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MsMadge, it's always sad when we lose a caregiver who cares about their clients. Dad had his favorites. They got him to talk and joked with him. And he smiled back.

One of the best hoca caregivers is leaving - she hugs mom and gives her a kiss before she changes her 😢

Cranberry juice....very good to prevent a UTI.

Yes Send we were hit by the big invisible white rabbit Harvey. My adult children, DIL and soon to be 4 yr old grandson have been my houseguests for one reason or another since 8/25. The last houseguest left Monday afternoon.

SIL was in much the same situation. We were celebrating among other things our once again empty nests.

Way, way too much togetherness plus everyone brought their pets.

It is over, we survived, we have some tall tales to tell about the event for years to come.

Our home did not blow apart like we thought it would at times but has some pretty significant damage. Insurance Co has been very far.

I will never, ever, ever, ever stay through another storm. I will put the above ingredients in my Go BAG and go!

Vodka or Tequila will do
Triple Sec
Fresh Lemon Juice
Cranberry Juice
Shaken Not Stirred...LoL
Martini Glass
Follow with a steamy hot soak in the tub...aaahhhh

Did not know you were in the storm too!
We should put those ingredients on the list for emergency kits.

I am a very, very tired girl. I finally got commitment/schedule dates from a couple of contractors to start on storm repairs.

I was so happy! My bff, hubby's sister called on her way home from work. She wanted to have a board meeting. Gab session. Okay. When she got here she asked if I had any adult beverages. :0 Okay. When she got here we dug around and decided to have Cosmos. Omg! We paced ouselves and had 3 in 3.5 hours. It was 4:30 but 5 o'clock somewhere! Omg we gabbed and griped and cussed and cursed the storms.

I am a very bad girl but it's the first time I have relaxed in 3 weeks. I probably should be a bad girl more often....

Lol!!! 2 down one to go!!

I went to answer that door knock and no one was there.

I hope Sharadale is safe.

I got the underwear advice from my Mom too. I also think about that when I shave my legs. Wouldn't want hairy legs if I'm in an accident. My late brother was a Licensed Practical Nurse and told me some pretty gross stories. :P

Lol!! I think mine was as a a lady walking, a church and praying hands.

We don't ask for the salt and pepper anymore at our dinner table and it's all my fault.
One night at dinner,trying to make conversation,I said"I heard at a meeting that pepper makes your sex life better" and my Mom picked up the pepper shaker and firmly set it on Dad's empty plate and he picked it up and threw it hard and it hit Mother's arm.I didn't understand then but later I found out that my Dad had just become impotent and Mother was very upset about it.
From then on,we whispered "Pass the S&P" quietly.I still feel bad and wish I never said anything.

I'm the 3 rd lady for sure!

Three elderly ladies were discussing the trials and tribulations of getting older. The first one said "Yes i find myself in front of the fridge and can't remember if I am putting it back or should make a sandwich"
The second one chimed in. "Yes I find myself on the landing and can't remember whether i was going upstairs or down"
The third one said . "Glad I don't have those problems, knock on wood" and she bangs on the table. "Is that the door? I"ll get it"

Thanks CWillie.
Sorry Send.
Me and my phone...I do drive by posts and don't get back regularly during the day. :o

Thank Cwillie!

It's a thumbs up emoji Send :)

There is a tiny rectangle showing on my kindle.
This also happened with a recent post from Sharyn.
Whatever it says, thanks, I think?


Wearing the Saturday pair on a Sunday could be worse?

Omg! The underwear with the days stitched on them.

Had a newly married friend whose black Saturday pair with red stitching fell out of her pants leg at her MILs house on a Sunday afternoon. There on the dining room floor for all to see. Her MIL raised an eyebrow and said "those underwear are very small but are in good shape and it's good to know my sons wife keeps up with the laundry". Apparently "Saturdays" pair came out of the dryer inside her pants leg. She nearly died of embarrassment! But she did get a couple of compliments out of the ordeal.

Yes, funny.
And I had forgotten, not just clean, but no holes, "the good underwear".
That includes the right underwear with the right day sewn on them, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.......Lol.

Maybe senior underwear could have the day sewn on.
1) A good cognitive test-Mom, you have the wrong day on, here's the right day.
2) You must! change your dirty underwear, it is the wrong day!
3) Cannot believe you haven't changed your underwear since last Tuesday!
4) Oh, n e v e r m i n d, Tuesday is tomorrow!

Isn't it funny that back in the day mothers all over North America (and no doubt around the world) were giving their children the same advice, and they didn't even have the internet and social media to compare notes ;)

Send, once I was in a bad car wreck. As I'm on the table in the E.R. and they are cutting off my shorts and underwear, I actually thought right before I passed out, thank goodness I've got the" good "underwear on ha ha! My mom taught me that too.😄

Mom taught to never leave the house without being fully dressed, clean underwear, using the admonition: "What if you are in an accident and etc. etc."
So, I guess jammies are out for my drive-thru experience.
Hoping your Mom is feeling better.

It is harder when you know family in the areas of a natural disaster, imo.
Your updates have been appreciated, and I am hoping all will be well. With you too!
I am not even going to turn on the news until my coffee has me up and running.
But I can still pray without knowing the news.

Gainesville didn't get as bad as expected, the storm went more into Daytona instead. So much rain still coming out of that storm. Crazy!! Now we're waiting to see how my nephew who is 50 miles south of Savannha fairs being 5 Miles from the beach

I have family in Gainevilles, Ga and Kentucky. Getting updates from niece in Kentucky

Thank you for that news, Sharyn. That helps!
More power to prayers, less power to the storm! YES!

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