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I am gonna suggest one more thing you might have, we did, but I never thought to use them. Noise cancelling earphones or just ear buds playing some music that come with some of our cell phones.

I just keep thinking about your Dad and how do very ill he is. My daughter has some anxieties issues and had we thought about the earbuds or headphones we had I think she would have held up better during the bad part of the storm. I think either would have helped her tremendously, endure the maddening, seemingly never ending, constant noise.

I probably should be investigating a small generator and a purchase of a small window a/c unit, haven't done so.

Had to go out the other day to purchase a new generator ahead of the throngs of crowds doing likewise. The one I bought will power a few lights, fans .. tv when cable restores .. and the 2 fridges and freezer, at least jockeying some between them.

At this point though, at least for where I live, it is for one thing . bedlam (likely all over the state) as to stores .. and .. at least where I live, it looks to be lesser of a threat than the poor folks down in south FL .. they must be biting their nails.

I think, .. I'm just exhausted, .. emotionally maybe, .. pity party for me, for one, maybe. Who knows.

This time last year or thereabout, it was the whole drama/saga with MIL and getting her exited out of this state for hurricane season . and her whole malaise with that as any necessary notion and getting SIL on board to get the h377 here and get her mother. All the while MIL complaining/crying that she doesn't have to exit . she can weather storms, that this is gonna kill her, to have to leave her things . her home, .. so on and so forth and DH's sadness and malaise at his mom's poor plight.

Of course beyond that was .. the rest of the year . and the whole saga that continued. And then my dad with his cancer dx on that front, and that picture has become a little more bleak (not a surprise).

But I think, at least for me, for my own psyche ..

That last storm that we weathered . year before last . it was a nightmare and the thing wasn't even a direct hit here. I vowed that I'd never be here again, it scared me so bad.

Ahh but the Gods decided there is a different path for me.

Me being who I am, .. I don't feel comfortable heading for other parts, knowing the shape my dad's in and no support structure .. so I stay put. At this point, all I can do is hope it stays the course, of what they "think" (they don't know) it will do .. and that would have it land far south of here, . .which in the end, would mean a wholly less impact here for us locally. Hate to wish that on other folks .. and I don't .. but I don't want it here either.

BB and brother live about 1 1/2 hours south of me, near the coast and so any deviation that brings the thing closer to their region .. could have an enormous impact on them.

My other brother, . lives farther south .. way down the state on the SW coast of FL . and some projections have it crossing the state and back out into the Gulf of Mexico . .which would also have a huge impact on that brother.

So I don't want any of us, in the end, to have to weather it, but alas, these things are out of mine and anyone's else's control. One can only prepare, and hope for the best.


I so wish if you guys are going to take a hard hit that you all could get out.

You have been thru this before. You know the drill.

The only thing I can suggest if you stay, and to be clear I recommend you leave, but if you can get your hands one of them, another small generator, and the tiniest of window units (AC). The tiny window units run about $100-$150. I bought one after a storm in 2003 and stored it in the top of a closet. I pulled it out after Harvey and stuck it in a bedroom window. It wasn’t pretty but it kept the bedroom icy cold. The small generator had to be refueled about every four hours.

We used our generators sparingly because there was no power at the gas gas. After a 3-4 days they got the gas stations online so we felt comfortable using more of our fuel and we cranked that baby up. It was so wonderful!

Thinking of you and your family as this thing unfolds. Hoping for everyone’s safety.

Let us know the recommendations by your county authorities should that happen.

If you guys are threatened, let us know how you guys are and when you are safe.

Just reach out if you want any other suggestions on what might come in handy during a prolonged event.

Watching the storm closely. Too early but predictions to land far south of me ... but what it does beyond that, is up for grabs. Skirt the spine of the state northward, eastern coast northward, its not yet known.

Impact where a I live, will definitely be felt. How much? Unknown.

Looks like I cant leave as I vowed I'd do before riding another one out. My dad is not doing well weathering chemo treatments. Weak, malaise, joint aches, some nausea, loss of appetite.

Cant get his chemo tomorrow..white blood cell count too low. That happened another time previously also.

My dad is too sick for traveling to evacuate. I asked the doc about hospitalizing him. Answer, thats the last place we want him to be, if we can avoid it (germs). Sigh.

These damn hurricanes!

I may have to, if the thing begins to look more menacing locally..go get him and bring him here.

He has asked that I do so. Doesnt feel comfortable at home weathering such an event with his only support a wife with diminished brain function. C'giver's grown kids are making her hunker down with them in their home if it gets bad. She is single and I would guess maybe early 60's....strong/fit, energetic, but her kids want her with them if it gets bad so they wont have to worry about her. Understandable.

My dad does own a beast of a generator used in storms of the past (power loss) .. but he doesnt <didnt ever> have much mechanical inclination and struggled always with running it effectively.

His present state, he only ambulates on the walker for toileting (fell yesterday but wasnt seriously hurt). He doesnt stand a prayer of being able to man a generator these days.

Pray this thing somehow doesnt impact us here. I wish it would go away and not impact anyone. Not likely.

Why dont I go to his home so he doesnt have to leave and man his generator? I have zero skills at such. Zip, nadda. His has always been tempermental, even for him, and he .. while he's not real skilled mechanically .. is more skilled than I am. If the thing gave him fits when he was more ambulatory than he is now .. theres not a prayer I'd know what to do. And he is too weak/frail .. to stand and tutor me.

Why not me & DH go that way? Let DH who IS very skilled at such .. let him do it.

Well there is our household to concern one's self with & our own (not a beast as to enormity in size) generator to power our two fridges and one deep freeze full of food .. so it doesnt spoil in a power failure.

Stepsister offered to come transport him to her house (approximately 3 hours away) to hunker down and he declined as too weak to travel (and we dont know that her location might also be in the crosshairs... just dont know yet).

Stepmom, thus far says she is not leaving (she's out of her damn mind) .. says "oh we can be without power .. we'll be fine". I did remind her (pointless.. why bother) ... last time we were all without power for almost a week.. he cant withstand that".

Why bother... went right past her. She doesnt want to leave, doesnt think he needs to. But he makes clear to her thru weakened frail voice that if it looks bad for us .. he is leaving.. she can do what she wants.

Her daughter's take. "He is by far the more fragile and compromised .. if she wants to stay .. so be it damnit .. stay".

Why doesnt DH just go back and forth manning generators here and at their home?

If it gets bad enough, they close the roads .. no non essential personnel out and about .. not to mention the danger in flooded roads, downed power lines, downed trees and tree limbs blocking roads.

This is all such a huge nuisance.. to say the least.

At least MIL is in a site where she will be cared for with huge backup commercial generators and staff on site.

Wish my dad was in such a setting

Ya'll cross your fingers .. hope this massive behemoth of a storm stays away from here!

Dorker, looks like you will at least get some effects from Hurricane Dorian. Stay dry and stay safe! (And how nice it is that MIL is Purgatory's responsibility to keep safe, not H's!)

I’m no germaphobe but I personally would have a real problem if the nursing home staff considers bar soap left in the shower to be “community property”. I sure hope that’s NOT what is happening to MIL’s soap! But that’s a good theory longears. I’ve been following along & thinking the staff may be throwing her soap out after one use. Which I too would have a problem with!

Dorker, is hubby going back to the doctor any time soon?

It sounds like MIL is starting to acclimate and get settled in to purgatory! I say—visit on your terms! Just don’t get roped in by SIL! Heck I wouldn’t even tell SIL when you plan to visit or when you are visiting because the orders will start coming in!

Just a thought/question: when Chatty Cathy is showering, is it possible that the aides have used MIL soap for her? Soap left in the shower might be considered community property by the aides. If CC is taking two or more showers per week & MIL the occasional shower, mositurizing bar soap wouldn't last all that long. Housekeeping may have instructions to discard "soupy" soap or slivers during routine cleaning. If CC is shower compliant, perhaps she can be used as an example for MIL. Something said along the lines of "she's always so fresh & nicely put together" might push MIL's vanity button. Since she is out & about socializing now she may pay more attention to her grooming as well.

DH .. had resumed all but normalcy but seems to be now .. backsliding again . as to his ailments. Who knows why? I don't. I have to call the doc . I'd let it slip thru the cracks .. the fact they never called back with a referral for colonoscopy because it seemed things were resuming normalcy.

Yes, I am so relieved that MIL seems to be in a better space as to her setting and her lot in life, finally.

I hope it stays that way.

I too think she should probably be left where she is, at Purgatory .. rather than uprooting her, to a new setting/new people/new staff/new rules/new normal, etc.

Always upending for elder folks.

I wish they'd get the showering/bathing thing under wraps and finally worked out .. but .. out of my control.

What I do know about it, is that it's easy to say .. "oh just let her worry with it . if she needs a shower she'll speak up".

But she doesn't. Case in point, recently that got all this on the radar in a big way .. was the 14 days she'd been without bathing .. and the whole . who knows the riddle there .. they say they offer, she declines . she says they don't .. who knows. And her complaining to SIL at that time that her scalp was crawling .. her head so dirty . in need of washing .. but . it doesn't occur to her, "gee, let me tell them I need to bathe". Nope.

I wish that piece of it all could finally get fixed. But just this past Saturday .. YD there on site just to visit . and late afternoon SIL begins her drill .. the day for her to be bathed, calls to prompt staff who assure SIL .. "oh no she was bathed earlier today". She calls her mom and no . her mom says . no .. no one came . I haven't had a shower".


It's awfully hard not to chalk it up to the fact they are liars there. Just flat out lie .. that it is easier to just lie . half of these people don't even know who they are or what day it is, we'll just lie about it .. the don't know. And that likely is status quo (how sad is that) .. and it works . that way they don't have to bother with bathing them.

It's awfully hard to see it any other way .. really. But . not my ax to grind and so I don't. I just stay out of it .. but I do hear about it, .. far too often.

That is so heartening to hear that MIL has changed her attitude towards Purgatory! Seems like she shouldn't be moved from this place, and it should become her permanent placement.

Yes, how IS H doing?

I hope you continue to enjoy the relative lull in eldercare. MIL is doing well in Purgatory, and your father is handling his own cancer treatment. The little issues for MIL (soap theft) can be handled by SIL and/or H.

So awesome, Dorker! I'm glad MIL is doing better. It sounds like she's had kind of an epiphany and likes feeling like she can do something to help the other residents there by being a friend. Sounds like this may (hopefully) be her permanent home rather than moving?? How is DH doing?

It's great to hear MIL is interacting with other residents! Even better, she is acknowledging her prior living situation wasn't ideal. This should help put DH's mind at ease that the placement decision was truly in MIL's best interest.

Hooooray!!!!!!! Dorker!!

Proud to report .. and I don't know how she got there, or if she'll stay there in that space. But we went to see MIL yesterday afternoon for a visit. She began talking about her new purpose/mission . which I was already apprised of . that she ambles out in her wheelchair daily to attempt conversation with those who slump in the commons area and began to talk of some of them and their interesting stories, . some who you don't talk to, as they don't respond . just a blank stare . but that others do talk to you .. and some of their stories ..

And her words: "Ya know, these are people from all walks of life and they have stories to tell".

Hooray! Tried to tell ya that. But okay.

I only said in response; "Well and you have the gift of gab for sure, . why not use that gift to draw out and have conversation with some folks who might not otherwise get that opportunity . that's great!".

She talked of the fact she has become more reconciled to her circumstance there, .. reflecting back on .. "ya know I was quite content when I lived at home alone .. I was happy there .. or I thought I was .. I've had a lot of time to reflect back on that time in my life . and I always thought of it as a contented place, and I was fine there, but you know, that was no life . it really wasn't .. it just was no life to be living there alone all the time".

Me: Yes, and think of what a relief it is now that you don't have that responsibility any longer . your dog getting you up 2 and 3 x's nightly and the house and things that go wrong .. and having to look after that, . .and ya know . it's nice that your son and daughter don't have to stay so worried about you falling and getting sick all the time".

Her: "That's right .. I've had a lot of time to have thoughts to myself on it all, and I realize . now I realize . that was not a good situation in the end .. I thought it was at the time .. I was happy there, I thought I was . but it really wasn't good . just me and my dog".

Me: "It was very isolating . that's for certain .. you are seeing far more socializing here than you've seen in years".

Her: "That's right and some of these people are interesting if you just take the time to talk to them, they have interesting stories".


Still have the dust ups with baths/showering. Saturday her day to be bathed .. SIL doesn't call until afternoon . as she is to be bathed on the afternoon shift. She'd been struggling to reach anyone (I know all this because YD had gone to see MIL and been caught in the maelstrom of the whole showering debacle) .. and so SIL had been struggling . calling Purgatory to get staff on the line, as reminder "bathe my mom, it's her day to be bathed". Couldn't get anyone to even answer the phone. Finally she did . and she was assured that her mom had already been bathed that morning.

She'd already talked to her mom on the phone that morning and her mom hadn't mentioned being bathed . and so she called her mom "Mom they say you had a bath this morning, did you?".

No, was the answer.

SIL now .. a call into YD .. who was sitting there, to direct her onto the whole debacle . and another call to the DON .. "why are they lying . my mother didn't get a bath and so and so told me they bathed her this morning, they didn't". DON promised he'd get to the bottom of it. Did so, and she got bathed later in the day.

Sheesh!! Why is it so complicated.

As to the soap .. YD took it on her Saturday visit . it and the little container for storing soap (bar soap).

And when DH and I visited yesterday I saw it sitting out on her counter . in her room and I put it away in her drawer, and told her 3 x's .. "I'm putting this in your drawer now .. I don't want it to grow legs and walk away .. I'm putting it away so nobody sees it and walks off with it".

Here's hoping it doesn't get taken .. and that she remembers where it was put.

It's not my worry, but I'm thinking that I buy hand soap and lotion in HUGE containers that are a bit hard to lift for a person of less strength. Then I fill smaller containers with it.

Buy something YOU'D use, empty the big container in smaller ones and fill the big one with MIL's special soap. Label it with her picture on it or something so that it's VERY noticeably not any one else's. You can find waterproof plastic laminate.

That thing goes walkabout and you'd be able to find it pretty quickly. I assume MIL is not soaping up her own washcloths and washing herself she needs help, right? After showers the soap is returned to a secure location, Maybe snuggled up next to MIL in bed.

Barb is right. Thanks for reining us back in! The soap issue is not Dorker's to solve.

Dorker, one of us needs to remind you that this is NOT your problem to solve.

Mil's children need to care about it enough to investigate the logistics of who is giving showers, what instructions have been written in her care plan (hint: doc needs to write that she must be showered with this particular kind of soap, otherwise it's just crazy sil's preference.)

It's lovely of you to buy her some soap. It's a great excuse to drop by for a visit, just 30 minutes to chat. No drama.

FWIW, my mother's toiletries never disappeared at her NH. It would not have been tolerated. And yes, they took Medicaid.

Dorker, what does H say about the soap situation?

Isn't using bar soap more difficult than using a liquid? The best solution would be to find a way to keep the liquid version secure.

My mother had me bring in her special shampoo, soap and hair mousse to the nursing home. She wanted it put away (not in the bathroom) so that it wasn't stolen. What happened, of course, was when she was in the bathroom she completely forgot about it, and the staff used the stock shampoo/body wash solution on her. She didn't have the special needs that your MIL has, though.

We were charged for it, of course (along with her toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. which she had her own stock of). No matter for us, really, though, as the supplied things were so cheap (she was private pay, never would qualify for Medicaid), with the exception of one item.

Incontinence briefs. Like your MIL, my mother took care of her own toileting needs, but had to be helped to the bathroom. She sometimes (often?) had a wait, also (and many times I suspect she hadn't even pushed the call button enough to activate it). The NH-supplied briefs were very pricey, and so I bought much cheaper ones from BJ's.

Just a thought,doesn't Chatty C also use the same shower? I wonder if she has any thoughts about it. Not in the sense of an accusation but just a question. Or maybe that's too complicated to get into.

In your place, I think I would cut the bar of soap into halves or thirds and just provide one piece at a time. Replenish at Purgatory as needed. (Keep some pieces in a baggie in hubby's glove compartment?) A quick google search suggests to m/w the soap 10-15 seconds per side, then use a butcher knife on a cutting board. (There may be other methods.)

SIL before she left in May, bought 3 or 4 of these special bars of soap and a plastic soap container, to store it.

All of it is gone. Nowhere to be found, grew legs and walked off.

I was out and about yesterday and stopped by Walgreens, got the one and only bar they had in stock. Ordered some from Amazon. The latter will be in, in about a week.

Posed the following question: "And if these grow legs and walk off?".

Response, . .deer in the headlight look ...

Am I seriously the only one that sees the peril, these too may grow legs and walk off also.

I mean, . are we gonna be buying .. week after week, after week . more of this special bar soap.

And I did find it, in a small squeeze bottle, liquid form .. gel, I think it was an 8 oz liquid/gel type. But . that too, would be easy to walk away with, too small.

Wish it came in a big industrial size, with a pump on it, . that'd be harder to walk away with.

I know you don't want to take this on but maybe DH could. If an administrator becomes aware of missing items they might address staff regarding such. Soap is a real mystery. Either someone needs soap or knows it is special. I guess she should be left with one or 2 bars with one in a drawer. Tiresome but maybe necessary.

It is really hard in these facilities to keep track. I often have to check on my mother's clothes. She is at the point of not remembering just what she has. If I notice a specific piece missing I mention it and she goes on a tirade which usually locates the item but it is generally in laundry. Since MIL leaves her room so little it is hard to imagine others wandering in. I am sorry for what is such an unnecessary problem to deal with.

I don't have a solution for the soap, but want to let you know we had the same problem with missing items in the 4 different facilities where my elderly parents lived. Try to avoid frustration by labeling everything that can be labeled, including eyeglasses (attach a thin strip to one arm.)

I think a lot of missing items are picked up by other residents who wander into the room. Even my mother's *wheelchair* was taken by another resident. Luckily I had placed labels in various places which enabled a CNA to identify it.

The best deterrent I ever saw was what one family had fashioned for their mother (in a private room.) They installed a strip of some material that spanned the open door with a miniature (maybe 6 inch) red stop sign in the center. I was on a tour at the time and didn't get a close look, but got the impression it could be easily opened by staff and the room's occupant, but would deter wandering residents.

We were told to buy mthr a giant pump bottle of body wash and write her name on it. That is much harder for those who have kleptomaniac tendencies to hide in their belongings and easy to identify the owner. Perhaps you could call the dr's office and ask the nurse to call back with a suggestion for a body wash product instead of bar soap. Bar soap tends to accumulate bacteria in the moist soup underneath so body wash is more sanitary.

What about one of those shower caddies? Maybe just keep one bar at a time in there. I would think someone might be less likely to pilfer an opened bar of soap from inside the shower.

Um....soap on a rope? She can wear it when not in use.

I'm being ridiculous, but do any of you remember when soap on a rope was a thing? It was marketed for men, I do not know why, are they more likely to lose soap?? I gave my Sons in Law a bar for Christmas as a gag gift and they thought them hilarious. One SIL said "Geez, mom, it's not like I'm in prison and I'm gonna get shanked for my SOAP".

It's not in the least practical--it gets wet, and if you hang it up, the 'rope' is usually useless within days and you have...chunks of soap.

As 'silly' as this is, it IS highly annoying. If her soap is used only in the shower and then left there, it's highly likely that it's being pilfered for no other reason that someone likes to lift things that aren't there. Of course you've talked to the DON and she probably just shrugs her shoulders.

My Dh has started having very dry skin (partly due to thyroid issues and partly to the fact he will soak in the tub for 3-4 hours at a time and his skin is getting older).

I bought him body wash....if he lived in an ALF I'd write his name all over the dang things. The body washes are much softer on the skin. And much more noticeable than a bar of soap than can be slipped into a pocket and walked away might help.

Find out what ingredients are no-no for MIL's Sjogren's and avoid those. If you can dial down on the no-no ingredients, you can probably find a nice body wash (smaller the bottle the better, b/c these too are going to go walkabout!) and stock up.

Isn't it weird that the BIG stuff, we kind of just handle, but these 'small issues' just drives us insane??

What's the brand name, Dorker? Might as well see what we can find out about possible alternative formats, and besides might be useful for other sensitive souls to know about it :)

Haha. There is in fact, a wanderer .. some woman who meanders around in a wheelchair, and in and out of rooms where she doesn't belong, . once took MIL's hairbrush . .and fortunately MIL saw this as it occurred and stopped the woman.

No argument ensued, .. the woman just willingly gave the hairbrush back, end of story.

It's frustrating .. kinda like dealing with a kid, who isn't bringing home their assigned tasks from school .. and you ask, .. "well did you have it when you were at school?, .. why didn't you bring it home so we could work on it?".

Same thing .. you wanna ask MIL .. "well obviously your are now suffering from severely dry skin from having them use the soap on you there, on site .. that they use .. when did it not occur to you . hey wait a second .. I have my own soap . why aren't you using my soap . .this stuff isn't good for my skin .. when was the last time you remember seeing your special soap?".

Pointless. She has about enough capacity to answer to that .. as an irresponsible school kid.

The end game though is this.... yes, . run to Walgreens go buy a stock pile of it, . store it here .. and give her a bar of her special soap to have on hand. It grows legs and walks away .. okay . bring another one .. and on and on ..

I mean how do you prevent this from happening?

One thing if it's your dollar store name brand soaps .. and you have to keep replacing it. Another thing altogether if it's this expensive stuff.

No, it doesn't come in anything but a bar soap choice, . .and it's like just over $6 per bar.

Not all that costly .. but it is if it's gonna grow legs weekly and walk off.

It probably isn't just that it's nice soap, it's that it's soap which is conveniently to hand and saves whoever pinched it the trouble of going and finding their own.

Plus, there are likely resident "wanderers" with magpie tendencies around.

Or, could be the bar was taken with MIL to the bathroom, got left on the shower floor and was then thrown away.

Endless possibilities, really.

Does this brand come in any other less portable formats? For example, it's a heck of lot harder to walk off with a 1 litre dispenser of a liquid formula, if there is one.

Okay so here's the question, if anyone else has encountered it.

This has become some kinda big issue ... with regard to the "special" soaps/lotions/potions and MIL.

Apparently, the 4 (count em, 4 of em) bars of soap .. "special" soap .. that SIL bought for MIL's use exclusively before departing back in May, they are gone. G.O.N.E.

As we know, MIL hasn't been one to routinely bathe .. and never have zeroed in sufficiently on that whole piece .. so we know she didn't somehow use up 4 bars of this expensive "special" soap . between May and now. They are just g.on.e.

SIL even bought one of those plastic travel soap containers, like you'd use if you were camping and needed to carry your own bar of soap to the showers. That too is g.o.n.e.

One can only conclude, really .. the items were "lifted" (theft) from her room. Why? Why does someone find bars of soap of any value.

As it turns out, .. they are kinda valuable in that they are expensive .. OTC yes, .. but expensive "special" dermotologically approved bar soaps, that are now gone.

Opening up a bar of Ivory bar soap .. not an option in her case. She has Sjogren's which in her, causes extremely dry skin . and dermo doc recommended long ago that she use "x" soap from off the counter, expensive .. but yes .. use that rather than just your name brand off the counter store bought soap. She's done so for years, in her own home.

Now, at Purgatory .. the soaps . they are gone.

Who took them? Why? Might as well go down a useless maze to try to figure that one out. Pointless.

So, in the end, .. it has to be replaced. So fine, go to the store, go buy more of these expensive bar soaps . and have them at her disposal there .. and another replacement plastic soap container thingy.

Now, if if were me, and I know these things have a tendency to walk away, I'd go buy myself a little storage box . .and put a little lock on it, . one with a small key . or a combination lock . .and wahlaa .. solved . now walk away with my soap.

But we know her mind isn't all that sharp ..

Give her some kinda box and a lock on it, ..

A) She wouldn't remember what the combination is . to any lock put on it, .. so write it down on a piece of paper and store it for her to retrieve when she needs it. She wouldn't remember where the little piece of paper is stored to retrieve even that.

B) Same with a little key lock you might put on it, . she wouldn't be able to keep up with the key that unlocks the little lock .. and remember where it is.

So what have others done in this instance.

Maybe others' LO's .. aren't as high maintenance that they need "special" soaps . or whatever.

Just curious . has anyone else encountered this kinda thing and what was done to resolve it?

And in case anyone wonders .. her shower/bathroom is in her room . it's not like she has to travel down the hall to a community shower . and might've accidentally left her things there and someone else helped themselves to her things. She is showered/bathed, in a bathroom that is in her room.

Time to block SIL's texts? You are again becoming the go-between, which you don't want to become.

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