks. It’s been very difficult for the family members. Our split 24 shifts are never enjoyable because of MIL negative personality and dementia rage episodes. MIL extremely difficult.
Care giver told me today this has been the worst care giver job she’s ever had.
If your loved one is able to afford care it with zero guilt.


Good advice!
I am curious. Why did your mom only pay the caregiver $5.00 an hour?

Right, guilt should not play a part in caregiving decisions.

I am glad that your mom will be going to an assisted living facility.

What did you think about your mom’s caregiver? Were you pleased with her care?

It’s a shame that some parents make everyone’s lives miserable. I’m so sorry that all of you struggled with this situation. It’s hard.

Assisted Living is the right choice and I hope it works out well for your mom and your family.

"Why did your mom only pay the caregiver $5.00 an hour?"

From what I read, this was payment above and beyond room, board and use of a car, so aka live-in help. Room and board with car is nice, but one often needs pocket money. If she was paid for 24hr 6days/week, that's $720/week. Not bad... considering no rent or food to pay for! Wouldn't be my idea of a great job, but many like and/or enjoy it (sounds like this one didn't enjoy it so much as others!)


I have a feeling DilHagen2 has been through the mill. They are miserable, the caregiver was miserable, etc.

Doesn’t sound like it was a pleasant place to live and work. Wonder how the caregiver spent her day off! I hope she did something nice for herself.

Hopefully, the staff at the assisted living facility will know how to manage her personality issues.


If you watch the series Yellowstone, you'll see where I live and why I love it so much!!

The Dutton ranch is 5 minutes from my home.

This year they decided to film almost entirely here in the Bitterroot valley.

Kinda fun watching them film!!


Oh my gosh, I watch every documentary on Yellowstone because it’s so beautiful.

I didn’t know there was a series on the park.

What channel does it air on? I only have basic cable.

I would definitely watch it!

My nephew is in the film industry here in New Orleans. It’s slow since Covid and our film industry took a hit with a poor decision made from a previous Governor.

Right now he is working on, NCIS New Orleans and asked me if I wanted to watch it being filmed. I asked if it was a good series. He told me, “No, not really. They don’t get the New Orleans vibe accurately.” So I didn’t go see the filming.

There have been several movies filmed here. The previous governor’s decision cost us a lot of jobs and Atlanta got the business.

Fortunately, my nephew didn’t lose his job.

He’s also a musician, guitarist.

His daughter (my great niece) plays guitar, piano and violin.

His ex wife plays the drums but went to med school and is now an anesthesiologist!
So funny, because they both were rockers in their younger days. They had matching tattoos. I guess her doctor’s coat covers her ink!

My nephew still plays rock but plays jazz and blues as well.

New Orleans is very eclectic but has always had a big jazz and blues scene.


It's actually a series with Kevin Costner. On the Paramount channel.

It's a little trashy! Lol But fun to watch!


🤣 Hahaha, I don’t think I get that channel but I will have to look and see. So is it a reality show?

I get it, you are looking at it from an ‘entertainment’ point of view.

Regardless, I am sure the scenery is beautiful and something to relax with 😊.

Thanks, Jodi and NHWM. Yes, I think we all need opportunities to giggle these days.

NHWM, I hope your husband is doing better. It's frustrating when the recommended courses of action for two health conditions are opposite or contradictory. Many years ago, I had an aunt who had bypass surgery but ended up with an infection in the hospital--getting up and moving was recommended for the first, but rest was recommended for the second.

Jodi, I hope you are able to push that dark cloud away as much as possible--sending you "good vibes".

On another thought, sometimes a pain hurts worse when the person laughs.


Thanks. Hubby is a trooper!

Yes, there are always unexpected incidents that happen.

I hope your aunt managed her situation as well as she could.

I am horrible in the hospital! LOL I am the patient that asks to go home everyday!

My mom was always very healthy until her later years.

We kept her very busy, four kids and two cousins that my parents raised after their parents died.

I remember her saying when she went into the hospital for a hysterectomy that it felt like a vacation!

Hahaha, I guess she was glad to have a break from six kids.

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