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The poor air quality advice is to stay inside MsMadge. You could pluck your chin hairs!

The hills are on fire, with the smell of smoke

My heart wants to flee, but the freeway's closed

I just got out of the shower myself Ali. Before that, I did my requisite crunches, arm exercises, leg lifts. I get Pinterest exercises e-mailed to me almost every day so I just click on one each day and try to do them. I still am getting over Mono so don't have the stamina quite yet to get back on the old treadie or as I call it"The Instrument of Torture" but hopefully soon.

Thanks for asking Ali. I'm glad you are feeling content with coconut oil on your face. LOL! Don't forget to wipe it off the t.v. remote. :)

It's Chamorro, Book's island's native language. I don't know any of the words but I think that's the name of the language. What's up, Gershun? How are you? I took a long shower today, washed my hair, tweezed my face lol. Now I'm in bed watching tv with coconut oil on my face and hands and feeling quite content. How's your night?

MsMadge were you speaking in tongues or is that a different language and if so what language?

Book chan
Ikaga desu ka
Nani o shiteru
Ima nanji

If you wear a large brimmed hat no one will notice your chin hairs - or at least not right away

I love plucking out my chin hairs. I lay in bed at night sometimes and if I feel a hair on my chin I can't wait till morning. I grab those tweezers and pull it out. My eyebrows are a pain too. They haven't gone rogue yet but they don't grow in evenly anymore.
Ah..........the joys of middle age. Plus, I could probably do a thousand crunches each night and my gut wouldn't move. ARGHH!

Thank you for tonight's topic! Great contribution!

"No, no," said the little pig. "By the hair of my chinny chin chin, I will not let you come in."
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in," said the wolf.

So he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed. The house of straw fell down and the wolf ate up the first little pig.

Fine! I will use it for my mouth.

Duct tape works for everything...

Nope, this sucker is real! And I may try the hairspray on the finger tip I read about.Veronica I pluck my chin,, and I have a great gal who waxes my lip and chin sometimes... Hair tends to grow in black over scars on me for some reason!

Oh dear Pam chin hairs are the beginning of the end!. Get used adding good quality tweezers and a 20 X magnifying mirror to your beauty kit

No chin hairs here yet, but since my mom could probably sport a goatee I'm sure they will show up some time in my future.
Curly brows, are you sure it isn't from sleeping funny? I get the odd one that just keeps growing, but the little ones on the side are often pushed into weird positions from my pillow. Anyway, the only option if you don't want to pluck is to trim.

Ok, it was bad enough in my early 50s when I found the first dang chin hair...but two days ago I found a "curly eyebrow hair".. WTH !!! I have tried to tame it down.. but I am having visions of looking like my male boss who's brows go every which way. And as I have very sparce brows due to some reconstructive surgery in my teens... plucking is out!! What next??

The bed is working again, yippee

Of course that has now been replaced with other annoyances but oh well
I'm thankful the power is still on tonight with the heat and thunderstorm

The Hershey bars were too soft to enjoy ☹️

MsMadge, Ask HoCa staff to check the receptacle, it could have blitzed in this heat.
Or, push reset button if you find one at the plug-in place. You can check it by plugging in a lamp to see if it works.

Could be the new small fan overloaded the circuit?

Any progress on the bed MsMadge?

Ha ha
First question I asked - is it plugged in? Since it's not wireless I don't know if it has batteries

I texted the overnight caregiver at 2 am and asked her to unplug it for an hour or so and replug it to see if it would reset - 9 am and no word - her shift ended at 6:30

Very annoying I can't find any paperwork on it but then since it was delivered to hoca they probably have the book and everything or I should say was given it at the time of delivery 🤔

Happened to check the store website and of course a new improved model is out and costs $500 more but i have to believe there's more than a 1 year warranty

I was thinking the same thing, check all wires to make sure the connections are, er, connected. As for the remote I always have to search for mom's or untangle it, I get that she doesn't use it herself so they want it out of the way, but what's with wrapping it 20 times around the bed rail?

Ms Madge I am not doubting your intelligence but is the bed plugged into the wall and are the batteries still good?

There's a picture of my beloved childhood dog nearby -

Got a call late tonight that mom's adjustable bed is no longer working / half the time the corded remote is on the floor or in the nightstand drawer - and of course, the one receipt I can't find is from the mattress store
I doubt I took out extra protection on it though - crap 😭

Pictures of dogs and cats?

I might have to cut Frick and Frack out of that picture, Send 😜

What about a picture of her children, MsMadge?

The good thing about any of this, is that you and Cwillie are there for your Moms.
It is hard, it is not ideal, and still, you keep on going.

Hoca touts in its newsletter how they design a personal playlist for everyone as music is so soothing - sometimes I just want to spit when I read these things

Last year when mom's roomie was nearing the end of her journey, I remember thinking if she'd be better off in a nursing home- my conclusion then was no she wouldn't be, and if I have my druthers, mom will go in her comfortable bed with the picture of her parents on the wall next to her

Uggh , Send

I got home from work about 10:30 pm and evidently there was a power outage today but we didn't hit 112
Had to reset everything and I just closed the front door
Thermostat is still above 80

Mom's caregiver texted it was a comfortable temp at hoca

My chiropractor's office live streams oldies, rather loudly. Everyone leaves with a smile. Today's physical therapy went so well, I left pain free for several hours.

Did you survive today?
112 ° F in my area!
A mistake with aiming the fan in the wrong direction removed all the cool air from the room, I could not wake up after my nap, it was 80° F. I felt sick.

Calling MsMadge......

I just got off the phone with the activities director at mom's NH. I spoke with her a couple of weeks ago about getting some music for mom and she showed me their iPods and a sign out sheet - fantastic! - but last week they all disappeared. I get that they may need periodic recharging, but all week? I then ranted that clustering them all in the lounge in front of the TV was not an acceptable standard, given that the volume is so low even I can't hear it they may as well be pointing them at a blank wall. Not to mention it plays a continual stream of old movies, they could at least break it up with a few old comedies like I Love Lucy etc, something those with a short attention span might actually have a chance of grasping. Someone on the forum once asked if putting someone in the NH is just warehousing them until they die, I would have to answer a resounding YES.

It's 5:48am no day light yet. Denny's sound good!! Going back to bed sounds better, haah!!

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