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Yay, glad to hear this!

Dormer, that’s a great update! I’m glad MIL enjoyed the visit with her grandson.

So she can be a Sweetheart after all! That's great news, I'm glad she enjoyed her visit, and he got to see her happy too!

What happy news, Dorker!

Glad it went well a treat for her

The EB's younger son has come & gone now. All went well.

She didnt know, for most of his visit there, accompanied by DD & YD, who did announce upon their arrival there, who was with them "hi granny. Look we brought _____ to visit you". So they did tell her but it was a long time before the dots connected on who he is. Finally it did, about 2 hours into what was a 3 plus hour visit.

She told DH later on the phone that it was one of the best days ever for her, enjoyed it

More later ..

In rehab my Mum would often refuse a shower then tell me she didn't get a shower that day. The statement was correct, - she didn't get a shower that day! She forgot the rest so I didn't get the full picture until the careworkers started recording it.

Other times she said she didn't shower but still had damp hair & smelled of soap...

One time she just blurted out that she always said no because she hating having to need someone's help. She also was so worried they would lose her clothes when she took them off (they went in the dirty washing bag).

Comprimise was reached by showering Mon Wed Fri & showing her the dirty clothes bag. Easier on her & staff! Less battles & easier for her worsening memory to cope with.

Everything should be recorded..we had a book for showering, eating, and BM. We had a Resident where the CNA had to record the time she started feeding the Resident and how much of each item on her tray she ate and what time she stopped eating..I don’t know why, the Resident was never my feed. All entries of ADL’s are considered a legal documentation on the Residents medical file.

Too bad someone from family can’t be there (out of sight) when shower is offered, and see if MIL declines shower. That’s really silly to have to do something like that, but it would put to rest the not knowing.

No matter what Dorker's said to them about the benefit of a cognitive evaluation, H and SIL don't seem to want MIL to have one. I wonder what could ever change their minds?

Soon enough, SIL will be back in town. Is that when the move from Purgatory will happen? Or are SIL and H willing to consider just keeping MIL in Purgatory?

So glad you are continuing to maintain those hard-fought boundaries regarding MIL, Dorker.

About the bathing. My mother tends to avoid it, refuses it. She thinks she isn't dirty. Seriously. I don't know what gene kicks on at a certain age or level of dementia, but it appears to be pretty common that elderly people reduce or spurn bathing.

I would think a care facility would have protocols in place -- that is, record-keeping -- for this struggle. I know that dispensing of medicine is recorded. I know that attendance at meals is watched but I doubt that is recorded. There don't seem to be routines for recording whether a bath happens or not or whether the resident refuses it.

Is it possible that MIL was actually bathed and forgot it and that when pressed by SIL the facility, not having records to assert otherwise, just assumes SIL is right, that MIL wasn't bathed, when she actually really was?

I think a family member, DH or SIL, needs to discuss the issue with the staff member whose job it is to do the bath. Find out what happened the last time, what typically happens etc. And be there around the general time for the next bathing to observe and cajole.

We were alerted by a staff member that Mom was refusing bathing. With that knowledge we were able to bring about improvements.

It probably depends on the facility EmilySue, but with my FIL the nursing home was pretty lax, they didn’t force him to do anything. He spent his last month laying in bed 24/7. They didn’t push the issue on anything. He should have been doing PT and speech therapy but he refused it. Even in the hospital he refused it and the hospital never pushed the issue. The nursing home didn’t try to get him to eat either. They put his tray in front of him and left.

As far as what a cognitive evaluation would accomplish, again probably depends on the facility but what I would expect, if MIL was my mother, is a totally different careplan and a different approach from the staff. That’s what I would advocate for, if I felt she didn’t need memory care yet. And as her child and advocate, I would have a better grasp on the situation and not automatically assume she’s not being showered & neglected. I truly believe if DH and SIL knew MIL had dementia, they would be better advocates for her. Just seems to me that MIL is being failed. But by who is up for argument. Valid arguements can be made against the staff and against SIL & DH.

As to the bath, I rather agree with LisaNJ that I would expect staff to make it happen, if at all possible. I'd imagine lots of residents are resistant, due to being just plain old, tired, lazy, not realizing they actually need it, not aware of time and days, etc. etc. etc.

I also would think that the staff would be fairly defensive about it with SIL, if indeed MIL was refusing often. They would always tell SIL that they tried, and were refused, again. I wonder how a cognitive assessment would change things. Would she get more attentive care? (seriously asking, as my mom never had one, although she was clearly experiencing some dementia during the last year, and "senior moments" prior to that.)

I was not a "whirly-gig" like SIL, but I sure was more involved than DH and DD as far as keeping a basic eye on things. Too bad there is no one in that family who can be the "happy medium." Like Barb said, the elderly need an advocate. (actually, so does anyone when in a care institution.)

Wow, Staceyb2 - I think you may be right. The grandson call could very well have been a scammer. My mom had that happen too.

It could have gone like this:
"Hi grandma! How are you?"
"What? Who is this? Who?"
"It's me, grandma - Your grandson!"
"Billy? Jack? Which one?"
"It's me! Billy!"
(chat chat a little...)
"Hey grandma - I was thinking I'd come visit you on Christmas!
But I don't have quite enough right now for the plane ticket. Is it possible you could send me $500 and I'll pay you back when I get there? I'll have my paycheck by then..."

Luckily, when it happened to my mom, I happened to be over for a visit right at that time. She thought she was talking to my own son, which surprised me some in the first place, but listening, it started sounding fishy. Some story about being in a broke down car out of state and needing money, so my mom told him I was there and handed me the phone!

I agree with you Barb. SIL and DH need to get MIL a cognitive evaluation. I think the consensus is.....she has some form of dementia. Dementia and not bathing kind of go hand in hand so I don’t think the staff is simply neglecting their duties.

Yes the facility should be able to recognize cognitive decline but in this situation, they are dealing wirh SIL who hasn’t been forthcoming and honest about MILs cognitive state. Does anyone think it’s possible that the staff has reached out to SIL about MILs cognitive decline and she’s scoffed at them?

I was thinking about that supposed phone call in the middle of the night from youngest Grandson, it might very well have been a Crank or a Scammer calling. I personally have had 5 or 6 calls from "My Grandson" over the past few years, which start out with "hi Grandma", and I reply "sorry but my eldest Grandson is only 5 years old", so you must have the wrong number, and they usually say "but but but...", and then I knew it was a Scam call as you hear so much about this particular type Scam where a Grandchild is asking for money for bail or something, a middle of the night call from a desperate Grandchild would definitely put you off guard, if you had one that fit the bill!

Not that it makes any difference now, as Grandma wouldn't remember, but I doubt that her Real Grandson would have been so stupid not to take into consideration of the significant time different in his 20's or early 30's. Oh well, it's just sad that this poor Grandson is being held responsible for a call which probably never even happened! Lol!

My mom got two whirlpool baths a week, if she wanted another as long as scheduling permitted that was fine.

My mom was never formally diagnosed with Dementia, but she was treated as if she did have it. When they did the assessment test when she was moving into AL she didn’t do well at all on the assessment. They wanted her to go in MC and mom wasn’t having that.

Staff should be able to recognize that MIL has cognitive issues.

I wonder if SIL and DH have been attending care meetings via phone. There should have been at least since admission.

I'd have a long list of concerns for the DON.

Can SIL not call into doc appointments? Can DH truly not take a morning off to meet his mom at the hip surgeon?

Elders, especially elders with cognitive loss, get rotten medical care of there is no one there to advocate for them. And it sounds like MIL has no one really willing to do what matters.

I'm NOT saying that Dorker should have any part on this. I'm saying it's sad that MIL's kids don't seem to know how to step up to the plate.

I have been haranguing poor Dorker to see that MIL gets a cog eval---but seems like NOBODY wants this done, for whatever reason. Makes NO sense to me.

They spend every waking minute with MIL taking care of the little issues and ignoring the huge ones that are looming. Part of that is just the aging and getting over focused on minutiae and ignoring bigger pieces of the puzzle.

Isn't there a white board in MIL's room? Can't you just write on it "Please make sure MIL gets her shower on Wed and Sat. Thanks so much" and remind the staff that she is NOT aware of what day of the week it is, so SHE isn't going to ask! I know MIL isn't in a hospital, and they have those boards so the patient can glance up at them and know what day it is, who the nurse/MA are for the day, and what else is going on that day--PT or OT.

The NH I am familiar with has such a thing--and a daily 'newsletter' letting clients know what crafts are available, BINGO, the daily menu--and all the patient has to do is look at the paper.

Any way, SIL will be back soon enough with her whirling and twirling and maybe (not holding my breath) she will get that cog eval done and start the process of emptying the house and bossing y'all around.

AND she will make sure MIL gets her showers. (Honestly, 2 showers a week seems absolutely minimal to me. I can't go 2 days....)

The resolution to the shower issue is to get MIL a dang cognitive assessment. She is confused about everything and doesn’t know what day it is so.....I’m inclined to believe she’s turning down showers & forgetting she did!

Or....SIL could put in a nanny cam and see for herself what really happens on MILs shower days....

I'm betting that your nephews don't make another effort to come visit MIL anytime soon.

When is SIL scheduled to come back to FL?

As far as MIL going to appointments without a family member, well, I'm not surprised Purgatory got it mixed up. It's too bad no one (H, YD or DD) could accompany her to the appointment. Well, soon enough SIL be around again and can do all of that.

I don't know what to say about the showering issue. Someone isn't telling the truth, but is it Purgatory or MIL?

I'm wondering if your father will actually complete all 12 chemo treatments. He might decide it's just not worth it because of the side-effects.

Glad you didn't go there and clean up HIS chitapalooza!


Complained to the staff person she'd spoken to the day before as to reminders on showering .. and that staff person apologized, . said Thursdays aren't her day for showers, but they'd go get her showered right now, .. prior to her doc appt, which SIL then verified later with her mother, they did do.

They carted her to the doc .. the surgeon .. for her hip appt . but fouled that up too. She was to have had an xray and then see the doc ..

Well she got the xray but no doc visit. Said the staffer that accompanied her, said it was time to go. MIL tells it that she said to the staffer .. "I think I'm supposed to see the doc too .. that's how it always goes .. I go get an xray but then I see the doctor". Said the staffer replied, .. "no you're appt today is only for an xray", and off they went, back to Purgatory.

SIL telling me: "I feel like I'm dealing with complete incompetence and imbeciles".

She'd called yesterday afternoon to talk to the afternoon DON to complain about the above .. the showering . and the doc visit that wasn't seen to. Said the DON said, "sounds like we messed up on that .. we'll track down the xray and see if we can't get word from the doc on it". Sounds like she talked to the afternoon DON and told him, politely, but firm .. that she is holding him responsible . and as she put it, "What have I gotta do here to make sure my mom gets bathed? .. I mean your people .. I dont' wanna say they are liars . but .. they say they offer, she says they don't .. she would remember, . she wants a shower .. she says she wants one .. but they don't come".

So SIL all up in arms over that issue .. one that never seems to have any resolution.


Since his older brother isn't able to come, .. he will put it off himself, and come at a time they both can do so. Which is possible, waiting to see.

Both daughters ... YD and DD .. .have said they will accompany .. to Purgatory .. and be there when this EB's son visits .. and also .. to the MIL house, should he wish to go... I don't know that he will, it was possibly the elder son that was all about going there, we'll see .. going to the house.

Feels very deceptive .. I've talked to SIL a few times this week . just .. chit chatting .. her talking about the big hullaballoo . of the past weekend, her daughter's wedding, all the out of town guests .. her g'kids being there . and have all flown home now back to the other side of the world where they reside .. and how exhausting it all was .. just chit chatting with her. And yet I haven't "told her" this is in the offing, as to a visit from EB's son(s). Feels very deceptive. But I haven't told her.

SIL all up in arms ....

The dreaded bathing issue. It never ends.

Since we can't ever dial down on specifically where the problem exists. Is it ..

1) The lazy/lax staff don't ask MIL on her designated days for bathing, if she'd like a shower (what SIL would have as the case)


2) Is it that MIL is asked, and declines (what I would term it) .. or at least partly.

SIL had taken to .. she calls on the specific designated days .. Wednesdays and Saturdays . to remind staff . and her mom . two calls.

MIL is slated for afternoons as her time slot. If they even ask, who knows.

On this past Saturday when SIL was in full wedding mode, .. helping to get 3 g'kids who were in the wedding .. ready and dressed and to where they needed to be, as well as herself .. she took the time to call . the two calls .. as to reminders for shower. It didn't happen.

MIL's story . "they never asked, no one ever came". And yes, she has asked her mom "don't you want a shower?". Her mom replies, ''Yes .. I would love a shower" .. and she has said to her mom . "you know you can ask them yourself". Her mother replies, .. "I don't know what day of the week it is usually .. a Tuesday for me, is the same as a Sunday or any other day, I don't keep up with the days of the week". SIL replying to her mom .. "But I call and remind you! .. can you not ask them yourself .. on the days that I let you know 'mom . it's Wednesday .. make sure they get you bathed today' .. let them know". Her mom replies, .. I guess I just forget I don't know.

So this past Saturday (when we were in town) .. she had enough going on, but put aside the time to call for reminders to staff and to MIL. Still didn't happen. The mom's story .. "no nobody ever came".


So then Wednesday rolls around .. and once again, time to get that on everyone's radar via reminders .. and especially since she knew that Thursday MIL was to be carted by facility to the same surgeon who did her hip repair .. she'd fallen a month or so ago .. and the facility had a mobile xray unit come . and nothing was found, as to any injury . but MIL was still complaining of pain . and so SIL set an appt with the surgeon .. the one that did her hip repair when she broke it .. and for her to be seen. That was to transpire on Thursday. So .. SIL knowing her mom wasn't bathed on Saturday .. .surely she needs to be bathed before going to the doc, this is Wednesday . her next designated shower day . . so reminder(s) as appropriate.

It didn't happen.

MIL's story .. "no, no one ever came".

Round and round it goes .. and SIL asking of her mom .. "Why don't you ask them .. I call and remind you .. I call and remind them too, . why don't you ask".

MIL, more of the same .. I don't know one day from the next ... I don't keep up with the days of the week.

Round and round it goes.

SIL called yesterday AM to make sure that all was on target as to transport for doc appt .. and complained

Was due to take dad today for chemo tx, but ...

Having been in contact with him routinely, the chemo seems to be having an effect in various ways. He'd said the other day when I called him, he was in hopes they'd not deem it appropriate for this week. His chief complaint is the vacillating between diarrhea and constipation, can't seem to hit a happy medium on that issue, and the fatigue. No nausea .. no hair loss (not yet) .. but just fatigued, weak.

His specific set up has him going on the day before the chemo tx, to the lab around the corner from his home (c'giver facilitates transport for that) .. and getting blood drawn. He'd done that yesterday AM. By the time afternoon rolled around, a call from the oncology group . and the labs in. His Potassium is too high and so something rx'd to deal with that .. something .. some kinda medicine called into the pharmacy and it seemed no one has it .. whatever this drug is .. not Walgreens, not CVS .. not the grocery store (his preferred pharmacy). So they instead were going to call in Lasix .. ??.....

Also his white blood cell count, too low. Some other something called in to address that. And they want him to have more blood work, 1st of next week to check some of the readings on the above, and cancelled this week's chemo tx. He was relieved, . didn't want to go anyway .. feels as though this fatigue . along with the lower GI issues .. is more than he can do.

He is talking with the docs on it all, . .and the general response is .. "these are side effects that are to be expected" .. and they kinda address it .. with (see above) meds, .. but mostly .. it's just ... "it's kinda expected, as a side effect". He seems aware of that also.

I don't know enough about the whole thing and how it plays out, to be terribly concerned (ignorance is bliss). Not that there's a lot I would/could do anyway .. being that stepmom .. is somewhat of a problem in the broader scheme of things. So I keep a distance.

On the other front, the eldest of EB's two sons has backed out of coming. He was to have flown out of Laguardia yesterday (lives in NYC) .. and to fly to Atlanta to meet his younger brother, who was flying to Atlanta (where their mom lives) from CA ... and the two of them fly from Atlanta to here tomorrow. EB's oldest son texted last night, that yesterday .. (for some reason that I don't know) .. LaGuardia experienced the 2nd busiest day in history . .and his flight got cancelled. And attempts to get on another flight have failed, so he's not coming.

That leaves only EB's youngest son to come here tomorrow. And interestingly enough .. of the two sons of EB .. the eldest would be the one that MIL is more inclined to take any interest in (if there's any at all). The eldest seems to have a brain .. and the youngest is kooky and irresponsible.

EB's youngest son is the one that called MIL .. oh it's been maybe 5 years ago or more (last time the two had any contact) .. and did so at what, for her, was 2 AM .. (he lives in CA and so I guess, not mindful that calling at that hour .. wouldn't be a good thing) .. and woke her up, startled her. It took her a few mins to get her bearings .. and figure out who it was on the phone .. at that hour .. since this is someone she hasn't talked to in years. He'd called her at what was 2 AM . to announce he was coming for xmas. She, being addled and feeble minded, even then, .. once she got her bearings and realized who she was talking to, .. and .. geeze the whole thing .... for him to even think that her home was where he'd want to land for xmas .. he hadn't seen or spoken to her in years ... and ... she's no one to entertain guests .. not even then. ... she told him to not worry with coming for xmas .. and in fact, just don't call her anymore. And he hasn't.

So that's the EB's son that will be coming, . unless we get a call from him today that since his older brother isn't

If a family member cannot be there to "fix up" Grandmother before the visit from G'son's, then perhaps a phone call the morning of the visit to the Nursing home staff asking them to get her dressed and tidied up wouldn't be such a huge deal, that way at least she will look somewhat decent and not completely embarrassed by the surprised visitors. I too think DH should be there as a buffer for boys!

I hate it when even my kids pop in with my hair not brushed and me still in my PJ's, but somehow they seem to get a kick out of it! One of these days I'm gonna show up on their doorstep at 7 am on a Sunday, at least they usually bring doughnuts with them!

Nonetheless, I do hope that the visit goes well and Grandma is kind to them and Visa versa, they both deserve closure and a pleasant visit with each other. As for touring Grandma's house unaccompanied, I doubt that will go over well with Grandma or SIL. Why ever would they need to be alone? They can certainly wander through with DH waiting in the livingroom, but it does seem an odd request. I think that I would nip that in the bud if it were me. It raised too many bad feelings all around, and they can see the place just fine with an escort.

DH does have a certain responsibility for seeing that the house is properly secure and his Mom's things are left in their place (not that they are going there to cause mischief) , though I do understand their wanting to see the place and relive their happy memories.

It will be nice for your husband to see his Nephews and the kids to see their cousins, so Cheers to hoping this visit is a positive experience for everyone!

The year before my father died he was in the hospital many times. (I was his caregiver in his home at this time.) Every time he went a sister who wasn't speaking to us would send her son over to take pictures of stuff. I ended up sending him away, saying "Dad would prefer that you would come over when he is here." (He knew that anyway.) This sister is Very materialist with an entitled mentality. Her son was about 19 and living at home with just her. The son would never come over otherwise - and never just to see Dad.
One time I came straight back from the hospital for something I forgot and found him in the basement - just minutes after I had gone. He had secretly unlocked the outside door to the basement, on a former visit. Scared me half to death and I was just dumbfounded by his boldness and verbal maneuvering to make excuses for himself. He knew full well Dad did not want him there.
So... just from my own experience - I guess just expect anything at this point.

Worst case: Neighbors see people they don’t know enter MIL house. They know she is not there. There is security system they are not on approved list for. They set it off. Cops come and big kerfuffle. And if they did take anything even for their Dad’s or sentiment?.. you don’t let people enter a house unsupervised. If the grandsons are injured on the property who pays? Think of the drama with injured teen and brother Dorker. Snakebite, etc from untended property. Washing machine that might have overflowed. When my moms house was not lived in for 2 weeks after she passed, roaches and skeeters set up shop in sink and poured out when water turned on, Who covers the liability! It’s actually perfect excuse to have DH escort them to prevent misunderstandings. Once again DH and DD set up situation they don’t wanna manage. And you’re cooking and cleaning for this bunch? Nice of you.

My mother HATES drop in visits. Kids don't get that she doesn't get up and meet the day in full makeup and dressed to the nines. She 90 and a HARD lived 90. She looks awful. That's just life.

My 3 out of towners will come in and say "oh we'll just do a fly by to Grandma's" and I warn them, this is NOT going to be met with open arms.

Last visit with my son--couple years ago---she met them at the front door and wouldn't let them in. It was blazingly hot and they just stood there on the front porch, trying to 'chat'. Wasn't pleasant and they have made no attempts to go back and probably won't. All my mother said was (the sun was shining from behind my DIL and you could see through her skirt...big whoop, the woman is a size 2 and fit as a can be) "Can't that DOCTOR afford a petticoat? I could see EVERYTHING!" I said, "No, I'm sure she doesn't even know what a petticoat is, mother".

I asked her why she didn't let them in the house and she said that the dogs (3 of them at the time, all un-housebroken) had pooped in the common living area and she was embarrassed. Well, OK. But my kids were offended and she was offended and that's that.

Both sides were to blame. At 90, she only gets dressed 2 days. She can't clean up the poop and the dogs pretty much all take advantage of the LR every day. Her apartment is hoarded out and no one can sit down but her.

This is why I BEG the kids to call ahead. They don't, so they get what they get.

Personally, I think these guys should call ahead. I am not old, but I'm not young and anyone other than a couple of dear friends and my kids---I want a heads up before you pop in. That's actually really, really rude.

My mother died last year and we sold the family home. All of the grandkids and great grands had lived there at some time in their childhoods. Each came to "say goodbye" to the house --- walk around and through it, walk in the yard, take pictures. Just saying..

I think it’s entirely possible the boys do want to search the house for something their dad stashed......or see what’s there and stake their claim. But I’m not convinced there is anything sinister planned. You see......I meandered through my grandmothers house. And it had absolutely nothing to do with scoping out her belongings and taking things......

These were my paternal grandparents. They were actually my dad’s foster parents. They loved my dad like a son & had wanted to adopt him but he said no. Anyway......things became strained at one point when my mom felt they were favoring their biological grandchildren over my brother & I and we really didn’t see my grandmother much (my grandpa died in 1991). We became estranged. My dad would stop by on holidays but my mom refused to go. There were some issues with my dads brother & his wife & kids too so my brother & I usually stayed home with mom and dad visited his family by himself. So by the time my grandmother had moved up to my parents house, because she could no longer handle living alone....I didn’t really feel a connection to her personally, I didn’t have a bond with her anymore. Like Dorkers nephews. So my dad had to come back to California for a workman’s comp hearing and he stayed at her house. We met up for dinner and I took him back to my grandma’s house. And I went inside and meandered. It was for the nostalgia, that house was full of nothing but fond memories made during happier times before my grandpa died. The house that used to seem so big when I was a kid, didn’t seem so big anymore. I walked through all the rooms and marveled at how nothing had really changed over the years, the same furniture was still there, still in the same place I remember it. I didn’t look through drawers or closets, didn’t pick out things I wanted but I went in to every room. Went out to the garage to see if any of ny grandpa’s things were still there after all those years. I reminisced. It felt good being in that house again. My other grandparents had been gone for years and their house sold. I had no family here, they had all moved away or died. I still felt a connection to that house. I do realize now that I probably shouldn’t have wandered through through the house like that without her permission but honestly I wouls
do it again in a heart beat. And I know she wouldn’t have minded if she had known.

So i can’t help but wonder if the grandsons, coming back to FL after all these years, aren’t jus looking to reminisce on the good times at their grandmothers house. To feel the same nostalgia I felt.

I guess we will soon find out what their motives are!

Train wreck looking to happen...MIL will be blindsided by visit, embarassed by how she looks, and thoroughly ticked that her family knew and didn't tell her. DH or DD really need to be there, for everyone's sake. DD set this in motion - she should handle any fallout. I have mixed feelings about alerting SIL, as she has a tendency to go into whirling dervish mode.

Also, it's still MILs house with her things in it. She has a right to expect her privacy to be protected. Who of us would want some relative to be moseying thru our house without us there? And I do think there's always a possibility of something being liberated. I highly doubt she'd agree (now or several years ago when she was cleared of mind) to let these grandsons be in her home to look about without her there. I think DH has every right and responsibility to tell them it's not possible for him to just hand over her key.

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