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Sendhelp, my husband's former employer kept doing what your husband's is; messing with the schedule, trying to send him home once he showed up (he stood up and made them work and pay him for the day), and many other things. I can't guess how many times he wanted to quit (and I, too, wanted to do bad things to them), but he managed to hang on for 3 years, even working two jobs the last 7 months - then quit and kept the new job - where they pay soooo well, and treat him soooo good! Much more fun....

Madge, hope you are feeling better soon!

In n Out has great shakes too!

Get better, MsMadge!

This is my 5th or so gum graft -
effects of having teeth pulled as a kid and wearing braces

The original surgeries 20 years ago were awful but of the repair work since this is the worse as it is my lower front gums where the tissue is thin to begin and they used to pull the stitches after a week or so not leave them in for a month

Oh well, I needed to drop a few pounds - time for a slim fast shake

I read it in my instructions, but never figured out how to do it. I didn’t have much pain, but uncomfortable. Hard to get used to having all new teeth.

Impossible to not move your tongue and lips.

What happens? Is there swelling, drooling, do you keep your lips open? Or closed?

They never tell you this prior to oral surgery!

Always wanted to say that! When CWillie sees that in her newsfeed, she'll come on over to see what the fuss was about.

MsMadge and Becky,
Sorry there is pain, but I really thought that the caregiver-type persons never got their teeth done. So, good for you both? Ouch.

Just stop talking!

Madge, I hope your surgery goes well. I got whole mouth implants a few months ago. I remember the instruction on not moving the tongue and lips - how does one do that?

I'm waiting for the nsaid to kick in - periodontal surgery today and stitches for a month - instructions say not to move lips or tongue
Good grief

Sorry Gershun,
I did erase some of my post, and I had stated this is scaring me, just to be clear to those who did not read all of what I erased.

Thanks for the reassurance Gershun!
Thinking that I am getting tired of his games. When I was in a place to work with him, I would require him to tell me what part of what I said DID he hear. Then it was no fun for him anymore to turn me into a parrot.

Send, I wouldn't get scared just yet. Since it is a new discovery, maybe monitor it for a while and then get scared.............or not. What's that old, annoying expression, "it's not what happens to you, it's how you handle it" I hate it when people say that to me so I won't say that to you.

My Hub's family all talk over each other. Now when Hubs is away and our only communication is by phone I've noticed him doing that to me. I'll be talking to him and he just keeps right on talking while I'm talking. So I've started to just not say anything anymore. He goes on and on about his day and I just go aha in the appropriate spots while I watch t.v. or file my nails.Then when he takes a breath and says "so, what's new" I say nothing. It's such a lovely way to communicate. He yaps, I pretend I'm listening, he finally takes a breath and we say good night. :)

Not to make light of your situation Send, but keep monitoring your Hubs and see if there is a pattern. Take report back to the brat thread.

Well, I could not feel any worse about just having this thought, so forgive me in advance before reading this brattiness.
Dh has recently increased his efforts to make me repeat things, this while he gathers his thoughts, formulates an answer, buys time. I am used to that as his socially uncomfortable coping method. You gotta know I started to feel like a parrot! And really frustrated too! Not knowing if he is faking, gaslighting me, being lazy, or really impaired. But lately, I started to believe he is losing his hearing.
He does not use this with others though, to my knowledge. So I am thinking the stress is so huge, that he is having trouble understanding speech. All he hears maybe is the noise, but cannot differentiate the sounds into words. Or maybe he doesn't understand the words and what they mean. Well, that is something we will be checking out for his health, and figure out how to decrease his stress.

We have all heard the phrase, "paybacks are a b*tch?

He called his Mom today. She asked him to repeat something 5-7 times! He did. And then some!
And again, and again, he did. (Now, he is going to know how it feels!).

So, I started to observe this in him. He did not act frustrated. He did not raise his voice.
He just repeated what he had said. Over, and over, and over, each time she asked him.
He was playing with her!  Lowering his voice each time.  uh oh.....

Messed up schedules here too.
dH cannot get it right, even if he is reading it in front of him.
It does not help with added misinformation coming from the employer, changed after he has arrived for work, only 12 hours this week.

We both understand, and are aware that he is likely slated for a "constuctive discharge".
That is when the employer makes it so hard on the employee to work there, the employee will quit. Dh would have even more trouble with a change in employment.

I think he is very brave, and likes his job overall. His well-being counts a whole lot here.
I have little choice but to support his efforts, so I am also trying to be brave. However, when the downside outweighs the upside (not just financially), the things I would like to tell his employer I could not even put in writing, here on the brat thread.


Madge, I have two elderly ladies that I am their POA financial and medical. Both of them were my undergrad college professors. No husbands or children. They asked me to be their POA's when the woman who used to be their POA's retired and moved south. P was my advisor and M was her best friend. They both were Consumer Economics and Housing professors. They are in the same nursing home. They are 90 and 93. I did things long distance for several years. Now I see them 2 or 3 times a week. Very frail with severe arthritis and osteoporosis (the curse of northern New England). They've had multiple falls with breaks. But mentally very sharp. I see their lives now and it's difficult for me to reconcile their lives now with their past lives and activities. The indignities of aging. They're fortunate they are in a nice facility sharing a room. They have a number of people from the university who visit regularly.

You do so much for your Mom. She is so fortunate to have you there daily. So many in NH's don't get that level of attention from their children or other family members. I admire all of you who take care of your aging parents.

Lately, I've been thinking how miserable it must be to be bedridden and unable to do even basic stuff for yourself

Sometimes when mom is being hoyer lifted into bed she will mouth the words, help me, at me - as if to keep the caregivers from hearing her plea -
for some reason, we find this funny and generally laugh and say we are helping you but when I really step back, and put myself in her place, this must be awful for her -
For the most part she cooperates with diaper changes, but she does feel violated - tossed in bed, her pants pulled down and strangers touching her privates - and she's looking to me to save her from her captors by begging for help

I'm friendly enough with the owner to voice my concern, but it is a tough business - even hoca can't find aides through an agency when they're short staffed for a shift and call out for help

The Viking did seem to suffer as a result today though probably from a lack of fluids without anyone to help her and I let the agency staff coordinator know

Sorry, Madge. If you told the owner that you are considering other agencies, that you don't want to go with someone else but you can't keep dealing with missing CNAs, would that be enough noise to get them to go a few months w/o messing up again?

So sorry the agency and it's people are making it harder on you, and your Mom.
But you found them out!

Yep, these scheduling issues have cropped up more since the owner hired a staffing coordinator, who tends to blame the caregivers rather than accept responsibility -
at least a half dozen times two people have shown up for the same shift and now this is at least the fourth time no one has shown up and I only happen to find out because I'm there -
now that the Viking is immobile and needs help to eat, I do my best to have coverage for her at mealtimes, and to help get her in and out of bed

Madge, I know that has to be frustrating to have the person not show up and the agency not let you know. Sounds like they might have had a scheduling issue.

Decided to stop at hoca after work to check on the Viking - we had trouble getting her to wake up on Sunday even for pancakes - stopped to say hello to the nurse who then mentions mom's private caregiver wasn't there this afternoon - really ?

I check my phone and no text so I call the agency who says, hmm
I see she's on the schedule we sent you but she's not on ours

Sometimes I think that I missed my calling as an OSHA inspector.

If anyone is at Walmart today and finds a man wandering with an overfilled shopping cart, please don't take him home.  Warning.

Haha Sendhelp I'm glad you are above health and safety write-ups for you!

Today was going great! We both did the dishes.
Then somebody got lost in Walmart......again.
I am no longer naming names.

I saw your post, OneLastSraw, and went to check on the dishes, lol.
We both did above and beyond all sterile expectations, rinsing with white cider vinegar.
Excuse me, not bragging.....just surprised because this is so rare around here.
I am so grateful!

Someone did the minimum effort plausible while washing the dishes this morning...leaving a drying rack of dirty plates for me to discover this afternoon. Well, I'm not above serving them their just desserts...or in this case, dinner on a plate they consider clean enough to eat off. c:

Congrats MsMadge!
If you parlay those winnings, maybe they can add a few more zeros to your next win!
Good luck! If not, I am sure the IRS will come through for you......someday!

There's a small post office in our building, which is only open a few hours a day
There was a queue of 10 people waiting for the clerk to open the doors when I got there

At least 5 didn't have their green return receipts and certified mail tix filled out and were trying to complete them before just handing them to the clerk to peel and stick

One dumb guy didn't even put his return address on the envelopes so we had to wait for him to write it out at the counter

All toll it was $15 to mail both federal and state taxes return receipt but I shall not complain, I finally got around to scratching some old lottery tickets and won $35

Will there be a celebration tonight?

How were the lines in the Post Office?

Anyone else celebrating their encounter with the IRS?

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