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Hugs are numbered 1-21, left to right.
#1. Straight jacket Bear
#6. Hippy Girl
#17 Cool Cat

Thank you for your contributions, already!

The cows are really atrocious, even with their Christmas bows. A friend who is the dairy herd manager at the University offered to bring the manure spreader to cover their yard with some ambiance. PJ says the people leave for Florida around the 20th after their family Christmas party and take decorations down before they go. I caught the twins and the 12-year-old out on the driveway singing along with Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer at the top of their lungs. The 12-year old sings high soprano in a boys choir. Not his best effort.

What would Gershun do? lol.

Maybe we can help Luckylu name the hug's available......we have already named the straight-jacket bear hug #1 (Well, Gershun did).  What else ya got?

We could become cattle rustlers?  Cwillie, it is silent around here-ALL the blow-up decorations lay flat after the third day.  Never to be blown up again.  Messy, looks trashy.  So much for the dollar store and big lots.

Veronica has some really good ideas-always makes me laugh.

Then there are those light shows, never directed 100% towards their homes, blinding us as we drive around the corner.  LED!

Speaking of Silent Night.....
Silent Night, Deadly Night is a 1984 American slasher film directed by Charles E. Sellier, Jr., and starring Robert Brian Wilson, Lilyan Chauvin, Gilmer McCormick, Toni Nero, Linnea Quigley, Britt Leach and Leo Geter. Set during Christmas, the ...  

Some people really hate the inflatables, but I think they are usually pretty cute. I really don't get the whole yard flashing like a las vegas casino accompanied by music, it just doesn't fit my idea of "silent night".

She is going out to slaughter the cows? At Christmas?
What the h, what do the cows have to do with Christmas?

Uh, my bad......the cattle were lowing....goes the song.

Edit:  here is the song:

Away in a Manger

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.

The stars in the sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.

I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.

Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.

Upset sister creep out in the middle of the night with a sharp knife.

Maybe noon is a good time for breakfast after all.

The squirrel now named Ritatouille, comes by about 12:30 p.m. She flopped herself out flat, resting, on the porch railing, as we had breakfast.

Late-nite, take the battery out, replace it with a dead battery if this is one of those motion activated displays.

I would

cwillie Our neighbors have a whole herd of the blowup nylon dairy cows with Christmas bows in their front yard. Their music selections include "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer", "I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas", etc. And one of those multicolored projection light shows. I didn't understand why PJ put up the room darkening shades.....but now I know.

You're optimistic
Won't they want to ring in the new year with tunes ?

Isn't noon the normal time for breakfast?

Today is the 7th, so adding in a little extra leeway I should only have to endure the lovely christmas music from a neighbour's display for another 20 days. Unless of course I sneak out at late night with a big hammer....

You are exactly right when you say that "no good deed goes unpunished".

Makes one seriously reconsider even doing good deeds.
Yesterday, the wind blew a neighbor's decoration down the street.
I regret not jumping up, getting dressed, and running down the street to save it before someone picked it up and carried it off for themselves.  I think.

Here, at my own house, we're just trying to get breakfast at noon.  Gotta go now.

Please help Countrymouse wait for that Grandbaby to pop out!
I don't recall all the suggestions that I had received when the baby is late, but aren't there some really weird ideas to bring the baby sooner?

Welcome to those newer to posting on this "brat thread".
Many here are exiled from other threads.
Normal people are welcome too!

"I've had it trying to work around other people (friends and family), so, if you've got a complaint about me, you're not in my life anymore. My life is quieter but more fulfilling now that I don't tiptoe around conversations."

SueC, that's not bitchy, that's smart, lol! In all seriousness, though, thanks for posting that. I needed to read that statement tonight.

I, too, have a couple of people who cut me off while I'm answering their questions. I'm fed up and don't give a **** anymore to bother with them.
My aunt (93) calls asking about my mother, (her sister), but doesn't really want the bad news of her advancing dementia.

I've had it trying to work around other people (friends and family), so, if you've got a complaint about me, you're not in my life anymore. My life is quieter but more fulfilling now that I don't tiptoe around conversations.

I like getting older. I can be as bitchy as I want to be! 👊🏼👵🏼👊🏼

Gershun, Great seasonal writing!

Ali, expect the worst from your bro...then if by some strange occurrence he's nice, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

My bro.

My bro, he's a pompous ass
He believes himself to have all the class

He thinks he's so great and that I'm not good at all
But I'm did all the jobs both big and small

All the things that needed doing... I did them
I don't want any "thanks" but it'd be nice to...


Dear Bro: I see how busy you are with your own family life and I worked really hard the past 6 years and didn't quit or run away from our family's problems so that you could keep doing that life, and keep raising your kiddos. Now you have your promotions at work, and your oldest is off to college, and I'm happy for you. I don't want accolades, but if you mock me one more time for being "weak" while you imagine yourself the truly strong one, I might be tempted to tell you what a smug, self centered, egotistical, simple fat butt you really are.   Love, Sis

Er. That didn't make me feel any better. But... I don't have any "closure" on it, either.  It's ongoing family weirdness.   

He called me just the other day out of the blue. He NEVER calls me. What does he want, I ask him. He said something about "it's holiday time, family time" and he's just calling to talk. WTH??!! lol But I have to give him some consideration for trying to reach out, if that's what he's doing. Then he steers the conversation from that point on, asks me some questions, doesn't let me fully answer but cuts me off instead with cutting remarks about my wordiness.  lol He sets me up to feel bad. :-/ He literally started a conversation with me then cut it short by insulting me. !!

That's nuts, right?? And I pointed it out to him that he did that, but then I let it go. It's a pattern with him. Every blue moon he wants to play nice, and every time he does, it's not actually very nice at all.

Meh. He's the least of my problems in my family these days. At least he "tries" in his own way... but also, he gives himself far too much credit for "trying," too.

Thanks for letting me ramble about my bro. I don't think I'll ever figure out if I can expect nice or naughty from him.

HMMM. I wonder if I typed out something like that song Gershun made, and I put in there some things about my bro... or my cousin... or my other bro... I wonder if that would make me feel any better, if I'd stop having these silly passive-aggressive arguments in my head with them.

I've been doing it so long now.  Seems like caregiving years just set off this mental pattern where I'm mad at them but don't want to call them up and say "hey, I'm mad at you, you act like a jerk to me, what's your problem," so I have fake arguments with them (mostly just older bro) in my head all the time. Lol. I need therapy, and maybe it would be therapy to write a poem about my jerk bro.

Excellent! That was the very best brat writing in forever Gershun!
Thank you so much!
Your sister really......what can I said it all!
Really impressed!

I'm going to give you my own brat version of a Christmas song.

He's typing his list on his Mac Book 3
Going to erase my sister and me
Santa Clause is starting to frown

He sees us when we're fighting
He knows that she's not nice
He'd like to come on down here
And just punch her in her face

So, she better watch out at Christmas this year
She better not say mean things that he'll hear
Santa's on the warpath right now!

He hear's her when she's bitchy,
He knows that she's a cow,
He knows that she can be real mean
So she better stop right now

Oh, she better watch out,
She better be good
Better be nice to Gershun this year
Santa Claus is on the warpath right now!


Just for you Send!

From the biggest Brat!

It's coming on Christmas........!
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
He's checking it twice;
He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows when you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
You better watch out!

Where have all the good brats gone?

If you need to make a complaint about conditions in a nursing home, residential care facility or assisted living facility on behalf of your self or a family member, you can do so in any of the following three ways:

Send the WISE & Healthy Aging Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program an e-mail at
Call the WISE & Healthy Aging Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program on our hotline: 1(800) 334-WISE (9473). The hours of the hotline are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Call the State of California CrisisLine at 1(800) 231-4024. This hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Reserved for emergencies that arise after-hours and holidays.

Way to go Ms.Madge!
Food is so healing, imo. And shows your love in a special way.

I heard it is dangerous to brave the lines at Costco for a pumpkin pie, but they have the very best!

She rocks, MsMadge! :D

I snuck the Viking a cafe latte and a shortbread cookie last night and when the 8 pm snack cart wizzed down the hall I grabbed her a PB&J

Oh, btw, set the table for three extra!

"Will be there with bells on!" "Thanks Sis!"
Then wear only the bells, attach a designer label tag.

Gee Sis, Can I bring the inlaws too?  ALL OF THEM?

Study up on how the Kardashians treat each other, go prepared with a good comeback.

You can practice right here!

What would Gershun say.....

Or, bring your new boyfriend!  ha ha ha, you can get one just for the occasion. can I even think these things up?

My narc sister has sent out her yearly reminder about Christmas at her place. She said once that she will keep doing Christmas dinner at their place and if people want to come they can or not. I had this vision of people coming over to her place like it's a drive-through restaurant, grabbing their meal and leaving. LOL

I doubt it will be a big crew there this year. The older we all get the less we seem to want to be together as a family. We went through the motions while my Mom was still alive but now we would be hard-pressed to even have a conversation that doesn't involve social media let alone speaking face to face.

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