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Your Mom is so lucky to have you, Neon. Sounds like the dogs are, too. LOL Hope you get some rest from all your running. We're here for you. Things could be worse, so count your blessings. Talk with you after you're done working!

I don't like some circumstances and some of other people's actions. But I can't control the universe, only me, and that's only sometimes, LOL. It is only by the grace of God that anything goes well in my life. I thank him for his blessings today: sunshine, food, my cups of coffee, my wonderfully supportive husband and helpful son. My parents are still alive, and I get the opportunity to serve them. They can't help themselves too well, and I've been blessed, so far, with perfect health. So I thank God for my home, my friends, and this site, too. I'm sure I can think of more, and will write more later, because I want to look for blessings, rather than dwell on the negative today. I pray that God blesses all of you wonderful caregivers, as well. Though things may not be ideal, please go and have a wonderful day, by God's grace!

this is wacky just like me wocky I am so thankful for my washer and dryer and my dishwasher.

And Neon, I'm thankful for you! :)

I count my blessings- I had a day from hell and I count the blessing of a good friend who I was able to call and vent with about it-the husband who I was ordered by the social worker to go in to see for 1 hr. on 2 different days -told me he is thinking of getting a legal seperation-I said that is a good idea but I am not leaving the house and I count all of you who have been there for me this past year, who are so giving while going through their own problems and still take the precious time they have for themselves to encourage little ol me.

Dear Austin, so sorry to hear about your day. How can a Social Worker order you about? I am thinking you need one on YOUR side. This is insane. Take care of you, honey. I am so glad you have a friend who listens and cares

Wow do I need to be back and especially in this thread. My husband lost his mother April 16th and it has been an especially hard death for me. It came totally unexpected. I had my aunt pass maybe a month prior to my MIL's passing, and I must find gratitude in the midst of all that has occurred.

First to those who missed me, THANK YOU! It is good to be missed. I am thankful that now with the unfortunate passing of my husband's mother, he may be developing a sense of appreciation. It is long overdue and greatly received although difficult to do.

I am grateful for the time I did have with my MIL. She taught me what being a real mother was all about (compared to my NPD mother). I learn to treasure the little things in life and realize that no matter how small a task I do for someone, it will impact their life some how, some way.

I am learning to appreciate technology all the more except learning at a new level. I am totally consumed, but grateful for the challenge because it will bring me to a higher level. :)

I am grateful for the friends I've never "seen" but I cry with them and laugh all too often. You guys/gals are my inspiration and touch my heart. Thank you for all you do even when it seems impossible.

God bless all of you (whether you believe or not) :)

Mitzipinki, Anne, NAUSEATED,
When sad times come our way, it is difficult to think of the bright side of life. I try to think about the good times that have gone before and know that more are yet to come. We will always miss those who have gone before us, but we must look to the future. My dad died 4 years ago this August, and I miss him more each day. However, I am grateful to see that my daughter is happy and living her life to the fullest. Her father and I are both grateful that we will get to see her this summer as she lives halfway across he country. Hug your children and your loved ones.
To all of you, Happy Mothers' Day

I'm trying so hard to stay positive and "count my blessings," so some thoughts are better left unsaid... (Another day, another thread.)

Thanks for the Mother's Day wish, loving daughter. Mitzi, it is good to hear you thankful for the time you had with MIL. Neon, thanks for the washer reminder. And Naus, you are trying to stay thankful. I know each of you ladies have incredible hurdles to cross, but often encourage others. Jerome, too. How thankful and grateful we can all be for one another to lift each other up when we're down. Thanks for the brave fronts in the face of all you fellow caregivers do.

Today the sun is shining-that is a blessing

Yes, Austin, it is. Thank God. It is shining very beautifully here, as well. (At least outside...)

BLESSINGS FOR TODAY: Hmm lets see......
Austin, Naus, mitzi, Jerome, Anne, lovingdaughter, hot water, my job, my son, my husband, Yes, oh yes the beautiful warm sunshine even tho I seldom see it or play in it. My wonderful veggie garden I tenderly planted and loving watered with the precious rain God sent I have been saving in buckets and barrels and large trash cans because yes this too will cease for a while in the hot months especially where I live, You know the ancients always look towards the sky how often do we do that. I used to when I lived in N.C. the sky there is so awesome. a little lower south there are so many trees, but I find the moon most every night I even saw a rainbow sunday coming home from evening service and it reminded me of the covenant that God made with Noah and for us all and everytime I see one I think that thought. So most importantly I am thankful that God is always here for me if I would just let him and get out of my own way.

Have a great day everyone. much love and affection to you all and If I missed anyone like Jerome and others you are included to because many times even if I haven't posted a response you have touched me and you all make me a better person.

You're a treasure, Neon! God's blessing on your day. Here's some sunshine (for your heart) and a hug! Stay sane...LOL

To Neon and Anne,

I feel the same way. Thanks God for the sunshine and flowers. I am going to go plant some now!!!!!!!!

thank you all, its time for me to leave work and try taking my mother to defacs this week she was supposed to go last week and told me after I left work soooooo if she does it this week guess what there is not a third option she just won't get her 46.00 worth of food stamps I spend 600.00 a month on groceries anyway she only buys her treats which are many. also trying to train my new adoptive dog or I have to find it a new home and I don't want to do that so guess we start walking this afternoon. my poor hips hurt already LOL had to have a cat that showed up at my house declawed, how dare they, she's been hanging around for over a year so brought her in took her up to be shaved because she has so many knots so need to pick her up after our trip to dfacs so will not be on anymore today will hopefully talk tomorrow. Well a trip would be nice and yes I am sure we are all over the country would have to pick a spot in the middle. but that would be a great event I am sure. We could talk about anything except caregiving LOL

have a great day I'm outta here

After spending time with my Mom who is not positive about anything, I have this simple thought: I am thankful that I am thankful.

I want to thank God for giving me life. He gave his son that my sins could be forgiven, and an eternal home in heaven. God gives me blessings everyday. I thank God for the grace he gives, even when I don't deserve it. And I thank him for his help to get through the rough moments of life, and that his mercies are new every morning.

I thank my Mom and Dad for life, a home, food, clothing, and all the blessings and opportunities they gave throughout my life. I will give to them in return for all they have done. I am thankful to the many family and friends, and even strangers who have touched my life along the way...and helped me learn and grow. I'm hoping they/you will forgive me for all the times I hurt or let them/you down, or was ungrateful. Life is too short not to be thankful. If I could spend my remaining days being thankful, perhaps this small corner would be a brighter place.

Still counting my first cup of coffee, this site, my laptop, my parents being well-cared for, my great husband and fabulous eight year old.

I am thankful to Carol for starting this site. My family and I have received so much help from the articles posted, and from those of you who write comments, suggestions, and vent. It has given me inspiration, strength, hope and friendship. Sometimes the words you write clear my clouded thinking, and help me move forward when I just don't know what to do. Your experience has helped me avoid mistakes, and help correct some. Your compassion has helped with the late night struggling emotions, and lightened my load. I am so thankful to all of you wonderful fellow caregivers. You are truly heroes in this world of self-seeking people. You give of your lives and talents to family and strangers alike. I am so very proud of you and thank God for you. Just want you to know you're in my prayers today, and how grateful I am for all of you.

This may sound like a "backward" gift, but the biggest reason I go to my monthly support group meeting, is that everyone else's problems are so much bigger than mine, I leave feeling lucky! Though this week has been bad, and I can cry at the drop of a hat, that 87 yr. old dementia sister who doesn't believe in doctors, isn't going anyplace any time soon, and I feel lucky to get away 3 or 4 times a times for 2 days at a time. (Thanks to our daughter, who will baby-sit for us) I'm hoping to find a home close to me that she can afford to live at, as sisters just don't getalong most of the time. She is 15 years my senior and after a year, my nerves are a bit frayed.....hopefully there is someplace better for her than with me.

Char, praying you find a safe, affordable place for her, too. What an angel you are to care for her. I pray God blesses you for being her hero. Surely there is help for both of you. Thank God for your daughter for helping. Have a blessed day!

Hi All! Praying for all of you today, and I have missed you all. Been busy, as you all know how that can be. You all are always in my thoughts and prayers, even when I am not here posting or reading. I am so thankful for you all. When I read your posts you brighten my darkest days. Hope you all have a great day, talk to you soon. Love and Hugs to you all. Lisa

Good day to all....

I am thankful for another beautiful day with sunshine and a cool breeze. I am thankful I got some housework done in spite of things my house looks neat which keeps me calm. I cannot stand disorganization, i get more done when everything is organized. I am thankful I have common sense, I took mother to dfcs yesterday and i swanee she is her own worst enemy, but with the help of the social worker and the fact that mother does not hear well she still keeps her benefits. not much but enough to help her out. I can afford to feed her good food but no junk and she loves her junk I am so surprised really with her BP is so high and all the sodium, sugar she eats she is still alive, I guess its the preservation that keeps her among us. I am thankful I have enough money albeit paycheck to paycheck to pay my bills and have a little extra to afford that curtain rod that was bent in my living room the strangest things get broken and messed up in my house almost afraid to come to work. I am thankful my husband is still working although he is not up to full time yet his hours were cut back in november and that hurt real bad. I am thankful I have skinny legs Remember that song, they wrote it for me LOL cuz I'm special LOL I have started wearing skirts one person said my God your legs are skinny, I looked at them than looked at her and said yep been that way all my life, how long you had that big mouth?? But they work and they aren't crippled so going to wear what makes ME happy even my mother said My legs were too skinny, I said yep I got dads legs and they're little but they're pretty! that being said I have Bible class tonight and am really looking forward to that we are doing a two year study of the chronological order of the bible we are on week two lots of reading lots of writing but I'm ready. Bring it on... Well I'm at work Oh had my kittie I found, someone left her loose or she got out but she is black persian and they had her declawed so brought her in she was so knotted up I tried to trim the knots and knicked her just a tad and than thought nope can't do this don't want to hurt her so took her yesterday to be shaved, well she doesn't even look like a cat now she has a black face, black tail and four black booties she is so funny looking but I know she feels better she got in bed with me last night and she petted my arm and purred me to sleep she is so sweet, her way of telling me she loves me and thank you for the makeover LOL. Now if I can train the new dog I just adopted everyone else is in fine shape everyone meaning, my first dog Opie, my other two cats sweet pickles and peppermint pattie, Kittiepuss is all new again now it just leaves Pearl whose name should be digger or let me outta here!! If i can get her to stop jumping the fence and just dig in one place I will be happy if not I have to find her a home out in the country apparently she doesn't like city life if you want to call this little town a city reminds me of Green Acres. LOL

You all have a good day, I pray for you all to we need to send those prayers up and receive all the good blessings God has in store for us today.

OOOH Neon, I love little towns! This city I live in now, in the mountains believe it or not, used to be a small town. Not anymore, too many strip malls, that are too expensive to rent, that are still vacant. They put in stupid stores we don't need, or most of us can't afford to shop at anyway, so we still have to drive down to the big city to get what we need. But I still count my blessings that I live in the mountains. If you're lucky enough to live in the mountains

All right! That's it! I'm tired of getting cut off, something is wrong. I was saying, that "If you're lucky enough to live in the mountains, then you are lucky enough". I'm just now trying to catch up on readin all your posts. You all touch my heart, and I am crying reading all these posts. Must be the hormones, I cry at the drop of a hat anymore. But I am thankful for all of you! I am thankful for the fact that I woke up this morning LOL. I am thankful for God. Have a blessed day all!

on my previous post I said Phyllis Diller had killer heck that was Geraldine, I think phyllis had spike or something can't remember what his name was now its probably dead if you know let me know cuz I hate when I can't remember stuff anyway I'd like to do comedy but It would have to be informal couldn't just stand there and say stuff would have to have a straight man wanna be mine?

I am thankful Mom didn't run over anyone with her electric cart at the grocery store today, and the Social Worker said she'd come back cuz Mom needs it, and that Dad didn't hurt the man too bad whom he had an altercation with at the Nursing Home today, and that FIL didn't punch the Med Nurse, who was trying to give him something to calm him down, and that I get to now go meet Mom's new Physical Therapist. I'm thankful for a home computer, so that when everyone quits screaming, I can come back tonight and read some of your funny posts. Can't wait to laugh at neon and naus.

This is so neat ! When I read the comments of what people are grateful for it brings tears to my eyes. Even in our situations we still realize that all is well; we are special because we helping. We are not perfect and we go through ups and downs. God is GOOD, all the time; even through our trials the sun still shines. Behind a cloud - but it still comes up in the morning. I pray that we all keep strong and encouraged.

I am so thankful for all the help my Mom is getting in her new apartment. She had oxygen and a hospital bed delivered, a Home Care Nurse, a Social Worker, a Physical Therapist, and she will also have an Occupational Therapist coming. We went to the Senior Center, and got a tour and freshly baked cookies today, and she was invited to their many wonderful upcoming activities. She can eat lunch there for $2.00 and ride the bus there for free. I am thankful for a community that caters to those in need and their families. I am one who won't complain about all the wonderful things our health system has to offer my loved ones who need help. And my Dad and Father-in-law are well cared for, too, in the same community in an absolutely wonderful facility. Not all are good, but there are many choices and options out there. We know we've been blessed beyond measure, and our cup overflows. Thank God!

Hi all so glad I found you all. I do complain alot about all the work I do for my parents (I have 2 brothers that don't help me at all) But I do count my blessings as well. I know that all things happen for a reason and many we will never know why but I thank God daily for all the blessings I have in my life and as my hubby put it we have something to get out of bed for every day (even if its taking care of Mom with dementia) and teenagers and middle age stuff and trying to complete some remodeling we have things that need to be done! That is Life. Somedays I don't know how I get through but I just do. I thank God for that.

I am thankful for my family who helped shape me the way I am. My father who gave me a great childhood in different countries. Who was a Renaissance man except he didn't play music. (he tried the guitar). He was also a combat aviator in the Navy and Attorney. After a stroke from the bad day at the dentist's office, then a few years after Brain surgery he fell- hit his head and died in the front yard. I am thankful for his living his life by example (never mind the alcoholism). My mother who taught me to always do my best, even if I didn't know how to do it. She taught me to sew, cook, clean, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. (actually they both did) Aviation Machinist Mate 2nd Class, 1944-1946, US Navy. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's the year dad died (1997), and is currently severe stage 3, also extreme anxiety, and depression. My older brother who did his best for his family, a good provider who suffered from anxiety constantly and was never treated for it. Rheumatoid Arthritis has a hold of him and he can barely function.
And my sister, who always had a sunny disposition, who gave everyone she knew a smile and cards for their birthdays, anniversaries, holidays you name it, she should have been an insurance agent. Everyone who knew her sincerely thought SHE was their best friend, and they were right. We were only 16 months apart. She died a few years ago in a motorcycle accident. Only 52. At least 2,800 people attended her funeral. I miss my family terribly.
I am thankful for my neighbors who are caring people, who rarely reach out to each other in today’s busy world, but have started to share encouragement and ask how they can help, when they find out I haven’t worked in more than 5 years, with no health insurance, taking food stamps, and negotiating away emergency room bills AGAIN.
I am thankful for the psychologist and psychiatrist who were able to help me get unstuck when I decided to get help, and needed help. I am thankful for the Alzheimer’s Family Day Center who look forward to taking care of mom each day, in their loving way, and allow us to be on scholarship (sliding scale).
I am thankful for my health, and the adversity in it is just another way GOD is building my character.

Thank GOD, that I Believe in GOD, and his son Jesus Christ, who have given me the grace, strength, and courage to care for my mom when no one else wanted the job.

Even though I do not pray enough, I thank GOD for this website, that enables those who are desperate, in need of a word of encouragement, or resource, or a belly laugh, a place to get the help they need or at least to get started.
I am thankful for the friends on this website who reach out to each other, and help each other. To all of you who are kind to me,(you know who you are:)Thank you, Jerome.

Dear Micheleangel, what a blessing you are to this site, and a welcome addition! In the midst of all your trials, that you can still find something to be thankful about is so refreshing. I pray God blesses you in a special way for that! Your loved ones are lucky to have you, for sure. Sounds like you are in the thick of things, but still give God the glory. Amazing!!! That is his grace at work in you. I pray he gives you the strength to carry on, and keep your light burning brightly. You are definitely one of his angels. Praying for comfort for you, as well. Thanks for posting and being such an encouragement.

Jerome, you are the mighty encourager, too. Such a blessing, as always, sir! Wow, is that quite a story. You have a very full plate with your Mom having Alzheimer's. Makes my Dad's seem more real to hear it talked about so eloquently. I find your story not one of complaint, but sadness and sorrow, but that you thank God instead of blaming him is so inspirational. It is easy to see his grace at work in you. You've suffered so many losses, but don't seem to be complaining, like some do. So glad you have help from the Alzheimer's Family Day Center. That's got to be a relief to you. Do they have support meetings as well? What about church family helping? (Just curious.) As for belly laughs, have you seen the Laughter threads? I'm also wondering, how does one negotiate away a hospital bill? Thanks for being such a compassionate Caregiver, and encouraging us the way you do. Somehow that just lightens the load and brightens the day! :) Take care, and thank you, for lifting the name of Jesus to his proper place. Without him, we'd all be toast! Can you imagine how dark and awful the world will be without him? I look forward to seeing those nail scarred hands, and seeing my loved ones again! How bout you? God bless you, Jerome. And God bless all you fellow Caregivers.

Micheleangle, Anne,
When they are running, arguing, fighting, - - they are fighting what they do not understand. They are living as earnestly as they can. When the fight is weak, they still want to live, to communicate with their face, their eyes, to eat, to enjoy, - - isn't that life? AFDC is the example of an organization that lives the walk. What a godsend. They have support group meetings, I just have a hard time remembering and meeting there when I have so much work to do. Some organizations have a hard time with dementia, even when they are supposed to be compassionate. GOD has sent Jehovah's Wittness people to study the bible with me, and it has been an blessing. It is easy to negotiate a bill when you have no income, no assets. LOL. It is harder to do when you have income. Jerome.

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