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So sorry that happened to you!

Veronica91, that was so interesting about how things were when you first started in nursing.

I use to be jealous of my Dad when he went to school in the late 1920's and 1930's. He rode horse back for all 12 years to and from school :) Dad also use to brag to people that he dated all the girls in his senior class..... of course Dad wouldn't say there were only two girls in that class.

C Willie you know how everyone talks about how polite Canadians are and how we say sorry all the time. Well here's a perfect example

I went to a new place to get my hair highlighted. I thought something was up when she did the foil highlights but then said she was going to put toner in. I knew that didn't sound right but I thought, she knows what she's doing. So we go back to her station and she takes the foils out and my hair is orange. Just so you know my hair is blonde. She says "is this okay?" Well,'s not okay, I said. So then she takes me back to the sink, says "don't worry hon, we'll fix it" Uh, first off, I'm not your hon, just fix it. I didn't say this, I was just thinking it. So, at this point, my scalp is burning. She puts some other toner in to get rid of the first one. Takes me back to her station and at this point I finally said, you know when you do foil highlights I don't think you need to do toner. So, she precedes to redo the highlights. I left there with platinum blonde hair. Not highlighted. Just one big fake looking blonde mess. Meanwhile, all the other hairstylists are consoling her cause she is so upset and no one is consoling me. I being the true Canadian that I am ended up giving her a tip cause she was upset? Never mind me. When I went home there was about an inch of dry, damaged scalp. Every time I pulled my comb through my hair it looked like it was raining dry skin. I finally went to another place and the girl doing my hair said my scalp was so inflamed that I'm lucky I didn't lose my hair and that she knew of another person who had the same happen to her who sued the salon and received $10,000 in damages. And I tipped the one who did it to me cause I felt bad for her......................:P

I go to one of those no appointment needed big chain hair salons, and this haircut is one of the better ones I've had there. Ironically, I tipped the person who gave me the bad haircut, but it is so hard to tell just what you've got until you get home and check it out.

The next full moon occurs Aug. 7, with a partial lunar eclipse.

"The Hut-Sut Song (a Swedish Serenade)" is a novelty song from the 1940s with nonsense lyrics. The song was written in 1941 by Leo V. Killion, Ted McMichael and Jack Owens. The first and most popular recording was by Horace Heidt and His Musical Knights. A 1941 Time Magazine entry suggests the song was probably a creative adaptation of an unpublished Missouri River song called "Hot Shot Dawson".[1]

Really bad Cwillie! No wonder it was cut so short last time.
Do you like your haircut this time?

I didn't leave a tip for my haircut this morning, is that bad?

Maybe I should hold off until everyone else has let their bad out?
I know if you don't let some stuff out along the way, the bad that could happen intensifies.

Be back after checking out when the next full moon occurs.

Ms.Madge mentioned chiro rebound, not sure what that is. But after feeling so much better, I awake to feeling like my ankle is broken again! They did not touch my ankle.
But I was walking without limping for 3 days now, pain is better!

Not exactly caregivers behaving badly but good for a laugh!
Two old ladies were out for a drive in a big old car and could hardly see over the dash board
They came to a red and the driver drove straight through as she did with the second one.The passenger noticed it and thought she might be loosing it so decided to pay close attention at the next set of lights. Sure enough they were red and her friend again did not stop. "Mildred" the passenger said "did you realize you just drove through three red lights?" "Oh" Mildred replied. "Am I driving?"

Good reason to take away those keys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be honest, when I first read Ger and Lu, I thought is Send losing it. LOL

Sen, let your bad out..............:)

There are a mess of fireworks going off just now outside my window.
What are we celebrating?

Ger and Lu,
I was pretty good when younger, so I am being bad now.

Gershun...You'd have been a lot of fun to play with too or spend the night...Then we could go do little toilet-papering and get a pizza.

Sounds like I was in good company. I was always getting into trouble in elementary school for laughing too much and making others laugh. I had my desk pulled away from the other desks all the time and I had to stand in the hall too.

One time I had to stay after class for chasing boys and also for standing on the toilet seat in the girl's washroom. LOL.

I even got into trouble at a job when I was in my twenties. It was a hoity toity place and the boss pulled me into the boardroom one time and said one of the clients had complained cause all he could hear was me laughing all the time.

Veronica, I wouldn't want that injection by the end of the week. Was this before they knew about hepatitis and needles?!

Post war teachers were all older women and you were too afraid to cross those Amazons. There was a rather well endowed cafeteria worker. I remember telling my whole table that the things on Mrs X chest were called Boosoms.

Never had my desk moved, they were doubles and bolted to the floor. We used pens and had inkwells built into the desk. If you had long hair and were unfortunate enough to have a boy in the desk behind you he would try and dip your braids in the ink well. We all pulled our braids to the front as soon as we sat down, The classrooms were heated with big potbellied coal stoves. No guards around them but I never remember anyone getting burned.
When I started my general nursing training the hospital was in a cruciform shape and so were the 25 bed wards. There was big structure in the center and on three sides there were separate coal fires and on the third side lived the drug cupboard.
Drugs were supplied in large bottles and the nurses just removed them to a bed table and pushed it round the ward dispensing whatever was listed on the chart at the end of the patient's bed. The only records kept were of the narcotics which were all in glass vials and given by injection. The top of the vial had to be broken off to draw the drug into the syringe. The syringes and needles were used multiple times and sterilized by boiling. The needles got pretty blunt by the end of the week when new ones were issued. Those were the days.

What a great idea SharynMarie!

Lol!! Luckylu, in 3rd grade I spent a lot of time being sent out to stand in the hall for talking. In 6 th grade a friend and I were paddled for cursing in Spanish. Crazy times!! You remember those pull string poppers they use to sell. Pull the string, it pops with streamers and confetti coming out? I would tape them under the lid to the classroom piano keys so during music period, when the teacher opened the lid to play, pop!!

It would have been so much fun playing with you Veronica and SharynMarie...Did you ever have to stand on your toes with your nose pressed to the blackboard in a circle the teacher had drawn? or have your desk moved next to the teacher's desk for talking or laughing in class?

Gosh you were bad Luckily. I dread to think what would happen to you these days. They would probably expel you.
When I was about three the district nurse/midwife came to check on us. She was basically the only medical help we had in the days before the NHS. I picked up a hoe and hit her on the forehead. She was very nice about it but soon retired!

My next one was a boy who put his hand over my mouth probably about kindergarten age.
I bit him so hard I broke the skin and drew blood. That finger tasted nasty.

The next victim as the school dentist. I refused to open my mouth for a filling and I bit his finger. I did not get my filling! In those days you sat in a regular high backed wood chair with your head pushed back over the back. There was no local anesthetic and his drill was foot powered. I think I was about 7. Did not get punished. I guess the teachers sympathized with refusing such torture

The best recess of my life was in the fifth grade when 3 of us were kept inside ,missing our recess because we had acted up in class and we got into more trouble.We broke the teacher's plant and gave a boy a tootsie roll to take down his was great~

For the Christmas lunch story - I think the son has extenuating circumstances. There are times - one more "that's not how you do it!......" and I have to run outside and scream.

I j walked and was seen by the school principal. He made me walk 3 times around a one block radius through the crosswalks. I never j walked again, lol!!

It wasn't at the big kids table,but at the school lunch table,we got caught shooting peas and we were all sent to the office.As our punishment,we were each assigned a different spot to eat our lunches the next day.I had to eat on the stage in front of everybody.I quit shooting peas after that.

msmadge, what a terrible image! surely other people noticed such a thing happening? i saw a video recently of a woman slapping a man and publically shaming him on a crowded bus as when it suddenly stopped sharply, he uncontrolably brushed against her, just like the person behind him and so on in the crush. He then calmly moved infront of her, and sure enough when the bus stopped sharply again she uncontrolably brushed against him, so he gave her a slap! not that im saying its ok for anyone to slap anyone, it was just good to see some equal standards shown!

Thank you and welcome here!

So I found this conversation by accident. I was reading Dorkers posts and it was depressing and irritating. And here I find chocolate, gambling and the big kids table lol! You are all so helpful but your lots of fun and laughs too! Thank You!😄

Nothing like a big Vegas breakfast and keno -
mom and I would play the 4-spot ticket - month, day, year of birth and current age - we won $360 several times on a $2 bet
of course she had to hold her age at 80 since that was the highest number on the board - lol

"If you truly want to do that, just make a straightforward donation" said CWillie.
Good idea!

If playing the lottery is gambling, and you truly want to gamble, just lay your money
straightforward on the tables in Vegas, stay in a four star hotel like the MGM Grand, retire to your comped suite with a jacuzzi, have breakfast by room service or go down to the restaurant and have a great breakfast while playing Keno from your table. I guarantee you 'friends and family' who will make the trip with you because you are paying. The business trip and gambling losses are tax deductible. imo. lol. You can also buy a lotto ticket there....

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