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Hope you have a wonderful visit with your daughter! You sound excited, and like a wonderful mommy. Will say a pray that all goes well. Thanks for sharing your blessings, and for being one.

My daughter is home . Thank God, safe and sound. She brought home the boyfriend and he seems very nice and cares deeply for her. How could I ask for anything more. Mom was so surprised and so glad to see her. Have a great day.

So happy for you all have a wonderful visit and sing in the sunshine or sing in the rain whichever way it goes have wonderful days, makes lots of good memories for each other. love neon

I have been so busy getting my life together that I have not had time to do this post. Should not put this one off! My blessing is that we realized that we wanted to wait till spring to put our house on the market and that we want a different real estate agent. Good thing we found out before we signed any contracts. That is a BIG blessing.
Have a peaceful evening!

OK, so today was raining and cool. But my blessing for the day is that our daughter is buying her first place. We are so proud of her and hope and pray that it all turns out well. Also, mom seems tobe in better spirits. We are putting our house on the market next spring instead of now, so we have more time! This is a blessing. Have a good night.

OK, so we changed our minds and the house is going on the market on Halloween!! My blessing is that we finally are committed, though, sometimes I feel as if I should "be committed"!! Stopped raining!!!!! Another blessing. Learning to take one day at a time. Another blessing.

That is a blessing! One day at a time is enough : )

My blessing today is that it is raining looks like another week of it and I'm still sane

Dear lovingdaughter, hope all goes well for you in this exciting new chapter of your life. Thanks for sharing your blessing. Take care.

My blessing for the day has been put on the back burner since we are getting ready for a house sale! But today was a good day and I need to remember to always count my blessings.

My very dear friend is moving to the other side of the country, and I wish we had more time together, but I am glad for the time that we have had. We have been friends for 9 years and I will miss her so much!

My puppy went for a check up at the vet and she said that she is in great health. She is my little warm security blanket with so much going around me that is in turmoil. So the day was good even though so many changes are coming.

Thanks for sharing your blessing! Love your attitude.

I am blessed to have my computer and the internet, which helps keep in touch with long distance friends, this site, and so many other practical and personal uses. I am also blessed to have a wonderful husband and son who are patient, loving and kind.

SecretSister-Thank your lucky stars for having a great husband -most of us do not but I have a great son and a great daughter out of the deal so I am blessed- I do not know how that happened with the father they had-one of my good friends said it was my doing but it was the grace of God we are not able to do anything without him and I have a great church family to help me who love me and care about me so that makes up for all the suffering I endured the years of my marriage.

Well said, Austin. I just posted on your wall before finding your woderful post here. Thank you. You're such a precious lady! I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and son, which makes up for some of my past sufferings. Where would any of us be without the grace of God? So I thank him for all my blessings. It is so easy to take even the simplest things for granted: physical and mental health, family, friends, etc. Each day, and even the air we breathe is a blessing. I am grateful that I have just a glimpse of all I have to be thankful for...and marvel. Hope all of you can find a reason to count a blessing today, no matter what your circumstance.

Today's Blessing. The painter is here and he is doing a great job of making our house look fantastic. Mom is being cared for today, so I have time to pack up her collectibles so that I can stage the house!!! Tired but content.


The painter is here to. His name is God he is painting the trees and sending goldenrod.

There is yellow an gold, orange and red
I am thankful to see all these things in my head.

I close my eyes and feel his breath
its wind and it makes me very content.

I'm thankful for seasons, and now that is fall
there are seasons we experience one and all.

May the season you are living right now in your heart
soon change and you have peace in your heart

BEAUTIFUL! Thank you!

Even though my Father-in-law passed away this morning, I am counting my blessings that I was able to see him one last time in August. I squeezed him several times, and gave him kisses on his cheek and told him that I love him, because I had a feeling that was going to be the last time I saw him.

sorry Naus but you know he is at peace now and his burden is done. God Bless you You've done all you humanly could. Lovr Neon

Thank you Neon, you are right. He can breathe easy now.

So sorry to hear of your father-in-laws passing. He is at peace. Take a deep breath and be glad that you got to see him one last time.

Thank you lovingdaughter, you are a sweetheart too. :)

Nauseated, I'm so sorry to read about your loss. My heart is with you and your family during this sad time.

Hi Mitzi, haven't heard from you in a while. Thank you so much. You all are so sweet and thoughtful. I love you all! Will be leaving for Michigan tomorrow, and be gone from my children all week. But I need to be with my husband and his Mom. My oldest daughter, is going to take care of my youngest for me. I count my blessings that I have wonderful children who are always here for us when we need them the most. I don't know what we would do without them.

Thats how I feel about my son we are truly blessed to be able to bring up children in a different light than i was and probably some of you were brought up. Thr proof is always in the pudding so they say. Have a safe trip and know we love you

Amen! :)

Bless you, Naus! Praying... take care.

Thank you sis! Bless you too, and you also take care.:)

My Blessing for Today. My husband fell off a ladder today and he is OK. He went to the Chiropractor of all things!!!! Tomorrow, if the swelling is worse, I am dragging him to the MD. MEN!!!!!! I worry about him, but he is very stubborn and won't retire yet. Soon, I am going to cut his ladders in half!!!!!

Blessings to you all!

Thank God he wasn't hurt.

We are thanking God for answered prayer, and his reassurance with tangible results.

Today my husband is sore, but on the mend. It is a blessing is that we have our health. Mom is doing OK and we have a new future waiting for us. Just pray that our house sells!!!!!

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