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Oh my
just finished a piece of chocolate cake with coffee icing- yum


is a baby gurgling kinda a happy content sound?

the Viking says she's fine but the sound doesn't match that emotion- one of her other caregivers thinks it might be a reflex since we're always telling her to cough in order to clear her throat

usually she just parrots us and says cough without coughing

she he has no trouble saying no or closing her mouth when she doesn't want something like her meds in pudding

i always thought the red tip was the lit end too but if not what did the boys pretend to smoke ?

I thought the "lipstick" print was supposed to be the "fire". I guess I was "smoking" them backwards! ;)
Great minty, chalky taste that seemed to create a lot of saliva as you were eating them. Aaahhh, those were the days. Unfortunately, I developed the real habit when I was 17 and it took 10 years to quit. So much for encouraging bad habits.

Anyone remember pink champagne ice cream? A scoop on a plain cone was 10 cents. It was so yummy and I was "all grown up" because I was licking champagne. Fortunately I did not grow up to have that habit.

We have had cats that make sounds when eating. One of them was a stray we named Gargles due to the gargling sound she made when eating.

That makes me think of how little ones will sometimes sort of hum when they chew (or suck if they're even tinier) - do you think it is something like that?

Viking's caregiver said she was making the same noise with her yesterday and she thought maybe she didn't like the food but that doesn't seem to be it so the mystery continues

I like candy cigarettes because they're kind of minty and they melt in your mouth,but the one's they make today aren't near as good as the one's we had growing up.

MsMadge....what if you make the same noises back to your Mom that she makes or start meowing or barking when she makes noises...sounds like the Viking is being a little Monster.

The Viking is developing a new habit -
with every bite of food I put in her mouth at breakfast this morning, she would make a noise - kinda a moan or a hum
she was awake, chewing and swallowing ok, but I couldn't tell what she was doing

finally, I said when you just make noises, I don't know what you want - she looked at me, and said, "that's too bad."

I have fond memories of riding my bike and holding my candy cig

Luckylu, yummm, I used to Love the taste of those candy cigarettes, and haven't seen them for sale in donkey's years! They are just pure sugar, and you used to be able blow out through them and create a puff of "smoke" from the powdered sugar coating inside the wrapper, and we thought we were so Cool, some of them even had "lipstick" imprint already on the mouth end, Lol! Still, I won't be rushing out to buy them for my Grandies though, their Mother would Kill Me!

Sure MsMadge.....Get her some candy cigarettes,why not~
I  don't know if you have a Big Lots where you are,but I saw them there for fifty cents a box here.

CrackerBarrel might have 'em too.

My Mother never let me have candy cigarettes,but every Summer,when I went to my Cousin's,my Uncle bought them for me.
I still like them,but right now,I'm hooked on Jelly Bellies.

You THINK she never smoked MsM - she might have had a wild youth you know nothing about.
Soon we in Canada will be able to buy wacky tabacky, maybe they'd like some of that at the NH🤪

The Viking never smoked but every once in a while she'll ask me for her cigarettes?

when I ask her why she wants them, she says they do something for her

should I get her some candy cigs ?

Mercy! All of these posts that say "We think Grandma's got dementia. Should we put her in a NH?" Um...I want to be that Mimi they can't find on the Gulf Coast with the backpack full of cash. At least I can have some fun before the kids find me lol! Have a great day everyone!

I'm up, but not for too much longer. Happy Friday, all!! I work both days this weekend. 😏

It’s Friday night fiesta

any reverlers still up?

should we send out a search patrol for Send?

Family, ALWAYS FAMILY. I would like to CHOKE them! How rude, selfish, self absorbed can YOU BE? !

Thanks Sue,

That’s It!

oh my! I didn't see my post so I reposted it, then the old post showed up!
Then, I thought I erased it, so I posted it again, then the original showed up.

I dont believe my fingers are faster than the posting!

'nuff for tonight. Maybe I'll have more patience tomorrow.

Three Little Fishies

Down in the meadow in a 
little bitty pool
Swam three little fishies
And a mama fishie too
"Swim," said the mama fishie,
"Swim if you can."
And they swam and they swam all
over the dam

Boop boop diten datem whatem choo
Boop boop diten datem whatem choo
Boop boop diten datem whatem choo
And they swam and they swam 
right over the dam

"Stop!" cried the mama fish,
"Or you will get lost."
But the three little fishies
didn’t want to be bossed
The three little fishies
went off on a spree, 
And they swam and 
they swam right out to the sea.

Boop boop diten datem
Whatem choo
Boop boop diten datem whatem choo
Boop boop diten datem whatem choo
And they swam and they swam
And they got lost in the sea

"Help!" cried the fishies,
"Look at the whale."
And quick as they could,
They turned on their tails  
And back to the itty bitty  
pool they swam
And they swam and
they swam
Back over the dam

Boop boop diten datem
whatem choo
Boop boop diten datem
whatem choo
Boop boop diten datem whatem choo
And they swam and they swam
Right over the dam.

sorry-double post.

I am so happy to be a part of "the finger family" !!!

G'nite family.

Mares Eat Oats.


See my last post below, starting with "Yes", ending with "this."

Yes, they posted. I always check now.

However, I am giving the benefit of this doubt, this started way before the new website was launched. I don't want to be paranoid about an admin gremlin going behind me and deleting free speech. Wish if it is not agreeable, they would e-mail me with the rules meant just for me.....

However, the technology in my home must be at fault, as we are searching for a new ISP, with new equipment at a reasonable fee. I don't know how all this works, but blaming the technology feels better than being rejected.

I have been sad about this.

Hi Send

Are you sure they posted Send? Do you think your avatar was haunted? (I like the finger family better, they always make me smile)

Then there's john wall "Here I sit all brokenhearted..."

Golden posted.
Then Sendhelp posted.
Now, Sendhelp posted again.

Hi Lizzy, we posted at the same time.

So glad you cleared that Mares Eat Oats song up for me. I was remembering it the way CW had it written.

Another my Dad would sing might have been about fish? “They swam and they swam right over the dam”. That’s all I can remember...

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