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Play with the new kitty Send and watch your stress disappear :)

This could be behaving badly, not sure.
1. Dh wakes up late, which he would have been late for work starting at 9 a.m.
2. Except, he forgot to tell me of the change in schedule starts today at 8 a.m.
3. Instructions: No shower, take Uber, here, eat this...
4. Cat eats at 7, gets in front of my feet to let me know this.
5. I tell myself, over and over, since waking at 6:50 a.m. "boundaries up, this is not your chaos", "reminders, no rides if you are going to be late", boundaries, boundaries.
6. Out the door he goes, taking Uber 1/2 price today! Wow, it would have cost me more to drive him. "Bye!" He will be on time.

Feeling still stressed. Overall, it was a successful morning.....for him.
It is so uncomfortable to stand by your man, and keep your own boundaries too.

Good Morning everyone!

God Bless the Viking too!

I do not remember, maybe I did have something to say about IV placement, but thought better of it since I flunked that part of nursing.
Hesitating to speak up at all now since I am no expert!
Glad you got home safely!

Vikings do kick, especially when they're in the shower chair

Did you edit your post?

I replied from the new site but it does not appear anywhere.

I am home safe and sound.

Is kicking allowed?
We should ask MsMadge if Vikings kick.

Yipes, take care of yourself! 

What are cowboys and Indians doing in his underpants?

Omg Boot Shop Girl,
If the officer had given me the advice to go home and have a drink and it was after 5pm I think I would have followed his orders!

I was a bad girl last week. I slipped in my Mom's house early and quiet and set pills out so I didn't have to bring her to our store. Combines were rolling at our house, a big longhorn cattle sale was at the sale barn and we have a little western store. She called later and said she thought she was in Missouri. I just flat out lied and said yes. I'll come get you this evening. She called me 9 times the night before. I also got a ticket for no seat belt. The poor young officer came to my car Window and I just burst out laughing! He said nobody has ever laughed at him while getting a ticket. I got a ten dollar ticket and he actually told me I better go home and have a drink. Bwahaha!

I was a brat this weekend. I ended up in the ER with a Kidney Stone episode Saturday morning.

Maybe someone can answer a couple of questions. The two things led to my Bratish Behavior.
1) why did they put the IV in the crook of my elbow rather than the top of my hand?!? I don’t have any probs with IVs but this particula placement was uncomfortable to an already irritated patient.
2) Why did the give me Toradol AND Morphine?!? Toradol has always worked well for me in the past. Uggghhh. The Morphine sent me off the side of the bed to find a place to barf. Followed by DD shrieking MOM! Welcome to caregiving DD.🙄

mally.....It's the truth and I don't feel bad I did it. I do all the chores around here and all he does is watch cowboys and Indians in his underpants all day.A little payback,that's all.

Sue, Yes, one of the tests. I hate having them done. I’ve had good techs and bad ones. The guy I had today I try to avoid. Unfortunately, when you’re in the hospital you have no control. I hope once these surgeries are over I don’t have to have them as often.

I'd like to pinch my doctor who told me my BMI (body mass index-a nice way to say how fat you are.)

Becky, is ABI (ankle-brachial index) for blood flow to check for peripheral artery disease? I had something like that before they removed my saphenous vein out of my left leg. Too bad tests hurt.
Mammogram anyone?

Ms. Madge, Intried to pinch the guy who did my ABI’s. I couldn’t reach him...maybe the next time. Or, I may have to pinch someone else.

Luckylu, that was a good laugh! Thanks!

Is it really a requirement for someone to deserve the pinch?
I think Becky will need some practice in the hospital and could randomly pinch whoever, for whatever reason. That way, she will get discharged sooner! Imo.

They have probably been sharing their water all along.

A little dog slobber for dH tonight instead of moldy bread....The dog was thirsty and Dh's water was right there & he was in the john,so I gave Precious a drink of it and then dH came in and took a big drink and he must've liked it because he went ahhhhh~

Yes, deleted.

Trolls? I haven't bumped into anything excessively malevolent on the forum for a very long time, it must be gone by the time I am up

(or maybe I've just learned to avoid the more controversial threads)

It was really a tough day on here, what with a few trolls, and someone cursing at another. They were behaving badly, imo.
Hope others are having an ok day.
I must stop getting up so early that I catch some really strange posts-that have already been deleted!! Wow, we will never know how much the moderators are protecting us.

Don't forget the Lactaid.

Avocado and cottage cheese and 
Doritos nacho cheese 

Love the avocados too Book.

Someone, or something left a red glass bead on my new steps. I had cleaned out a planter, throwing out the peanuts I found in there. A few red glass beads for decoration were left. I think it was the squirrel, wanting to trade the bead for a peanut. My hubs denies putting it on the steps. So I put some fresh peanuts back into the planter box.

Hi Send.. Not being a brat. I just spent the afternoon next door gossiping with my niece and visiting nephew from South Carolina... Niece ex-boyfriend dropped by. He decided to go and pick some carabao mangos from the tree in front of my porch. As he was walking away, I asked if there's any avocado trees in his area. Guess what... He has 4 green avocados in his pick-up. I've got more avocados!!!! I love to eat it all by itself, no dressing, no seasoning.... yummmmm.

By the way, someone left 2 large avocados on our front porch this morning. I don't know who dropped it off. But, it's almost ripe!

So, it I s a Saturday night. Is anyone being a brat tonight?

You are welcome here.
Guess I should apologize too for all the times I took my serious life too seriously.
I am sorry.

2 years ago
Oh yes Lucky, that definitely counts. You are a true brat! :)

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