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MsMadge, I’m so sorry you are dealing with sepsis. Your poor mom. I hope your mom is feeling better soon and you can have her returned to hoca. How long would your mom have to stay in a SNF? Sending hugs your way, try to get rest yourself too.

Some brainiac took away mom's pillow and put a towel behind her neck instead - when I found her she was slumped to the side with her head bent forward looking very uncomfortable
An hour later, CNA comes around with oxygen - why does she need that?
Oh, her 02 sat is low
wouldn't it be easier to reposition her so she could breathe easier?

Although she is to be discharged tomorrow, the Viking is not up to pinching
Choked this morning when they gave her meds in apple sauce and had to be suctioned
she doesn't seem to be sleeping peacefully and is mumbling while asleep

I'm dreading tomorrow and moving her to the SNF
I need to go into work as I missed a deadline from being out a couple of days
While the hospital doctor thinks she can return to hoca after 14 days of iv antibiotics, hoca doesn't do palliative care only hospice
Now there's bed hold and notice requirements to think about and still no sign of F&F

"You're no bunny unless some bunny loves you" - I had a lovely birthday card with this on it a few years back, I'll see if I can dig up the name of the illustrator...

But on the other hand it is possible to have enough rabbits in your house, you know!

CountryMouse...On Easter,Mother always made me a new bunny dress to wear to church and Easter was just as big as Christmas at our house,only there were even more bunnies out.
I always loved bunnies and Mother believed that everyone should collect something,so that's what I decided I'd collect when I was 5.Now,50 years later+,I have rabbits all over the house.In the ktchen,in the john,everywhere.
One year,when I was around 10,I made a display of the bunnies and entered it in the fair and won 1st place.
I also raised MANY rabbits through the years up until I had a male bunny break into 2 females cages in the middle of winter and I had baby bunnies everywhere and It was so cold and I had to bring them inside and I ruined my Uncle's hardwood floor in the housewe were renting from him with rabbit urine and my dH hd to pay over a thousand dollars to repair it and since then I have'n't had any more real rabbits.
I don't know if all the rabbit dresses and costumes are worth any money,but they're all in the attic hanging there Send,along with all the other stuff Mom saved.It's a whole "other" world up there.

Cwillie, only if there were happy pills baked in the pies : )

Christmas craft sale and bazaar season is here with a vengeance, three (that I know of) in our little town this weekend including at mom's nursing home. When I asked who donated all the pies I discovered that they were made by out activities staff in a marathon 2 day baking session. Gee, those pies don't look so tempting any more 😲
But seriously? When you consider their wages and the cost of materials does this really bring in enough money to justify the cost?

It may be a good thing that your Mom has gained a little weight.
In some circles, we call that our fighting weight.
Having some weight (energy) to lose can help a patient fight.
I don't think it only applies to cancer, but is often used when fighting that.
p.s. i know she doesn't have cancer.

I hope she wakes up long enough to at least pinch someone, Viking that she is.

Just a do they control her diabetes, testing it still?


Will Hoca take Mom if she has visiting "palliative care" ordered at discharge?
I would love to see her treated better, seems Hoca has let you down at every turn.

Luckylu may not brag about what a good seamstress her Mom was, even famous in their town, if I remember correctly.
When my Mom dressed us funny (new dress) for easter, it was to go to church (and not exactly a costume.) .
But I forgot the easter egg hunts.  At age 5, the children would go to parks to hunt for easter eggs!
They would be wearing either bunny costumes or their Sunday-go-to-meetin' dresses.
I can imagine the halloween costumes would be collectibles now?

What do you say, Luckylu? Can you tell?

Lucky, what on earth did you do at Easter? You'd need bunny outfits for every season, just like the Paris catwalks...

In today's Review section of the paper there's a large photo of two gore-splattered starlets, one blonde, one brunette, captioned "SKIN DEEP - Jesùs Franco's film career may have peaked with 'Vampyros Lesbos' (1971)"

*Peaked* with..?!

I have several rabbit dresses that Mother made through the years and they're all still up in the attic,with all my rabbit costumes I wore EVERY Halloween.I was a bunny every year,year after year but as I grew,Mother had to make me bigger ones.My first one was pink and my last one was orange and green striped.There are 6 all together. Iv'e always Loved rabbits and began collecting them when I was 5.Bunnies Rule!.......and multiply.

That dress bit is funny... today after Moms 2 Dr apts ( shes doing great) my BFF and I got together to run away for a few hours ( she is CG to her hubs with help from son and dil). We have not actually SEEN each other in a few weeks. I get out of my truck,, DIL says "you got your hair cut! So did Mammi".. Yep,, almost the same short haircut! Then while Christmas shopping we detoured in a clothing store.. wandering around,, meet at checkout.. both carrying the SAME shirt! Yep, and we have other clothes that are the same! Great minds think alike and all... Does come in handy when one of us needs something to wear the other doesn't have...

Thanks, we embrace cyber hugs
Mom is a big girl - and actually put on 30 lbs since moving to hoca and staring risperdal

She's been asleep without sedative for two full days only briefly opening her eyes - For awhile last night, they were looking at ICU admission due to her heart rythem

The SNF possibilities are bleak given our past experience in rehab so my goal would be to get her back to hoca in her own full size bed
But, given she is getting UTIs so frequently it may be a futile attempt

And, FF&F

Aw, MsMadge, I'm so sorry to read about your mom's sepsis, your tough week being ill and having to deal with ER trip. If your mom is discharged to SNF, will she go back to hoca when IV treatment is complete, or she has to stay at new SNF? I'm so sorry. I want to give both you and Viking a hug, though sounds like she may not want one now or in general lol. Sepsis is tough. How's your mom's weight? My dad lost a lot of weight during his sepsis battle, but was able to put it all back on. Ayyy. Just sorry, hon.

Mom's caregiver is lost in the bowels of the hospital

Aw boo, I had no luck searching Boden Women's Bunny Rabbit Print Dress (and variations of those keywords), but I'm envisioning this wabbit dress. Reminds me of dresses I've seen listed as "Conversation Dress," as if the dress is meant to start conversations or something. 😆😁

In the past couple of years, I've stopped shopping new retail so much for clothes and instead have spent time perfecting my Filter settings for online consignment places. I'm pretty happy with the results -- I don't spend nearly as much money, I get my clothing needs met for much less than if I shopped a mall... and with as many clothes as I have (A WHOLE LOT), it just makes sense to not buy new things most of the time. Clearly I don't NEED as much clothing as I'm buying so I might as well recycle someone else's things if I can.

Upset, I like your stories about your grands. :-)

I find the things I am willing to do at the behest of my grandchildren makes me think maybe I've gone round the bend. I had very short hair since high school. Three years ago after my granddaughter had cut her own hair twice. My son, DIL and I were trying to talk to E about not cutting her hair. With 6-yr-old logic she said "but Mimi you keep your hair short". At some Point I told her I wouldn't cut my hair if she wouldn't cut hers. Now, three years later I have shoulder length hair. Very time I mention haircut I get a chorus of "Oh no, you can't cut your hair". I've also dressed as a Jawa for Halloween to please my oldest grandson and the list goes on. So CM your baby granddaughter would love the rabbit dress and it could possibly become a Christmas tradition with your granddaughter that you have to wear every year.

CM, perhaps the maker of that dress has a fixation with Alice in Wonderland or something. When I think of the things I used to wear.............when I was in my twenties I had a sweatshirt that had a bunch of raisins with faces on it and the caption was "I heard it through the grapevine" LOL Also, in my twenties I had this skirt and top set. Bright yellow with some kind of horrific, gaudy design on it, padded shoulders, skintight. I wore it to the office on Valentine's Day just to be different cause they had posted a notice in the lunchroom that everyone had to wear red that day. I've always been rebellious that way. :)

Send, hope that doggie finds a forever home!

Somebody somewhere is wearing that skirt. Hold that thought.

There was a chapter in the Secret Diary of Adrian Mole where he feels he has outgrown his Noddy in Toytown bedroom wallpaper and decides to paint over it. In black emulsion. It takes three coats for the pattern to be hidden. And, he says, even then you can still see the bells on Noddy's hat, at regular intervals. His father walks in to survey the new décor and says it looks like a surrealist's nightmare.

Anyway. I now feel about rabbits how I used to feel about sodding penguins, after mother's fondness for the little creatures turning into a certifiable obsession. The twice life-size poster of an Emperor pinned to the back of the drawing door. The stuffed fluffy toy penguin she kept on the passenger seat of her car. The Happy Feet merchandise, plus the DVD obviously. The trip to Antarctica.

Looking back, perhaps we should have wondered about dementia earlier on...

I did an Amazon search for rabbit dresses and found a cute "space rabbits" shirt, pretty nice rabbit scarves, sweet bunny slippers, lots of rabbit night gowns and pj's but hardly any dresses (for women).
However, I ran across this; (I can't download the picture so get a mental image of this.) Poop Emoji Women's Bodycon Mini Knit Basic Stretch Short Pencil Skirt
Price: $22.39
A tight knit skirt with poopies with faces. (size small to ex-large!) And ONLY $22.!
If I can find a nice yellow pee-pee blouse to go with that, I'll be all set!!

Woo Hoo Hoo......LOL ;)

Upset, I caught myself thinking that it would amuse my baby granddaughter come Christmas - but this is just further depressing evidence that I am turning into my mother.

Also... ohmygod what a thought... my ex-husband's grandmother was known as Grandma Cuckoo. Not because she was going gaga, but because she once owned a cuckoo-clock that the children were very taken with and the name long outlived the clock. I do NOT wish to be labelled Granny Bunny. Phew! - that could have been a close shave.

CW, I bought a pair of trousers (that I wear a lot, I'm very pleased with them) last year from an online retailer. Since then I have had a parade of catalogues from what seem to be pop-up fashion companies with names like Wrap, Swoon - good Heavens, I thought I was exaggerating but there is one here honestly called "hush". Anyway. I have no idea who these people think I am or what they think I look like. Stick thin, waterfall-haired, Asiatic cheekboned, in my twenties, rich as Croesus and given to wafting around on windswept beaches looking soulful, apparently.

HAAAAAAA-ha-ha-ha - !

It's a nice dress and the pattern looks fine - at a distance. I must admit the bunnies are a bit "off putting". Shame - they could have used leaves or branches or something easier to take.

CM, I looked up the "rabbit" dress on the net. I'm not sure if I would wear it or not.

Awww. The 2yr old Pup is adorable.

Hope his owners are looking for him and find him soon.

Can't we all just re-cycle our old halloween costumes from the attic, and wear those?

There might be a fire sale coming up on Dodger's t-shirts and caps.

As for me, I will be ordering the bunny dress.

And finally, a r e y o u g o i n g t o b u y i t ?

Luckylu, One cannot help, when checking the score, briefly.......
hearing the gossip that the red-bearded man may be shaving it for his upcoming wedding.

I'm sure it would look quite fun on a twenty something with a stick figure. I'm still trying to figure out what middle aged women are supposed to be wearing, when I tried to check on line I kept getting sites referencing women in their 30's and 40's!

Really sorry that you will need to call the doctor on the little white rabbits issue.
Boots, tights, rabbits?  The reason one would never face dressing dilemmas again is that wearing that, one would never be invited out again!
I am going to read that again, just for fun with my morning coffee.

Hoping you will be okay. Should we send out a fashion fail alert?

I can't imagine a dress covered in rabbits!

Bear with me a second and listen to this...

"Get this easy-to-wear jersey dress in your wardrobe and you'll never face dressing dilemmas again. The semi-fitted shape and three-quarter-length sleeves are perfect for dressing down at the weekend with boots and tights; but pair it with heels, and that bold print is ready to make a statement at a party."

I'll just read that again myself to make sure I didn't miss anything.


Would anything in that description alert you to the fact that the 'bold print' is of little white rabbits? Wabbits!!! Hundreds of them, scampering all over your torso and down your arms.

What sort of statement, at what sort of party?

Either Boden have gone nuts or I'm hallucinating.

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