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I love tuxedo cats!!!

SharynMarie....I'll bet those Siamese kittens were beyond darling.My Little Tuxedo's are the Cat's Meow...So cute!I can't believe how fast they've grown.
Now,if we can just keep Bootsie inside until she gets spayed on May 17th.No more litters here for us~

Oh and yes, I am happy Bootsie did not get hurt or bitten. Cats are very protective when they have babies. I had a Siamese with kittens years ago, she took off after the neighbors lab, she jumped on this dogs back, pulling fur out in clawfuls as the dog yelped running back across the street to his house. The kittens were in the house but mama cat was taking no chances.

Lol!! He is the avid gopher hunter indeed and you know how cats love to bring their prey home to show you!! We keep the doggie door locked now, lol!!!

Wow SharynMarie...13 gophers!!! That's ALOT!!!
We live right in the middle of town,not a rural area and a bunch of possum babies are in our garage and 1 big one we know of.We just have 1 trap set but no luck yet.It's probably too small.Animal Control lends them out but don't have any in at this time.We'll have to buy a new bigger one I guess.I just wish they'd leave.I sure quit setting out food for my stray cats at night.It was terrible timing for this to happen with Bootsie loosing 2 of her babies too.I'm just so thankful,because it sure could have been a lot worse.

Oh no Luckylu!! Can you get a trap cage to catch the possum or are you in a rural area where it wouldn't make much difference to trap it?

Tiger is stocking a gopher hole in the backyard. He lays by the hole for hours until it gets too hot, then he seeks shade under myclimbing roses. One year he caught 13 gophers in our neighborhood. Now he is only allowed in our backyard supervised.

Bootsie had a bad day yesterday but she wasn't behaving badly...My dH and a possum were.My dH opened the back door and saw the Father cat Dewey in the middle of a fight with a possum in the middle of the day and he opened the door to break up the fight and Bootsie ran outside and got right in the middle of the fight and my dH kicked the cats to break up the fight and I yelled at Bootsie to go inside and She did...Thankfully,but I was SO worried that she'd been bitten and gotten rabies and then I was afraid Bootsie got pregnant again but my dH said they didn't have time.I checked and checked her for a bite and I think we lucked out this time but my dH is in the doghouse with me.Iv'e warned him so many times to watch out for Bootsie.

Thank you Send....Yes,I had to be brave.There was no other choice.LuLu and Moe left to go live on a farm together last Friday and Bootsie and I have been sad since,missing them but thankfully,we still have Lovee and Toots and Trouble for now.

Luckylu, You have been a great foster mom to Bootsies kittens. Two have gone to their forever homes. Congratulations, you were so brave.

Luckylu, Now, those little kittens are 9 weeks!
They were brought up to have fun. Hope their new home is great!

I know you will miss them, and their mother too.

meow meow. sweet sweet kittens Luckylu. This time has gone quickly, yes?
How are Precious-dog and Odem-cat getting along with the kittens?
If you are keeping them, will you be introducing them soon? There is more hard work for you, and I am sure you can handle it, but that wil be stressful for the Mama-Cat, Bootsie. I don't know how you do it.

Maybe someone knows how to make the introductions, or looking it up online may help.

'LuLu","Toots","Trouble""Lovee" and "Moe" did really good at the vet and seemed to like the "banana" medicine they got.What was sad was Bootsie.I had her in one carrier and the 5 kittens in another and she kept reaching her arm out to them,wanting them.When we got home I thought they'd crash but they were ready to play.

Oh my, 5 kittens being trekked to the vet! That would be like taking 5 children under the age of 6 to the dr. I imagine one popping up getting out of the cage another running in opposite direction. Lol!!

Thank you Send...I can't believe my time with all 5 precious babies is almost over.They have brought me so many smiles and so much joy.Financially,I should only keep 2.I will have to get homes for the other 3 and I will but it is breaking my heart because I have become so attached and I Love all of them and it just feels like more loss on top of loss.I have to face it though because I really can't afford the Vet care.

Eight weeks already Lu. Five kittens plus Bootsie. You have got your hands full. You can do this....
Love from Send.

Thanks cwillie...I'll check those books out.
My little all black kitty was sure misbehaving some time in the night because when I went in this morning,there it was asleep on one of Mother's beautiful dresses it had pulled down somehow.Hand painted velvet was this kittie's choice of all dresses,maybe because it has sparkles.They love those hanging dresses....One of their favorite games is to jump to one and swing and then drop to the floor and do it again, kinda like monkey's swinging on a chandileer.They are something else!!!...And now in about an hour I take them all to the vet for their 8 week booster shots...I sure hope they behave there and back~

If any of you cat lovers enjoy reading you might want to check out the Joe Grey Mystery Series by Shirley Rousseau Murphy. Light, fun... great escapism literature.

It's a zoo at our house!And "someone" outside is behaving Very badly....There's a baby squirrel out there with no head!The hungry strays met me at the back door.Bootsie tried to get out to get pregnant again.The 5 babies are Huge and have taken over the whole room and in my john,Odom is in the window while my dH is sound asleep down the hall with Precious.I'm just as busy as when Mom was still here,it's just different caregiving and I'm worn out but very glad for all this Love.

When my eldest and her fiancee were in vet school a cat was brought to the small animal clinic basically to be euthanized because it had been hit by a car and badly injured. The professors thought it would be a good idea to let the students operate and see if they could fix him. it was too expensive to use bright shiny new equipment so they used anything that was lying around the lad (properly sterilized of course) They actually did a pretty good job and recovered well but his leg looked mechanical. i was asked if i would keep him on the farm which I agreed to but he got out while the kids were all there so they lured him back with cat food and inside he went. A few days later some idiot left the back door open and he was gone again. We found him a few days later dead on our quiet country dirt road. I guess he was actually suicidal.
When I was away at boarding school the principal had a big orange cat who spent his time round her neck. She would often let me wear him as I was animal crazy.

My little tiny girl cat, Matilda, loved the outdoors and will wander into the woods behind the house. She comes I to eat, have a quick snuggle and then back out to hunt and play.

I had not seen her for a day or two and was wondering if she had become a snack for a larger animal. She was quite on my mind.

Last night, I slept with the windows open and at 5:AM, I heard her delicate cry. I called out to her from the second floor window and she responded. We went back and forth several times and I swear, she actually said "help". It came out as "meowelp" but we all know it was "help".

I quickly donned my robe and ran downstairs to find that, no it was not sweet Matilda but rather Sebastian, who had been imitating Matilda's voice, asking me to let him in the back door... because it was raining and if he walked 20 feet to the pet door to let himself in, he would have gotten wet.

BTW, Matilda showed up later, unscathed.

SharynMarie...I had a chocolate point Siamese named Mocha.She was nice one minute and mean the next.
Now I have Odom who was the neighbor's cat that wants to live here instead of there.He's a Huge,old Tabby.
And Bootsie,The best MaMa cat in the world who's asleep now with her 5 beautiful Tuxedo kittens.

Luckylu, Simon was a character. He adopted us as he did belong to the nieghbor behind us. Siamese can be temperamental yet I have had other Siamese cats that were big sweethearts.

Iv'e always loved Siamese cats Sharyn and it was so nice of you to care for that one.They are extra unique.

Cats behaving badly...

I have only had one cat in my life that was difficult. His name was Sassy Simon, a Siamese cat. To be honest, this cat would not have had a home that loved him like we did. He would swat at you as you walked pasted him. One time (very funny because my mom was such a difficult person), he swatted at my mother's head because she was sitting on the couch with her head to the back rest where he liked to lay to sleep!! My mom yelled out, "he hit me!!!" I never had problems with Simon, he loved me and knew I loved him. I don't think others would have put up with his shenanigans.


While I was dog sitting for Older Bro this past weekend, I was also monitoring 2 lively cats, litter mates. The one, Cuddles, is the female, and loves to get out in the rural setting and hunt day and night. Snuggles, the male, prefers inside life and is skittish.

I noticed on one day as I let the dogs out a side door that there were feathers... and blood... I'm sure left by Cuddles as her mark of bringing back her trophy to show, before she did *whatever* with it. I didn't bother to clean it up. But then every time I let the dogs out, I would see that, and think "poor birdie." lol

The cat is only doing what comes natural to her, and bro and SIL worry about a coyote getting to her, which happened to their last cat, and has happened to some of their neighbor's dogs... So I figure it's all a natural cycle happening out there that I won't judge. I'm still not cleaning it up, either. XD

Did the dove live?

Our neighbor's cat (one of many) was sent to live outside. He was a pure black beauty, and cried to get inside our home. He became the neighborhood cat, and I forgave him for trying to kill a dove near my front steps. He came inside, just twice. Because he wanted outside at 4 a.m., and would climb the screen door, waking us up. He was crying on the roof of the laundry room months later, and I felt he was afraid. Hubs would not allow me to let him in our house. That was the last time I saw him......but he was behaving badly.

caregiver2020...I hope you don't get awakened at 3 a.m this morning again by Callie.
And SharynMarie,Thank God your Grandkids were OK.
It is scary how fast they can get into real trouble.Today,I caught one of my kittens trying to eat the electrical cord to the lamp and then another almost got his head caught in some bars on a rocking chair and they pulled all of Bootsie's food in breakable bowls to the floor,just one thing after another.....and I'm exhausted-

We have 2 cats, a black one named Jade and a calico named Callie. Callie is a senior cat and has been waking me up at 3AM every morning.
Sharyn, I am glad your grandkids are OK. They can be quick!

Luckylu, it must be quite a comedy show when the kittens are playing. It's like looking after toddlers. My grandsons escaped their back yard yesterday ( it happened within a time span of less than a minute). My dd couldn't find them in the front yard so she immediately called 911. She found them on the next street over and luckily they didn't get out on a busy traffic area.

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