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While every one is on a rant I guess I will join in. My sig-other works for a major shipping company and he is a dock worker. Well his co-worker (another dock worker) girlfriend tested positive for Covid because she never wears a mask and refuse to social distance. Therefore, giving Covid to her boyfriend (my sig-other co-worker) and he still worked for a few days then the company made him get tested (don't know why) and he was positive. Therefore, all the managers for that shift and most of the dock workers had to quarantine for 14 days and the dock workers are part-time so no pay. My sig-other had to work because he never came into contact with his co-worker so he did get a lot of hours. But still, all this came from one person who decided to not wear a mask. Had my sig-other got Covid and gave it to me I would probably have died from it. I have an autoimmune disorder and a serious one at that. My immune system keeps attacking my body and with the stress of my mother doesn't help any. There are days I can't get out of bed or I do get up an hour later I am back in bed. I am however getting it under control. FINALLY!! They also had a truck driver who knew he had Covid and worked anyways. All the truck drivers are full-time and get 2 weeks of paid sick days. He could have stayed home and got paid, but nope he went to work and gave it to another truck driver. Mind you these are the people who brought in medical supplies to some hospitals, raw materials for making PPE, and they even shipped our staples to some stores. They were working during the stay at home or lockdown orders. Ugh!!

I couldn't have said it better. You are spot on! It really is a public health issue. All these people want their lives back. Well the only way to reach that goal is to cooperate.

That is awful! As if keeping it down to 250 people will help?! NO! Just think 41 people tested positive then those 41 people spread it to one person each equal to 81 then 122 then 163 and so on and so on! It makes you wonder are people to dumb to save their own lives???

l am sure people will continue hoarding supplies too, which is really selfish.

All the stores should limit their customers, otherwise they buy, buy and buy more.


I hope your SO stays safe. It’s crazy how foolish people are. People should wear a mask! Wash hands! Social distance! Get tested! Stay home if sick!

I wonder how these people justify their behavior to themselves.

After seeing the ‘swinger’ story on the news, I would be very hesitant to stay at an independent hotel.

I like supporting local businesses but in this case a large chain is better because they have to follow guidelines and the company’s protocol.

The independent businesses are flying by the seat of their pants, just to stay alive.

I totally empathize with businesses suffering due to the slow economy but I feel it is very irresponsible of the hotel to host this event.

The hotel obviously knows the risks that are involved when ‘swingers’ get together!

How could the hotel be so naive to think that a large swinger gathering that is known for huge parties were going to refrain from interacting with each other?

It’s all about the almighty dollar! I am sure that they wanted to maintain a good relationship with the swinger group to ensure future business with them.

They justify it by knowing that most people who get it don't get seriously ill. On the other place I read online I'm no longer astonished by posts from people who have had it blow through their families with little or no consequences, when you get enough people in your circle with a similar experience then you are much more willing to roll the dice.
Of course what this fails to take into account is that the more community spread the more people who do become very ill, leading to overwhelmed hospitals and deaths. And although some callously say that it's only the old or immune compromised who are in peril I have read too many first hand accounts of people who were younger (young enough to have small children) and healthy that have died, not to mention all the long haulers with lingering effects.


Exactly! The leaders of this ‘swinging’ group said that the majority of people had mild symptoms or no symptoms. One person had severe complications and was hospitalized.

According to this group, emails were sent out that asked anyone with a compromised immune system not to attend.

After the outbreak of people getting Covid at the ‘swinger’ party, another email was sent out informing everyone of the outbreak.

The event leader gave everyone instructions before the event to keep a diary of who they interacted with. He said that most people did this and they were able to notify most attendees.

Then he goes on to say that he sent his wife who has a compromised immune system to Mexico because it was safer due to less Covid cases and to continue to work on their opening a ‘swinger’ group in Mexico.

The whole story was crazy, even by New Orleans standards! What a ridiculous group of people!!!


He also stated that he wouldn’t hold the function again if he could go back and do it over.

Duh...too late for that! Damage is already done.

I'm still trying to figure out how a "swingers group" socially distanced.. LOL..
My friend with COVID is doing fine, she says the fever is gone and she feels normal.. hope it continues! And she wears her mask and quits traveling all about!!

What will be interesting is years down the line if there are any lasting health issues after one has even a mild case of Covid-19.

I went for my mammogram and bone density test today.

I have to say they sanitize everything before doing anything.

She even wiped down the pen that I signed the papers with.

When I arrived in the parking lot, there is a telephone number posted.

There were instructions to call the number and wait in car. They come take a temperature reading.

Social distancing in waiting room.

Parking lot was full. So people are getting annual test done.

I felt like delaying it due to rising Covid cases but my doctor insisted that I go. I have had to do biopsies in the past. Was benign.

My doctor is one who will send reminders on my phone to go to appointments!


They claimed they did social distance until the last day! It was a four day event. LOL

CRAZY! I saw it on the news. Then I checked it out online. Oh my gosh, you should read this guy’s blog! It’s crazy!

They do cruises, parades and host big parties up to 2000 people!

I will private message you the name. Who is crazy enough to go to a swinger party during COVID?!

New Mexico says they are close to looking at triage for care decisions soon. They are full. Other states like Idaho and Utah also very full. Midwest slightly better today. Deaths daily averaging from 1,500 to 2,000. The good news is that England started injecting the Pfizer vacc. yesterday; only two are ill after taking it, and this appears mild flu they are recovering from so far. I think there will be no vaccine that doesn't make SOMEONE sick, but isn't going to kill 2,000 a day.
So on we go. Apparently our Government decided it would not do big payment to Pfizer for initial doses, so we won't get many; they are obligated to other countries that DID order large numbers of doses; will be spring and summer before we get some relief but our front line workers will at least be protected, and hopefully some elders.

It's good to see that vaccinations have started. I know it must be a logistics nightmare to plan for a population and all the different needs, but it is happening. It gives some hope for a life without current concerns, loss of life, prolonged illness and negative economic impact.

Alva, I am sure there will be side effects for some, but it is a small price to pay. People get side effects for many vaccinations.

Golden, they are saying two had actual allergic reactions. Not the regular flu like symptoms they were expecting. So now figuring what to do with folks with a history of allergic reactions. But yes, we will work this out, and whatever the numbers are, we cannot continue with this 1000 to 2000 dead a day.

I hope a vaccine side effect is weight loss. I would be happy to lose my 'pandemic padding' with one easy jab.

Assistant at work tested positive a few days after thanksgiving, 30ish, asthma, she is still quite ill. Hubs probably got it at hospital where he works.

Then after 9 months of staying home and away from every one, including her 15 sibs, decided to gather for thanksgiving. All but the youngest, in a wheelchair with lung problems, got it.

This virus is crazy strange! My co worker had no symptoms except the fever,,she has been decorating and stuff like crazy. None of the other 6 who live with her got it. She is cleared to come back to work Monday. My DDs room mates mom got it, they were all together for thanksgiving,, only Mom was positive,, all the other kids and her hubs were negitive.. roommate was given the word she is negitive today so DD is happy!! Of all of us at my hospital who are part of a huge study, only a few have the antibodies, and we are front line workers ( maybe because we all take the masking, handwashing pretty seriously at work? ) I can;t explain it,, its crazy!

Alva I read that. I gathered they must have treated the allergic reactions successfully. I have lots of allergies but never have had an anaphylactic reaction.

Beatty - that's funny. I decided at the beginning of this I was NOT going to put on weight. It was one thing I did have some control over. I changed to eating more vegetables and I have lost a couple of pounds. Not much but I'll take it.

glad - aaargh!!!! people have no sense. I am so glad the youngest in the wheel chair with lung problems didn't get it.

pam - I know they still haven't figured out how everyone gets the virus. I have checked figures here and in too big a number for my comfort the source of transmission is unknown. There is much yet to be learned about it,

Does anyone has an easy solution to keeping fog off of one's eyeglasses while wearing a blue surgeon mask?

My eye doctor had used white tape across the top of my mask to stop the fog during an eye exam, but later removing that tape was quite painful as the skin under my eyes is loose [comes with age].

FF are you pinching the nose band tight? My mask comes up high on the bridge of my nose and I wear my glasses lower on my nose over that so any air blowing up tends to go far enough behind the lenses that they don't fog (much). Washing them with dish soap and leaving a bit if a soap film can help, or there are anti fog lens cleaners. One other solution is to divert that air in another direction - out the sides or down below your chin. Of course that defeats the purpose of masking but if it's blowing out the top anyway then IMO there's really no difference.

New on the news front is that there is now a scam out there saying you have to register for your vacc injection for Covid-19; then asks for all your private information. One more fraud scam aimed at our elders especially. Another claims to be registering for your next stimulus.

In and Out burgers? Never had one. Two in this state, one with 60 positive tests, the other 12. And another 30 presumed positive.

Variant of Covid found about 100 miles from here. First in the U.S.. Very strange 20 something male, no travel, and tiny town of 600 some.

And now a second positive, same small town.

A congressman elect has died in my state of Louisiana. He had no underlying health issues. He was only 41. He died just before taking office. So sad and frightening.

I sincerely hope that the vaccine will help us in this trying situation.

Stay safe everyone.

It was always a given that the variant was here. The case diagnosed now is in a man who did not travel at all, so he caught it from someone who did, and that means, given this variant is more virulent, that it is here. We can have known that it has been a while; they seldom check for this variant. There are now more than 17 mutations of the virus. This particular variant is more concerning because it's changed behavior occurs where it "docks" in transmission, meaning it is EASIER to transmit this one. However, it is no more lethal that the others.
California hospitals now have from 10% to 28% of hospital ICU beds, smaller numbers in certain areas where there are few ICU beds overall. More concerning right now is the lack of personnel as we have laws in California (ONLY State in the Union with them) regarding how many patients a nurse can take care of at one time. The Feds are therefore sending in the "Forces" with nursing staff to three hospitals in Central Valley and one in San Bernardino Country.
January is going to be bad. With surge on surge we knew that was the case. Still and all we are no where near what the 1918 flu did. The interesting thing about it was it did its WORST at the END of it, last several weeks, when people just got "tired" of the masking. In San Francisco particularly you heard in 1918 the exact SAME stuff you hear now about "civil rights" and so on.
For my own part, I am OK personally with keeping MYSELF safe, and letting those who choose to ignore safety measures get the virus. I am not going to be taking up an ICU bed at my age. Consider it an "easier" death than many I am familiar with. And on we go. Each will do as they choose; seems the American Way. I hope you all stay safe. I ask that you mask up. Hand wash. Stay isolated as you are able. But I can't force it. And just know that Jan. won't be easy.

We have that variant here too. Someone who was in contact with a person who had been in the UK. I am sure there are undiagnosed cases of it.

I am staying isolated thus as safe as possible. Case numbers are decreasing here due to the lock down Schools are supposed to open again Jan 11. Any increase due to Christmas and New Years celebrations should be mostly over by then - hopefully. If it were up to me, which it isn't, I would keep schools closed for another week.

Here on the home front, nurses are working through their dinner times and lunches, with hardly time to eat.

There have been requests for individually wrapped snacks, like granola bars. Our community was happy to respond to this need.

It is such a small gesture, but shows support and love.

Alva, in case you missed it, California doesn’t currently have the patient-staffing ratio laws in effect. Emperor Newsom waived those laws months ago. Nurses in my city held a protest over it 2 weeks ago.

FF and CWillie, I too have "fog" problems but it was worse before I got my broken close-up glasses fixed and wore those itty bitty glasses that only cover a portion of the eye.    That left a vulnerable portion to fog up, which was annoying.   

I was able to control it, slightly, by wearing shop glasses over the itty bitty glasses, but they're old and the plastic wasn't clear, so neither was my vision.

I think another issue is that FF and I both have glasses that have blue light protection (and I have anti-glare protection) and that makes the glasses harder to clean.     I don't know if that makes them more susceptible to fogging, but keeping them clean drives me crazy; just wiping them with a little bit of "steam" doesn't work.  

And given the cost, I'm not sure it's worth it.   I found buried in the small print a sort of disclaimer that the blue light only provides about 20% protection, which to me is kind of insulting.    OTOH, more protection might make them so susceptible to fog that they're rendered useless.

Answering questions in Alva's opening post, 2 members of my cousin's family had it, a daughter and her SO.   One member who has to work and go to different homes as part of his job has been exposed and quarantined twice but hasn't gotten the virus.

None of my friends have gotten it.   My niece, who was significantly exposed on the front lines, hasn't gotten it, nor has anyone in her family.

I don't know about my neighbors; one is a floor nurse but has had some exposure.   The other is a young couple, neither of whom mask.  Nor do their visitors.  Nor do the young children.   I stay away from them!

I think the worst exposure I've had is in stores when others won't mask.   Last time I shopped a young woman with her apparent mother became aggressive, pushing to get through the checkout line, then pulling out in an apparent attempt to get ahead of me in the distance behind the shopper ahead of me.

Fortunately, her daughter had some sense and stopped her.  But the mother couldn't seem to comprehend that the distancing was for a good reason.   Maybe she thought I was standing back just so I could admire the plants in the little garden section next to the checkout line. 

Later I wished I had just told the mother to back off, but I don't want to get into squabbles with people who refuse to socially distance.

Dawn Wells died in Los Angeles from Covid. She was MaryAnn from Gilligan’s Island. She was 82.


We have to wear masks in our stores. If a person tries to enter some stores will hand out disposable masks.

My niece got Covid because she never wore a mask. She’s in Georgia. Thankfully she is improving.

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