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It is a blessing for the rain so I do not have to water my mini garden and can ignor the lawn that needs mowing

They were supposed to come today to dig 4 holes for a shade structure for my mom today, but didn't show because of the rain. Guess the silver lining is that I don't have to water my garden either!! So the extra free time will be spent on the computer!!! Have anice day, Austin. Thinking of you!

Linda, what a blessing that you can count your blessings, even when things don't go the way you want, and like Austin, even in the rain. Love your beautiful spirits! Thanks for bringing sunshine into mine!

And may God be with you and bless you, dear caregiverslight. You are definitely a blessing, and I enjoy reading your posts.

So many of you ladies (and a couple gentlemen ~ lol) contribute to keeping joy in the journey, and comfort, too. Thank you.

Today was a wonderful day for my loved ones and it blessed us to participate in a picnic at a local park with our Dads and fellow residents. I was skeptical, thinking it would be a bit much for those with Dementia and Alzheimer's. But I was wrong. They loved it. My Dad was surprised to see me, and I found him sitting at a table in the sunshine, down by the beach. He went for a walk with me and enjoyed his grandson. Dad #2 was sitting in the shade. What a day Dad enjoyed as he rolled up his pantlegs, kicked off his shoes, and pulled off the socks. We laughed as he relished the feeling of the hot sand in between his toes, and that first shock of the cold water to cool them off.

There were tons of smiles and lots of pictures taken. For the residents, what a blessing to renew the spirit, and sit by the lake, watching the boats and skiers, ducks and children splashing away. The escaped the confines of their facility for a refreshing afternoon, to enjoy a wonderful summer day. They picnicked on grilled hot dogs, baked beans, and pasta salad, with homemade strawberry shortcake for desert. I didn't hear one complaint. For family, these will be precious memories, and thankful hearts for the blessings God has given our loved ones.

Sounds like a wonderful day.. My Blessing is that it isn't raining and we are going on vacation tomorrow. See ya all next Saturday!

Oh Secretsister, what a special blessing for those who could come out of their mental prisons and be free as children today what more could you ask for them. God Bless and have a great day everyone.

Lovingdaughter, thank you. Hope you have a wonderful vacation, and look forward to your report when you get back. Praying your time away is blessed!

Neon, thanks for your response. Haven't heard from you in a while, so that's a blessing, too. The Lord bless you, too!

That sounds like a beautiful day for sure!!! I am so glad for you, take care

Thanks, Micheleangel. You get sweeter each day. I appreciate you! :)

It has been major trouble, my little 11 year old great niece has been diagnosed with chrones disease, the problem tho is her intestines are so enlarged and are full of ulcers she can't eat she is in extreme pain, she has lost so much weight her stupid mother waited 4 weeks to get her to a doctor she is skin and bones, they have her on coedine and morphine and prednesone. they removed her IV than she got a blood clot so now no body knows anything and she is at a childrens hospital. Please pray for her. thanks

Will be praying, Neon.

Thanks so much secretsister and anyone else who has a mind to. sometimes we get so involved in taking care of our elders we forget that the extended family of youngsters need us to. my love to all who have compassion for the infirm.

This is kind of like a Dave Ramsey moment: I just want to shout! Though we are debt free, (yeah!) we are done with the accounting paperwork for our 1st annual account for Probate, for my parent's estate. What a nightmare that was. But now, I can tend to the many things we have pushed aside for so long. This Caregiving stuff is not for sissies. Thank God we can get through it, though. So now with the financial things in order, our time is freer to look after my parent's physical, emotion, social and medical needs. I'm thankful for the energy and health I have to do what needs to be done. I am also very thankful for the many people who have helped, and are helping along the way. A kind word or deed can go a long way. There's many angels on this site. Thank you!

Hey, we have not done this one lately. We have so much to be thankful for. Some of us are getting the help we need to deal with our controlling parents. Some of us are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!! And some of us are through with the journey and are getting our lives back. Sounds good to me!!!!!

Loving daughter, you, as always, are a blessing to these threads. You are an encourager, and bring a breath of fresh air with you. We sometimes get stuck in the grind of daily duties, and forget that we have blessings in our lives as well. Thank you for the reminder to count our blessings, and for being a bright spot in our day!

I am thankful the sun is shining today.
Report many all around me.

Starting with each of you here, silent or loud, soft or hard, crying or laughing, angry or lonely, desparate or just plain confused and scared, lost or trapped in a realm of chaos and making each day a better one for the ones that can't.

Each post resonates a feeling, a stirring of emotions, that need to be set free like the wings on a dove soaring with the wind, that's what I am finding in my visits each time I come to AgingCare.

My blessings begin with you.

Today's blessing it simple. Today!! I got to have one. My friend is battling multiple myaloma ( not sure of the spelling). His "today" is never a sure thing. Going back to hospital for stem cell and chemo. Makes you wonder about all the little stuff. So, I will count my blessings too, as friends and all the supporters who I have met along the way.

My todays blessing.

My son and Husband are well, We have been canning from our garden. We have Jobs. My son is recuperating from his breakup in the best way. He took me out to dinner Sat night, had a grand time while husband was on the road. My thats more than one isn't it. and most of all I have all of you and you have me. Love to all neon

Blessings- We are going to have best selling author among us. All of you are a blessing. We are strong and can cope because we have to. To me, we are double blessed. The sun is shinning and some of us see the solution to our dilemmas! That to me is a blessing.

LOL I don't know about best seller but a author nonethe less. LOL

You are l such a inspiration might havve to add that to by the time I get done i will be bigger than war and peace.

I meant to say it will be bigger than war and peace just one more week of this splint I hope this hunting and pecking is for the birds LOL

OK, the holiday is upon us and it is time to reflect on this past summer. Ours was wet, cold and way too short. However, we did have some good weather. That is my blessing. Sat on the deck today and looked over our backyard. So sad to put the house on the market, but looking forward to a new chapter. May you all have a peaceful Labor Day and God Bless you all.

I'm chuckling. Our summer was hot, dry, and way too long and we are in an "exceptional drought" here in south Tx. However, these past few days have brought us clouds and even a little bit of rain! My bouganvilla have gorgeous blooms and the hummingbirds are keeping me entertained. The universe can sooth us if we let it. Peace to all of you.

Our summer was very wet it rained almost every day but the snowball bush we planted in memory of my husband at our little church is doing so great but all of the tomatoes in our area have gotten the blight but I did get some before it took over and Sat. I was invited to a birthday party for one of my friends who goes to our senior center and had a great time-I am still in transition from the passing of my husband in June but am enjoying de-cluttering my house -he was a pack rat- so have been busy-a good thing to do on labor day and it is a blessing to be very busy and am so glad I has created a life besides caregiving for myself so now I have many friends, and last week we had our 50th class reunion which I attended with my best friend from high school-so I have many blessings.

My blessing today is that we got to go out on a holiday without mom. Had breakfast at a great cafe overlooking the Delaware River and just hung out. I need to do this more often. All of you are a blessing for me. Take time to smell the roses and appreciate the little things. Have a great day tomorrow.

My daily blessing. Went "down the shore" today to see my best friend and rent a storage unit. We hope our move is swift and efficient. All depends on the sale of our home. Saw my friend's 99 year old mom and that was such a blessing. She is a spirit to be admired. Hope I am as good as she is if I get to live that long.

Lovingdaughter, I admire your ability to count your blessings, and have been enjoying your posts. I think you're well on your way to the blessed spirit you desire. What a great goal and vision to have. Praying your move and sale go as well, or better than you anticipate. It's encouraging to hear you are enjoying your time with friends, on holiday, and by the shore. Thanks for your reminder to enjoy the little things. You're already such a blessing...thank you!

Gee- My daily Blessing - Secret Sister, Neon, Austin, Giver girl,niki, to name a few. You have all been such help to me. Today I had a nurse come to evaluate mom for reduced price services and or free ones. Hope it pans out!! Blessing- lost 15 lbs!!!!!!!!! Biggest Blessing is that my daughter is coming home for 5 days and is bringing the boyfriend home. Have not seen her since last Christmas since she lives half way across the country. It seems very serious and we hope it makes her happy. Going to buy pumpkins tomorrow and decorate before we have to go to the airport. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. Have a great day and remember that we are all here for each other especially when the day is not to bright!

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