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I decided to rotate my mattress and wash the bed pad - unfortunately I decided to do this late in the day - my bed pad is still not dry so now I'm on a half made bed without a pad that I'll have to undo and remake again tomorrow

I'm not mopping tonight. I'm in my pj's looking at Law n Order.

My son's infinite wisdom at 6 years old;
Why is little a big word and big is a little word?
I was speechless. Ugh 🤔

More Wiz-Dumb....
-If you are thinking about procrastinating, put it off.
-Try that refreshing new feeling, called thinking. Introduce your mind to your mouth.
-Appreciate the unique design of the human body. It was designed so that we can
neither pat ourselves on the back, nor kick ourselves in the butt too easily.
-Remember, too much of a good thing is....................................................wonderful!
-Never use big words, when diminuitive ones work just fine.
-Frolic, but do not frog-lick. Remember to savor the frog's pholosophy of life:
Time's fun when you're havin' flies!
-Quit while you are in bed.



Oh, poor brats. Here is some WIZ-Dumb for the new year!

Get in touch with your IN-FUN-IT self.
Develop your fool potential.
Don't forget how unique and special you are. Without you, there could be no everybody.
It is bad luck to be superstitious. Thank your lucky stars you are not.

I tried to order a bag of See's Toffette's on Amazon and they were out. (Sounds of sobbing and whining).

Five days into my new years diet and everybody keeps talking about chocolate and cookies. Well, I know it was the computer kind of cookies but still......

See's has a new limited edition truffle - Black Forest - cherry and dark chocolate

Oops. Do not disable cookies.

Hubs was awake late to fix it. In my defense, I was left unsupervised.

....................................................................................................................................................................---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________________________________________________: 0

Hey, I think you all jinxed my laptop! Veronica, your 'cc..........................................................................................................................................."
went from way left edge - UNDER the green ad "Let help you find.." and continued all the way past the RIGHT edge. I say past because it did not continue the '.....' to the next line below. It just ran right across the screen, under the ad and off the right screen! I wish I could do a screen print to show you all.

Mine is definitely processesed. ( I typed processed) I type the first few letters of a word and it fills in with something it thinks I am going to type. it also shrinks or enlarges whatever i am woking on.... cc ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... See what it did to the rest of my post

My smart phone is a hillbilly. When I use Swype instead of typing a text, it changes the words for and far to fur.
It's not fur up the road.
I'm going to the store fur coke. Dang Swype!

SueC...You could've told your Mother that there are elves in the GPS and they are teeny tiny and it's not a lady in there.Heck,You could've made up ALOT of stuff on that one~

My IPhone is possessed. I belong to a group that works to help establish zoning laws on pets in our town. Anytime I type "doggers" it changes to diggers.

Damn computers have minds of their own. They let us "think" we're in control......but no.

On a lighter note, my mom was wondering how the lady in my GPS fit in there. Poor dear! 🤔 😆

Mwah ha ha ha ha. Lol.

Warning brats......this is just a joke.....It may be in bad taste......But it is just a joke to me.

My kindle is acting like it has a mind of it's own, replacing words I type with whatever the technology chooses. Maybe it has been hacked. Or, is under some evil influence. It is getting tiring.

So, I have tried burning sage, sticking pins in a voodoo doll, chanting at the full moon, etc. All that happened is that my psychic sister called to say she has a headache!

Guess in the absence of technical help from husband, I should look to find the predictive technology settings and disable them or turn it off?


Thank you, Countrymouse! My niece is here to sit with Mom until this evening. Thanks goodness. I had some time to dash off for personal business and will nap this afternoon. Amazingly, Mom's going strong this morning, so hopefully we can keep her awake and ensure she'll conk out for the night!

Hugs, Moose. The fiddling about part (light, check; Kleenex, check; clock, check; water, check; knock water over, check...) made my neck crick in sympathy.

Any way you can get her tired out during today?

Mom woke me up four times during the night. Each time I had to get up and walk her to the toilet, wait for her to finish, then walk her back to bed. (She refuses to use a cane or a walker). Then she wanted to fiddle with stuff on the nightstand. She kept forgetting she had gone to the toilet. At 3:30 a.m. I gave her a half tablet of a sleep aid (about a quarter of the dosage) just so she'd stay asleep. That didn't work.

Every time I just relaxed in bed enough to drift back to sleep, "click" went the light beside her bed. Then she got up early this morning and we just got up to face the day.

I think I'm dead. Hell's smaller than I thought it would be.

I wouldn't. You'll only encourage her. My mother always told me "just ignore them and they'll go away."

And it only goes to show that there are more muddle-headed people you could have on a jury than the Viking.

Dear Send,
I think you are needed on the "Did hospice rush your loved ones death?" page again. Get crackin' lol!

Ms Madge, Government at it's best. My dad got called for jury duty about 6 months after he died. Mom forgot to notify them and they issued a bench summons for him.

Don't think that's a good idea MsMadge. The Viking will be pinching her fellow jurors and they will find everyone guilty just to get away from her.

The Viking got called for jury duty - I'm thinking of letting her serve

I have a house full of 19-22 year old guys who been behaving badly. PJ took car keys away from some of them and drove them home. The three who are visiting for the holidays are in the kitchen drinking coffee and getting ready to clean up. Probably dreading PJ coming home. But they'll have to face the music PJ took their keys.

OH dear Becky,
You tripped too? How is it down there, hugging the floor? LOL.

I do know what you mean though, and thanks!

Send, You know we all value you. Your message above resonates with me too.

What's your excuse? Here is a good one for when you will be needing it:

"I did not trip, the floor looked lonely, so I thought it needed a hug."


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