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Hope the morning is going as planned and was glad to see your DD would be stepping in on your behalf especially having the knowledge/experience in ICU situations as well as with the staff.

I know these procedures are quite lengthy and the waiting is very difficult.

May you sense God's presence with you today!

You are in the heart of us all. Holding your family in my thoughts all day. So relieved your DD is a Cardiac Nurse and will be there. Will watch for your updates. Stay strong our Sister.

I spoke to DH this morning twice; he's holding up well. My DD got there at 5:45 & stayed with him in pre op right until they wheeled him into the OR. I got an update from her 10 minutes ago; everything is going well so far; they are in his chest now. they will call her again in about an hour with another update.

It's nice to come here & read the messages of love & positivity. Thank you everyone.

So glad it's going well, Lea! Love to you and your family!

Big virtual hug and prayers that all will be well!

Holding you in my heart lealonnie. Great big hug to you.

Hope everything goes well and is successful. Take care of yourself too.

He's needing a triple bypass as it turns out, and is low on platelets & has had a transfusion of 2 units this morning. The low platelet count combined with a daily baby aspirin is probably what's saved his life by preventing a massive heart attack!!!!!!!!!! Mind boggling.

Anyway, the first graft is complete and there are 2 more to go. He's doing well on the bypass machine, and I'm hanging tough over here at home, hearing from my daughter every 90 minutes.

Lea, that is great news! So glad that they found this in time! ((((((Hugs))))))).

Lealonnie a big hug to you!! Great big virtual hug!!! Glad he’s doing well on the bypass machine.

So glad your hanging tough and you have your DD to keep you up to date with what’s going on.
prayers being sent to you and your family. You are my inspiration lealonnie!!

Hi lealonnie, Thanks for the update. I am so glad your DH is doing well. Great news!. Your DD is so wonderful keeping you updated frequently I am glad you have such a good support system. Look at all the caregivers on this site that care about you so much and sending prayers your way. It really is heartwarming.. May God continue to bless and heal your dear husband. Sending a hug to you. Take care of yourself.

He's done.........came right off the bypass machine with no issues, meaning he's likely to recover well. They have to see if he's coherent when he wakes up to make sure he did not have a stroke during the surgery.

The surgeon told DD that the clogged arteries he had are known as The Widow Makers b/c people with those types of occlusions tend to 'drop dead', which is what I've been feeling in my GUT for the past 2 months: that he'd drop dead & I'd find him on the floor.

Bypass is not a 'cure' for heart disease, he said, that it kind of stops things in their tracks; that it's now up to DH to change his lifestyle to extend his life for a long time. He's eaten a very high fat diet for the entire 15 years we've been together, and even brags about it b/c he never had high BP or really bad cholesterol, etc. Yeah, right. So............he's retired officially as of 12/31 (on sick leave till then) and I can see to it that he's eating better and not having junk food 2x a day at work, and eating a healthy dinner. I spent an hour today throwing out ALL THE bacon and sausage in the house! He has 5 dozen EGGS in the fridge. Sheesh. Anyway, I'll help him and we'll exercise together, too.

The next 30 days are crucial for bypass patients to see if complications will arise. With God's help, he'll be ok and we'll get past this, one step and one day at a time.

It took Kaiser 2 months and a lot of carrying on by me and my DD and DH himself to get this catheter done, so this is the first time we've had an infamous issue with Kaiser. When they're good, they're great. When they're bad, you're facing death. We had one doc tell him to just walk 30 minutes a day & increase it to 60 minutes a day, with uncontrolled angina, which is a VERY dangerous thing to tell someone! We have filed an official grievance against the man, which they claim to 'take very seriously'.

Thanks to everyone! And yes EB, it's heartwarming to see everyone reach out and be so supportive here, which is generally how it is.

I'm glad to learn that things have worked out well.  Your DH really had an "early warning system" event that apparently is a wake-up call, and which with your able assistance will help him back on a road to better health.

Congratulations to each of you, for your support, perseverance and of course for your care.    I hope the recovery is smooth, and that your DH enjoys his new diet as well as the rewards it will bring.   2021 can start off being a much healthier year for you.

I also want to thank you for the time and investment of sharing your news; I took lessons from your update post and put away the chocolate chips I was nibbling.

Relieved that this part is over. Continuing to think positive thoughts for you and your family.

Lea, I'm so glad you and he are past this!

Oh my!! He had a widow makers blockages!!! He’s got him one heck of an angel on his shoulder!!! I’m so glad he’s made it out of surgery & is now recovering.

A 2 month fight which would have been avoided if Kaiser had done the cath test sooner! Unbelievable. Sounds like your DH has a good family team between you & DD so hats off to all of you!!

Lealonnie, It is great to hear he is off the bypass machine and doing well. I bet that is a relief for you. My goodness Widow Maker? He is one lucky guy. I do hope he changes his diet. Joel Fuhrman M.D. has written a few books and has a web site. The Eat to Live Plan :The End of Heart Disease and Eat to Live Cookbook. Excellent recipes and information. Hope DH continues to do well. Thanks for taking the time to update us. May God continue to bless you both.

I spoke with him on the phone just now! He sounds high as a kite, but great! He's offering the nurse $100 for a sandwich! God is good. First part is over, now onto the healing/rehab and all the rest

EB, thanks for the recommendation about the book & website; I was just thinking how I wish I knew of something to look into while I wait for him to come home!

Cali, thank you. He DOES have some guardian angels looking out for him I think.

Barb, I am thrilled beyond words to be on the other side of this part of the process. I will go visit tomorrow when they notify me he's been moved the lower level care ICU room. DD sent me a photo of the chest incision (yikes) and one of him looking totally goofy with a grin on his face and a shower cap thing on his head.

GA, no kidding about the wake up call. I'm going to follow the heart healthy diet recipes too, even though I don't eat a hi fat diet as it is. I think we can ALL benefit from healthier eating habits, me included.

LEA, so glad dh is done with the surg! The scar will look better after one summer of exposure, promise.

Please, get a good night's sleep and check back in the AM. (((((Hugs)))))))

Hello lealonnie, What wonderful news about DH. He is hungry that is a good sign. One step at a time, right? I am sure you are relieved the surgery is over and he is stable. Thanks for the update. Get a good nights sleep and rest peacefully.

What a whirlwind! So glad he’s doing well. My dad had 6 bypasses in in 60’s and it truly did change him. He changed his diet, started an exercise program at a gym where he met many new friends, and took so much better care of himself. I wish you the best in helping hubby with recovery and the changes to come

Hi lealonnie, thinking about you and wondering how your husband is doing. Hope both of you had a good nights sleep and things are stable with DH. Prayers sent to both of you.

I love you got such a positive call with him last night. I am hoping today goes well and that you update us. Thinking of you.

Spoke with DH on the phone this morning; he's in pain but chipper & upbeat. Sitting in a chair & sent a photo (high as a kite, too! LOL). We both slept last night, too. Will head over to the hospital as soon as he's moved from the ICU down one level to the critical care unit (where they don't keep covid patients). Stopping by DDs for an N95 mask. Stepson getting married tonight via ZOOM (believe it or not) so both DH and I will 'be there' from his hospital room to raise our water glass in a toast. Not sure how great a garbled toast DH can muster, but hey, nobody's complaining!

Daughter, LOVE your comment!

Lealonnie, such great news! And a wedding, oh my! (((((Hugs)))))) to you both!

Just caught up on all this--I'm so glad things worked out.

My DH had the "widowmaker" 4 years ago, but was able to have it remedied with a lot of stents---his cholesterol was 150 and he bragged endlessly how he could eat ANYTHING and it didn't affect him.

He did initially follow the dietary rules, did the cardio rehab and really behaved---slowly he slipped back into eating garbage and never exercising. His diabetes is now on the verge of being a real issue again--I really feel for you and the rehab ahead.

Stents are much easier on the body and a quicker rehab, but still. I do hope your DH follows the rules and realizes that he's a million dollar animal now.

My just got his butt kicked by his cardiologist, Liver transplant Dr. and PCP all in one week. He's now a chastened man, but he doesn't get unlimited passes on walking up to death's door and being turned away.

I will give you ONE piece of advice: Let HIM be accountable for his own eating habits, exercise, etc. Anything that my DH did for 'me' was incredibly resented and I had to learn to step back and prepare healthy meals, not keep sugary foods around and letting him make his own choices.

And YOU take care of YOU!!! I've developed heart problems due entirely to the nonstop stress of caring for DH. I'm medicating so I can live with HIM!

Wonderful news, lealonnie. It is great both you and DH can watch the wedding via Zoom together. Hope you have a good visit. Glad he is doing well. Take care.

Lea I am so happy your DH is now in the recovery phase and things went well. I am so relieved for you both that the blockages were found, and of all things that old and broken BP cuff! Amazing that thing actually ended up saving his life!

I hope you can rest easier now and look forward to DH coming home to recuperate. You and your DD did great getting through this, sending you another big hug!

Mid: According to my DHs cardiologist, the widowmaker arteries cannot be stented; if his was stented, it would fall out and kill him, being it's the major artery feeding the top of the heart. And that was just one of the 3 involved.

DH and I have the type of relationship where nobody 'takes care' of anybody else unless there's a total need, ie: my hip replacement where I couldn't get around. Then he was there to help. Neither of us eat sugar as it is, and all the rest of the high fat foods have been discarded from my home. He will be home now and it will be easier for him to eat healthier than on the job where he ate fast food a lot. It's up to HIM how he eats; in 2008, I went on a diet and lost 100 lbs. I did it, not him. He continued to eat normally while I ate my own meals

He is the type of person that, once he puts his mind to something, he DOES it. Never looks back. Quit smoking 25 years ago by throwing the cigs in the trash and never smoked another one. Same thing with coffee. When he gave up sugar 4 years ago, he never drank another cup of coffee again (bc he took sugar with it). He said he'd never drink another alcoholic beverage after he got deathly sick puking at 17 years old, and he hasn't had a drink since. He is the strongest human I know. And, if he decides to live a heart healthy lifestyle, I'll be right there with him and helping him, but not doing it FOR him.

For me, marriage is a team effort. If only half of the team is putting forth effort, it's time for me to move on. If that makes sense. I'm not giving up MY heath to 'mother' him! And I don't think he'll make it necessary, with God's help

I think you are so wise in how you handle things, Lealonnie1. It is up to the person to make what changes they wish to make. Me, I am not giving up a few things I love, no matter you tell me I die at dawn because of it. Stubborn as I can be. My Partner is so good on that stuff. He has been saying "Try a BocaBurger, they are REALLY good" and I turned up my nose to this veggie burger for 6 months before I gave up and tried one. With a bit of onion, relish, tomato, lettuce, I challenge ANYONE to say that isn't one GOOD burger.
Too much change too quick can tax an already rapidly adapting, if willing partner. Already so much that he is in control of in his life is under pressure. He knows. He's a grownup. And this is one heck of a message. He will make his decisions and you will be there to support him every step. So glad all continues well.

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