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Oops, wrong movie.
What was I thinking?

I love the movie endless summer.

False, I don't love ice cream (sorry, stuff makes me feel weird, I still eat it occasionally though... so I like it but don't love it)
True, I live in U.S.
True, love chocolate, but really only the bittersweet dark stuff, yum.
True, kittens are welcome anytime.
False, haven't worn a heel over 1.5" in a year.
True, I live in CST.
False, I'm definitely not funnier than I think I am lol.
True, love to garden.
False, don't speak French expect for a s’il vous plait now and then if I meet someone French origin.
True, I have better things to do with time than knit stupid baby blankets that keep going wrong, LOL CM! Sorry about your knitting mishaps.

The person below me loves movies or books that are period dramas.

The person below me has a favorite lipstick color of red.

The person below me has an iPhone.

TRUE I love ice cream (but my hips don't)
FALSE but I'm giving living in the USA serious day-dream time
TRUE I love chocolate
TRUE kittens are cuter than puppies but it's close
TRUE I wore 3" heels last week but I was very sorry after 30 minutes
FALSE I live in BST zone
TRUE and that lawn needs mowing
VRAI, but only when I want to make French people laugh at me

The person below me has better things to do with her time than knit stupid baby blankets that keep going wrong.

TRUE I love ice cream
TRUE I Live in the USA
FALSE I love chocolate BUT puppies over kitties, sorry Cwillie,
False I don't wear heels over 2 inches to work
False I don't live in CST
False I don't pull weeds

The person below me speaks French

True? False? I was never very good at party games either! Lol.

The person below likes to garden?

Ali and Cwillie,
True to form, you both are the best party goers I have met so far!
False, I no longer wear high heels at all. There was a lady at the chiropractor's office wearing 4" heels, and I did not wonder at all why she needed chiro care.
False, I do not live in CST.

The person below me just doesn't know how funny they are.

I think it would go...

True, I love chocolate! (Especially dark chocolate, ohmigahhhhh)

True, I love kitties!  (I suppose not Everyone does, but... most people) 

The person below me would wear heels over 2" on a weekday, and the person below me lives somewhere in the CST time zone.

(How'd I do? I'm up early, y'all up too late for me to crash the party when it's happening. lol)

True? False?
Sorry, I was never good at party games! But is there anyone who doesn't love chocolate and kitties?

Answer: True, I love ice cream.

Answer: False, I live in the USA.

The person below me really really loves chocolates and kitties.

Here is a game. An adult game. Let's see if I can get this right.
Since MsMadge is the party animal, the person with her game on, and since she is busy, I will start the game tonight, you all continue it. It goes like this:

"The person below me loves ice cream"
The next poster answers: True or False.
Then repeats the same, using another statement:
"The person below me doesn't live in the USA"
Is this true or false? n e x t p o s t e r....

Ok, now I have my jammies on, but sleep is evasive.

The song of the wind, rustling through the trees.
The song of a baby's first cry.
The song of Moses.
The song of crickets in the night.
The song of a stream, a babbling brook.
The song of time passing by, slowly, sweetly, without end.

For you, MsMadge.

Yes, CM, I think I know what you mean by what you said. Always good to hear from you.

What is the oldest song anyone has ever heard?

I really hope your husband's right, Send! Otherwise the one interpretation of ICBM could lead to the other, no?

An Owl in my Animal crackers.....That's a first!

Good morning!
Made up a joke, and no one will ever understand what I meant. Trying to explain it to hubs has him laughing at me, feeling superior in intelligence. He thinks the ICBM missiles testing in N.Korea are propaganda, as well as the U.S. responding with planes flying over. All of it is propaganda, he says. That the U.S. regularly plays war games, fly overs, as does other countries, all the time.
Wanting to distract a friend from her fears, I wrote this:

"In the U.S., the abbreviation ICBM means it is serious in-continence and bowel movement."
At least to caregivers it is.

There's a lovely Posy Simmonds cartoon of a woman journalist angrily bashing out a feminist piece on her old typewriter and whacking the carriage return (anyone else old enough to remember those?!) into her coffee cup. Which she grabs to save from falling and, yes, you've guessed it...

No wonder there are so many UTI's on here!
The wedding ring.

Send, the engagement ring, the wedding ring, the suffering, and the burning when you pee after sex. LOL ...............yes, I know that was beneath me :P

Yes, Moecam I have apologized to furniture before. Then when I realized it I talked to myself as I walked away..........then when people looked at me funny for talking to myself apologized to them saying "don't mind me, I'm just weird"

Sharyn, very funny.
I feel like saying that at church, when they repeat the chorus x 10 +'
Oh no, not again!
But, I would never.

Another time at a formal classical Christmas choir a saprano stood to sing a solo. Later she stood again and my dad blurted out, oh no!!, no again!!! We left after that as we got very dirty looks from those around us.

When my dad had Alzheimer's, one evening while watching tv, he turned looking at my mom saying, are you ever going to go home??!!!

There is a free-for-all here tonight, welcome everyone! If you are reading only, tonight is the night to check in, bring your bratty contributions, no membership required, please join us on any topic you choose.
Go for it! It's all yours, extra space on here!

Greg Laurie.

Marriage is a three ring circus.
The engagement ring;
The wedding ring;
The suffering.

Gershun - if you are truly Canadian then you'll remember the time you bumped into a piece of furniture & said 'sorry' .... we've all done it but it beats the rage & guns south of 49 - I bumped into a cart in grocery store & said 'sorry' to lady & she replied 'it's a good way to meet a new friend' & it sure beats cart rage - maple leaf forever!

Hope he at least turned up the volume on the remote so you could hear!

Send, Hubs was peeing on the t.v. know, marking his territory and I said "hey hon, point that little thing over here and I motioned to my ear," He thought I mean't the remote but I was talking about his other little thing...............:)

What did your husband say when you asked him fo fix your ear wax?
Did it help?

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