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Awesome posts, ladies. Thanks for contributing to this and starting out the year in the right spirit. Linda, a cozy fire sounds good about right now, or a bubble bath. Please remember to take care of yourself even as you're caring for others. (Love thy neighbour as thyself...not out of balance, but include yourself, because you are special to someone.) God bless you and your loved ones in this new year!

You all are such blessings to me and hope those with snow and cold weather can look forward to warmer days before too long.

Two people came to look at the house today. Cross your fingers!!!!!!!

Will say a prayer! :)

Lovingdaughter will say a prayer my blessing for today was our church service and the coffee hours-we tend to stay and talk 30 people can make a noise and I overdid it on homemade cookies they are my downfall and one of the men said I was melting away so guess the diet is working we have such a great loving group it is such a blessing to come together and worship and learn the word I am so blessed and am sure God has a mansion in heaven for all caregivers so we will meet each other someday and be in paradise won't that be great no more tears and tied old bodies-speaking for myself- I hope there are homemade cookies there -oh well just kidding.

Austin. There will always be homemade cookies and good things where you are concerned. Bless you and have another cookie.

You know, I never thought about meeting some of the online Caregivers in heaven some day...usually just think about Caregiving drama when I'm here. Austin, thanks for turning our thoughts heavenward. I want to visit your mansion for cookies, and Maisie's for pecan pie, and txmaggie's for tea (not virtual), and Neon's for a laugh, and Lovingdaughter's for a hug, and naheaton for her smile, and...

Wouldn't it be nice if we could have our own private little cozy spot in heaven. No useless brothers or sisters. We could have cookies all day and laugh until our sides ached!!! Bless you all!

To all my friends at Aging Care. Anne, Secret sister, Austin, and all the wonderful people that I have met along the way. This will be my last post for some time to come. We sold our house and are moving in about 6 weeks. It has been very stressful on us as well as on mom. We wanted to put her in an assisted living facility for 3 weeks while we packed moved and unpacked. Well she went into a tailspin, and we had to calm her and go to plan B. So, she is going to a hotel with a caregiver for 4 days and they are coming to the new house and the live in will stay for 2 weeks. I have to have some time to re-group and set up the new house. After that, she will have the 4 days of help we have had with the same agency but in a different part of the state. So, I am saying good-bye for now, knowing what wonderful people are out there doing what we do everyday, asking no praise, but deserving it just the same. Bless you all.

yes count my blessing that i can get up out of the bed everyday ., even tho i feel like i been ran over by a bus and count my blessing that my dad is sweet man and doesnt give me a hard time .
anne im glad your neighbors got out all in one piece , when i was little our neighbor s house caught on fire and we were worried ours would catch on fire too , thank you lord that it didnt . nobody was at home when it cauught on fire . faulty wire they said .
yes we have to count our blessing everyday even on the bad days cuz it could have been worst i always reminded myself that . it could be worst .
ok time for me to drag myself to kitchen and slave away with bfast . mm i think i ll take up on those cookies instead , lol .
thank u jesus for the rain we r havin today . we needed it . escsialy on a friday woohoo . ;-)

Dear Lovingdaughter,

My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I wondered where you were. I shall miss you. I hope you check back in when you get settled. Blessings to you and your mom. Hope all goes smoothly. Would love to know how it all went. Take care, and God bless you, dear sister!

lharddbeck, thank you. Yes, they are all safe and placed elsewhere. The owners have moved back to their other property.

I'm counting my blessing, still. Even though things don't always go the way I want, God has not forsaken me. I'm so blessed to have my husband's support, a healthy boy, and wonderful friends. God bless you all!

Anne aka SS

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