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nacy, I have a cat that's very strange about her litter boxes. If I put anything near it, she won't use it. If it is in the wrong place she won't use it. So I now have 2 boxes in different rooms. At one point she was using one for no 1 and the other for no 2. Now she has abandoned the first box and uses the second one for everything. She is a vigorous scratcher so some litter gets out of the box. I am buying a deeper litter box and hope that will work.

I did had an aging cat start not using the litter box for no. 2. It was pretty consistent and he was 16 1/2 and had some other health issues so I had him put down. The vet had said to me any time you are ready, bring him in,

How old is your Siamese?

Gershun - thinking of you and Hendrick.

I have a cat issue, I'm at a loss of what to do.

I have 3 cats, one is simes, scared of her own shadow, only likes me and only comes around when I'm alone. Step daughter dropped her off, so this was not an adoption by choice, but I love her.

Anyways, she is a princess, if the litter box is not perfectly clean, I find presants for me. But I don't mind that, it's a good insensitive to keep the litter box clean.

Anyways the last month, nothing has changed at I'm still scooping littler all the time keeping it clean, but she is going number 2 in different spots during the night. She has never done this before.

Anyone have any clue what the heck is going on?

Gurshen, I'm so sorry, it's never easy, thinking of you and keep us updated

Thank-you Golden and Real.

I hope he bounces back but then I hope he doesn't. It's so hard to watch and worry.

But thx for your support.

So sorry, gershun. I have wondered how he is doing. it's hard to watch them in hose last days and hours. (((((hugs)))) and prayers

Prayers for your Hendrick and you. Our beloved pets just do not live long enough. May he pass peacefully and not suffer.

So my kitty is in end stage kidney disease. I feel sometimes like I'm on death watch. He has bounced back several times during this journey but his latest bloodwork showed that he is very anemic. His hemoglobin should be between 103 and 162 and his is at 85. He also has pancreatitis.

Today he hasn't eaten at all. So I'm once again thinking this is almost it. Will he bounce back again? What I've read states that once a cat with kidney disease becomes anemic the end is near.

So I guess the reason I'm posting is just to say that I almost hope that he dies soon. This up and down and watching and wondering is hard. He's almost 17 and has had a great life.

Anyway, please say prayers for my Henrick. Thank you!

Thank you everyone!
Feeling so supported, thankful for all of you here.

If any more animals show up wanting to move in,
I will refer them to you.

Our enjoying pets journey is over now, we have retired
and would never want someone else to take over our responsibility
if we could not care for a pet.

I am so thankful that Tweety found us and moved in on that hot August day,
six years ago.

Tweety is probably telling all the birdies in Heaven about how great you are Send.

Don't be surprised if another bird lands in your yard.

Send i am so sorry, but that bird had a very lucky life with you. You did your utmost and I am sure he knew it in his own way.

Send ,
So sorry . Glad Tweety was taken care of and comfortable . You did a great job .

Praise The Lord for a peaceful passing Send. You are a good bird momma.

So sorry send help. Pet birds are so sweet, I had a few years ago.

Glad it was peaceful, send. Take care.

My Tweety died. 🌠🌠🐦🌠🌠
There was no question when I checked on him at 10 p.m.

He went peacefully, and I feel relieved that he did not suffer, and we did not need to consider how or when his life ended.

Thank you everyone for caring about us.

May God give you strength Send~
I'm so sorry about your Tweety~

Always Send.

Praying that it is soon Gershun.

Tweety can no longer lift his head, but is still breathing.
I covered him with a tiny swatch of baby blanket so he will be warm enough overnight.
He went to bed.

He does not appear to be in any distress.

Thank you for your prayers.

I am always ready for whatever God has planned.



Thinking of you and praying.

Thank you Pammzi and Cwillie.

An avian vet is out of the question, for so many reasons. I looked them up, and cannot travel that far, or wait until September for an appointment! Just like humans lack of access to health care.

Online symptoms looks like a crop infection, but there was an earthquake last night at 9:00 p.m., others felt it, we did not. Shock and fear maybe.
But he was declining prior to this. We were watching him, thinking it was the summer heat, and we are feeling ill too.

I will miss him so much.
Of course I don't want him to suffer.
I don't see him taking in any water, and failed with the dropper.

I'm sorry your Tweety bird is failing Send 🙏🤗

Send, sending good thoughts to you and tweetie!

Good Morning to my Tweety! 🐦🌠
Caregiving plan for today is: Bird Hospice
As long as he is foraging for seeds and eating.
Get water to him via a wet piece of lettuce and a dropper.
It's a no on people vitamin C.
Calcium scraped from his cuttlebone; and mineral block sprinkled in his seeds.
Stay with him, talk to him, but do not disturb his rest.
Keep him warm as he has been cold, seeking the hot window ledge to sleep all day. No more, confine to cage as he is a flight risk, but too weak to fly. Avoid drafts.
Gave him a mirror, and playing bird videos all day.
He is off balance, his feet are spread out, but he is still trying. Moved onto a low perch, came off back to bottom of cage. He likes the mirror.
Clean cage soon as the water had spilled.

Aug 2018 (six years ago).
Just now, and in the last two hours, a friendly blue parakeet (budgie) has arrived on my back wall, tweeting. It is so hot out there!
It ate, drank water, and I misted it with the hose.
It won't come to me.
It also sat on my back step.
It is now on the neighbors shady tree, listening to classical music out my front window, and the occasional tweet.

My hand can come within 6 inches of it, but it goes away.
Hubs is not in favor of catching it. The bird is banded, belongs to someone.
Aug 2018
Bird came into the back porch, screened in. I've got it now, without capturing it.
I said, bedtime, go to bed....repeat 6 times. It came to the tray of food and water, and I carried it inside. Easier than the cat! Posted the missing bird, waiting now.
Safe and sound for the night.

Tweety must be about 8 yrs. old now. It was a very hot day today, the same hot month he flew in to live with us. He has declined these past 3 mos. He is resting on the bottom of his cage, unable to fly since this afternoon. This could be his last night with me as his Mommy. He is sleeping. Goodnight Tweety.

Got my son a turtle when he was 5, to find out it was actually a tourtist and lives to about 50.

So he is about 20 now , still going strong about the size of a large plate.

If he is ignored to long, and wants out of the Cage, he flips himself over on his back.

My son's dog will sit buy him and protect him from the cat when he is out.

Animals are so darn cute. Saw something on Instagram, animals doing such sweet things and people doing crappy things. Said something about people are turning into animals, animals are turning human. Made me think 🤔, they aren't so wrong about that

I had lots of pets when I was young, cats, dogs, a rabbit, hamsters and my brothers had an aquarium too. I loved all of them. Oh, and my brother had a baby turtle at one point too.


My last cat was an indoor kitty.

When my roommate and I moved to another apartment (a duplex) my cat got out and started using the bathroom in the backyard.

I kept her litter box very clean but she never used it again after going outside.

All of my other cats were indoor/outdoor cats. So, I don’t have experience with a catio.


We aren’t getting another dog or cat because I don’t want to go through losing another one.

Oh gosh, when my greyhound had to be put down at age 13, it nearly killed me.

Same thing with my little schnauzer and my cat. It’s so hard to say goodbye to them.

Needs, I think you could get a doodle of some kind, wouldnt effect your allergies?

Way my DH is old school like that. Which is the main reason we don't get a dog. He wouldn't make them stay outside, but it would be an argument getting them to the vet.

Back when I was little, we never took dogs to the old school thinking. It would be a battle, that isn't worth it to me.

No but the look adorable, and great for cats to keep them safe, and safer for birds and small animals

Does anyone here have an outdoor catio for their cat?

I’d be interested in some feedback , tips .

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